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23h · 52
I stand by the sea and watch the sky turn into a lovely shade of April blue.  I see big old trees dotting the edge of the horizon and a lovely red sunset.  I can only imagine who the man upstairs is and how he has managed to create such a beautiful landscape here on earth...  Let alone the heavens!
Oh my stars !!!
you don't belong in jars  
Father shines you from afar  
I scoop a bit of water in my hands then watch it clump the sand.  Drawing my knees up to my chest I lift my head to watch Selene, Goddess of the moon  raising a glassy white moon with her arms.  It is a natural moon, pouring out light onto a blessed hour of darkness, and so I give Him thanks and praise!        
Her dress, a gown of clouds
puffed up like a shroud
Misty colored, never loud
"If I could, I would fetch you the moon on a spoon." I say to the ether of His quiet.  Then as if by magic a streak of silver appears, mirroring the aging gray hair on my head.  What else in life can make you feel as good as when God's world suddenly melts inside of you? What else can claim your soul the way the stars and the moon do,  ... let alone the ocean view !
By: Mystic Rose
As the last
from the stem
    your beautiful heart,
I will
then own  
in my hands,  

              the most
of your
          ALL !
Nestled deep within the feel and touch of home
this heart of love goes on a holiday
Like feathered birds in heaven when they roam
all thoughts of you arise, like birds of clay

Nestled deep within the soul I have no choice  
but flap these wings and lead you to my heart
Like  warblers in the sun with trilling voice
all thoughts of you sing sweet, it is an art

Nestled at the font of love the heart's own mind
is like a shelter of collective pasts
Like memories of old that can't go blind
all ardors of the heart seem to outlast

Unblinking as the sun that shines inside my heart
the heart and mind of you and I, will never part.
She was eighteen years of age and tattoos were the latest rage. Snapping her bubble gum she plunks herself on a chair then asks  " May I have a tattoo please" I see a young girl in a messy ponytail and an old beaten up jacket.  I worry that she'll pick something God awful and then I'll have to oblige.  
The boldness of youth
can appear so uncouth
yet reveal so much truth
"I want a tattoo of a winter vine.  One that will not go away nor fade with time" Touching the tip of the needle to the ink it ***** up into the cartilage reservoir.
As the machine begins to “buzz” the armature bar hits the coil and I begin to work. Stretched across her upper arm I notice a discoloration of the skin, a slow petering bruise.
Eyes color of snake
she is all heartache
I take a break...
"Why did you choose a vine?" I ask,  but all I get is silence and a slow breath intake.    
As the coil tattoo gun moves up and down continuously the clicking sound feels soothing
to her ear.  " The last memory I have of my mom is of the the winery.  She told me how the
leaves shimmer with color before falling off.  How the sap sinks into the roots and the vine
falls asleep, while waiting for the next summer to appear.
the tendrils climb
this is her time
not mine
In her handbag she carries a heavy load plus some green crumpled dollar bills.  " How much do I owe you?" she asks.  I tell her shes already paid her dues " No charge. " I say.  She smiles and then she leaves, as if on cue...
She danced over my desires like a light footed ballerina
tapping into my longings like an intuitive child of the seventies
Every drip of icicle sent shivers down my spine
and so I wrote her a letter, asking her to  quietly go away;
She answered me, with a whip of wind and a  halo from the sun
her summons were refreshing, like a snowflake on the tongue
Although I begged her to release her seasonal lurk on me
she gave me stretchy moments  filled with February days
She made me long for sunshine five hours every day
and as I synced my calendar,  March arrived Hurray Hurray !
Every hill of white and every snowflake bright
did eventually, fade away ....
She danced into my birthday month and gifted me the spring
and as I sat on my veranda I could hear the birdies sing
Every touch of her was gone at least for one more year
and so I wrote another letter, thanking her for her short stay !
Feb 6 · 175
Angels Without Borders
Between the silence of a sterile room and a child of grace
the sure footed arrival of a God without a face
The hourglass of time stills the stage with un-remission
as she waits by Snow Don Hills without contrition
A floodlight of compassion eases in she's not in pain    
her soul is a lit lantern that's never smelt the rain
Wearing a tallit with knotted fringes on each corner
He's opens every angle like an Angel without borders
Dressed in a dignity gown and propped against a pillow
she dances with the bunnies beneath a weeping willow
God takes her little hand in His, its simple so precise  
just like sunrise in the morning, straight from paradise.
Feb 5 · 477
Perfect In Every Way
She's like the essence of a coral rose
a latent bloomer with a heart of gold
And when she speaks to me in prose
deep inside, she opens doors of old

Rosy cheeked and full of vitality
a thriving blush in my garden of love
Infused with life and immortality
she's been sent from up above

A rose by any name will always be so neat  
like cupid wings when flown across the sky
Filled with ample beauty she's replete
soft and mellow, like a gentle sigh  

She's the perfume of my scented days,  
perfect and valuable in every way.
Like the hush of mobile crystals
stilling, inside a breezeless night
Like the echoes of distant stars
shimmying towards the moon

Its like tendrils of gray smoke
wafting through the temples
A silent Buddha contemplating  
beneath the Bodhi tree of life

Inner peace can only be realized
through the senses and the chi
You can only hear its splendor
when your sitting on God's knee.
Jan 27 · 107
Dear Lord
Allow me to live inside the essence of your light
let me be the fragrance of your Blessed Rose
Be the soft flicker that ignites my  Holy candle  
and help me to radiate compassion wherever I go

Bathe me  in your incensed love, permeate my being
assist me in my tenacity and kindly take me to    
the staying power of your Saving Grace.  
Annoint my mind and keep it always by your side

Amen !
Jan 26 · 87
The Ascension
Hold the world in your hands
Feel the light pulse through your veins
Extinguish all worries
Ignite your third eye
Float up toward me
Dismember the earth
with your celestial thoughts.
Journey alongside me
when you are ready
dear light beings,
ascend !
Jan 26 · 258
Garnet Dreams
Beneath a sky of
silken blue and ivory stud
garnet dreams of you

Calming and gentle
the aquamarine waters
of your lovely eyes

Inside my heart you
live for all eternity
I'm forever yours

Above us the stars
shine only for you and I
silver fantasies

and all that jazz !!!
Jan 24 · 255
Press It To Your Heart
Open thy heart
             claim the feather
                       of peace that is floating,  
swirling down  
                    towards your open palm:
              "WHEN IT LANDS,"  
Feel the sensations that arise
as you
                      caress it,
Perhaps its a spiritual hug
from an Angel who wants to,  
                     love you !  
Close your fingers round it
                  press it to your heart  
                      and say,
                                          AMEN !
Jan 23 · 191
Aurora Sky
Inside penumbra light holding hands fairies dance
Silhouetted to the backdrop of an evening sky  
Viridescent trees softly whisper
Vacuously standing side by side  
In those shrouded places where fairies take a stand.
Wings of power wings of light hear their magic song
If you wanna fly with me
If you wanna ride with me
Believe in your own wings and remember to be strong
Trust yourself, when your searching for that hidden door  
Dance until the moon sighs
Dance until the moon plies
Inside the penumbra light the fairies dance and dance
Silhouetted against the greenish glow of an Aurora sky.
Jan 22 · 219
Into The Future
Floating high above the skies
                                nothing but a pair of wings  
I untie all emotions
                                  and let my hair loose;    
Gliding gently *
                          o'er clouds
                   I soar like the birds of the sky do,
           and when the sun begins to die,
                           Oh, I just fly !
He knew how to turn up the soil and seed,  
Before the sun got hot by summer's glade;    
And on his lips recounting roses creed
He gently viewed them as they swayed;  
Together in a garden built of tweed
A bloom-vestige of grace, softly arrayed;
And as the gardener drank his amber tea,  
he thought of roses and he thought of me.
Jan 12 · 147
Silent Echoes
Silent echoes of my heart beating next to thine
sultry kisses in the dark, tasting fine as wine
Rhythm of our souls, waves upon the ocean
like the ebb and flow of constant emotions

Heart beat to heart beat, we move as one
like the moon circling round the sun
We are stars orbiting one another  
living and breathing, only for each other.
Rose scented candles burning softly through the night
aurora rays of holy fanning, beauteous returns
Emerald dreams give birth to dessert moon's ignite  
if life unfolds before you, meditate, discern ...

Ethereal reveries of flowers flushed in gold
pick a petal, sing a song, dance to hearts delight  
Heaven waits for angels just like you, unfold
before the sun and seize the light

Let the springtime share its prose  
watch the Bluestar flourish    
kiss the lilac, hold the rose,
close your eyes and make a wish

Rose colored glasses and fairy dust galore,  
the best things in life, you can't find in a store.
She glows with focus,
a fairy who can truly see.  
a helium moon bathes
her, with bluey light.  
Quietly she stitches
by a sky of amber- red tea.    
Silk spun messages echo
through the night.    
She sits and mends quietly,
and fervently, until eternity
is out of sight.
Dec 2024 · 132
Writing is an Experience
I want my writing
To be profound
A work of art you just
Want to hang on your wall
And when you look at it
Day in and out
The words will seep
Back through your skin
And melt in your heart
And suddenly, you feel
Like someone you've never met
Knows you better than
Your closest companions
And somehow that's okay
Because now you know
You've never been alone.
I've finished the first draft of my novel. What I want most is to make an impact on those who read it and to know that my words matter.
#writing #dreams #art #depression #expression
Written by
Dec 2024 · 578
Frequency Of God
Illuminated figure eights swirling through the stratosphere
moonlet drops of gold surrounded by the ebon night
Star kissed wishes floating through the atmospheric dew
of a celestial paradise filled with joy and ebullient light
Inspired by Ink

Hermes, Patron God of travelers in winged sandals and caduceus staff  
you claim Godspeed as you fly on and on and on  
Nike, Goddess of victory, athletic troubadour, sweet paramour
you claim God speed as you fly on and on and on  
Iris, Goddess of the rainbow in Divine and mortal realms you go
you claim God speed as you fly on and on and on  
Eros, God of love, you take wing with cupid bows and arrow
you claim God speed as you fly on and on and on  
Boreas, as the north winds blow, your are winter's God of power
you claim God speed as you fly on and on and on  
Zephyrus, with a light wind gentle breeze every springtime, you bestow  
you claim God speed as you fly on and on and on  
Zeus, Greek God of lightning I feel your eagle feathers as I muse,  
as I claim God speed, flying on and on and on  
you open me the door and I am there once more
like a Godly inspired, “Dumbledore"
you claim God speed as you fly on and on and on
on and on and on, on and on and on.  

Ps: Dumbledore is the old English word for bumblebee.
I was a potatoe type of guy, forget the cookies and carrots,
didn't believe in Santa nor Cinderellas with golden chariots .
Twas' late at night as I crunched my chips I watched  TV  
lo and behold what did I hear ? a large thump and a humf,  
coming from the chimney, Oh Dear !
He stomped and he clomped then he said to me,  
" You live like a pigster and where is your sister ?
clean up your place, what the Hee!  "
He held up a sock and my heart went KerPlunk  
as I watched him remove, all my favorite junk...  
He then gave me a card that was both soft and hard
dipped in gold it was lanced with sweet magical stance.      
He then waited and hummed as he Jingle Belled some
"Its time for my pension" he said, then he paused.
"guess what ol' chap, you've been Sanctity Claused !"
Dec 2024 · 79
When She Smiles
She is sweet as a jujube that one
doling out Christmas cards by the ton
Her colorful clothes are like banners  
and she reminds me of a sparkly elf

Wearing cute bows in her hair
she tells ding **** stories of old
A jolly girl that is as bright as can be
I love it when she sits by the Xmas tree

I call her my doppelganger my mini-me  
her hair was once gold and now its gray
of those lovely cards she owns a stack  
when she smiles, she doesn't hold back.
Draw me closer to your light
and bring me farther away
from this world
of concrete Angels and sleuths

Anoint me with your grace Lord
and make me thine own  
I rather live in communion with you,
than any place on earth.
Dec 2024 · 149
Walking The Tightrope
We were visiting good old Niagara Falls, the most beautiful place on earth. With its waterfall cadences and fresh lit sun, who could ask for anything more.  Hand in hand we strolled together wearing summer sandals light as air.  We talked and spoke of days to come, how we'd make a family  together some day.
Lovers in love
two linen gloves
fitted just right
There were acrobats, jugglers on tightropes, and children rippling the air with their tinkling laughter.  Together we aimed at little yellow ducks and won the grand prize. Hugging Mrs. Jewel Bug, we walked away kissing beneath a bluest sky dappled with cotton candy clouds and morning sighs. Since we stayed longer than expected,  we stopped by a little Cafe and drank frothy cappuccinos to our hearts content.  
full-fledged memories
golden colored hours
days gone by
Those were the days of impulsive escapades, endless surprises and pleasant up-comings.  Moments of mindlessness existence in a lifetime yet to be unspun. Today the mortgage is paid and the children left home.  My favorite juggler is in heaven waiting for an  old tattered Jewel bear and a swollen gal with a heart pliable as ghee. I smile at the thought that one day I will join him. We'll drink foamy coffees and watch the trapeze artists spin, swing and fly.  They will hang off ropes made of stars and moonbeams, just like us.

Copyright © Mystic Rose Rose | Year Posted 2024
Dec 2024 · 273
I am

For the
stunning beauty
that my eyes
I am so grateful
has been mostly good
and that I can
                   give thanks,  
each   and  every   single    day

                WITH A GRATEFUL HEART.
Dec 2024 · 161
What Really Matters
What really matters
is not what happens to you
but how you experience it.

Don't let the world assault your soul, protect it if you can  
Don't let life beat you down, get up for the second round
Don't sit and stew on it, have a good cry then move on
Don't leave words unsaid,  "Say what you need to say."
Don't be a victim of circumstance just pave a new way.
Dec 2024 · 95
Love, From Santa's Girl
What the Dickens! Santa ain't wearing knickers
well his pants got caught inside the chimney
now here's the kicker...
Little Joe woke up in the middle of the night
and gave Santa such a jolly fright
now here's the kicker...
It was drafty there wasn't any gas nor heat
Mrs. Chump snored upstairs like dead meat
now here's the kicker...
Mr. C was 5 feet tall and wasn't a Clause at all
he didn't know how to rob Peter to pay Paul
now here's the kicker...
The real Ms. C owned a solar panel, Oh what fun
gave it to Ming Ming who flew like a Son Of A Gun!  
now here's the kicker... Eh !  
He burned Santa's pants then laughed, giggled, scoffed  
but as Santa  danced around the sun poured in the loft  
now here's the real kicker...
Christmas was a blast now little Joe C could finally be,
toasty as a glow worm in a house built for three.

Merry Christmas Everyone !  
From Santa's Girl  :)
We look for that light eternal that does not come and go
the screen upon which life plays cognized in staid stillness slow

Steady as a star at night that draws me to its bright  
nuclear fusion, atom smash, suddenly there is light
Dependable as anchors when summer boats lay still
staid as somber water when the winds are finally nil

Here she comes that light that lights all lights
she is a moon lamp and her mimicry is out of sight
Resembling the moon she shines on and on
sending waves of luminescence from here to Milan

Life is montage on the shelf of my mind
I breathe the breath and am no longer blind
Lost in the radiance of a soul on fire
I approach my dreams with fervent desire

And as long as I look for that eternal light, I am okay,  
beneath the kind observant eye of my moon lamp ray..
Dec 2024 · 146
Conquistador your stallion is unbridled longing for
the company of an angel's            touch to brow
I see your breast plate armor has lost its sheen
but in your face I see the sign of cuts real clean
Conquistador, did you find what you were looking for

Conquistador, a vulture sits upon your silver shield
and though I searched for you inside a maze
I found no door ,no inner room
you were ready far too soon
Conquistador, did you find what you were looking for

Conquistador, there is no time like now so
raise your rust scabbard and take a newborn stand
I know your jewel-encrusted blade cannot lay still  
always ready for the action always ready for the ****
Conquistador, did you find what you were looking for

Conquistador, I came to jeer at you, with no regrets
and as the gloom begins to fall I see there is no, only all
I know you came with sword held high
although you came to conquer, do you want to die?  
Conquistador, did you find what you were looking for
Dec 2024 · 188
A Paler Shade Of White
I skipped the light fandango,
as I walked across the night  
turning cartwheels
upon a sky lit floor.  

I was feeling kind of sea sick,
as the stars cried out with roar
the ceiling flew away  
while I soared, a little more   (pause)
And so it was,
                  as I raved against the embers,  
                  and the dying of the light,
I turned a whiter,                 shade of pale;


While I wandered through His garden
I could not help but let it be
and as the killer told his tale,
I watched the water, turn to light;
Just his 16th vessel ******,
I was filled with cold and dread
but the truth was plain to see
as I wandered through God's garden,
I'd had been mistaken, sadly left
                 for dead.
Although my eyes were open
they might as well be closed
as I skipped the light fandango
He turned the water, into shades  
                 of pale

He turned the water, into Light  

and so it was ...
Dec 2024 · 66
Wounded By Alcohol
Whom of you have never felt the pinch and pain
when inebriated thoughts begin to fall like rain
whom of you have ever poured it down the drain
when a loved one says, " this is insane"

Whom of you have peeled the mask of hidden truth
pushed beyond the shove, and talked up your youth ?
Whom of you worn down by life has whipped the scourge  
sobered up and restrained the urge...

Whom of you at a ripe old age still cry for your mother
when times get tough, do you have a sister or a brother
Whom of you **** faced and ****** don't give a ****
when a child cries out like an angry ram

Whom of you have ever been perfect before you were broken
when the hourglass of time says you had enough here take a token
Whom of you grasped it with both shaking hands and said yes
I'm gonna rise up and be counted, for I have made such a mess.

Whom of you like me still cry for the love that refuses to die,  
when the stars of heaven split open their light, do you cry ?
Morning thoughts of you roses full of dew
gardens full of summer love, sweet romance  
here inside your arms we rebirth brand-new
like the morning sun when it starts to dance

Aborning sunlight cortef hours .... loved,  
like the pied colors of a rainbow burst.    
Glancing tinted shades two petals englobed
to the loving hands of time, we come first.

Inside this garden youthful hours of truth
reborn like the seasons we live nonetheless
despite of the winter mulched in vermouth
we pair up nicely, ... to nature's headdress

Morning blushes her cheeks and we turn right,      
like airborne angels, at the cusp of night.
Nov 2024 · 300
Just Breathe
Inside the forestry of his heart I live
inhaling the scent of his deep woods
I could never fill those Timberlands boots
nor explain the thrill that he provides  
when he arrives at the grove of my soul
and whispers, "Darling, I love you "

softly cloaked and protected by his pine  
I am evergreen in moments like these
Existing in this charming jungle of love
I could never retrace my steps, for  
arriving in this place of no return
I feel as suitable as a thriving conifer  

Inside  this  evergreen existence, I just am  
breathing in the fragrance of his loyalty  
I feel like a woman in love, ...
After a lifetime of bending, to his will    
I am the wind that blows on his heart
when I get to him, I just breathe...
You, with your everlasting sorrow mom
deserve nifty hands and healing ways of
You,  who always loved with the truest calm
now sit bereft of food and needs God's glove

You, the womb that bore consecrated Zen
sit still with your emptiness praying that  
You, will once more be as fertile as a hen  
fresh as the ocean in God's special vat  

You, who have given us bounty with grace  
have birthed a sapling, a seed, and the bud
You, Mother Earth whos honest clean faced
has always provided with substance and sud

They, who have loitered and taken your fresh,  
are caught in a web, they cannot dis-enmesh.
Nov 2024 · 96
Sanani's Arms Of Love
Celestial Angel take me to your secret spot by heaven's lair
show me where you've hidden all your gilded harps of gold
Make me privy to the cennet of God's  garden, help me flare        
my flame, inside Sanani's arms of love for I am old...    
Celestial Angel, take me to your secret spot by heaven's lair.
Nov 2024 · 244
Misty Mornings
Misty mornings
as gray as matter of invisible time
A porch light is lit but there is no one home
Fogged up windows and street lamp tenors  
a white wash sky achieves light    
as a shutter opens the mind is restored,    
it is no longer night.
"Physical matter is music solidified" – Pythagoras

You stand there with that rose in your hair
singing that small song in a big big way
your voice cracks and you stare at the air
while everyone else is thinking, No Way !

You once were a mouse with no door
and your voice was a tiny whimper
Today you sing as if your life is much more
than a mere complicated existence, its much simpler

Your stand there with that rose all askew
thinking your a femme fatale, and by the way,
who asked you ?
Nov 2024 · 185
Moonstone Melodies
A translucent bluish-white mineral with a mysterious sheen

I hear them rustling behind heaven's plisse,
fabric seersucker curtains, opaque but unlaced
One breath and suddenly
I am a teleported into being
letting go of faculties and senses;
I am a prayer, hanging on everlasting hope;
These precious substances of color and charm
both calm and confident, ignite the soul    
and usher you with peace, love, harmony.  
Filled with Goddess energy
they exude warm tones of luminescent, ephemeral light ;
Hold out your hand then close your eyes
soon you will get lost in their clairaudient
Moonstone Melodies;  
Yokiko reveries fill me like no other  
listen to the sound they make
Angels dressed in crinoline gowns,
swooshing and spreading light
Lost in their chime like sound of tinkling glass  
they are un-comparable,
A thousand stars of heaven could never compare
to these moonstone gems,
who seem to claim the heart bit by bit then,
all at once.

Copyright © Mystic Rose 2024
Oct 2024 · 103
Healing your mind and soul requires personal distance
from a world that does not provide the nutrient of peace
Sit quietly by the waterfall and entrench yourself in it
take the journey of self, allow your  thoughts to blossom
beneath God's parapet, lies the resurgence of still life

Healing your body is an aftermath of wholesome assembly
drink from the waters of obsolete and be that empty vessel
that holds space with everything and everyone, ...
Do not move nor speak, just breathe and be immortal  
inside this magic hour you will find,  the breath of life

Extinguish the embers of your burning fire, take time
to sift through your feelings,  allow them to take flight
Permit the dusk to settle and allow the dawn to rise
for they were both created for tomorrows afterglow
heal your mind, soul & body, remain in the flow..
(Motivational Speaker, died Oct 18, 2024 at the age of 49, father of two )

In fields of gold I dare to go, where never growing old I row and row,  
never farther than my eye could see, ...for He is looking right at me;
Flying on the wings of hope, thankful every day for that special ray
that sends me to the sun, like a soaring Cormorant flying free..
Mixing clay and water I will build my wings  and temper gently
with  the coming of the light,   just like Jonah did,  
from the belly of the night....
The last few words I said to you, may they fall afresh like dew
on the lawn of your heart, may you run for peace and not forget
that when the waters rise and you can't swim,
do like Noah did and build an arc !  
In fields of gold I dare to go, where never growing old I row and row,  
never farther than my eye could see, ...for He is looking right at me;
I am a ripple in the quantum field of life, a pulse in the heart of you
listen and learn what it is that lights you up and fills you with joy.
Before you dare to go to those fields of gold where you never
grow old,  just row and row and row and row, and never let go.
Oct 2024 · 101
Like Two Reliable Bookends
Between heaven and earth the ethereal pulse of God's creation
sifting through the soul like a fluttering kite in motion
Here we are in a dwelling place of  quarrel and demolition
only peace can assuage the heart and give it, its contrition
In the middle of war stretched across landscape of your heart
"The Lord's prayer," in a lilting whisper, you got this to an art
Give us today our daily bread and help us to do our part,  
it is only love agape that gives our soul a fresh new start
Connecting spaces of our head-heart connection a mantelpiece  
decorated with meditative awareness and unblinking utter peace
"Lead Us Not Into Temptation" let me decrease as you increase
seed and bloom inside my heart and help me fold this crease
Side by side two strong bookends holding together what rends  
with a soulful melodious vibration, I arrive at every bend  
"May Thy Kingdom Come" and live within me until the very end  
side by side, ... like two old reliable and sturdy, bookends.
Oct 2024 · 139
My Imaginary Friends
Of them I have a few and I will admit this only to you
they are not from here and they are very, very blue
These little one foot creatures are from outer space
they are well behaved and have the cutest face.
I named one Volcano because of his cyborg strength,  
though he talks in monosyllables he also talks at length !
Then there is Jukebox, he loves to sing at night
he can hit an octave but he isn't very bright.
Out of all my little friends my favorite one is Hue,  
he's a Venutian little chatterbox and he isn't all that blue
He smiles so much that it gives him gas,
but I like him cuz he always makes me laugh,
and knows just what to do.

Copyright © Mystic Rose 2024
Oct 2024 · 111
Made With Love And kindness
It's a soup that's made to order never from a store  
A little bouillon treat that's filled with herbs galore
Not the kind you get from packets, no not that kind !
with itty bitty chicken bits it has onions you can find.
I start with chicken base then add a clove of garlic,  
turmeric and salt with a dash of home made magic.
I simmer for an hour while the veggies steam & swim,  
singing in a playful voice,   "a little blessed hymn".    
I start with a clean counter then tuck my hair right in  
wearing pinafore of white, with little ducks that swim    
I stew it then I stir it, with a large wooden spoon
telling funny stories to a soup that cooks til' noon
Made with love and kindness, it really hits the spot,    
I cook it just like mama did, when I was just a tot.
It's a soup that's made to order, never from a store,    
this little bouillon treat is filled with herbs galore.

Enjoy !
Oct 2024 · 108
Courage, Beauty, Life
Quote By: White Wolf:
Were it not for the scent of the rose, what would entice us to grow?
Were it not for the courage of our souls to explore unknown valleys,
how would we reach the heights of our tallest mountain?

Courage is more than just a lofty word, more than just action
it is a feeling deep inside that grows from the knowledge
that we are ancient warriors born to be the best we can be !
Beauty is more than skin deep, more than just a pretty smile
its at the core of our souls and at the center of our hearts.
It is more about what we reflect and find in others,
then about illusionary mirrors filled with lies and deceit.
Life is a rooted friend that will remain with us forever,
if we water it with grace and help it to stay alive.    
Tell me, how does your garden grow? (pause)
Courage, beauty, life, its all about how we connect with others,  
and knowing when to fold and when to go.  
I believe life is a gift that is much more cherished when it is shared.
abracadabra I wanna grab ya
don't tell Da and don't tell Ma
a Halloween gala  
a ghost town, caw-caw  
abracadabra I wanna grab ya

Abracadabrabroo me Godzilla now shoo
shelling out with toothless spider-Hue
got no candy?  Duh
this ain't Malibu...
Abracadabrabroo I'm Godzilla now shoo

Abracadabri got the heebie jeebies Gartzie ?
well smezzle pezzle see this old machete
gonna hack your back
cuz I got the knack
Abracadabri got the heebie jeebies Gartzie ?

Ala shazam its a bloodlet moon fricassee
everyone is shakin' I don't care, Tee hee !    
served them Grinch tea  
now they all have to ***  
Ala shazam, its a bloodlet moon fricassee.
Oct 2024 · 92
The Hourglass Of Time
Guardian Angel, let me rest here on this sandy shore as I gaze at the sea
Allow my weary head to rest upon your shoulder as I grow older,
wrap your wings around my heart, Angel of light !  
Let me linger in the air while I sift through this hourglass of time
for without your living presence Angel, I ain't worth a dime.
Let the stars and the moon clothe my soul with living Grace
then when my time is up, come and show me that Holy place,  
where all good daughters and sons go, when their days are done.
Let me shine upon this earth like a radiant sun,  
and beam my radiant gleam on those who need it most.
Guardian Angel, help me to slow down and smell the flowers
counting all the blessings of this beautiful lifetime.  
Everyone dies but not everyone lives, so help me reach my full potential
allowing my beating heart to rest on your protective wings of love.  
Before I leave this earth, let me make a difference
and leave behind these aerial, human wings.
Oct 2024 · 92
Peaceful as a frozen lake by a quiet winter's dawn
still as the silence that whispers to us, like a fawn
Drawn to the air in our lungs as we gently engage  
side by side in a world of great love, rock of Age

Let us fly like birds through a world of pure joy
where beauty and grace are virtues we deploy    
Let us live here as one and always keep pace  
with a heart that is pure, set always in place

Composed as the Sun when it beams on the snow
with a linger of solitude and a trace of afterglow
Quiet as the stars of heaven that exude n' shine
late at night in the sky as it turns , red to wine

Let us embrace and exist as we breathe in the calm
clothing our thoughts with a drop of  sweet balm
Let us arrive by the rivers of brave and swim free
just like the fish in the sea who know how to be,

peaceful as a frozen lake by a quiet winter pond,  
still as the silence that whispers to us at dawn.
Oct 2024 · 91
A November To Remember
Summer dreams sleep at the cusp of a cool November
I am filled with hopes that at the font of my soul, tremble
like autumn leaves when the wind blows they toss and sway  
like sweet October rain, each raindrop falls but doesn't stay
I remember red poppies, springing out of the ground
in a place called Flanders Fields, my how they slept so sound
after the gunfire a silence rooted so deep we closed the door        
after the anthem of doom, the world said " no more "
A November to remember, make it your thanksgiving season
find new breath, be brave,  show loyalty not treason  
like the first cool feel that touches you at the first snowfall
like the first real kiss that says I love you, it is your call  !
I remember those who died before me and I cannot ignore
the red poppies that are strewn across the gravesite floor  
I could never, no never forget them nor their brave roar  
I could never, no never forget, was a time of war !

Copyright © Mystic Rose Rose | Year Posted 2024
Oct 2024 · 417
I wandered lonely as a rose by Autumn's gate
as I lay there in still repose, petals strewn      
I fell apart like dessert moon;
The scent that once perfumed my reign
were mellowed by September's rain
I drifted distant in the woods.
All my husks fell to the soil
each petal dried right where it stood    
No gardener's hand of hue embroiled
that filament that quivered slow  
like dying embers of nights glow
Shambled, windblown as the wind
beneath the last of summer's ray
regretfully I did rescind
As summer lost her fired splay
I wandered,
Lost and alone like a rose,
until the end of summer froze.
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