Immanent, at the heart of blood of the One who made
Me, I am part of the great I am, the flesh and bone of His
Magnificent creation. As concrete as the firmament of earth,
And as solid as the moon and stars that exist in the sky.
Nascent as the first rose of summer and first newborn child
Every fiber of my body is connected with tissue and brain.
New to this interplanetary home I often exist alone,
Transcending the overpass of life sometimes, go beyond.
Yet the lessons I have learned in this lifetime have been slow
Eager to experience the comforting light of the au de la,
To a higher order I have entrusted my journey towards home.
Transcending time and space I fly towards the Universal hub of
Reincarnation, checking my Akashic records and knowing that my
Algorithms have been installed in me long before I was born.
No greater joy on earth than moving upward and beyond, in a
Sacred manner. I breathe in, hold my breath, then breathe out
Climbing up the invisible ladder of spiritual success and
Enlightenment. All of His philosophical teachings given through
Nacre moments of pure intent. Like the Mother of Pearl when the
Dharma wheel turns I follow its winding path, without push I
Ease into the shift and become one with the Omnipotent Light.
Nascent as the first rose of summer, a first newborn child,
Trusting I will be well received, on the other side....
Copyright © Mystic Rose Rose | Year Posted 2023