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Let me loose the trellis that holds on to my roses
weave every thorn I own around your open space
I do not twine nor do I have a tendril to boast of
but I do own beauty and the scent of Rose Khalid  

Let me penetrate your senses with my wildish ways
cleaving shadows of your night, I will bring you day
I am not a flower to be cast aside just like the rest  
take good care of me and I will surely bloom in May

Let me be your muse's musk, powdery sweet like earth  
leaving trails of inspiration on your velvet book of love  
I am not a garden trinket nor your favorite rose my dear
talk to me as if  I were a prayer, written just for thee.

For I am no longer a prisoner of your poetry Dear One  
just a simple musk-filled muse, reaching for the Sun...
Power is indeed a corruptive force,
Through all of mankind’s history
This has always been true.
Emperors, Kings, Potentates,
Popes, Presidents and Despots too.

Gathering near the Throne are the
Eager Courtier leeches reaching to
touch the anointed one’s robe.
Declaring their undying loyalty,
In the process selling their souls.
Their rewards, a speck of personal
power, Castles and more riches of gold.

Like their Master, the entitled ones
will lie and cheat, while ignoring
The principals of right and good.
Believing “Decency” is but a poor
man’s word, never uttered within
the hearing of their Ruler.
Truth never a considered artifact of
his desired absolute corrupt power.

To the Ruler the slaves, serfs, the
little common people matter not,
but to serve him and his enablers.
He and his power elite will start
needless wars, or offer up sacrificial
lambs, for deportation all to distract
the unrest of the common people.

They will suppress human rights,
free speech and defame, banish
or imprison their detractors, ignore
our laws and our constitution, tread
on our flag and urinate on our history.

Their smiles and lies are all merely smoke
and mirrors to conceal, their controlling
agendas of personal greed.

Telling us it's all for our own good and
will make our lives and nation great again.
From ancient times down to today this
egomaniacal cycle and agenda repeats.
Kingdoms and Nations have perished
From this kind of poisonous corruption.
Needless to say, it will happen again.
It seems that it already is.

Unless this poem is too obtuse, We all
need to change our history to come.
Stand up and speak out, march in the
streets, if we must, stand our ground!
This is our nations new Ides of March.
It seems we now have our own Julius
Caesar, may he go the way of the other.
First posted in 2018 with some
small revisions to address the now.
Note: Tortoises are  land-dwelling while turtles are aquatic

She sat on the back of a turtle
then said  " Go Go Go !"
While he on stumpy feet
       trumbled and humphed
"you are mighty hefty !"
he configured.  
She guided him to the water
then said   "Go Go Go !"
I know you want to, what is stopping you?
"You've mistaken me for a tortoise
little girl !"
She turns around and leads him to land,  
and together they sit in the sand...
"My heart is a compass lost at sea finding its North in the gaze of thee."
This compass points directly at you  
whether your North East South or West
Aligned to your magnetic pole
I am being magnetized
You are an orientation arrow
my Polaris * my North Star
Configurator of my soul,  
I am yours *  
You are a trustworthy compass
without you I'd be lost
You are the magnet    
that altered the course of my life,  
             FOREVER !
Quote by: Ring time
And there is a rumor in the forest...

••• If they believed in themselves, as they believe in dark and vicious words that desecrate minds and souls. If that same force will be used for them. Their concrete forests would flourish instead of dying in droughts caused by the minds of dark power . •••

Todos of their language standing silent yet strong
in solidarity
  they take a stand
Wolves of a pack bonding together
of the highest order ...
Dark energy of wolves  
wolverine primal instincts, darkness!
Turned into strength,  by the gentle presence of
intuition and wisdom
To know them is to understand their value
both loyal and strong they are brave warriors
of the forest.
I stand by the sea and watch the sky turn into a lovely shade of April blue.  I see big old trees dotting the edge of the horizon and a lovely red sunset.  I can only imagine who the man upstairs is and how he has managed to create such a beautiful landscape here on earth...  Let alone the heavens!
Oh my stars !!!
you don't belong in jars  
Father shines you from afar  
I scoop a bit of water in my hands then watch it clump the sand.  Drawing my knees up to my chest I lift my head to watch Selene, Goddess of the moon  raising a glassy white moon with her arms.  It is a natural moon, pouring out light onto a blessed hour of darkness, and so I give Him thanks and praise!        
Her dress, a gown of clouds
puffed up like a shroud
Misty colored, never loud
"If I could, I would fetch you the moon on a spoon." I say to the ether of His quiet.  Then as if by magic a streak of silver appears, mirroring the aging gray hair on my head.  What else in life can make you feel as good as when God's world suddenly melts inside of you? What else can claim your soul the way the stars and the moon do,  ... let alone the ocean view !
By: Mystic Rose
As the last
from the stem
    your beautiful heart,
I will
then own  
in my hands,  

              the most
of your
          ALL !
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