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 Aug 2020 Paco Lypps
 Aug 2020 Paco Lypps
Hello,  I am a puddle person.
I'm certainly not the only puddle person, of course.
And I often think I'm more puddle then person.

I lay on the floor still.
People come by and see themselves reflected in me.
Sometimes they step in me,  and drops of me splish around and evaporate.

I'm content being a puddle it's, comfortable.
People are aware of me whether looking at themselves, tip toeing around me or jumping in.

I am NOT invisible.

Love me or hate me this puddle person isn't going anywhere,
until I become more puddle then person.
Back to the
subtle pool
of dark and deep
that lay below illumination.

Wriggling, slippery
scales of black
in a pool
so hard to see,
so hard to grasp.

Down the hall
in the realm of control,
pulling into light a dark shadow.

Maybe two, but one.

Pull it close
to touch it in mind,
to know it and own it
and let it go.

So deep and dark
and subtle and fooling,
this pool of mind.
 Jun 2020 Paco Lypps
Mark David
 Jun 2020 Paco Lypps
Mark David
Contemporary Covid-19 contours prove:

Small is brilliant. Small is safe.
Small is easy. Small is sincere.
Small is beautiful. Small is required.
Small today is tall. Small is swift.
Small is rapid to abide by social distancing.
Small is innovative, intelligent and invincible.
Small is quick to mould.
Small is smart. Small is brave.
Small is adventurous. Small is creative.

Smell the small.

— The End —