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Pamela Anene Jun 2020
In the coastal areas in good old Isle of wight
worms crawl out in summer sunlight
they can do this for they live
in muddy wet marshes
and the gulls fly
too high and
prefer tourist's
Pamela Anene Jun 2020
disappear over the mountain
taken the classical notes and arias
jauntily hatted clown huffed off petulantly
or was given the push back to the circus
where cowboys play like actors
in invisible love dreams of contrived romance
singing crazy songs in crazy names
where names mean nothing and men are liars
its the drama of poetic life saying hello
Pamela Anene Jun 2020
I like minding my business
for my business cannot mind itself
so minding other's businesses
means I will have others minding my business
and others cannot mind my business like I would
so why lose on two counts minding others
  Jun 2020 Pamela Anene
When you're well bred
you are gracious to hate from below
because you know haters are beneath you
and its **** ******* the ground where they crawl...
Pamela Anene Jun 2020
Peace in the time of our days
sunrays to shine on our souls
No more High noon in the west
lets bring love to our world to rest
Pamela Anene Jun 2020
I will befriend and help another
if I am not needed I will leave alone
should I take my frustrations and pains
out on another
I will not do this for if I did
someone too will take their frustration
out on me

— The End —