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 Oct 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Auditioning for myself
the lights went down
the sound amped up
my head turned round

Auditioning for myself
the handbill flew
into the seats
the chosen few

Auditioning for myself
last line unread
the words reborn
inside my head

Auditioning for myself
I begged my leave
the stage door open
—a last reprieve

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2020)
 Oct 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
All of my life,
living for today

All of tomorrow,
living for tomorrow

None of my life,
living for yesterday

Lived as today
—as today was tomorrow

(Reading ‘The Portable Einstein,’ September, 2020)

“Today was tomorrow
—to all of yesterday”
 Oct 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Modern thought…
a footnote to Plato

Enshrined in our memory
—recalled and retold

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2020)
 Oct 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Phrases string together,
letters front to back

Birds of the same feather,
in each other’s tracks

Marching toward transcendence,
words reformed and strong

Flocking into unison
—flying into song

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2020)
 Oct 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
A Poet’s ink…  
more sacred
than a Martyr’s blood

Each word
divinely measured
—all time in glory of

(Dreamsleep: September, 2020)
 Oct 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
The suddenness of desertion,
the emptiness of time

Abandoning each moment,
as clocks strike their chime

And wherego the hours,
once used and cast off

Are there auctions and markets
for each second that’s lost

And who’s to recount
the old wishes unprayed

With days ever changing,
and voices relayed

The end a beginning,
the beginning an end

To drift in its circle
—time never respent

(Dreamsleep: September, 2020)
 Oct 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
that sphere beyond reason

Belief as its bridgework
—faith as its troll

(Dreamsleep: September, 2020)
 Oct 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Reaching through the Biosphere,
I touched the hand of God

Who turned me around and pushed me back,
inside my inner pod

Letting me go with these final words,
transcending into self…

“Your search is to end where you began
—your heart and mind to meld”

(The Book Of Prayers: October, 2020)
 Oct 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Caught inside a memory,
with flashbacks of desire

Your scent returns as lightning
—my heart a copper wire

(Dreamsleep: October, 2020)
 Oct 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Indentured as servants,
and not as our masters

Words are conscripted
—their meanings enslaved

(Dreamsleep: October, 2020)
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