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  Oct 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Reaching through the Biosphere,
I touched the hand of God

Who turned me around and pushed me back,
inside my inner pod

Letting me go with these final words,
transcending into self…

“Your search is to end where you began
—your heart and mind to meld”

(The Book Of Prayers: October, 2020)
  Oct 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Caught inside a memory,
with flashbacks of desire

Your scent returns as lightning
—my heart a copper wire

(Dreamsleep: October, 2020)
  Oct 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Indentured as servants,
and not as our masters

Words are conscripted
—their meanings enslaved

(Dreamsleep: October, 2020)
  Oct 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Demanding possession…
nine tenths of the law

Last bone to fight over
—its marrow unwrought

(Dreamsleep: October, 2020)
  Oct 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
I was perfectly happy,
a singular chime

I was perfectly happy,
alone in my mind

I was perfectly happy,
my world underscored

I was perfectly happy,
my feelings secure

I was perfectly happy,
adrift in my world

I was perfectly happy,
no feeling’s unfurled

I was perfectly happy,
till one fateful day

Now misery haunts me
—in love I must stay

(West Philadelphia: June, 2018)
  Sep 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Memories of the future,
dancing in my head

Recalling what will come to pass,
joyous and unread

Reflections yet to happen,
vivid they befall

Voices that still wait to sing
—calling me enthralled

(The Book Of Prayers: September, 2020)
  Sep 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Dodging a bullet,
the PET Scan loomed large…
results both good and bad

“Nothing today
to worry about,”
but tomorrow left unclad

The moment secure,
the future unsure…
prognosis under siege

The lights of the O.R.
calling his name
—with hope the last reprieve

(University Of Pennsylvania: September, 2020)
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