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Kayls Jul 2020
If I’m not moving
I’m weeping
If I’m not busy
I’m thinking
My thoughts are bias
A story where I will always lose.
Kayls Jul 2020
I gave you my love
You gave me no trust
I gave you my body you left it to rust
I am out of sight
I am in the dust
Don’t build me up
Fake love all lust
Kayls Jun 2020
A burden in your waters
I see you pity my wreck
I don’t need you to weep tears I’ve already shed.
And so the wheel turns, the cycle continues
Waiting for another pitiful sailor
Anchored where I am, afraid my boat may sail adrift into another sea.
Kayls Jun 2020
I felt empty,
Until I started to romanticise the depth of the hole I was digging.
Empty is graceful.
I felt empty,
Until that’s what I wanted
Now I feel replete,
Kayls Jun 2020
I’m coughing up sunder from the wreck I barely made it out of
I’m bleeding from the wounds that I can’t seem to reach
I’m suffocating in bricks from the castle you built for her
But when she saw the foundations cave, you trapped me in.
Kayls May 2020
Grass stains on your clothes
Bruises scattered from head to toe
the blood seeping out of your mouth onto the chapel ground is oddly reassuring
Let me watch you bleed
It is the only way I can tell you are still here
Still human
Kayls May 2020
Barbed wire conjured by my own mind restricts my wrists
From opening the fridge door
I have to be in control,
That’s what the voices tell me.
I can’t be without the mirror
It reminds me that my ribs are too wide
And that a number controls my life, not me.
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