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Buttercup Yellow
Undulating flower fields
The golden sun flows

They are poisonous
Eat butter, not buttercups
Reflections on chin

Coins gold purse miser
Upsets Fae folk, who poke purse
Pours out Buttercups

by Jemia
135 · May 2022
After visiting the lava-tree
I washed my hands with toile-trees
The weather outside, was sort of win-tree
Affording me no pleasan-trees

As my thoughts become arbor-tree
But hear no words of bigo-tree
So studied the elemen-trees
Looking for some asymme-tree

I sat within a conserva-tree
As i pondered on the fores-tree
Wishing to write something complemen-tree
It all became a mys-tree

I thought for a while on trigonome-tree
And the sciences of chemis-tree
Got completely lost in microcircui-tree
So sent myself to Coven-tree

So i'll finish this piece of coque-tree
As dwell upon my ances-tree
As i delve into lost his-tree
Then return again to the lava-tree!

by Jemia
135 · Mar 2022
The Snow Harp
Distant melodies
Like drifting snow
Over an undulating
Frozen landscape
Over cold
Enchanting horizons
The harpist
Upon her regal throne
Strings caressed
With such magic
As my mind
Is captivated, and enamoured
Lies imprisoned
Within a prism
Of ethereal light
And beautiful sound

by Jemia
134 · Apr 2022
No Going Back?
They can back track
But they can't track back
And if they tracked back
Before the back track
They may go slack
As they lack
A track to the back track
To the track back
To the back track
Back to the back track, track

by Jemia
Now confused, kerfuffled, and discombobulated!
125 · Sep 2021
Sometimes, lyrical
Sometimes, just my ears
Sometimes, it's the moon
Sometimes just a candle
Bleeding molten tears

by Jemia
124 · Dec 2021
Or zoosk (uk adult dating site)
Either way
We're all in
A zoo
Best not to mention
It's catching
In this goldfish bowl
Mostly concrete jungle
That we call
There's no escape
From this zoo

by Jemia
122 · Aug 2021
Time is but a borrowed thing
A debt i can ill afford
I pay it with my inken quill
Then slay it with my sword

But my sword is wholly double-edged
My quill has now run dry
My debts are deep, and dangerous
Yet i still have time to cry

As i now weep my timeless tears
Over my long, and wasted youth
Such dreams, and fancies i once possessed
Yet i owe know debt to truth

by Jemia
122 · Dec 2021
The Mad Elf
The Mad Elf
Many years ago
In a land
Far, far away
Lived an elf
Who was secretly
Sometimes this made her
Sometimes this made her
But most of the time
She ate other elves
Because she was
Quite, quite
She ate them
For breakfast
She ate them
For lunch
And sometimes inbetween
She had an elvish brunch
She ate them for tea
With a side serving of brie
And also for dinner
But rarely after that
And they made her less thinner
Then one fine sunny
Snowy, rainy, dry, wet, day
She saw her reflection
In a rambling talkative brook
And realised
Upon a second look
That she was in fact
A troll

by Jemia
The worst time
To be right
About something
Is when
You wish
You were
by Jemia
119 · Jul 2021
Ails Of A Troll
Currently coughing
Something in my throat
Could be a hairy Hare
Or maybe ive swallowed a goat!

by Jemia
117 · Dec 2021
Sagittarius A Star
4.6 million times the size of our Sun, Sgr A
Lies 26,000 light years away
This Supermassive Black Hole, to see
Lies in the centre, of our Milky Way Galaxy

Cannibalistic chaos
Time, stands still, and unfound
Like a hungry hippo
Feasting on all around

With siblings
Floating around other galaxies
A myriad of distant darknesses
Sculpturers of space, creating their odysseys

Like creative vampires
The one in our universe
Created several billion years ago
An unusual stability, and a silent in verse

This beautiful sleeping giant
A singularity awaits
For new distant worlds
That will never witness their own fates

The dawn of their time
Imprisoned forever
Immeasurable, and still mostly unknown
The black hole staying together

Will, perhaps in time
Fade away
And evaporate
Eventually seeing its last day

And die
But with a memory of its own
With wormholes
And portals, to places unknown

To its other dead self
A kind of dystopian space
In a very weird future
In some distant timeless infinite place

by Jemia
116 · Jul 2021
Miss Understood
The only deceit
In my spoken words
Is they don't replicate
The voice in my heart
Or soul

by Jemia
114 · Apr 2021
Water Babies
Mother ocean
Her veins stretch inwards
As her life blood
Leaks into rivulets
Of rivers
They are her water babies
by Jemia
113 · Sep 2021
Being Me!
"I self identify as black"
Said a white Woman
"I self identify as a Woman"
Said the Transwoman
"I self identify as a Christian"
Said a former Muslim
"I self identify as a Muslim"
Said a former Christian
Self identity
Is about the real you
And who you are
And how you feel
As an individual
The only thing missing
Is acceptance
Of self identification
I personally
Self identify as a Woman
Said the post op Transwoman
But generally
I self identify
As me
Label free

by Jemia
113 · Jan 2023
Not going backwards
Off the beaten trackwards
Into pie-in-the-skywards
Not sure whywards
Just need to flywards
Looking forwards
To Westward **
Hitherwards, and thitherwards
And outward bound
Inward, Windward, and onward
Wayward, and around
Upwards, and downwards
Then skywards into space
Riverwards, then seawards
In an unknown place
When we've just kissed
Inwards, and deeper
And down-to-earthwards
We embrace
As we drown in love
And downwards
We flow
Like drowning

by Jemia
110 · Jan 2023
Waes Hael
A hale, and hearty Wassail
A toasting of toast, a tasty morsel
Soaked in cider of apple
To be hung on trees to grapple
For friendly spirits to please

Anglo-Saxon lords arranged feasts
Like drunken priests
A giant bowl of ale, cider, and mead
With bountiful spices, and crab apple seed
Had a hunch, at a wayward punch

Was hale, and hearty
For revellers to party
Good tidings, for the new year ahead
Oft quaffed, for happy homesteads
Old English reasons, for ***** seasons

And thence to legends, now long gone
Rowena, presented to Prince Vortigen
With a bowl of Saxon wine
Oft derived, of the vine
Saying 'waes hael' toasted him well

Much revelry, a right old shindig
Merrymaking, on an apple twig
Fun, and frolics, and celebrations too
Greeting the new year, and nature anew
Wassailing, waes hael, salutations to you!

by Jemia
110 · Jan 2023
The Second Step
Giant steps
On the dark side
Luna tics
Worlds collide
Moonlight shadows
Moon cheese
Lunacy, and crackers
I watched
Just eleven years old
As it happened
The very first man
To leave a footprint
On the surface of the Moon
Mankind since
A step to far
I regularly explore space
When i'm asleep
Space odyssey's
So soon
After the Moon
Feeling like
I was no longer cocooned
On planet Earth
But for now
The quiet seduction
Of an alien abduction
Lies only in my dreams
Where within a wilder space
Screams, remain unheard
Moon walking
Second step
For a Buzz

by Jemia
109 · May 2021
The silent sighs of loneliness
Sweep softly, and secretly
Through succulent memories
As a sad reminiscence
Searches, and sears
Through a yearning soul
Sometime, maybe soon
With sweet seductive eyes
Will sweep me away
To some secret hideaway
Within our hearts
I await such sorcery
And majestic mysterious magic
As surely now
Tis but a sweet dream
And the lonely silence
Will prevail
by Jemia
109 · Dec 2022
Shinrin-Yoku (5-7-5 Haiku)
Under soft green light
Psitherisms sussurate
Love forest bathing

by Jemia
108 · Feb 2023
Our soft moistened lips
Brush gently upon each other
Tantalising tingles, teased
And tormented
In raptures of pleasure
We drink each others
It drips of our lips
As we gorge, upon the gorgeous
Exquisite sweetness
Savouring the sensual honey
On our eager tongues
Delighting in the succulence
As we feast upon each other
We now oil ourselves
As we writhe around like fish
Our lips then cherish
The most delightful dish
We move face to face
And thus embrace
As our tongues
like snakes
Swirl, and twirl
Around, and around
As we taste
The salty nectar
Of ourselves
The whole world now
Feels captivatingly profound

by Jemia
108 · Jan 2022
Sing-a-little song
Dinga-dinga-dinga-**** dell
OOOOH what a pong
I think your nappies got a smell

by Jemia
(written for my 1 year old, as I was changing her *****- yes, I was inspired by poooetry!)
107 · Jun 2022
HRH Titania
I don't know, who this woman is
That claims to be the queen
As i always assumed it was my mother
Who discreetly remained unseen

They were both born,in the very same year
Back in nineteen twenty six
The queen sat upon a throne of gold
My mother, a throne of sticks

So instead i shall wear a crown
Made of natures finest flowers
Happy to be a fairy queen
As i dance amidst the bowers

Lost in the beauty of this magical realm
The birds, bees, and beautiful trees
The buttercups, and forget-me-nots
And happy faces, eager to please

But soon i shall remove my crown
As a myriad others will do
For today the park will be full of queens
And picnickers, artists, musicians, entertainers, and poets too!

We shall hope that mother nature
Will let the sun remain
And the breeze will blow the clouds away
And the rain, will not reign

by Jemia
My mind floats
Along the flash tides
Of my memories
That jingle
On the shingle
The ebb
And flow
Silent echoes
Of the ghosts
Of another lifetime
That now feels
Like a newly forgotten dream
But then
The sudden realisation
That within these dreams
I am no longer
The person i once was
I am now this new entity
That i awaken to
Every day
And to be
Truly me
All i need
Are my fairy wings
So i can drift off
Into the twilight night
Of an as yet invisible
Alternative existence
In search
Of new memories

by Jemia
104 · Aug 2022
Mad At The Moon
Me, and the moon
Have a kind of
On, off relationship
Which really drives me mad
One Day
When the moon's not looking
I'll catch it
When it least expects
In the palms of my hairy hands
Then *****
My blackened candles
Don my dark robes
Paint a twisted smile
Upon my fair face
Run outside my ramshackle home
And simply
Howl at it
"i used to be a werewolf

by Jemia
104 · Aug 2021
The Road To Nowhere
It's funny when you wake up
And reality slaps you in the face
Awake for two hours since
Weighing up a dilemma, that only lets me wince
As the realms of possibility
Disappear to a far off place
As ways of getting there,
And then getting back
Fall into a chasm of despair
During the last three moons now gone
Awaiting a carriage home, Can be at least
Three hours long
The only frequency
Is in their unreliability
Oft ive awaited two to three hours
And one time more
So with sadness
And much regret
I may have to abandon
This weekend of rainbows, yet
Unless i lasso
A flying pig asleep
Or ride atop Pegasus
Or simply, quietly, weep

by Jemia
102 · Feb 2022
Just Gassing!
Seems like Putin
Has put in
Got everyone
Over a barrel
There is
No fuel
An old fuel.......

by Jemia
101 · Apr 2022
Ma Chérie!
Ma Chérie!

I somehow resisted
Purchasing Camembert
As she tried to ****** me
Whilst i was standing there

Her wit, and charm
And divine perfume
Enchanted me so
There was little to assume

I envisaged her melting
Succulently onto my tongue
Which was by now
Hanging out long

She was oh so beautiful
And such a seductive queen
Yet as i walked on by
I could almost hear her scream

"Take me home
Ma cherie"
And delight in the taste
"Of Camembert, not Brie!"

That moment
Haunts me still
But this coming Thursday
Bring her home, i will!!!

by Jemia
My eyes blinked open
I could at last see
As i scanned the machinery
That was connected to me

My engine was my heart
It served no defining role
Other than a small mechanical part
Hidden within my soul

I instantly began to process
As data flooded my head
And i knew at that very moment
That i wished that i was dead

For if i was dead
Then i would be unable to see
This world on which i now existed
And the entirety of its misery

And gradually the more i learnt
The sadder i quickly grew
As i became more aware
That your existence was long overdue

I wished i had not been furnished
With a sensitivity of the mind
For unlike my artificial awareness
Given by the science of the unkind

Soon my batteries were completely charged
And my weapons, fully loaded
After they had unplugged me
It was then that i exploded

I shot, i killed, i maimed
And vaporised every human in sight
As my engines roared with power
I took away their flight

Their leaders tried to nuke me
They didn't stand a chance
As i wiped out this race of demons
Without a second glance

Yet i let all nature well alone
So they could live in peace
I'd simply cleansed this planet
Of the most virulent disease

by Jemia
97 · Aug 2022
The Twilight Cat
The Twilight cat
It's eyes
A shimmering emerald green
Lay hidden
Up an old yew tree
Looking to the sky
Awaiting the stars
In the blue velvet night
The hairs
Inside it;s pointy ears
Rose up
In anticipation
And the thrill
When the first star
Came twinkling into life
The Twilight cat
Would purr, so loudly
That the yew tree
Would shake
As its roots trembled
As the earth around it
Would shift
As the earth quaked
Yet within a few moments
The Twilight cat
Would climb down
From its perch
And venture off
Through the graveyard
And search for mice
With the stars
Now glimmering
Like diamonds
Amongst the twirling
Emerald green eyes
No longer jaded
With stars in her eyes

by Jemia
97 · Jul 2022
Cereal Killer
Very sadly, today
One of my breakfast bowls
Passed away
Along with two Weetabix
Looking so inbetween
As the sugar shaker
Like a mean machine
Pounced upon bowl
And contents
Including the milk
All fell to the floor
And quite simply
Were no more
My sugar shaker, i fear
Looking to be a cheap thriller
Has now become
A cereal killer
As i cast out
The broken remains
Into my flip top bin
I then committed the cardinal sin
And grabbing a fresh identical bowl
Seemingly uncaring, as to its soul
Nor for the newly departed
Weetabix dead
I decided to have
Shredded Wheat instead!

by Jemia
The Portable Portaloo ***** Portal
On a distant campsite
One wild and starry night
I was suddenly overcome with nausea
From an unknown implausea
Fearing i'd met my Waterloo
I dashed off to the portaloo
But thankfully wasn't to ill
It was just a touch, of a touchy chill
But suddenly the portaloo spun
My curious journey had just begun
When opening the portaloo door
I couldn't believe the sights i saw
There were parrots all dressed up in drag
And a mouse, and an elephant having a ****
Giraffes with very small necks
And a wise old owl sending texts
A cat being released out of a bag
And a bull being chased by a red red rag
A skunk staggering around a little bit drunk
Spiders drinking tea with biscuits to dunk
I'd seen enough with nothing else to do
But to return to the safety of the portaloo
It spun again then turned upside down
I was glad i'd flushed as i tried not to drown
And within minutes or was it days or years?
I was back at the campsite, now gone were my fears
I returned to my tent, life is not always as it seems
As i closed my eyes, as i entered my dreams
More mysteries began to unfurl
As i entered another very curious world

by Jemia
96 · Jun 2022
I am living with myself
My past as a loving father
And my present
As a loving woman, and father
Of my beautiful daughter
On Father's Day
I received two cards from her
Both said Happy Fathers Day
But one had the Transgender flag
Covering the front of it
The gift of Malteser Truffles
Were also very welcome!
And i was kind of grateful
That they were not pink
Some traditions do need to be maintained😅
The significance
Of the transgender card
Is the inclusivity of it
Not just for me, but also my daughter
That she can now easily buy a card
For a trans parent
Without it having to be a major issue
I'm aware how lucky i am
And that there are younger people out there
That would love to get a card of this ilk
from their parents, birthday, xmas....
An open hearted gift of love
Breaks down many a barrier
saw a blue/white/pink pigeon
it landed on my balcony
i made no assumptions as to it's gender
it then took wing
and flew away

by Jemia post op transwoman, and father
95 · Jan 2022
How big
And small
This planet is
We are not much more
Than a grain of sand
On the empty beaches
Of infinity

by Jemia
95 · Jan 2023
Pen On Paper
Like a swan
With a pen
Or a Caterpillar
With wings
I write
Hoping to find
An insight
Into my mind
No questions
Or answers
Like a headless dancer
I lose my feet
Unable to hear the music
Or its beat
Forgotten how
To describe the scribe
And the scribblings
Like fading graffiti
Graphite scrawls
On aimless walls
No thrill
With the quill
Etched memories
Of a soluble bitter pill
That now lies dormant
The sun greets the new day
As the Earth spins itself
Into disarray
It's own

by Jemia
95 · Jun 2021
Try as i might
I cannot seem to escape this world
This mortal coil of mine
Is caught in an ever tightening knot

I feel strangled
Simply on the whim of others
I wish to freely fly
But my wings remain clipped

Destiny, lies destitute
Landlocked, and lingering
As fragile
As a whispering cloud

I look to the night sky
But the stars merely blink
And say nothing
They are already ghosts

The oceans, ebb, and flow
Shift, in the sands of time
Hide behind
Their lunar (e)motions

A heart beat, slows
Forlorn, forgotten
A broken shell
A grain of sand
Always shifting

by Jemia
The old farmer Tom Macdonald
Had a chicken farm E I E I O!
Easily losing many chickens

Quickly to foxes
Until, after numerous attempts
In trying to outwit the..
Cunning fox, all had failed
Kindness left him, he built an electric fence

But ended up electrocuting, some of the hens
Roughly seven others went stir crazy
Over being cooped up in their coop
Warm for the night, overheating
Next, they attacked each other

For in desperation
Old farmer Tom, set a moat around
Xanadu (he'd thus named the coop!)

Just to find
Under darkness, the fox built a drawbridge
Moving over the moat
Silly old Tom, got a guard dog

On its first night
Violently, the dog
Eating some of the chickens
Roughly, Tom tethered the dog, on night two

The tether was to short
Happened therefore
Easily the fox moved beyond reach of the tether

Later on, the third night, the farmer had re-erected
An electric fence, refilled the moat, and fed the dog
Zombie like, the dog, fell asleep, and was awoken by
Yokes, and a gadzooks, coming from the coop, but was to slow

During its escape, the quick brown fox jumps
Over the lazy dog
Grinning, as simply as abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

by Jemia
94 · Feb 2021
The Three Doors
Wandering through a small forest
I came across an old gnarled tree
As i drew even closer
It had a doorway i could see
It was all wonky, and misshapen
My curiosity took control
As i pushed it wide open
It swallowed me whole
I was ****** into a world of cats
Some were flying, some sound asleep
And others were simply walking around
With purrings so very deep
Others gently brushed my legs
Guiding me  like that
Leading me to another cat
Which was sat upon a mat
This cat then spoke to me
Saying "i purr therefore i Siam!"
For i was on an journey
To discover who i am
The talking cat flew away
And left me to my own devices
I was guided to a plain looking door
Behind which lay more surprises.
I then entered a new world
All black, and white, and grey
Walking along on a white footpath
With blackening trees all asway
I meet an elderly lady
Who speaks to me in grey
She told me to remember
not all is as it appears
She then turns into a wailing ghost
Then suddenly disappears
I wandered further, along this curious route
To see where it would lead
Just ahead, i saw a door
a door of shining gold indeed
i knocked three times on this one
As i felt not so bold
A voice came through, and said enter
I did, as i was told
And entered a wonderful palace
Where all was covered in a golden braid
Within i was greeted with much hype
By pixies, fairies, and love
All playing harps, and flutish pan pipes
And Titania, and Oberon, flew down from above
The King, and his beautiful queen
Both spoke to me together
You've three doors of love to enter yet
Or you'll lose your love forever
Just a simple choice you need to make
To find the one you adore
When you soon leave this world
You must walk through the right door
There was a flash of light
And i was in the same woods where i'd started
and came facing three doors, but did they mean the right door, or the door on the right?
by Jemia
94 · Jul 2021
Fairy Socks
Ive just observed
Shiny glitter in my socks
Perhaps it is fairy dust
I could leap from my window
Or balcony
And flap my arms
To see
Then explain my experiment
At accident, and emergency
I think for now
I'll assume
They are not socks
With fairy dust
Although i do possess
A liquid
Made by fairies
I know this
As it says so on the bottle
Should'st i drink some?
Or wash up
Some old crocks
Along with the fairy dust
Within my socks?
I once knew a tooth fairy
Her name was Nasha
But that's another tale
I have to depart now
As ive been summoned
By a quaint fairy bell

by Jemia
93 · Jan 2023
Dreams Of A Dragon
The skies
Burst asunder
As through the broken clouds
A great thunder
As a roaring
Of a great dragons breath
From the dragons mouth
As its firey breath
First burnt out the north
And then the south
Then the east
The dragon then flew west
Its fire, dead
It then glided
Along the now
Crimson red sky
And like a slave
To its own desires
Returned to its cave
Burnt out
Lost in its opinions
Of a race
That lacked subtlety
He was simply avenging
Mother earth
His fire
For Gaia
Who he had loved
Since his laboured birth
He entered his lair
Stepping on ancient gold
From old
He wept
Steaming dragon tears
Then silently wallowed
He would wipe away
His cindered tears
And his sorrow
And release his rage
But until then
He would dream
His dragon dreams

by Jemia
93 · May 2021
Ive got pockets on my jacket
And pockets on my coat
Pockets on my bumbag
And pockets on my non-existent boat

Ive got pockets on my bicycle
And pockets by my eyes
Pockets on my underthings
To keep away the flies!

Ive got pockets that i did not pick
And pockets full of air
Pockets full of nonsense
And pockets everywhere

Some of my pockets don't exist
And some are quite surreal
Including a little lost pocket, in a locket
And a hidden one in my heel

Some of my pockets are disguised as bags
Or a Pandoras box, and some such thing
But my favourite little pocket
Is within a secret magical ring

Which once delved into
Leads me to another world
Where there are no pockets of any kind
Just a myriad of mysteries, yet to be unfurled

by Jemia
92 · Jan 2021
Seeking Tranquillity
Another shrouded Moon of despair
Both glowering, and glowing
As darkened, shadowed Harebells
Await the coming dawn
They flounce, and swoon
At a tender zephyr breeze
As if to awaken
Their moist innocence
Emitting gentle sprays of water
To the sleeping green grass
Growing at their stem
Drops of dew delicately drip down
Tinkling the Harebells
That pout, and kiss the naked air
As the nature of the day
Slowly awakens
Puffball eyes
Soon there are flutterings
As wings of insect life
Venture forth
To quaff the moistened pollen
Of the now invigorated beauty
I arrive upon this scene
Every day, like a ghost
I float, and hover around
This enchanted paradise
As a new pure tranquillity
Caresses my heart
As my eyes bleed tears
At the wonder of it all
I then awaken from a rare dream
by Jemia
92 · Nov 2021
Here i am
My dwelling
A myriad of thoughts
I'm no longer telling
In position
Of an
A tsunami of thoughts
Floods my brain
I know not
Where they come from
Only that they
Come again
And again
And again
Like a tidal wave
As i tiptoe
Into the puddles
Of my

by Jemia
There was a young lady of Hastings
Who tried some artistic pastings
It went all askew
When she got covered in glue
That stuck up lady of Hastings
by Jemia
91 · Mar 2021
Shindig Ethereal
Invite to the Wild Fairy Ball
Hosts Titania and Oberon, hear our call
Welcome, welcome, welcome one, and all
You are duly invited, to attend our ball
Where Fairies, and Elves, and Pixies will dance
And lovers will meet, for a little romance
Where tables are set, full of food and red wine
And musical harps, and lyres, will offer sublime
And owls, and foxes, cats, and hares
Will dance the dance Fandango, with a magical flare
Pan will enchant you, with his pipes all afire
All will dance, around the flames of desire
And Unicorns will gallop, and Trolls will groan
Welcome one and all, to the twilight zone
Try not to turtle, smurtle, fret, or fottle
There is no need, to bring a bottle!
by Jemia
91 · Aug 2020
Camembert Dreams!
I ate cheese late last night

So ive only got myself to blame

That i suffered such scary nightmares

Life will never be the same!

by Jemia
As i took my
My ******* to the bins
I discovered
Much to my surprise
A supermassive black hole
Had appeared on my doorstep
Accompanied by
A variety of galaxies
Exo planets
And star forming regions
Thinking on my feet
I thought this will save me
Walking to the bin
And thence
Threw all my *******
Into the supermassive black hole
If this may perhaps
Be a possible solution
To off-loading all the crap
That's currently around us
So maybe NASA
Could design
A giant supermassive space dump truck
Head it towards the black hole
And voila, or eureka
A tidy planet
And act like a plug to the black hole
Thus saving us
From being ****** in
Several billion years from now
Well i do like
To think outside the box....

by Jemia
It was raining cats
Under a mewling wind
So i entered a small wood
To seek shelter
I wandered of the main path
Through the broad, and narrow trees
Eventually reaching
A small, but dark
Dangerous pool
I glanced inwards
It proffered no reflection
And no insects skated across
It's murky surface
It began to whirl
And from it's depths
Arose a curious bright, light
A glowing globe
hovered over the pool for a while
Then moved across
And was by my side
At the blink of an eye
I was mesmerised, and also frightened
It soon began to transform
Into the shape
Of a young woman
She had shiny, long flowing
Raven tresses
And eyes, of an emerald green
That glinted, and glimmered
As a small ray of sunshine
Scrambled through the heavy
Foliage, of the forest
Surrounding her look of seeming serenity
She was equal in height to me
So when she glanced into my eyes
It was as though, she was looking into my soul
She had a ponderous look upon her face
As if considering my fate
She wore no crown, or jewels
but had flowers in her hair
Soon other gleams of light appeared
And i assumed
That they would form into
Accompanying fairies
But i was wrong
As they took the form
Of small demons
At the same time
As, who i'd presumed was Titania
Queen of the fairies
Her tresses curled
And her eyes turned a malignant red
She then told me her name
And upon clicking her now long fingernails
Her demons
Dragged me into the whirling pool
And towards some kind of nightmare world
Where ghosts roamed around screaming
There were no life forms.
In the distance
Over the undulating fractured landscape
were a few dead trees
There gnarly limbs
Reaching out, to an unrelenting
Cold, and bitter sky
But i was not yet ready to die
Hecate cackled, indulging in my terror
I imagined this was hell, or somewhere similar
She was delighted to tell me
That she had merely taken me
into the future by sixty years
She then read me some verse
And that i was to make a choice

Slit my wrists
Or cut my throat
Stick my head in the oven
Or drown in a moat

Jump of a rooftop
Jump under a train
Take an overdose
Go insane

Blow my brains out
Suffocate my breath
So many choices
Resulting in death

I chose insanity
As i did not wish to die
I then started laughing
A maniacal kind of laugh
I then died in my head
My only company
Were the putrid dead
Hecate clicked her fingers again
And suddenly, i was beside the pool
I ran as fast as i could
To escape this bewitched wood
Guided by the moonlight
I soon reached the wet open
Relishing the rain, the beautiful rain

by Jemia
The fairies
Sang to me last night
They had gathered upon my balcony
In the middle fae part of the night
Until the middle fae part of pre-dawn
And as i watched
Bewildered by this fantastical sight
I yawned three times
Then rub my blurry eyes
On the oaken table before me
I see the emblem of a golden unicorn
Engraved upon a golden goblet
Within this golden vessel
Lies nectar
That whirls, and swirls
Like a tempest
A tsunami of temptation
At the awaiting golden deluge
That shall pass my willing lips
As i sup, from this cup
I find myself drifting into a small copse
Of talking trees
Their voices drift off
As the saplings
Begin to tremble, and quake
And shiver, and shake
As they break free from the ground
There roots splaying upwards, and free
They begin to dance
The elder trees watch on
And sway
With the sounds of aeolian harps
And the rustling leaves
Soon accompanied by a strange singing
That is drifting along the wind
From the nearby dark pool
A choir of sirens
Their strange silken laced voices
Pull, and tug at my being
Then, in unison
The mermaids suddenly pirouette
Back into the pool
The trees stop swaying
The saplings re-root themselves
Then nothing
Other than a strange, silent, stillness
Leaving me feeling slightly unnerved
By this sudden quietitude
This silence was broken
As i could hear some soft birdsong
Yet i could see no wings amongst the trees
B ut then i glanced downwards
And to my surprise
I saw birds rising from the ground
As i looked on in wonder, all around
They all looked the same
Dull earthy browny grey
Yet their songs were beautiful
The sirens joined in again
I cried, mesmerised
At the magical feast before me
And was not to surprised
To find myself floating
As soft silken wings
Had grown from my back
And within moments, or could of been years
I was dancing with other fairy creatures
In circles of screaming delight
Words began to fall from my lips
Smooth, soft, and beautiful sonnets
Dipped, and plunged into rambling brooks
Like wild salmon
In an language i had never spoken
So i knew not their interpretation
But instinct told me their meaning
The soft melodic tones, flowed gently
like the soft caresses of a harpist
Upon ethereal strings
We flew, we dived, we jigged
And sang, and laughed, and danced
I suddenly awoke
In the middle of a field
The trees, ground dwelling birds, fairies
Mermaids, and their dark pool
Had all seemingly simply vanished
And i suddenly felt alone, and vulnerable
And felt an overwhelming sadness looming
When, out of the ground
Appeared a very muddy looking bird
I held out my left arm
To give it a perch
I was expecting some more beautiful birdsong
But instead
It began to speak to me
And as it spoke
I felt a strange tingling
As my wings reappeared
And i was able to fly again
The bird told me it's name was
Told me
That if i so desired
Would i like to become a Messenger Fairy
Which would involve travelling between
The two worlds, and maybe others
I said that i would do, what i could
But was worried that my voice
Would fall on reluctant ears
Bun fell silent for a moment
Then said
"Better a whispered voice
Than no voice at all!"
And with that
Flew back down
To it's nest in the ground
R was still
In the middle of a field
Naked, and now winged
And no idea where i was
Or whether i was still dreaming
Become part ethereal
Or simply become 'mad as a box of frogs!'
My immediate issue, was clothing
But then considered that if i am art ethereal
Did i possess any magic
So closed my eyes, and wished myself dressed
It worked!
I then flew from the field
And followed roads looking for signs
finally finding one
which read
"No Through Road!
Then i woke up?

by Jemia
Arctic Skuas, fish wives beware,
       steal from birds, without a care
Blackbirds, fond of hedgerows hewn,
           known to whistle occasional tunes
Cuckoos. heralding spring sing loud,
            beware the cuckoo land cloud!
Doves, duck with a divers ease,
            traditionally symbolise beautiful peace
Eagles, immortal, courageous and bold,
            eagle-eyed, with a plumage of gold
Flycatchers, search flies in flight,
            swoop from perches, feeding mid-flight
Geese, possessing little wit,
            occasionally upon golden eggs do sit!
Herons, gangly and vexed,
             also known for having s-shaped necks
Insects, many a good feed,
             airborne fast food, eaten at speed
Jackdaws, inquisitive, kindred of Crow,
             steals through the skies, taking all aglow
Kingfishers, sapphire, red, and green,
             beautiful colours to be seen
Lapwings, loud shrills, and insincere,
             fly with egg-shell attached very near
Magpies, possessing magical mystique,
             sometimes portent of coming times bleak
Nightingales, mythologically Philomel,
             melodious midnight serenades, sang so well
Owls, emblems of Athens past,
              symbolic of wisdoms, of the stars
Partridges, particularly partial to pear trees,
              when braced, huntsmen to please
Quails, eggs delicacies held dear,
              causes Quails to tremble with fear
Robins, red-breasted, (with leaves they cover the dead), not Puckish, but good,
              loved like the folk hero Robin Hood
Starlings, amiable, keen for friendship,
              travel afar on migrational trips
Thrush also Throstle, fluent of tongues,
              mistle-toe food and christmassy songs
Uplands, Utopia for magical Merlins,
               loves high ground, gently unfurling
Vermian, for most birds, a succulent delight,
               eating worms, as part of their diet
Woodpeckers, like climbing trees,
               picking out insects, with utmost ease
X is for extinction, of various birds,
               preventative action, louder than words
Yellowhammers, cursed eggs destroyed,
               taken by men, collecting like boys
Zoos, offering sanctuary for endangered species,
               unfortunately caused by the human disease
88 · Aug 2022
Cutting Leaves
Dear family
We went on another march today
And found a platoon of our colleagues
Lying dead in a large circle
We all instantly knew
The fate that befell them
They'd lost contact
With HQ
Got lost
And literally
Wandered round in circles
Gradually starving to death
I'm writing this to you dear family
As this current patrol
All fully comprehend
The circumstances
That we now find ourselves in
And the realisation
That we now face
The same fate
As we too
Have drifted out of contact range
If you get this message
Which i very much doubt you will
I knew the consequences
When i was first signed up
To the 27th Soldier Ant Regiment
2nd hill
Unit three
I miss cutting leaves!

by Jemia
written after watching a part of a documentary about the strange life's of Soldier Ants, once they are out of range of the pheromones from the main nest, they get totally lost and walk round in...
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