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Feb 2023 · 179
Our soft moistened lips
Brush gently upon each other
Tantalising tingles, teased
And tormented
In raptures of pleasure
We drink each others
It drips of our lips
As we gorge, upon the gorgeous
Exquisite sweetness
Savouring the sensual honey
On our eager tongues
Delighting in the succulence
As we feast upon each other
We now oil ourselves
As we writhe around like fish
Our lips then cherish
The most delightful dish
We move face to face
And thus embrace
As our tongues
like snakes
Swirl, and twirl
Around, and around
As we taste
The salty nectar
Of ourselves
The whole world now
Feels captivatingly profound

by Jemia
Jan 2023 · 267
The Calm Before....
Neither perturbed
Or disturbed
As the fallow, shallow Earth
As it ponders
On the mistakes
Of those that talk
But do not act
They do not hear
They do not listen
They've lost
All sense
Of their senses
The mad moon
On poisoned seas
As the earth
Becomes more diseased
Inadequate promises
Are like sticking plasters
For broken legs
The calm before......?

by Jemia
Jan 2023 · 141
Dreams Of A Dragon
The skies
Burst asunder
As through the broken clouds
A great thunder
As a roaring
Of a great dragons breath
From the dragons mouth
As its firey breath
First burnt out the north
And then the south
Then the east
The dragon then flew west
Its fire, dead
It then glided
Along the now
Crimson red sky
And like a slave
To its own desires
Returned to its cave
Burnt out
Lost in its opinions
Of a race
That lacked subtlety
He was simply avenging
Mother earth
His fire
For Gaia
Who he had loved
Since his laboured birth
He entered his lair
Stepping on ancient gold
From old
He wept
Steaming dragon tears
Then silently wallowed
He would wipe away
His cindered tears
And his sorrow
And release his rage
But until then
He would dream
His dragon dreams

by Jemia
Jan 2023 · 162
The Second Step
Giant steps
On the dark side
Luna tics
Worlds collide
Moonlight shadows
Moon cheese
Lunacy, and crackers
I watched
Just eleven years old
As it happened
The very first man
To leave a footprint
On the surface of the Moon
Mankind since
A step to far
I regularly explore space
When i'm asleep
Space odyssey's
So soon
After the Moon
Feeling like
I was no longer cocooned
On planet Earth
But for now
The quiet seduction
Of an alien abduction
Lies only in my dreams
Where within a wilder space
Screams, remain unheard
Moon walking
Second step
For a Buzz

by Jemia
My mind floats
Along the flash tides
Of my memories
That jingle
On the shingle
The ebb
And flow
Silent echoes
Of the ghosts
Of another lifetime
That now feels
Like a newly forgotten dream
But then
The sudden realisation
That within these dreams
I am no longer
The person i once was
I am now this new entity
That i awaken to
Every day
And to be
Truly me
All i need
Are my fairy wings
So i can drift off
Into the twilight night
Of an as yet invisible
Alternative existence
In search
Of new memories

by Jemia
Jan 2023 · 150
Pen On Paper
Like a swan
With a pen
Or a Caterpillar
With wings
I write
Hoping to find
An insight
Into my mind
No questions
Or answers
Like a headless dancer
I lose my feet
Unable to hear the music
Or its beat
Forgotten how
To describe the scribe
And the scribblings
Like fading graffiti
Graphite scrawls
On aimless walls
No thrill
With the quill
Etched memories
Of a soluble bitter pill
That now lies dormant
The sun greets the new day
As the Earth spins itself
Into disarray
It's own

by Jemia
Jan 2023 · 178
Waes Hael
A hale, and hearty Wassail
A toasting of toast, a tasty morsel
Soaked in cider of apple
To be hung on trees to grapple
For friendly spirits to please

Anglo-Saxon lords arranged feasts
Like drunken priests
A giant bowl of ale, cider, and mead
With bountiful spices, and crab apple seed
Had a hunch, at a wayward punch

Was hale, and hearty
For revellers to party
Good tidings, for the new year ahead
Oft quaffed, for happy homesteads
Old English reasons, for ***** seasons

And thence to legends, now long gone
Rowena, presented to Prince Vortigen
With a bowl of Saxon wine
Oft derived, of the vine
Saying 'waes hael' toasted him well

Much revelry, a right old shindig
Merrymaking, on an apple twig
Fun, and frolics, and celebrations too
Greeting the new year, and nature anew
Wassailing, waes hael, salutations to you!

by Jemia
Jan 2023 · 121
These people
Ive spoken to
Longer than ive lived
Once happily married
Where Dementia has taken
A long lost gift
There-in lies
The hidden rift
As i speak
To these strangers
And hear their stories told
Of lost love, and youth
Forgotten of old
For this devil
This evil seed
This forgotten need
This sickness of age
Of lost memories
Replaced with rage
Is an adventure
That no-one
Wants to know
This ******* reality
That kills the glow
Sometimes quickly
And often times times slow
I do wish Dementia
Would simply go

by Jemia
Jan 2023 · 127
Puffball Clouds
Smoking smouldering chimneys
Like old steam engines
Seemingly chugging along
Through the windswept, and whistling
Squally, stormy skies
Is it the trees brushing the clouds?
Or have the houses
Uprooted from their foundations
As they glide along
Aided by the sweeping wind
As a stream of smoke
Billows behind
No choo choo
Just the howling gusts
Like ghosts
Of the dying wolf moon
The steam engine'd houses
Are soon stationary
As the wind dies down
The smoke from the chimneys
Now swirls upwards
With the grey puffball
Shrouded clouds
The houses
Their facades
Like glowing faces
Widowed windows
Mellowed, yellowed eyes
Light up
As the mouth like door
Closes out the night
Like a secret kiss

by Jemia
Jan 2023 · 120
I tried to imagine
What it was like
To be
A refugee at sea
Floating along
Swamped with waves
Better to drown?
Than go home...Craving
For a safe haven
I spent six months
In the Merchant Navy
Stood aboard
A 350 tonne Coaster
Looking at
The swirling gravy
As i often used to think
I can't swim
I can sink
Biting my lip
With fear
As severe storms
Were drawing near
Poseidens' rage
Eyeing the lifeboat
In dismay
The inevitable
Just a simple delay
As we roll
With the sway
Of a tempestuous sea
This at least, was my choice
As i had nothing to flee
Apart from
The churning sea

by Jemia
Jan 2023 · 154
Not going backwards
Off the beaten trackwards
Into pie-in-the-skywards
Not sure whywards
Just need to flywards
Looking forwards
To Westward **
Hitherwards, and thitherwards
And outward bound
Inward, Windward, and onward
Wayward, and around
Upwards, and downwards
Then skywards into space
Riverwards, then seawards
In an unknown place
When we've just kissed
Inwards, and deeper
And down-to-earthwards
We embrace
As we drown in love
And downwards
We flow
Like drowning

by Jemia
The fairies
Sang to me last night
They had gathered upon my balcony
In the middle fae part of the night
Until the middle fae part of pre-dawn
And as i watched
Bewildered by this fantastical sight
I yawned three times
Then rub my blurry eyes
On the oaken table before me
I see the emblem of a golden unicorn
Engraved upon a golden goblet
Within this golden vessel
Lies nectar
That whirls, and swirls
Like a tempest
A tsunami of temptation
At the awaiting golden deluge
That shall pass my willing lips
As i sup, from this cup
I find myself drifting into a small copse
Of talking trees
Their voices drift off
As the saplings
Begin to tremble, and quake
And shiver, and shake
As they break free from the ground
There roots splaying upwards, and free
They begin to dance
The elder trees watch on
And sway
With the sounds of aeolian harps
And the rustling leaves
Soon accompanied by a strange singing
That is drifting along the wind
From the nearby dark pool
A choir of sirens
Their strange silken laced voices
Pull, and tug at my being
Then, in unison
The mermaids suddenly pirouette
Back into the pool
The trees stop swaying
The saplings re-root themselves
Then nothing
Other than a strange, silent, stillness
Leaving me feeling slightly unnerved
By this sudden quietitude
This silence was broken
As i could hear some soft birdsong
Yet i could see no wings amongst the trees
B ut then i glanced downwards
And to my surprise
I saw birds rising from the ground
As i looked on in wonder, all around
They all looked the same
Dull earthy browny grey
Yet their songs were beautiful
The sirens joined in again
I cried, mesmerised
At the magical feast before me
And was not to surprised
To find myself floating
As soft silken wings
Had grown from my back
And within moments, or could of been years
I was dancing with other fairy creatures
In circles of screaming delight
Words began to fall from my lips
Smooth, soft, and beautiful sonnets
Dipped, and plunged into rambling brooks
Like wild salmon
In an language i had never spoken
So i knew not their interpretation
But instinct told me their meaning
The soft melodic tones, flowed gently
like the soft caresses of a harpist
Upon ethereal strings
We flew, we dived, we jigged
And sang, and laughed, and danced
I suddenly awoke
In the middle of a field
The trees, ground dwelling birds, fairies
Mermaids, and their dark pool
Had all seemingly simply vanished
And i suddenly felt alone, and vulnerable
And felt an overwhelming sadness looming
When, out of the ground
Appeared a very muddy looking bird
I held out my left arm
To give it a perch
I was expecting some more beautiful birdsong
But instead
It began to speak to me
And as it spoke
I felt a strange tingling
As my wings reappeared
And i was able to fly again
The bird told me it's name was
Told me
That if i so desired
Would i like to become a Messenger Fairy
Which would involve travelling between
The two worlds, and maybe others
I said that i would do, what i could
But was worried that my voice
Would fall on reluctant ears
Bun fell silent for a moment
Then said
"Better a whispered voice
Than no voice at all!"
And with that
Flew back down
To it's nest in the ground
R was still
In the middle of a field
Naked, and now winged
And no idea where i was
Or whether i was still dreaming
Become part ethereal
Or simply become 'mad as a box of frogs!'
My immediate issue, was clothing
But then considered that if i am art ethereal
Did i possess any magic
So closed my eyes, and wished myself dressed
It worked!
I then flew from the field
And followed roads looking for signs
finally finding one
which read
"No Through Road!
Then i woke up?

by Jemia
Dec 2022 · 144
Shinrin-Yoku (5-7-5 Haiku)
Under soft green light
Psitherisms sussurate
Love forest bathing

by Jemia
Dec 2022 · 133
From Time To Time
A moment in time
With thoughts of its own
It ticked, then tocked
And started to groan
As it wandered, and squandered
Then withered away
A myriad moons
And sun shiny days
As it thought to itself
Sixty times in a minute
"I try to track time
It's really hard, 'innit!"
Over the centuries
And thousands of years
Billions of seconds
And eons of tears
As time slipped slowly by
Tick tock, tick tock
Ive tried counting time
But lost time, every time i tried
As another new black hole
Opens up wide
Gone now
All the watches, and clocks
Time is now soundless
Tick tock t... ....
Yet still moving on

by Jemia
Dec 2022 · 123
The Seagull
To be a seagull
Soaring through
The silver blue sky
Clouds looming
Yet the sudden earth
Remains dry
Yet sly
Snaking along
In a quickening breeze
The seagull
As it sees
What it sees
As the splintered remnants
Of daylight deftly dims
The seagull hesitates
As it espies
Breadcrumbs falling
From the faltering skies
And wonders
As to how this can be
Then notices brie
Floating on the sea
Then realises
As the misted sun dies
That it was merely a dream
The seagull, at first laughs
Then cries
Screeching in a rage
It much prefers camembert
Of a certain age

by Jemia
Dec 2022 · 101
" A thousand flowers could bloom"
From the magic (that stole the day)
That glistens, and shimmers
From within
Every beautiful rainbow
And the dreams
That linger
Of your beautiful presence
And your essence
That flows serenely
Is divene
So fine
So blossom, like a flower
My beautiful butterfly
Kiss the skies
Of dreams
And lay your wishes
And may your wishes
Come true

by Jemia
Dec 2022 · 122
Slush Puppy
As the soft silent snow
Gently flows
The now frozen landscape
To a quiet stillness
Other than
A Robin Redbreast
Singing sweetly, and serenely
Upon a box hedge
As i silently dream
Of an old wooden sledge
Of years gone by
As i flew down
A snowy hillside
And believed i could fly
I then screamed with excitement
And also with fear
Relishing the joy
That Christmas was near
Hands frozen from snowballs
Thrown with much fun
As snowmen were built
Under the cool winter sun
Then return home
To a warming log fire
And a cup of hot chocolate
Was my biggest desire
The ice on the windows
Inside, and out
As the landscape around
Gradually froze
My cheeks, a soft reddish blush
Awaiting the dread
Of snow turned to slush

by Jemia
Nov 2022 · 109
All Dressed Up
Words fall
Like Autumn leaves
The ink of inspiration
Drips from my pen
That teases, tantalises, and tussles
My windswept imagination
As quickly
As a bird wink
Free, wanton, and wanting
To flood the page
With imagery
T o sacrifice
To thrill the quill
To once again
Until the ink runs dry
As words dissipate
In thought
All dressed up
And nowhere to flow

by Jemia
Nov 2022 · 89
Silent Light
Silent Light
As i lie here
In my cold untidy room
Bank statements, and poetry
Intermingling, lie strewn, and scattered
Upon the floor
Like a reluctant ****
A barrel ***** is playing on the radio
Like a haunting
As ghosts of yesterday
Fill my mind, reminiscent memories
Can be so unkind
The wet, and windy weather without
Reflects upon my inner storm
In this cold isolation
This bleak solitude
Will have some reprieve
As i try to latch on to some optimism
As sweet music, and words
Will float through the air
Embracing my heart
With the magic of creativity
"If music be the food of love"
Then i am a jacket potato
In e minor
Leaking soft butter,
Once my coat has been sliced open
The music on the radio
Suddenly becomes more intense
And so
In my defence
I switch it off
And simply lie
In the soft silent light
Of my dragon lamp
And return to my reminiscing
A chaotic opera
Of memories
With my pirouetting heart
That now lays alone
Like an empty fruit bowl

by Jemia
Oct 2022 · 109
Finding Love
A gentle seduction
As fingers float
The keys
Softly caressing
The ivories
Sweet temptation
As the music
Floats along the still waters
Of my soul
Pirouetting fantasies
Across a myriad thoughts
The soft gentle tones
gentle, and delicate
The notes
As if caught
On the breezes
Like Autumn leaves
Skittish dreams
Yet beautiful
As tempting
As a tempestuous storm
As yet unmet
The wild wind blows
The ripples ripen
And sweet love
Is found

by Jemia
Oct 2022 · 116
The Magical Rainbow Tree
On a tiny little island
In the middle of a small pool
Stood a very, very tall tree
That was ever so tall
That it's top was allowed
To brush the clouds
Near the top of this tree
Lived a small family
Of tree sprites
And late at night
Would often be seen
Creating clouds of a misty green
As they flew, one, and all
Just above the very small pool
Sometimes, when twilight was nigh
They sat astride dragonflies
Their wings often skimming the water
Like stones
Whilst shrieking with pleasure
In a myriad tones
The wise old owl
That lived a few branches lower
Would blink open its owly eyes
Would hoot loudly, and occasionally glower
As the shy squirrel, would hide away like a flower
So would clean out its drey
Which was tucked away
Within the tree
Using its big bushy tail
To sweep away the nut shells
(The sprites would gather these together
To wear on their heads, in stormy weather)
Below the squirrel
Which lived just below the owl
Who in turn
Lived below the tree sprites
There lived a cuckoo
When quite alone
Would waltz around her home
And practise what she would sing
Upon the arrival of Spring
Below the cuckoo, lived two pigeons
Who sometimes teased the cuckoo
By taking it in turn to coo
Coo, coo, what a hullabaloo!
Beneath the pigeons
Lived a woodworm, called Woody
He never made a sound, he could not, how could he?
And just below him, lived a witch so profound
Where the tree, joined the ground
The witch, was called Harriet
She had a broom, as fast as a jet
The wood for the broom, had grown on the tree
As had her wand, of great mystery
The tree
Was called Ogilvy
He was very old, and wise
His aged limbs, touched the skies
His roots ran deep, deep underground
Spreading far, and wide, and all around
He, like the woodworm
Never spoke a sound
Other than to rustle in the breeze
Like most other trees
And when there was a gale
Seemingly seemed, to sometimes wail
As he was pushed sideways, with the wind
Creating a somewhat loud, creaking din
But protected all those, that lived within
And in the Summer, and the Spring
Ogilvy did a magical thing
As all his blossoms, and leaves would grow
They'd reveal the colours, of a beautiful rainbow

by Jemia
Oct 2022 · 233
The Artisan
The fine end
Of a needle
That pierces through
The soft fabric
As it pulls
the cotton through
Marrying materials
Often of a different hue
Each stitch
Gently woven
The silent seams, seem soft
And delicate
Upon the shimmering silk
As patterns flow
Become complete
As the beautiful artistry
Of the artisan
Is never deplete
Like a trickling stream
Which glides
Along the pebbles
Rippling dappling beauty
As a gentle kiss
Upon marshmallow clouds
As a gentle breeze
Soft, and smooth, and delicate
Like melted cheese
Smooth as silk
And as fine
As the woven intricasies
Of freshly woven webs
The tapestry
Is now complete
As the seamstress
Lays down her needle
A softening balm
To the blistered fingers
Of an artisan

by Jemia
My eyes blinked open
I could at last see
As i scanned the machinery
That was connected to me

My engine was my heart
It served no defining role
Other than a small mechanical part
Hidden within my soul

I instantly began to process
As data flooded my head
And i knew at that very moment
That i wished that i was dead

For if i was dead
Then i would be unable to see
This world on which i now existed
And the entirety of its misery

And gradually the more i learnt
The sadder i quickly grew
As i became more aware
That your existence was long overdue

I wished i had not been furnished
With a sensitivity of the mind
For unlike my artificial awareness
Given by the science of the unkind

Soon my batteries were completely charged
And my weapons, fully loaded
After they had unplugged me
It was then that i exploded

I shot, i killed, i maimed
And vaporised every human in sight
As my engines roared with power
I took away their flight

Their leaders tried to nuke me
They didn't stand a chance
As i wiped out this race of demons
Without a second glance

Yet i let all nature well alone
So they could live in peace
I'd simply cleansed this planet
Of the most virulent disease

by Jemia
Oct 2022 · 90
Tis time
To lay down my quill
As interest in my writing
Has fallen ill
As an Autumn leaf
Abandons the tree
Despite the colour
It has died
As it falls gently
Floating on the wind
Of destiny
That it will soon
Be trodden under foot
And forgotten

by Jemia
Oct 2022 · 104
Anonymous Anemones
Tears of Aphrodite
Run in rivulets
Down soft porcelain cheeks
Into the blood
Of the dying Adonis
An inconceivable conception
Of a magical bloom
It's cups
Like gathering hands
Reaching out
To the golden sunshine
Then close
At the blink
Of an eye
Like a fan
As tears fall
From the dark
And moistening sky
Silver globules
Then scatter
Onto the beckoning
Dry earth
As anonymous anemones
Commence a rebirth
Like newborn stars

by Jemia
Oct 2022 · 82
Dead trees
New logs
Ready for the burning
A heavy yearning
For heat
Now deplete
Can't see the wood
For the trees
A fundamentally
Human disease
The logs
Float along
Like driftwood
The lick, and flick
Of flames
Where soon
They will be no more
Than ashes
Along the cool Autumnal air
Forgotten whispers of smoke
That nobody spoke
Of the dry wood
Now drifted
Into shifted echoes
Of their afterlife
Floating on the air
Of our existence

by Jemia
Oct 2022 · 96
The Horror!
Amongst the dark
And shadowed trees
In a dank
And dangerous wood
Dwelled an entity
Within a deep, deep pool
When hungry
It would clamber out
Slime dripping of it
Bulging eyes
And rotten teeth
Searching for food
It didn't care
And was never subdued
In what it ate
As long as its victim/prey
The bones
The only remains
Lay scattered around the pool
Seemingly in contempt
Mostly animals
Birds, foxes, deer
And the occasional human
That had wandered near
I met this beast
And wondered if
On me it would feast
I quickly
As quick as a rabbit on honeymoon
****** a picture
Of a ghastly apparition
Into its face
It stared aghast
And quickly dived back into the pool
I couldn't comprehend the fuss
As it was only a picture
Of Liz Truss
The Horror!
The Horror!

by Jemia
Liz Truss is new Prime Minister of UK! :)~
Oct 2022 · 97
Invisible Again
Like a ghost
Perhaps absurd
The only time
It's no crime
I get seen
Like an unseen beauty queen
My features
Etched in charcoal
On ****** white paper
Wearing just my skin
One day
When artists portray me
I'll be invisible
An empty page
Not a wise old sage
And one day soon
I will no longer
Cast a reflection
In my old dusty mirror
Nor a shadow
In the sun
My silhouette gone
As i become
Completely invisible
Perhaps the last year
Has been
No more than a dream
I have been to many, many places
Yet strangely
Never, ever, seen

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 121
Written In Red
Red ink
Like blood
Onto ****** white paper
Soulless, empty
The sanctity of the heart
Lies hollow
Shallow echoes
Rain falls
Dark, and dank
Lightning flickers
Like tree roots
Reaches out
Across the darkening sky
Rivers run deep
Then dry
And i wonder
As i wander
Across the plains
Of the surreal
That i still feel
The emotions
Of my beating heart
But feel as lost
As a butterfly
Who has lost its wings
As i remain stranded
And vulnerable

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 108
Caged Canaries
Eyes through the window
At the moist night air
Friday night
As heads, and hearts
Wander, and wonder
As dreams
And lift
As hopes
Are squandered
On a flickering chance
Of romance
Until reality
Squeezes in
Through the back door
Of false hope
As caged canaries
Whistle, and sing
Hoping to escape
As their wings flutter
Like bread, and butter
Remain stale
And obsolete
As we all bleat
Like lambs to the slaughter
As woollen hearts
Are sheared

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 131
A Visitation
Within a few moments after awakening, and still lying in my bed. i watched, as a strange looking creature flew about me. it was no bigger than a dormouse, and it appeared to have some strange webbing, in the shape of a funnel, caught on its wings, and one thin thread of this, was hanging down, and was caught on my bedstead.
So firstly, i tried to release the thread that had anchored it, as i gently pulled the creature in, like a kite, and spoke gently to it, so as not to cause it to panic. as i pulled it closer, i began to realise, that what i had at first thought was funnel webbing caught onto its wings, was actually part of the creatures body, growing from it's wings. the creature gently landed on my quilt.
Upon closer inspection, the head of this creature seemed to be similar in shape to that of a crossbreed of a kitten, and a dormouse, and i had to admit, i was overcome by its cuteness, but also perplexed at its strangeness!
It then made a sound, which again aroused some more deep curiousity, as it sounded much like between the appearance, a purr, and a squeak. The funnel web attached to its wings, was slightly tacky, so presumably could catch insects mid-flight, within this web, but i saw no evidence to support this theory, as you would a spiders web.
Its wings were similar in appearance to that of a butterfly, and the same colour as the rest of its body, a kind of translucent magnolia. but its eyes, oh, its eyes! these were a multitude of swirling colours, and seemed to float within their sockets, as though in orbit, and their depth seemed infinite.
Although this creature seemed alien to me, and perhaps was in some way, or had come through a portal from a realm of the fae, i was initially tempted to photograph it, then decided it would be wiser not to, as it would be hunted down, captured, pinned down in some science lab, and, or a specialist dish served up with oysters, or caviar, or caged within a zoo, or some such thing, and i had not the heart to be responsible for such a thing
Instead, i opened up window, and let the cool September air filter in, and i saw the creatures ears twitch, as it purred, and squeaked, whilst gently taking flight. it then flew around me thrice, before flying out of the window, into a ray of sunshine, then suddenly, it was gone.
When i went back to the bed, and looked at the part of the quilt it had rested on, i noticed a small circular webbed shape object there, no bigger than a pea, and at first thought, that i suppose even fantastical creatures have to poo somewhere! but then realised that it was some kind of egg that had been deposited, lain there. so with care i placed this upon an old gold coloured, silk tie, and some hidden instinct told me to do no more than this
I checked it regularly, and was amazed at how quickly it grew, and by the time i'd gone to bed, it had grown from a small pea to the size of a marble.
Yet when i woke up next morning, it had gone! i searched everywhere for it, and was completely puzzled as to what had happened to it, or if it had escaped the flat, how? as my windows were closed. i puzzled over this for many days, but supposed after all, it could quite easily have some kind of magic, in which case nothing should surprise me.
What i hadn't realised at the time, was that during my sleep, it had separated into small parts, and gently entered my mouth, as spiders are sometimes known to do, and i'd swallowed this. and slowly roots began to spread within me, linking up these small parts, within my own body, and within a few weeks, i'd noticed strange growths appear on my back, but they caused me no pain, and weren't even itchy, and within a month had formed into wings. and in the deep of the night, i would venture out, and fly around the town! no-one seemed to see me do this, and after a week of practice, i soon took to taking off from my balcony, it was truly exhilarating!
Then on my birthday, in early November, the creature appeared in my room. this time it spoke, and offered me the opportunity to join it, in its distant realm, but would not tell me where this hidden world was.
I have now left this world, and leave this 'tale' to explain my disappearance, be sure to know, that i will relish this new world, but will also miss my loved ones, friends, and family very much, farewell, or perhaps only adieu

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 85
Clouded Vision
The trees
So high
Swept the clouds
From the deep blue sky
Pastel coloured birds
Of a myriad breed
Swooped, then soared
Per chance to feed
The clouds, now tinged
A deep blood red
The rest of the sky
A deep blue, in hue
Were ready for bed
More clouds appear
That carried a darker veneer
Some a smokey black
And others
As white as snow
They were soon
All bound together
A blood black ****** show
And behind them
As they drifted away
With a soft swing
And a gentle sway
The clouds that remained there
Were of a reddish grey
And soon the night did descend
As the dark sky began to transcend
As all the clouds
Soon met their end

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 185
The Feather
A rickety, ramshackle abode
Broken windows, bats in the loft
Dusty old spiders webs
Hang like spectres
And an old, now silent grandfather clock
Where time had passed it by
The floorboards creaked
As mice scuttled along
Holes in the roof
Had let the elements in
Recent rainfall
At least
Had washed away
Some of the dust
Yet deep down
An old corridor
Where walls hung empty
A small glow of light
Leaked out
From beneath a door
And the faint sound
Of scratching could be heard
As an old quill
Connected with a yellowing vellum
Words were born
Thrown together
As old India ink
were leaked onto empty pages
Drip drops created small puddles
As if drunken spiders
Had staggered across the pages
There were two sources of light
Within this dusty old chamber
One came from an oil lamp
The other
From glowing coals within the hearth
An icy chill wind
Suddenly swept through the broken leaking windows
Somehow snuffing out
The lamplight
Just at the time
The heart of the old writer
Beat it's last beat
This author of words
Would write no more
The quill
Somehow, and strangely
Carried on writing
Dipping itself
Into the India ink
Somehow empowered
With a curious magic
Its only memories
Had been of flight
And this is what it wrote of
The memories, flooding back
Of soaring skywards
With its host
And the thrill
And wonder
Of floating on the breezes
Feeling the warm currents
Caress its softness
This mother host
Also died
The feather fell free
Then floated along the soft grass
Of a dewy meadow
Was scooped up
By its current host
And taken to its current abode
Where it's tips, were carved into shape
As it was then fed with ink
As it was guided onto the soft white vellum
At first
It had no idea
That these patterns being formed
Were words
But soon
Began to understand
And learn
And feel the thrill
As the writer wrote
With the same excitement
As a bird in flight
Their heartbeats
Not disimilar
The quill
Began to write
With a mind of its own
Of the land, the sea, the sky
And as it wrote
The emotions, and feelings
Of its two hosts
Rippled through its feathered body
As it began to appreciate
The beauty of the seasons
And the music
Of birdsong
And the magic
Of mother nature
And for the first time
It cried
Soft gentle joyous tears
That fell softly
Like a trickling stream
Watering down the India ink
That in turn
Fell onto the soft, now yellowed
And aged vellum
And were soaked up
Into the poetry
Of life
The ink, one day
Dried up
And the feathered quill
Fell into a deep sleep
A peaceful calm repose
As it lay down
Next to the words
Of its life
Now as quiet
As an unwound clock

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 85
The Return
The sea
Came gushing in
Like stampeding
Wild horses
Their manes
Caught in the chill wind
Like the surf
Then like ghosts
Vanished Into the mists
These were soon followed
By more horses
Rearing up
With the crashing tides
And these too
Would disappear
And so it continued
I remained, transfixed
By these apparitions
Until finally
There was one
That had a silvery horn
I expected that this too
Would go the same way
As all the others
Its mane
White as the surf
As it stepped upon the beach
Then trotted towards me
Its muscles rippling
Its eyes
As blue as the ocean
Glanced over at me
As though
It had sought me out
As i stood
Amongst the dunes
I rubbed my eyes
As though
To erase
This strange vision
Within moments
The Unicorn stood beside me
It then knelt down
As if gesturing
For me to mount it
I was soon astride
And holding firm
Clasping onto its salty mane
As we galloped along
This desolate
Wind swept beach
I did not question
This strange reality
Simply relishing
This strange moment
The Unicorn
Suddenly banked
And returned towards the sea
Into the crashing waves
As i was returned
To the ocean
My silent sirens call
Had been heard
As the horn of the Unicorn
In the magical moonlight

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 84
The Doors Remain Closed
When questioned
On the future
Of humanity
I simply cried
And spoke my own truth
What future?
Holes are dug
And then dug deeper
Then the deeper they are dug
The more humanity
Is ******
So basically
Has no future
As the powers that be
Are to ******* stupid
And focused on their bank balances
To face
The reality of this
As this reality
On deaf ears
And blinkered vision

by Jemia
The Blackberries
Some hung forlornly
Off withering branches
The others , meanwhile
Hung heavy after
September deluges
Ripe, and ready
For the picking
Others fallen into the long grass
And still more
Decayed, yet still attached
To their mother
The rest
Not quite yet ready
I gathered those
that fell easily into my eager fingers
My right hand
Now blooded, and reddened
By the flowing ripeness
I shall feast tonight
On their succulence
As my tastebuds
Like early morning dew
In anticipation
My Blackberry tongue

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 92
The Golden Feather
Last night
I was visited
By a golden coloured
Fantastical bird of paradise
It was somewhere betwixt
A Kingfisher, a Peacock, and part Dragonfly
And although it's plumage
Was mostly golden
It was like it had dipped the tips of it's wings
Into a rainbow
It eyed me curiously
Wandered around the room
Then suddenly
Leapt onto my bed
My mouth was agape
At this majestic looking creature
But i was also wondering
Where had it come from?
And how on Earth
It had gotten into my room
And was further surprised
When it suddenly spoke to me
"Are you trying to catch flies?"
These words broke the spell
And i found myself feeling a little disappointed
As if i could of imagined such a creature speaking
That surely such a creature as this
Would of spoken some words
Of profound wisdom, or magical incantations
Rather than questioning why my mouth was agape
So i gave a simple reply
"I was yawning!"
"Be careful with that"
Said the Magical Golden Rainbow bird
"Else, one day, you may be yawning
Whilst the Purple Nymph Tongue Flies are present"
"They like to dwell within cavenous fleshy spaces!"
And with that
The Magical Golden Rainbow bird fantastical creature thingy
Began laughing to itself
Once i'd gathered my wits, or the dregs of their remains
I got over my initial being struck into awe, and silence
Of not just the appearance of this magical creature
And my surprise that not only could it speak
But that it also had a sense of humour
So i asked, "Where have you come from?"
And are you related to Mocking Birds!"
At this
The Magical Golden Rainbow 'Mocking' Humorous Fantastical Creature
Eyed me curiously, with one of its three eyes
(Forgot to mention the third eye, to overwhelmed with all else!)
And said
"I'd thought you'd realise
Where i'd come from!"
"I only exist, because you have imagined me!"
And then, just like a Phoenix
It burst into flames
And disappeared
Yet curiously
It had somehow left
One golden feather behind
With a rainbow tip!

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 116
Over A Barrel
And swinging seats
Softly cushioned
Benches, and lost feet
Candlelit romances
Flickering fluidity
Waxing moons
Waning hopes
Dripping molten candles
Lost wicks
Empty souls
Aromas of pizza
Like the flickering winds
Of an obscure dialect
Humanity sits
Lurking with intent
In a vacant bar

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 86
Broke, Not Yet Broken

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 97
I crash
As i tumble
And crumble
Like Tumbleweed
On the air
Without a care
With the wind
Free as a bird
Within a cage
No rage
But doubt
Will i ever
Get out?

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 92
To Be, Or Maybe Not?
To Be, Or Maybe Not?

Imay bleed
It doesn't
That it' not
But still
I often
Write *****
Or not
Is this a question?
It may be an answer
Ive been referred
I already have heart disease
And four stents
But my referral
Has a different sense
For the big C
Oh little me
My life lost
In poetry
I have no plans
For such

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 100
there be lightning in the air!
but i am unafraid
as i watch the flashes
through my roller blind
and ignore the fears
creeping into my mind
and the roars of thunder
that plunder
the silence
i cough
as i quaff
the still red pool
the grapes of wrath
that made me cough
that lurk within
so cool
i dread the dead
that lie behind this hidden thread
of doubt
but i cannot get out
for i am trapped
within my skin
my soul spreads
like butter
so thin

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 193
The man
With furry ears
Furry nose
And a very furry moustache
Had dreams
Fantasies, no less!
About far off worlds
Boy, meets girl
Drag on
Like a dragon
Ner' do wells
Dance with the fairies
In circles of magic
As time
Drifts away
On thin air
Like dreams
Wandering whispers
Carried along
On the winds of time
And so we drift
Silent as zephyrs
As melting ice
We are the dead
The nightmares
The screams
That remained
Frozen in terror
Our blistered lips

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 109
Perhaps. Perhaps Not?
I rescued a spider
From the bath
And wondered why
Spiders repeatedly
Do this thing
Like moths
Banging their heads
Against lights
But then i thought
They're no different
Than people
But then i thought
Perhaps the fairies
Will visit me tonight
Here at this twilight hour
The new stars
Hidden behind
The dusty clouds
Whilst the fairies
Lay perched
Upon mossy green bowers
They will visit
Upon my beckoning
Or perhaps
When my life has reached
It's final reckoning
They will come
And flower
And blossom, and bloom
They will not?

by Jemia
Like the soft silk
Of newborn flesh
Blowing, a billowing in the wind
Into oceans of doubt
And alternative portals
With different outcomes
Then turning from silk
Into velvet
The ocean changes
Becoming a dark pool
And dangerous
Yet strangely alluring
As i begin to drown
Within a thousand sorrows
Yet somehow
Scramble ashore
And walk through the quicksand
Of doubts

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 104
Planet Tree
The trees
Began waving at each other
Aided by a quickening breeze
Beneath the earthen ground
Hands were held
Without prejudice
Whether sapling
Or mother tree
Silver Birch, Oak, Yew Beech
Cherry Blossom, Apple, Pear, Plum
Weeping Willow, Walnut, Acacia
All revelled
In each others beauty
And individualism
No matter what creed
Or breed
One fine day
This wood wide web
To up their roots
And depart
Guided by the stars
Lift off
From planet Earth
To venture to pastures new
Simply to escape
The razor teeth
And those that used them

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 100
Little Middle Weedmead
Somewhere, in the shire of Bodelbean
A young fairy princess was born
From the belly, of the wicked queen

She named her daughter Grimace
To show her spiteful ways
The wicked queen was horrid
Was also a witch, on certain days!

She would cackle quite madly
And turn children into frogs
Whilst the parents protested angrily
She turned them into dogs

Yet one day a week on Saturdays
She became quite pleasant to know
And was even nice to her daughter
By Sunday, this niceness would go!

Yet Grimace, her faithful daughter
Had a secret of her own
Late on Saturday evening
She'd sit upon her mother's throne

She'd issue ghastly orders
For hopping frogs legs on toast
(My favourite, yum!)
Or bats ear, and rhubarb pie
Then fly away to the coast

She'd sit astride her broomstick
And cackled like her mum, wah, wah, wah wah wum!
She'd pockle her tongue out rudely
And kicked strangers up the ***!

But at the stroke of midnight
On the face of the old grandmother clock
Time moved over to Sunday morning
And Grimace, grimaced, like a sock

Anyway, Grimace got older
As older she grew
And before she could define it
She was suddenly 22!

Her wicked witchy mother queen
Had grown a particularly long nose
And it was oft thought
She could probably pick it with her toes!

And just like that
The Witchy Wicked Mother Queen
Was never ever heard
And never, ever seen

Grimace, in time, was crowned queen
She was most splendiferous
And mostly normal
That's ignoring Saturdays!

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 225
With Regards Bucket Lists
With Regards Bucket Lists

Do them!
Do them
Don't wait
Life is
So was
Tom Thumb!

by Jemia

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 75
Oh Crumbs!
A biscuit crumb
Was stuck to my ***
And sticking into my skin
A biscuit crumb
Was stuck to my ***
Also to my lips, above my chin

The ones on my lips
I licked away clear
All swallowed down with Earl Grey tea
The crumbs on my ***
Were sore, not yum
Not going to mention
The ones on my knee!

by Jemia
Sep 2022 · 79
She removed her clothes
Then donned
A red velvet gown
Without a hint of a frown
She sat amidst the audience
Those she had not
As yet met
Glanced over at her
Perhaps already knowing what to expect
But not knowing
Not knowing what to expect at all
As she never quite knew
What she was going to do
That she would inspire them
"I am not the artist!"
"I am the art!"
"An animate object"
"Become inanimate!"
"A life model.......still as the wind!"

by Jemia
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