Dear family
We went on another march today
And found a platoon of our colleagues
Lying dead in a large circle
We all instantly knew
The fate that befell them
They'd lost contact
With HQ
Got lost
And literally
Wandered round in circles
Gradually starving to death
I'm writing this to you dear family
As this current patrol
All fully comprehend
The circumstances
That we now find ourselves in
And the realisation
That we now face
The same fate
As we too
Have drifted out of contact range
If you get this message
Which i very much doubt you will
I knew the consequences
When i was first signed up
To the 27th Soldier Ant Regiment
2nd hill
Unit three
I miss cutting leaves!
by Jemia
written after watching a part of a documentary about the strange life's of Soldier Ants, once they are out of range of the pheromones from the main nest, they get totally lost and walk round in...