Three healthy triplets
Now aged twenty four years old
They all share
Just one problem
A very curious one
Neither of them
Has no age recognition
They just assume
That everyone is exactly the same age
And can't understand the concept
That some people are young, or old
As to them
We are exactly the same age
As they are
This of course, caused much confusion
Especially in their early years
Although it wasn't until just after their third birthday
That their 'difference'
Became apparent
Not by their parents
But by a woman that worked at their nursery
She noticed that the triplets
Seemed to respond
In exactly the same way
To young, and old, alike
This woman Janice McTell
Mentioned her observations
To the owner of the nursery
Who gave Janice a most curious look
But nonetheless
Advised her to make a note of it
And to enter it into the triplets' file
And to 'casually' mention her observations
To the parents
Just in case it was early indicator
Of some kind of neurological dysfunction
So Janice decided to share her observations
To whichever parent turned up
At 5pm on the dot.
Both parents arrived
A young, happy, easy going couple
Janice greeted them, and said
"You have three very amazing children!"
They both smiled, a hesitant kind of smile
As they both seemed to sense
That there was going to be a 'but' coming
But Janice recognised their responses well
So changed tact
"N matter what age anyone is"
"They respond to everyone in the same way"
"As if they have no age recognition"
"As they treat everyone the same"
The parents looked puzzled
Then the mother spoke
"But we are all the same age!"
"We are simply at different stages of development!"
"It is true, that we share our children's views"
This may appear different for others"
"But that difference comes from them, not us!"
At this, Janice smiled
And waved as the three children, and their two parents left
And somehow felt strangely young again
And for another moment
Felt almost human
But had recognised that that family
Were from another world
by Jemia