A hale, and hearty Wassail
A toasting of toast, a tasty morsel
Soaked in cider of apple
To be hung on trees to grapple
For friendly spirits to please
Anglo-Saxon lords arranged feasts
Like drunken priests
A giant bowl of ale, cider, and mead
With bountiful spices, and crab apple seed
Had a hunch, at a wayward punch
Was hale, and hearty
For revellers to party
Good tidings, for the new year ahead
Oft quaffed, for happy homesteads
Old English reasons, for ***** seasons
And thence to legends, now long gone
Rowena, presented to Prince Vortigen
With a bowl of Saxon wine
Oft derived, of the vine
Saying 'waes hael' toasted him well
Much revelry, a right old shindig
Merrymaking, on an apple twig
Fun, and frolics, and celebrations too
Greeting the new year, and nature anew
Wassailing, waes hael, salutations to you!
by Jemia