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Nov 2020 · 66
The Ailment
Timeline Nov 2020
The ailment is not familiar
May be too personal or a ****
Perhaps gone thorough too many mutations
It is locked with keys lost.

Am not a doctor or a therapist
But has to deal with.
Poor doctor, what did you learn
in years!

This world is overflown with
success and
million followers.

But it cannot reach the
Darkest corner of that Atlantic.
So many prescriptions, free advices
Nothing to heal in real.

I am being dear, take up the role of
A healer, with a blind faith in mind
To do some witchcraft or black magic
The world that solved mysteries over.

It turns me believer, not what I know
But what I intend to attain
Not knowing if to solve
But to be part of solution.
Aug 2020 · 46
Timeline Aug 2020
You guard shining condominium
Banks with millions
VIPs with prime importance
The treasures of histories.

But, I guard a simple device called laptop
Worth of a few thousands.
A beeping mobile,
Simply to pick up, at its first beep.

Watchman, you work eight hours
Next guy, is already there to replace.
But the properties, I guard
Moves along with me!

They work round the clock
Replicating instructions 24X7
I cannot rest,
What a kind of Watchman, am I!
Jun 2020 · 41
Timeline Jun 2020
I have a vision to reach far and wide
Then the question is how
Do I mimic or whisper or
Speak native!
But, there are only a few
Hundred thousand to reach.
Even less they would understand
Anyway, not many appreciate.

Then there is a super highway
Passes far across continents
Passing billions at distant origin
A path so alluring
But it is not my own
Another territory altogether
A large vocabulary, rules and laws
Is it easy to take a ride to the unknown?

A lot of debate between me and I
Why not take the highway?
So much proportions of
Latin, French, Germanic and others.
Adopts many wherever it spread.
After all, my father hailed the queen!
The synthetic lane with all glueing nature
Be a nomadic of three century old lane.

With all my self-learning on pattern and order
I would be conscious;
Not to leave a trash.
If there is any, maybe I never
Did learn so, being far from the inside circle!
If I cannot bring any enchantress
At least take my words not to
Defile the beauty as intruder.
Apr 2020 · 46
Timeline Apr 2020
Sometime life is like
A meteor came down so fast
Rushing a path in the middle of not a thing
Sudden a blast of fire in abrasion
A gust and you are there.

You are beneath a roof,
Call it Ma and Ba.
They shade you, do not allow the shower to drench.
Slowly they put corner stones around you
You feel so protected and safe.

They grow and widen your surroundings
But there is a limit,
Slowly they reach the canopy, cannot grow further
You don’t believe
But it’s the realm of life.

But the wall around you, push apart a bit
You grow to your horizontal extent
Life is put in a transition.
Still better, you are on a move
Slowly you start thinking if it is still the right.

All of a sudden, a blow of hurricane
And the half of the roof is gone
Then I felt what is roof alike!
Tried to put the last half in better shape,
But the descend of age is so fast.

The day you are separated from the oneness
Cutting the umbilical cord  
Slowly forming the ionic bond
In harsh reality of such distractions.
You still tied with the bio-chemical bond of ma-child-ba.

I don’t want to raise my head high;
Neither to fight the sun,
Expose to the rain and wind.
I want my cool and calm place of rest
Take a nap, listening all those lullabies again.

— The End —