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Lida Dela Mar 2021
She stood there in front of him,

When the sun was then gleaming,

An enticing smile,

She that looked upon him,

It was but a day,

A blink,

Before he had known

That the lover’s eye was blinding,

Thus year's had passed, and

his rose began shiverling ,

A youth lost to unkind times,

Wisdom grew inside his heart,

he went to spread them,

Like lovers do,

Only to learn why poets spoke in tunes,

Could the rodents meet the eagle's heights,

Could they understand the lover's heart?

When freedom sored high above the clouds,

when chaos was left behind,

His ego did not rule,

She looked at him confused,

Lost in the clutch of time,

It wasn't her who grew,

To rewrite the script of what they knew,

The tokens turned to favor him,

She was lost at sea,

A ship capsizing

Would she find the sun to light

Her day, the lighthouse to guide her way?

He no longer cared,

He no longer cared,

When the eagle's sore to the moon,

The rodents fall from view.

Dec 2020 · 174
My words
Lida Dela Dec 2020
My soul,  it speaks in my words,
through each line I write,
I wished to know you, to know myself,
so I wrote of you, for many days
you were a part of me,
reaching into the deepest crevices  
of every part that made me who I was,
and so your love continues to flow in me,
through each word I write,
and through each line.
Dec 2020 · 174
Lida Dela Dec 2020
I loved you
and it was a timeless thing
I guess people just meet
at points in time
fixed just for them,
but time passes,
and so do they...
but perhaps,
on another day,
or in another life
we’ll meet again.
Dec 2020 · 170
To exist
Lida Dela Dec 2020
Infinite symphonies echo through space and time in light and sound waves of love,
because he said,
” be”
it was.
Dec 2020 · 132
I dream
Lida Dela Dec 2020
I dream of greater things,
And you’ve planted the seeds
In my heart..
If only it was as easy,  
taking the high
Road as to fault,
but how could we settle
For the pond
when there is a river to be touched?
And if hope must live in our dreams,
then let me keep dreaming of a day
When rainbows 🌈
will not leave us.
Dec 2020 · 165
The philosophical poet
Lida Dela Dec 2020
I live inside a world of worlds
Inside my mind and heart,

So that through my thoughts on life,
I could perchance help you

The world, of worlds
inside your own.

The Poet.

Dec 2020 · 142
Arrogance comes from Shame
Lida Dela Dec 2020
Oh man! Why do we take up shame?
Do we not know the devil became arrogant because of it?
whispering in our ears, accepting it,
we bring each other down
to feel better about ourselves,
controlling each other, afraid,
living in arrogance,
we fall into the pits of hell,
thinking by doing so
we will save ourselves,
we have become shameless,
in pain,
burning inside the devils flames,
and we don't even realize it.
Nov 2020 · 115
True Power Lies in Love
Lida Dela Nov 2020
Don’t you understand sweetheart,
evil power begins and ends
with finite beings,
true power lies
in infinite love,
the kind
Nov 2020 · 95
Brilliant Star
Lida Dela Nov 2020
I'm gazing  up, and all I see is this brilliant star,
The 7th one, adorning the heavens skies; I just wish you could be here, next to me to see it,
past the dark hills that stopped you at times before this  and you speak to me and all I see is this overpass, where neither of us can meet, but those are finite things that can't stop love, for I want to touch your soul don't you see, embrace it, and tell it, everything is as it should be, there isn't much time is there and the daisies have lost their flame, the raging seas cry like the pain in our chests, the time is now, if we ever want to meet that lone star up there, the kind that sits in its own brilliance in peace and in love with its own light and nothing more than it.
Nov 2020 · 93
To my Soul
Lida Dela Nov 2020
Oh soul, oh life, oh breath! I turn to see your face, not plagued by night skies, not faithless!
we wish to fly free, taintless,
and did we not love and forgive,
over and over again,
For it was never about them,
but us,
wasn’t it?-L.D.
Nov 2020 · 135
’Equal but different’
Lida Dela Nov 2020
We are two wings on a bird,
But they told me my side wasn't as necessary; for me to be as worthy as a man, I had to value motherhood less. Like being feminine was some kind of flaw, like staying home to raise my kids was secondary in worth than a man who worked, they convinced us, didn't they? And it's not the man's fault that society did this, now both parents hassling and grinding to put bread on the table because his income now just doesn't make...and don't get me a wrong-a woman should have the right to choose but is it fair that after birth she has to get up to work so quick!? I never wanted to leave mines, still young and on milk, my milk dried because I wasn't home enough to nurse them, and it was all in the name of equality, but what equality is this when a woman can't get more leave of time to raise her kids? What equality is this when marriages fall apart because the bird has become lopsided! Children suffering because mom has to work, there isn't time for a hot plate, so grab take out on your way back, or maybe she's a super mom at her own cost, now her health has gone...and I've never seen a great man without a great mother behind him or woman by him, teaching him the values that made him who he was, motherhood was always the greatest job that ever was, being a woman was! So, why couldn't they just accept we are equal but different.
Nov 2020 · 94
Lida Dela Nov 2020
I cannot stay in the circumference,
so long as the goal post exists,
this luminescent light,
so pure,
it draws me in,
it's magnificence,
greater than all the suns held together,
and like the atoms in all things
that exist in perfect unison
and from its core,
it bursts forth love, mercy, and grace,
I race to reach it,
but how could I reach it
without becoming a dove first,
without shaking the dirt off these wings,
to fly a little higher
Oct 2020 · 110
Lida Dela Oct 2020
Somewhere between pain and pride,
there is a place in the heart
that chimes,
❤️forgive, everything will be alright.❤️
Oct 2020 · 91
Perhaps, We Chose
Lida Dela Oct 2020
Who creates pain but us,
who fastens misery upon our necks but we, given to free will, secured in it and trusted
that we would do right from wrong,
and here we are, under depths of darkness,
so deep, like the depths of a dark sea
and perhaps there was a time
we arrogantly chose to be here,
believing we could pass this test called
Oct 2020 · 88
Alone with You
Lida Dela Oct 2020
Let’s drive to the ends of the world,
Near the horizon
where no one knows,
Just you and I,
somewhere in space and time,
no one
can find us.
Oct 2020 · 105
The Sun and The Moon
Lida Dela Oct 2020
Before the breaking of dawn,
I will chase the moon,
and before the coming of night,
I will chase the sun,
not because I want the moon or sun,
but because in the succession of days and nights,
I see the signs of
Oct 2020 · 78
Lida Dela Oct 2020
You were a maze,
a bewitching one,
the only one
who would fit,
like wood to fire,
how would I learn
to see my light,
without, first,
the fury
of your
Oct 2020 · 96
Where are the good men?
Lida Dela Oct 2020
The hearts have hardened, like a rock that has no cracks, and no water or light enters into it, hard and dark at its core, and I swear by the raging seas and every bounty that exists in the heavens and earth, I can't fathom how they justify their own misery, they say it's better to be together with hardened hearts than to walk the path of love that's free, so I look to see where the good men have gone? Those that say good and do good, whose words and deeds flagrant the world with beauty not pollute it with evil...and the world cries, burning, diseased, lost, but who would care enough to see? -L.D.
Oct 2020 · 160
Lida Dela Oct 2020
Find your light,
To have
your dignity.
Oct 2020 · 118
Lida Dela Oct 2020
Walk with me into eternity,
So that even after the stars lose their luster
and the sun dies,
there will still be,
you and I.
Oct 2020 · 106
The Dandelions
Lida Dela Oct 2020
The dandelions,
They know no dark, no sin,
under sunlight,
In perfect ’light’
Oct 2020 · 156
Lost Souls
Lida Dela Oct 2020
They hang on the edge of the cliff,
Where the heavens break and the stars dim,
Falling into a void and darkness,
for they turn their faces away from their Lord, with arrogance and ingratitude
they run from Love,
the opposite of peace,
the opposite of tranquility,
the soul burdened,
the soul lost,
One day they will wish
They didn't exist
Oct 2020 · 78
’Caged, But Free’
Lida Dela Oct 2020
I am surrounded by the night
but I am not overtaken,
the oceans surround me,
but I am not drowning,
today I walk free
though, I am not free,
I have freed myself,
today I choose not to fight,
but to be free
Oct 2020 · 81
Harmony with Nature
Lida Dela Oct 2020
With my hearts eyes,
I see the saffron and peach drawn skies,
the blossom trees,
and the oceans seas,
they all dance and sing
with those who’ve reached their touch...
Who would hear it?
And Who would see it?
And Who would feel it?
Except they whose hearts are given to  love,
They who won’t give up.
Lida Dela Oct 2020
Hold me close,
as the moon holds the sun,
In the sacred circle of love,
Where there exists
no beginning
or end,
Oct 2020 · 74
Two faced
Lida Dela Oct 2020
If you’re  going to have
two sides
at least
make one of them
Oct 2020 · 104
Lida Dela Oct 2020
You are not a hypocrite,
if you are not perfect Every-time,
you are a hypocrite
if what you say and do
contradicts what you feel
in your
Oct 2020 · 124
Lida Dela Oct 2020
The worst part is,
they never care to hear your side,
They never want to,
It is easier to pretend you’re
the bad guy,
than to admit
they envy
Oct 2020 · 86
The Heedless Generation
Lida Dela Oct 2020
Memories laid to rest,
no longer vital
of lingering days that
had left me then in dismay,
like ancient times,
where civilizations were ruined and lost,
and even before that,
where the souls long passed, forgetting.
And the lighthouse waits
while they sit not heeding,
these times where morality has ceased,
and love for God, abandoned for love of 'self'
How crucial a time,
starry nights are fading
and only the reminisce of light remains
and still we wait,
as cattle straying,
for the hour that is forthcoming.
Oct 2020 · 82
You are Worthy
Lida Dela Oct 2020
I see blues, and loss
anger, confusion and hopelessness.
Dear Friend, can't you see, your halo
still exists? Behind all those shadows,
In your own muse, do you refuse to be grateful?
Stranded, as lost in sea...In waves of darkness
you bleed. Drowning in the abyss of your lack of self-love.
Why can't you see the stars inside you, are no less than those above?
Magnificence lies behind what you think you should be and pretend you are. Who tricked you not to see? to lose sight of your worth?
Who are they that have rejected? To be grateful to love? To say they are not good enough?
Oct 2020 · 84
Can I convince you?
Lida Dela Oct 2020
Can I convince you of a day
our egos will not play in the wildernesses they create?
Can I convince you of a day
good hearts will not be ridiculed and mocked?
Can I convince you of a day
love will finally triumph from the pain of it all?
Can I convince you,
that one day,
the heart of hearts,
well tell us,
what love wasn't?
For, it's not,
this pain,
we create.
Oct 2020 · 85
The Ascent
Lida Dela Oct 2020
They caused a great suffering of winter days and autumn storms,
until the heart quaked and the spirit rose, had I but a heart of stone
and prayed night and day, the ascent wouldn't take...
for it's not the mind but the heart that takes us to heavens gates
and I heard  whispers of hate,
ridicule and lies,
blasphemy and slanders,
the devil seeks not those that lack faith,
Thus it was, I endured the pain, climbing the steep thorny hills towards love, with a reminding conviction of a lovesick lover, forsaking the lies of a shallow world for an eternity of bliss.
The fevers came, the chills and sores, the ascent is full of aches. They said you have no proof of initiation, your dreams were meddled, your experiences false, your imperfect and your ego speaks lies...
and to that I said," to you be your deeds and to me, be mines!"
Avalanches of hate held in disguise, I attempted to ward off evil, with truth and love, not hate.
The path towards love, is full of tests, without courage impossible to partake.
The sun beams in the hearts, lighting the path of they that use their intellects, and who dare attempt to take the leap of faith.
And to they, I say, "fear not the arrows thrown, even from they you once held close,
for though they plan,
they shall never win!
Oct 2020 · 144
Lida Dela Oct 2020
The earth has too much filth
and me a woman in it,
have I not received my fair share of it?
Cold seasons, too many...
when will she throw up her burdens from within?
when will we breathe the white snow of pure tranquility together?
Oh, how I always wonder how hearts wither and die...
but I just can't,
I can't give up,
not on
Oct 2020 · 70
Vulnerable Power
Lida Dela Oct 2020
I strip my soul naked
words breathing life on paper,
a sanity in question,
who is she you say?
a nobody of love.
The unbreakable,
Oct 2020 · 108
The striver
Lida Dela Oct 2020
I swallow my pride,
the pendulum swings,
the clock strikes, relentlessly...
the test, the struggles,
do I not bleed dark?
I am not the rock, the trees,
the flowers you see...
I am inharmoniously human
but still I think, let me be HOLY,
because today I know the price of love.
I will be the peace,
the peace I need,
amongst the leaves of chaos,
I will be the breeze
unmindful of the rhythmic dance
of anything but
Oct 2020 · 131
Lida Dela Oct 2020
'Ah' to the subtle winds
that lifts the birds,
And the simple lake
that captivates...
Are we not but romantics
on the path of love?
Giving away our breaths
to the gasping ones...?
Saying, " breathe, breathe,"
Let our wings beat,
let us fly free
like the birds
in the breeze.
Oct 2020 · 71
Lida Dela Oct 2020
Let us not speak of
winter days but those of June,
not of the fading moon, but
luminescent ones, and when
the seasons change, the transcendent
hearts see the morning lights, for
there is always a choice, to which way
we will have sought, and if we live
with ' gratitude,' the hearts will sing
the violins muse, and all
will create a Grand symphony of eternal
songs, and sing
of peace and love.
Oct 2020 · 97
Intimidating Love
Lida Dela Oct 2020
What is it you fear my love,
when you stare into my eyes..
when the oceans in yours
meets the heart in mines,
my silent presence,
piercing your soul,
a moment of hesitation,
an eternal pause,
you run
you hide
-but why
Oct 2020 · 80
Lida Dela Oct 2020
Do you remember those days
we sat in the corner,
tethered in blankets
of the warmest days,
because we had known each other?
And we threw behind us
a world where
'souls caved into desires'
and there was no more
heartache and pain
when the world around us
became a frozen lake.
Would I dare plead for something different,
why nothing last's forever?
The sun sets, the moon fades,
the roses wither away..
so it is so,
that is life's way.
Oct 2020 · 75
Lida Dela Oct 2020
Oh love,
I am not my silhouette,
In me lies seas of the infinites love,
How can I not ponder on the grandness of it all?
I am not yet ready to be given a shroud.
Oct 2020 · 133
Old souls
Lida Dela Oct 2020
Remind me old friend,
of what it was like,
long before this,
when you and I didn't exist,
when the white clouds heaped
and never separated,
when roads didn't cross
for only a moment in time,
and when love,
never meet
Oct 2020 · 136
Prayer 🙏
Lida Dela Oct 2020
By the glistening dark skies,
And the celestial winds,
Did you think it was I who was lost,
When I gave my all for love?
And I see a place of prism lights,
After storms turn souls into gold,
And I call you in the night
In rendered states of whispered prayers,
Eternity waits.
Oct 2020 · 80
❤️ Love
Lida Dela Oct 2020
Somewhere in the deep terrain of my heart,
there was you all along,
your heart echoed your sweet songs
from a distance far off,
yet so close to mines.

— The End —