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Raven Feb 2020
ABC poem:
A garden is full of,
Blooming fruits.
Cucumbers, cauliflower and
Dozens of roots.
Enriched with soil,
Flowers grow too.
Giving your garden, A
Home of its own.
Ironically, though. Your garden will grow.
Just like you, and your soul.
**** the weeds, and
Love will grow.
Many weeds will come and go, but
New plants need room to grow.
Over time, you will get tired, but
Picture a life with no fresh flowers.
Questions like that, make me
Remember, to
Share God's beauty,
To all who enter.
Usually seeds aren't too expensive, but the
Value of fresh food is
Wanted by many.
Xquisite gardens are hard to come by,
You have to take pride, with
Zest and delight!
Raven Feb 2020
I hear the whispers
Coming from inside.
Telling me lies.
My biggest fears
Are inside my mind.
But you came to me
In my darkest time.
You showed me your love
Could fight through the night.
You never leave me
You never put me down.
Your love saved me
Im all yours now
Lord I find
Refuge in your heart
And comfort in your arms.
You lift me up
you set me free
There is nothing
You wont do for me.
Even when I fail
You show me the way
You stay by my side
All the way.
Raven Feb 2020
Love yourself
Enough to care
Love yourself
Enough to dare
To leave if you need
To take what you want
To set yourself free
From other peoples needs
Do what you love
Love what you do
Never let a fool
Take anything from you
Not your happiness
Your life
Your dreams
Or your smile
Your breath is too precious
To be wicked and vile
Your an angel on earth
That needs to be heard.
Raven Feb 2020
This social anxiety
Will be the death of me
Just leaving my home
Is a mission on its own
The thought of seeing
Some one I know
Is killing me inside
Its taking control
I hate myself
I dont know why
So please dont ask
When I cancel high and dry
I cant face the world
I can barely look in the mirror
Without wanting to change my appearance
Maybe its the words my ex husband said
Or the scars he left
around my neck
Maybe Im ashamed
Of how I let him treat me
But it was a long time ago
So please dont blame me
I did what he said I tried to be good
But I guess I just wasnt good enough for him
Raven Feb 2020
I don't wanna play any more.
nobody understands me
and I dont understand it
what are we living for?
Just a dollar sign on a bill
Lookin for another hill to climb
Were rushing to work
rushing to sleep
when will we get the rest that we need
We have the technology
but not the love
when will we say "enough is enough"
Our planet is dying
How can we help?
Stop judging and fighting
this world needs our help.
Stop hating on race, religion and faces
We all end up in the same dusty cases.
If you want a seat with God
You have to make changes
This world is so much more
than hate and greed
When will we realize it's
LOVE that we need.
reach out to your neighbor
help carry their load
never let your pride
make you so shallow.
you get nowhere being ugly and mean
lift your open hand
give what you can
whether its love, a hug
or money to feed
dont worry about the praise
God sees all that you do
He has saved you a seat
Just waiting for you.
Raven Feb 2020
Sometimes its too much
Sometimes its not enough
You have to find balance
For your soul and heart
One is longing for answers
One is longing for peace
Its a battle inside your mind
That no one else see's
You love everyone
You accept there flaws
But something inside you
Thinks your no good at all
Its quiet unsettling
How you can smile at strangers
But hate the person looking in the mirror
I feel so alone in this world
I wish some one would see past my smile
I try to love myself
But something wont let me
I know I need help
But who would understand me?
Raven Feb 2020
All I crave
Is a connection
I dont want a fancy house
Or a coorporate job
I want to be loved
In my own home
For who I am
Where I dont have to hide
Nothing to give
Just you by my side
Please, feed my soul
With your beautiful lips
I want to know
Am I enough,
Just being myself?
If you love me
Maybe I can love myself.
Raven Mar 2020
This body is not mine to keep
This place on earth
Is just temporary
For rent
Is all it is
This soul lives on
Thousands of years old
New faces and buildings
Will come and go
Our Mother Earth
Keeps on growing
Raven Feb 2020
Now that he's gone
I can start to move on
I finally realize
He was wrong all along
My flaws
My glasses
Are just a part of me
This place on earth
Is just temporary
I know God
Will never judge me
Raven Feb 2020
Im in a shell
My innocence is gone.
My personality too.
Im dead inside
Should I go too?
Why am I alive?
This is torture.
Crying ever day
The voices are his
Replaying my fate
He constantly yells
It never goes away
Wishing your own death.
Come quick and stay.
Its hard fighting
With yourself everyday
It never goes away.
Raven Feb 2020
You think alot
About nothing at all
When will you realize ?
God has it all
In the palm of his hands
Is where you stand
Trust him, Love him
He will catch you when you fall.
Dont worry about tomorrow
Dont stress about life
He is always with you
In darkness and in light
Gods timing is perfect
He makes no mistakes
Stop rushing, Stop fighting
Let faith take its place
Just breathe..
you will hear him
in the trees, he sings
in the tide, he rises
in the air, he breathes.
Slow down, mama.
Take it easy, man.
This world is so much bigger than us
We are in the Palm of his hands.
it is greater than any fear
it is stronger than any tide
His love outweighs the devil's mind.
You are worthy
You are loved
God is with you
God is alive
Raven Feb 2020
Don't spend any money on a box
and labor for a 6 foot hole.
My soul is with Jesus.
My body can go.
Into the ashes
that fly far away
stop wasting gods space
with bodies decaying.
He rises with no fear of the futer.
So why should you be left with my burden.
Set me free
from the chains that held my feet
for this was a trial run
to figure out where you will be
when God calls
You answer with life.
Your soul is what he needs
not the body that you see.
So when my time comes
please dont waste money on a box.
And labor for a 6 foot hole.
My soul is with jesus
My body can go.
Raven Feb 2020
When will I be okay
With who I am
I try so hard
To hide behind a smile
Its exhausting
I want a real life
Where I can just be
Not afraid
Of what others think of me
My racing heart
My anxious thoughts
Are slowly killing me
Though Ill never show
So you'll never know
Ill just keep being "me"
Raven Feb 2020
Mother nature
is all we need
she gives us life
with the beautiful trees
her timing is perfect
slow and steady
Everything we need
Is here already
feel the ground beneath your feet
feel the wind flow through your hair
Be patient
She is always there.
Winter comes
summer goes
But she stands tall
Untoched and bold
Leaves will fall
the grass will die
but in the end
everything is fine
It all comes back
sooner or later
this is just a phase
so embrace the change
Dance with the wind
like branches on a tree
fly through life
like birds in the breeze.
Nothing last forever
Thats the beauty of it all
this season is passing
Enjoy it all.
Raven Feb 2020
My beautiful, Nanny
So calm and steady
So patient and wise
Your beautiful words
Play through my mind
"Just breathe"
You taught me
"Say your prayers"
"Always be kind"
Your eyes so sweet
Your voice so gentle
Your aurora so bright
Your always shining.
Raven Feb 2020
Nanny said
There is good in everything you see
Gotta recharge your batteries
All alone
But not on your own
God is with you
He sends Angels to heal you
Peace will come
When you love yourself
Just believe
Dont worry about anything else
Read a book
Write a poem
Whatever gets your mind to flow
Away from the noise
Of the world outside
Find the rhythm to your soul
Let it be
Just like nature and the trees
You will grow from a small seed
Just be good
Listen to your inner voice
No one is the same
And thats okay
Raven Feb 2020
Walk on your own
The rest will follow
Not people
Just peace
Feel your soul
Listen to the calmness
Like the flow of a river
The beam of the sun
You are right where you need to be
Dont rush
Be one with nature
Slow and free
Dont be discouraged
When life takes a turn
Theres no need to fear
Even in nature
Nothing blooms all year
Raven Feb 2020
When the leaves start falling
The air starts to change
Good things are coming
So don't shy away
Its a beautiful shedding
To start fresh and new
So drop the baggage
Follow through
The leaves will grow back
Stronger than ever
So don't hold on
Nothing lasts forever.
Raven Feb 2020
Right now everything is fine
The birds are singing
The wind is blowing
Right now my mind is caving
The walls are crumbling
The light is fading
How can everything be so perfect
When my mind is dark
It's so disturbing
Raven Feb 2020
I'm twenty five now
My eyes are wide
It took this long
To feel alive
So don't tell me I'm getting old
I'm just now living
The beginning was hell
I'm finally finding myself
They say it's only down hill from here
But that's fine with me
The adventure alone is worth the thrill
Slides are fun
fast and wild
No more treaching up a hill
Sounds good to me
So I'll keep sliding
No telling where this hill will find me
Always moving
Never whining
About a number
Or a line
On my face
Though time will change
I'll keep sliding
Fast and free
Down hill sounds fun to me
Raven Feb 2020
Modern day society is so fcking messy
I want to live off the land
clean and healthy
far from manmade
All I need is mother nature
to give me life
away from the dangers
of the internet world
everthing is so fake
moving so fast
whats wrong with taking a break
Just slow down, man
this life is beautiful
if you take a second to see
but people are so busy
staring at a screen
The trees let us breathe
the wind fills out lungs
the sound of the rain is a beautiful drum
What more could you want?
Your killing yourself
with all the d
mn stress
when all you need
is natures hand
she will feed you
she will nurture you
Just be still and listen
She has everything we need.
Raven Feb 2020
Sitting all alone
Is all I really want
To be at peace with myself
Is such a hard job
But I'm trying
Each and every day
To forget the negative
Find hope in the present day
Sometimes all I want is to be accepted
I got so use to being neglected
So I find peace
All alone
Im scared out of my mind
But I know I must go
And walk my own path
No one can do it for me
No matter how many times I ask
Am I doing okay?
How much time has passed
Since my last mistake?
Raven Feb 2020
When the world gets too heavy
and my mind wont shut off
I just step outside
and realize how lucky we all are
to witness God's beauty
perfect and untouched
so alive
The breeze fills my lungs
and eases my mind
Silence and fresh air
one breath at a time
Its so beautiful
knowing that everything is fine
without mans hand
to care for it all the time
its doing its own thing
slowly but surely
the trees stand tall
all on their own
Raven Feb 2020
I give my life to you, Lord.
I placed my heart at you're feet
Broken and bruised
but you raised me up
and dusted me off
Lord, you set me free
From all of the hate
all of the greed
You're love is so strong
It's all that i need.
You showed me who
I'm supposed to be
you straightened my path
you showed me the way
Now I give my life to you
Money can buy fortune and fame
but You gave me Love
That will never go away
Lord I surrender
to you're love
I have no doubts
about who you are
I have seen first hand
How great thou art.
Raven Feb 2020
Every one has a purpose
Every one needs love
So use your gift
To heal the hurt
Your faith is stronger
Than the devil's words
It may hurt now
But trust God's love
There is so much hate
In this beautiful world
We need to love our self
And share God's words.
Raven Mar 2020
Lock me away
With a book
And a light
I'll be fine
Out of sight
Out of mind
Raven Mar 2020
These small minded people
Make me so sad
They only see appearance's
Not the soul that I am
They look with their eyes
Not their hearts
They don't see my aurora
Just my face
And my scars
But I'll keep shining
Either way
Because I won't let them
Determine my fate
Raven Feb 2020
Autumn is coming
The heat is gone
You can bundle up
Start to move on
Embrace the change
Don't be scared
It's part of God's Beauty
That's why we are here
To learn and accept
Every person a teacher
Change is inevitable
It's time to forgive
Raven Mar 2020
Words are candy
Sweet as pie
Just keep reading
Fill my mind
All the Flavors
Every kind
Horror is hot
Love is spicy
Funny ones are enticing
Sci-Fi is so exciting
All the genres
Keep me craving
More and More
My mind is flowing
Full of knowledge
My brain keeps racing
Imagination never fading
Raven Mar 2020
Just breathe
This too shall pass
Dont stress too much
These dark clouds will pass
Be thankful for today
For it is all we have
Yesterday is gone
Tomorrow is so far away
Not knowing what we will face
Soak in the sun
Smell the rain
Dont let these moments
Slip away
Tomorrow could be great
Tomorrow could bring pain
For we will never know
Until we see the light of day
Dont think too much
Just keep floating
Day by day
Its all okay
Raven Feb 2020
Nothing gold can stay
But that's okay
For we would never feel
The Autumn breeze
Chilly mornings
Colorful leaves
Change is coming
But that's okay
Embrace it
A fresh start
Is on Its way
Raven Feb 2020
Just skin and bones
That's all I see
We're all the same
So come to me
With your troubled mind
I'll ease your pain
One at a time
Everything's okay
I'll show you there's more
Than scars to hide
There's a star inside you
Shining bright

— The End —