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She warned me
Not to fall in love
With her,
If she left me
I'd be on my own again.
She said love is
Something in the wind,
It could never
Be a person,
So if I must
Fall in love
I must fall in love
With love.
We are prisoners
And these are the end days,
For me, because of my age,
For you, because of a world
That has never broken free
From greed and selfishness.
See you in hell.
Give me nightmares any day
Even as I say
We need more love
And I am capable of that
The devils in my mind
Unbeknown to me
Must be dreaming up
Scenarios to jolt me awake.
But worse still
Is when I'm awake at 3 am
For no reason
And I'm left with a pounding heart
And wide-eyed in the darkness
Hoping I can hang on
Until morning.
This is my body
But you can't touch it.

We never die

These are my words
But you won't read them.

We never die

These are my thoughts
But you can't feel them.

I am consciousness.
When I forget I ever had a body
Will you still make love to me?
When I become a dot in the distance
A speck of dust on your glasses
And I'm flying free
In another dimension
Not knowing who or where I am
And if it's heaven
Not caring
And if it's hell
Still worrying about everything,
Will you find me
Jolt me back to you,
In my drowning
My gasping for breath,
Though there is no water
Or atmosphere,
Will you still make love to me
Anyway you can?
Look at us now
Your body, my body
I'm glad we met
Got to spend some time
In this world of abundance
With all its moving mountains
And flowing rivers
And hopefully we did take
Something of them back
Into our souls,
And of all things
Bumping into you today
Beneath a glorious sky
For a cup of tea
And a walk
As we had done
A hundred times before
Or was it a thousand,
Look at us now,
My body, your body.
I catch sight of a few words
Their scales shimmering
Just beneath the surface
Before they dart away
To hide in reflections
Of trees and sky
So, where do I start ... or end?
I've always liked green and purple
Other colours seem to come and go
Like the mood I have to be in
To eat healthily.
There are a lot of things I can't do now
Mostly things I couldn't do well when I could do them
So that's no great loss,
And don't get me started on dreams,
Which leaves only one constant in my life
Something I couldn't change if I wanted to
Something I can only forget,
Something only a handful of people know about
And might remember,
Which makes it special anyway,
After all, I am only one day older
Than I was yesterday
Where is the harm in that?
So, happy birthday to me.
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