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Feb 2020 · 80
Acme Feb 2020
My brain won't stop spinning.
  I've drunk my share of *****.
  What's wrong with me? Am I
  diseased? I worry I might die.
  I thank God and chemists
  I have my blessed Ambien to
  fly me into Dreamland.
  I'll live again just better.
Feb 2020 · 33
Secret Garden
Acme Feb 2020
I'll rip my face off and give
you one you'll fancy for love.
I can shape my body however
you want if you'll desire me.
I can pour gasoline on me
and burn to a cinder if you
will carry me within you
inside your secret garden.
Feb 2020 · 32
Acme Feb 2020
I managed a tear at the viewing.
My heart is a piece of coal.
I'm not a sociopath but I don't cry.
I wear black and bow my head
in prayer when it's called for.
She was my mother and she died.
I carry her casket to her grave
and wonder why I wept for my dog.
Feb 2020 · 31
City Lights
Acme Feb 2020
I wander at 3 am in the city.
I don't sleep anymore.
I feel society's fingers on
my throat choking me silent.
I want to tell the world
about my little life that
means so much to me and
about my generation sitting
on a hill looking down on
the city lights. We howl
so anyone still listening
will know the pack waits.
Feb 2020 · 71
Acme Feb 2020
As soon as I stopped caring about
impressing readers my poetry was
all about writing for me and it was
as it should always be. Poet.
Feb 2020 · 57
Old Poet
Acme Feb 2020
I'm an old poet with a young heart
pleading for an honest appraisal.
Is my poetry worth the time to read?
Do I matter now? Did I ever?
That is the bigger question.
I know the answer. Nothing lasts.
Shakespeare and Yeats and God will
someday be lost to time's cruelty.
Feb 2020 · 13
Acme Feb 2020
Bury truth in the backyard in
the shade of the Deceit tree.
Be careful not to disturb the
skeletons in the closet.
All families have secrets.
Forget the abortions.
Change the wedding date so
she arrived 9 months later.
Uncle Ed never killed a man
and overdosed in a crack house.
Feb 2020 · 57
Tough Old Broad
Acme Feb 2020
We said "I do" before clocks ticked.
That was a time when broads like her
still existed thank all the gods! She
loved with the biggest heart and ******
with the most abandon and breathed fire
that scorched you to a cinder even though
she never would. We danced on tables in
bars long since gone. We partied with the
Fitzgeralds and Hemingway and entertained
Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas in Paris
when it glowed as bright as noon at midnight.
We died in the fierce light with no regrets.
Acme Feb 2020
a poem by Howard Nemerov

A Primer of the Daily Round

A peels an apple, while B kneels to God,
C telephones to D, who has a hand
On E’s knee, F coughs, G turns up the sod
For H’s grave, I do not understand
But J is bringing one clay pigeon down
While K brings down a nightstick on L’s head,
And M takes mustard, N drives to town,
O goes to bed with P, and Q drops dead,
R lies to S, but happens to be heard
By T, who tells U not to fire V
For having to give W the word
That X is now deceiving Y with Z,
Who happens, just now to remember A
Peeling an apple somewhere far away.
"A Primer of the Daily Round" is an English sonnet, with the traditional form of three quatrains and a couplet, with the rime scheme, ABABCDCDEFEFGG.
Feb 2020 · 55
Kiss the Ring
Acme Feb 2020
The popes of poetry demand it.
No matter the structure and
rhythm or rhyme or Howl
from the bleachers the
popular kids get noticed.
We just write poetry.
Howl as the best poets die in darkness after all.
Feb 2020 · 86
After the Divorce
Acme Feb 2020
Susan had the house and
child support and alimony.
Rick had a young love and
a condo and bills that left
him short of breath and
missing old comforts.
He lost his hair and then
his mind and died alone.
Feb 2020 · 32
Every Cell has a Soul
Acme Feb 2020
In a house in Seattle a tiny
mouse scared my wife.
I set a trap with cheese.
That night in bed I heard a snap.
I went to bear witness to sorrow.
I wouldn't hurt a fly.
The house began to shake
off its foundation.
Earthquake of an
angry God reminding
me that every life is
sacred in ways we
have to accept on faith.
Cells have souls.
Acme Feb 2020
She lived in a big house with her sister.
  They'd been there all their lives in Glendale.
  Ohio.  She was a dear woman who thought of us
  as her own children.  She was a spinster Aunt.

  She spoiled us and had a wicked sense of humor.
  She always welcomed me, even with my ***** wife.
  Seduced away from my 2 kids by this wicked beauty.
  She seemed to understand men's devotion to lust.
Acme Feb 2020
Malachi Black

I have carried in my coat, black wet
with rain. I stand. I clear my throat.

My coat drips. The carved door closes
on its slow brass hinge. City noises—

car horns, bicycle bells, the respiration
truck engines, the whimpering

steel in midtown taxi brakes—bend
in through the doorjamb with the wind

then drop away. The door shuts plumb: it seals
the world out like a coffin lid. A chill,

dampened and dense with the spent breath
of old Hail Marys, lifts from the smoothed

stone of the nave. I am here to pay
my own respects, but I will wait:

my eyes must grow accustomed
to church light, watery and dim.

I step in. Dark forms hunch forward
in the pews. Whispering, their heads

are bowed, their mouths pressed
to the hollows of clasped hands.

High overhead, a gathering of shades
glows in stained glass: the resurrected

mingle with the dead and martyred
in panes of blue, green, yellow, red.

Beneath them lies the golden holy
altar, holding its silence like a bell,

and there, brightly skeletal beside it,
the ***** pipes: cold, chrome, quiet

but alive with a vibration tolling
out from the incarnate

source of holy sound. I turn, shivering
back into my coat. The vaulted ceiling

bends above me like an ear. It waits:
I hold my tongue. My body is my prayer.
The door shuts plumb: it seals
the world out like a coffin lid. Brilliant!!!!
Feb 2020 · 19
Love Is This
Acme Feb 2020
Patient. Slow to anger. Never cruel.
  Stoic. Trusting. Honest to a fault.
  Brave against all odds. Demanding
  of love in return. Sharing good and
  bad and owning it all together. Loyal.
  Pillow talk, "Love You", Goodnight kiss.
Feb 2020 · 13
Wedding Band Blues
Acme Feb 2020
Forever turns out to be a long time.
I devoured you on our wedding night.
You were all I'd ever want to eat again.
Wedding cake got old after a year or so.
Vows so sacred became children's prayers.
We used to always kiss goodnight but
now we sleep in different bedrooms
because I work late and you dream
of a lover you once had who promised
to have and hold 'til death do us part.
Feb 2020 · 45
Night, Snow, Woods
Acme Feb 2020
Quiet and alone snow crunches
  with my steps. I'm coming home.
  You wait. The fire in our bed.
  I'd go to the ends of the earth.
Feb 2020 · 33
Acme Feb 2020
My brother who let me climb
upon his back to save myself.
It's a debt I can never repay.
If you needed a liver I'd give
you mine but you'd not want it
knowing I needed yours anyway.
Feb 2020 · 38
Acme Feb 2020
A picture from a thousand kisses ago.
We were so in love full of desire we
knew would last forever. We are always.
Until we weren't. What broke besides
our hearts? We never understood. We
just blamed boredom and each other.

A picture from a million kisses ago.
Older and wiser we still broke our
bed and didn't miss a beat. We were.
Then one day we found others to break
more beds and lost sight of love. ****
was what we did. Until we didn't bother.

A picture of me on my 90th. Wrinkled
and alone in assisted living with a
cupcake and candle and little cardboard
birthday hat aching for youth and
beaches and bars and old lovers again
young to break more ******* beds.
Oh what I wouldn't give. Hold onto love for the treasure it is.
Feb 2020 · 51
Sun Blind
Acme Feb 2020
That time you burned so bright
   a star I could never stop watching
   was the time I fell in love again
   but this love was forever after all.
Feb 2020 · 31
Acme Feb 2020
I'm selling you peace of mind.
Free. Just go outside and put
one foot in front of the other
again and again and walk
your way to serenity. I swear
It's that easy and true.
Acme Feb 2020
I'm almost 71 years old.
I'm lost in a changing world.
I still have hope for progeny.
I still believe in True Love,
Santa Claus and happy endings.
I don't think I'll ever really die.
Feb 2020 · 16
Acme Feb 2020
We're at war, you and me.
The damage has been severe.
We hate the enemy!
We've forgotten why.
Both sides are even.
Can we call a truce?
When there's a truce, the two sides stop attacking each other, catch their breath, and try to work out a peace deal.
Feb 2020 · 115
Acme Feb 2020
I'm tilting at windmills tonight.
   I will slay dragons and broken hearts
   and bring dogs of hell to heel after all.
   I still sleep with her ghost tonight.
   We find small comfort living and dead.
   Cervantes'  certainty keeps our faith.
Feb 2020 · 30
Chasing the Devil's Tail
Acme Feb 2020
I want pleasure. Don't hate me.
Feeling good feels so good if
it's done right, but be careful.
Tread gently in this minefield.
Don't become a slave to desires.
Never get addicted. Just hold
the devil's tail loose and let go.
Abstain for a month to make
**** sure you haven't been
swallowed by his hell on earth.
Feb 2020 · 17
Saturday Night
Acme Feb 2020
The whole world is out tonight.
Dancing and celebrating and seducing
one another over drinks and  taxi rides
to his bed and a disappointing ****.
She wakes early and dresses and flees.
She hopes he'll call sometime today.
That's the sad part of it all.
Feb 2020 · 22
Acme Feb 2020
Everybody is screaming into
microphones over each other.
Nothing makes sense anymore.
We're left ignorant wanting more.
Poets used to speak the truth for
us but now they've gone mute.
We need to go to war with words
lead the charge for change to it.
Feb 2020 · 50
Acme Feb 2020
Rough edged saw of a man.
What a way with words you had.
Blue collar barfly a smoke in lips
put us all in the places we know,
where we feel comfort after all.
Our uncles smell of ***** and
aunts always favor aperitifs
in the afternoons then naps.
Being honest we all crawl in
bars when things fall apart and
we just need comfort of friends
we just met that very day.
Feb 2020 · 38
Happy Birthday Dorothy
Acme Feb 2020
Another year killed in cold blood
with nothing to show for it. Tick Tock.
Maps always lead nowhere.
Directions are puzzles.
I'm 71 years old. I still have a brain
and a heart and courage. Dorothy
died awhile ago and I miss her
and her little dog too.
We laughed too loud not long ago.
She'd be 98 and giggle like a girl.
I can still hear her voice and her laugh, her lust for life!
She died on my birthday in March. Just saying.
Feb 2020 · 56
Why Do You All Hate Me
Acme Feb 2020
I saw it sprayed on a rock.
  "Why Do You All Hate Me?"
  I thought I don't know you
  so I can't hate you but if
  we meet for coffee I'll try.
  Maybe you'll hate me instead?
Maybe we'll duel at dawn.
Maybe we'll fall madly in love?
Jan 2020 · 28
Secret Yearnings
Acme Jan 2020
My desires stay in their little prisons
like your ******* locked in that bra.
I release them with liquor. They crawl
all over the bar and my mind. I see you
in spotlights on stages waiting for me.
We're young again at the beach with the
rock we dive and swim through and the
sun makes us gold and we **** in bed all
night long and wash our beautiful sins
away in baptism in the morning surf.
I puke in the gutters at closing time.
I stagger to my rooming house and drop
into bed and ache for you all night long
dreaming of you bra free like we met.
Jan 2020 · 93
World's End
Acme Jan 2020
Above a billion staring faces
  the world just disappeared.
  Time stopped. We ceased.
  Our souls bled into black ink
  stains and dreams were lost.
  Neither a bang or a whimper.
Acme Jan 2020
After all it's just a hollow conceit.
Spill my guts upon a page to muster
some semblance of brilliance.
Shine a spotlight on me and gasp.
When all's said and done I'm the
lonely poet in the garret reading
pencil scratches on old envelopes
wishing they were in Anthologies.
Jan 2020 · 26
Gospel of Nick Drake
Acme Jan 2020
Fragile Genius
He died undiscovered
by his own hand at 26.
He left 3 albums to the world.
It was as if Nick Drake
simply faded away,
a victim not of excess,
but of some profound,
deep-seated unhappiness.
Like Vincent the painter
he rose from his own ashes
to set the music world on fire.
Acme Jan 2020
Christ doesn't live in a gold box.
    He lives within all our miseries.
    He lives in the slums and prisons,
    grungy dive bars and crack houses.
    His body is stale bread from soup kitchens.
    His blood is cheap wine shared on city grates.
    He offers hope to the hopeless and guidance
    to the lost souls. He suffers inside each of us.
Jan 2020 · 27
Acme Jan 2020
There's nothing here.
There's nothing there.
I'm gone somewhere
but I don't know where.
I still feel love and pain
and all our up and downs.
Will you appear tomorrow a
visitor from outside the walls?
Will you bring a shadow of us
to fill the terrible nothing?
Jan 2020 · 16
The Butcher's Scale
Acme Jan 2020
As honest as it gets. That scale
gives you your money's worth.
Weigh my love for you. Is it
even? Does your love balance?
Do my tears weigh the same?
Does my misery weigh the same?
Will my suicide move the scale?
Will your tears even it all out?
Love's a slaughterhouse. We
die in chutes always in love.
Jan 2020 · 68
Struck by Lightning
Acme Jan 2020
The night I saw you at Rugby's
was the night I was struck by
a bolt of lightning that woke
me to the wonders of Love.
Jan 2020 · 30
Acme Jan 2020
I'm ancient.
Stuff seeps out.
Can't ignore it.
Always a stain
and smell of death
around the bend.
Jan 2020 · 22
The Church of Bill
Acme Jan 2020
We worship on bar stools in smokey
  churches with neon gods and clergy
  behind the altar with the holy blood
  bottled in rows in front of mirrors.
  Our hymns play on a jukebox while
  we sway in harmony feeling the grace
  flowing between our souls as one.
  Our bible is the newspaper and we
  confess our sins to each other.
  At last call we're given absolution.
Jan 2020 · 76
Art of Suicide
Acme Jan 2020
The righteous quote their bibles
  the sinners quote their poetry
  the desperate quote them both
  The suicides quote Van Gogh's
  stars he set afire and French Blue
  skies of birds cawing invitations.
Jan 2020 · 43
Poem by Charles Bukowski
Acme Jan 2020
Poetry Readings

poetry readings have to be some of the saddest
****** things ever,
the gathering of the clansmen and clanladies,
week after week, month after month, year
after year,
getting old together,
reading on to tiny gatherings,
still hoping their genius will be
making tapes together, discs together,
sweating for applause
they read basically to and for
each other,
they can't find a New York publisher
or one
within miles,
but they read on and on
in the poetry holes of America,
never daunted,
never considering the possibility that
their talent might be
thin, almost invisible,
they read on and on
before their mothers, their sisters, their husbands,
their wives, their friends, the other poets
and the handful of idiots who have wandered
from nowhere.

I am ashamed for them,
I am ashamed that they have to bolster each other,
I am ashamed for their lisping egos,
their lack of guts.

if these are our creators,
please, please give me something else:

a drunken plumber at a bowling alley,
a prelim boy in a four rounder,
a **** guiding his horse through along the
a bartender on last call,
a waitress pouring me a coffee,
a drunk sleeping in a deserted doorway,
a dog munching a dry bone,
an elephant's **** in a circus tent,
a 6 p.m. freeway crush,
the mailman telling a ***** joke

Jan 2020 · 45
Straw Men
Acme Jan 2020
there's so much pleasure
inside pain that's hidden
by thick walls of guilt
we can't hope to overcome.
we must live within shells
taught us from birth by
religion and parents who
were taught it from birth
and on and on until a bright
child might refuse to believe.
He'll write of straw men, men
who breathe dust and live as
dead men with pulse and vitals.
He will survive the riptide and
attacks from brilliant fools who
embrace ignorance for the power.
He will bleed for truth and die
again and again until he's heard.
Jan 2020 · 19
When I Saw You
Acme Jan 2020
You were a Vision
in a bar with a halo,
gold hair against
a window, angel's
promise to save
me from myself.
I want to see you
as you are now
every single day
that I am living.
Jayne in Rugby's.
Jan 2020 · 19
Acme Jan 2020
I'm scared I couldn't.
I'm scared I could.
I thought I wouldn't.
Then I finally did.
I followed my heart
and divorced my life.
My lover sets me afire
where we feel it most.
We live modest now.
We eat at home alone
together every night
with black in my soul.
The condo's quiet, no
sons or dogs or her.
Marriage is a minefield but you know where the explosives are buried.
Jan 2020 · 17
What if We Lose Our Love
Acme Jan 2020
It's happened before.
I've fallen in love a million
times and the fire always
dies on beds of boredom.
I want to keep on with it
but I can't fake an *******.
Jan 2020 · 14
Acme Jan 2020
I'm sane and insane.
I'm honest and a liar.
I'm a thief and generous
with things you need.
I love and I hate you
in turns that I can't
understand. I see you
in perfect halo then
your sun blinds me.
I'll never see you again.
Jan 2020 · 99
Death Row's Final Dream
Acme Jan 2020
I've seen the priest and lawyers
and had my last meal. Big Macs
and fries and apple pie dessert.
To bed early, big day tomorrow.

I sleep. I dream. We're in a field
of wildflowers in youth's kind
innocence fumbling our way to
Eden, ****** and laughter.

A stranger takes me away to
a naked room with the smell
of death. Am I still in Eden?
I'll wait for your scent forever.
Acme Jan 2020
We are defined by many things in our lives.
  You're a good son. A great older brother.
  An eagle scout and crazy *** metal guitarist.
  A firebug and science nerd and my friend.

  I know cancer is devastating and destroys.
  Loved ones collateral damage of loose anger.
  You can't control your cancer. Life or death.
  Your victory is remaining Michael.
Jan 2020 · 39
E = MC squared
Acme Jan 2020
It's easy to fall in love in Cape Cod or
     the Vineyard or Nantucket in season, with
     roaring seas and ocean winds flying kites.
     Late afternoon we lie together in youth's
     embrace eating forbidden fruit. We love.

     It's tough to love after a broken heart.
     Plagued by bitter memories and subtle hints to
     look elsewhere. Doubting my appeal I try guilt.
     It just takes longer to the final gasp of death.
     Move on. There's no changing our chemistry.
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