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78 · Oct 2020
God makes us hurt
Davit darbaidze Oct 2020
Tell me, so called “god” , why do you always do this ,
I don’t want any money or cars or rings,
All i need is calmness, to be happy ,
Why did u make my soul this full and this empty.

I don’t wanna die , nah i do , im just scared ,
Im scared of being alone in darkness and not being able to find my bed ,
Or maybe there’s heaven? Is it really there?
Even if it is, i dont think there’s gonna be anyone who will care.

Or maybe I’m going to hell ??
Oh you’re right I’ll fit in well,
With all these demons, bad people , fire ,
I won’t feel bad for being a liar.
I’ll ******* rule that darkness, gonna make devil my ***** ,
I’ll say ohh lucy, your money are souls, so u wanna get rich?!!
Ofc he’ll say yes, and I’ll come back here,
I’m gonna act again, be fun to be near ,
I’ll lie to people’s faces, make them love being close,
Then I’ll drag them to hell, send them kisses and hells gate will close.

I can do this, im pretty sure to be honest,
But am i really that bad or am i just being modest,
Yes I’m a liar, actor, ironic and even cruel at times
But its not my fault , its a fault of my life and all these lies
That were being told to me, fake friendships and love
Fake girlfriend, fake people and even a fake dad ,
How the **** did i deserve this? What did i do ?
Why should i ******* know how it feels to be lied to?
And thats when i started being a two-face,
Like an angel who lost his grace,
For everyone im light, funny , good friend to br found
For me im dark, sad , depressed clown
56 · Jan 2020
let me shine
Davit darbaidze Jan 2020
Let me die
Let me die , let me die ,
I cant live and you all know why ,
I wanna cry , i wanna cry
You’d see me fail if u were blind .

Imma fly , imma fly
Said when asked “what u want ? Decide “
I cant lie , i cant lie
Even if i could , myself would deny .

Wanna taste , wanna taste
How success feels like
Wanna chase , wanna chase
The stars when they give me the sign .

My heart breaks , ye it breaks
When i see i could have survived
This heartaches , this heartaches
But i was always too scared to try .

Want to see it ? Wanna feel it ?
How being me feels like ?!
Imagine angel , who’s as sad as demon
Cause he never saw what his wings look like.

Can u take me ? Yes just take me
To the place where only i could survive
Or just shake me , strongly shake me
Make me think im gonna be the one to shine

— The End —