Death is but A breath away Waiting to catch you As you fall Into the abyss Life holds on strong To moments more Precious than gold A treasure not to Bury But rather to enjoy
Fingers growing weary Waiting to hold A pen Flowing with words Paper patiently waiting For scratching of words Making a sentence Someone Out there Waiting to be told Words So a poem Can begin Its' journey
Taking a giant leap From the muck and mire Called Life. Ready to wipe clean The sludge and the mud Of yesterday's mistakes. The sun is appearing Will it harden or soften This thing called Life
Flying high the sky Winged creatures soar Twisting and turning Freedom all about Over roof tipped houses Cluttered streets Littered with garbage And debris Circling over rivers And streams Blanketed mountain tops Welcoming trees Oh to fly High above and over The majestic sights All around
Friends of sort Sharing Ideas A dream Or two Maybe even Three Laughter tears From yesterday And today Food to share Places to go Books to Read Games to play Nothing like having A friend To share A thing Or two
Something about the Word Care Care package Care bear Care notes I Care Someone steps out Of comfort zone To bring comfort to Someone else Though it feels Nice to be cared for It's nicer to Care
Breeze whistling through My sleeves Sending chills up My spine Bringing a warm Smile Upon my face Transporting me to A time Not too long ago Where leaves of Golden color Gaily spun in A whirlwind of Flashy clothing Leaving behind An aroma of Woody smoke And a reminder For some Apple cider tea