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1.3k · Mar 2021
Michael Perry Mar 2021

there are many things
a man needs, not the least of which
is the love of a good woman
so i have had plenty of time
in order to truly make you mine
over the years since we worked out the details
to give our relationship time, you were worth the wait
we let our personalities meld, in the pursuit of love
we took on the years that have come and gone, it now
leaves  us full and without remorse
this love of ours has taken on life
one smile, one tear at a time, so i  don't
make this confession lightly when i say
my life would not have been worth living
if there were no you- there would have been no me

by Michael Perry
1.1k · Oct 2021
Michael Perry Oct 2021

i was out in the backyard
finishing late season yardwork
it was clear and crisp, aptly cold
i looked up as i was finishing
to see the moon, high in the sky
white glistening, giving a glow

i've seen the moon before
but couldn't take my eyes off it
wife called me in for supper
we talked casual, usual small talk
i helped her clean up the dishes

we went to bed, before we did
i asked her to look outside to see
what i had seen, she did as i asked
wasn't it amazing?.. we made love
falling asleep in each others arms

i woke up some time in early morning
it was freezing, i closed the window
before i did, i looked to see the moon
shining so bright, so close almost to touch it
i got back into bed, she had rolled away from me

i laid there with my eyes wide open
thinking there are many things to be counted on
life death, a sensible spouse, a house over my head
was it enough or could there be more to this as the
loneliness i felt settled in the sheets between us

by Michael Perry
893 · Apr 2021
SEA TIDES- a Haiku
Michael Perry Apr 2021
SEA TIDES- a Haiku

as the sea tides change
the mind will set course, carried  
feel the ebb and flow

by Michael Perry
855 · Jan 2020
FEARLESS ( A boxer's Story)
Michael Perry Jan 2020
FEARLESS (a boxer's story)  

from the precipice-I have stood to claim my right; I am fearless
over the years, fight has taken it's toll, I am a boxer-with cuts to my skin

I got muscles fully breached-still fighting is all I have ever known
I am a closer-I need one more chance to reclaim; not ready to go yet

I am a boxer- just once more-gotta beat the hype-to punish-take no prisoners
letting my punches hit their mark, taken one back to the jaw-leaving it's mark

still I will not be denied-I am one and the same; a gladiator-entering the ring
I am fearless-made peerless-as a diamond- sharp as a blade-just one more time

or has the years taken its toll- have I overstayed my welcome; need one chance to prove
to make a come back; I crave the respect-I deserve as much- I know, warriors don't give up

it's never too late- got fame on my brain-chances delayed-I am ready to climb that ladder
touch those heights-once again feel the heavens- fall down to my knees-I'll get back up

ready to fight- I am fearless- I believe in me- as the applause-rises up- I am calm
letting the voices-refresh like holy water, I hear them call to me-soothing like a salve

take my pain away -ready to fight anew- I will no longer be denied-ready to shake failure
to cement my name-be the greatest- fight for fame- remember my name-for glory given

to fight for salavtion- stake my claim- fight to stay alive- prove my point-leave no doubt  
I am fearless- a boxer's story- fighting for glory and my redemption

By Michael Perry
744 · Dec 2021
Michael Perry Dec 2021

the night is dark, so dark as i
look up in the inky blackness with no beginning, or end
- like a blanket, it unfolds before me, extolling peace
making way for transition, i continue
my star gazing, looking at the stars on display, they seem
ready to tell a story, as they blink on off, like some SOS
a code in  need of breaking, off and on, it goes till it
takes me a minute more to decipher, now at once
the message becomes clear, a feeling of familiar, comforting
as relayed to me, today may be over for now, but
behind the scenes, changes are constantly taking place
another  tomorrow, is not far off,  better than today, so just wait
settle back, be content, take every moment to,  just look up

By Michael Perry
658 · Jul 2021
Michael Perry Jul 2021

i watch, from my window
as the winds begin to pickup
off the bay, to rise and swirl
in clouds of dust and speck
gritty and pinging through the eaves
of this old house, forever battered
and weathered year and year
from storm after storm but still
regardless of the storm or the season
i watch, as the power lines whip and crackle
like strands of tormented licorice, as the lights
in the room, flicker off and on, i prepare
myself once more for the onslaught that is natures
way of giving everyone the *******, and still
i cant help myself, i take the abuse and i watch

by Michael Perry
425 · Apr 2021
Michael Perry Apr 2021

stars thrive electric
bright enough to bypass night
look up, make a wish  

By Michael Perry
404 · Apr 2021
Michael Perry Apr 2021

the water birds gather
wading in dark ponds moon lit  
skittish fish, frogs hide

by Michael Perry
364 · Oct 2021
Michael Perry Oct 2021

we went to Vermont  over the weekend
not for leave peeping, but a somber occasion
a funeral; funny it did not seem,  or so we thought

here to see extended family on these seemly
un-rare occasions more and more, every where
death with a couple weddings thrown in

the weather was bright, crisp in the morning
but gradually warming, for Vermont that is; something new
a heat-wave in October- climate change in effect

while never having been to a Vermont funeral before
my memories run the gamut on other stuffy affairs, overbearing
and hard to breathe even, scary and hard to take

we got to the church, the crowds milling about, smoking
everyone dressed like having got off work at 5, it was 10:30 AM
leaving shifts from the garage or the mines, we were overdressed

none the less we were welcomed, with open arms
by members of the immediate family, still we were all family
the service was filled; hymn singing, mixed with salty laced stories

afterwards everyone ate, in rows of communal tables
set up passing food back and forth, everyone brought a dish
with more salty stories and laugher, more laughter such

heart- felt laughter then i have heard in my life time which
made me stop to think, change my point of view about death
to be reminded, our journey is but a continuation of a well life lived

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2021
She bought this light green chair at an estate sale, with a red pillow as an accoutrement she smiled like a young child; proud of her find, all I could do was smile back, afraid to hurt her feelings, you hate it she said, I can tell-would it make you want it more if I told you it was from Ernest Hemingway's estate, such a find- I  was in a bidding war with another woman, I purchased it for you

its been a couple years hence, sitting in my light green chair, she knew it was the perfect chair, to do my writing, she would smile, if she could see me here, shades of the writer that I am

time to move on, all the memories left- I sold everything; never though, would I sell the light green chair with the red pillow, as it reminds me of her always

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2021

in my wakefulness
i still dream of you, always you
i am consumed by you
for you of you, your face
willing to leave an impression
on my pillow with a perfumed essence
that lingers long after, to fill my lungs
with a desire continued, though
my longing for you to be with you
has no beginning or end
each night to be loved by you
to know even in my dreams
awake or not you have changed
my world forever in the ways of love and life

by Michael Perry
336 · Apr 2021
Michael Perry Apr 2021

take a flowers bloom
smell the sweet perfume within
still, before it fades

By Michael Perry
307 · May 2021
Michael Perry May 2021

the soft boil eggs hissed, hysterical
while my mind wandered, and the bacon sizzled
she continued to sleep, i left her alone
i smiled to myself, her sweet perfume
lingered through the air, while i took
the paper, searched for the crosswords
soon, the sun was coming, high up, i rose
after a while not hearing any movement
so i went to the room and quietly opened the door
the darkened shades, kept the room dark, no wonder
she hadn't gotten up yet, her face against the pillow
child like and peaceful, i touched her arm gently
she smiled with her closed eyes, she said
just a couple minutes more i was having
a wonderful dream and its just getting to the best part

by Michael Perry
306 · Oct 2021
Michael Perry Oct 2021

there was a time- to change or not
our in between- us having a say
before and after- the trails and tribulations
back then; love was an abstract concept

whether through sleepless nights it would seem
out of each day wide awake living ordinary
to consequences of tossing and turning- heads spinning
it took time-for us to take a second look

whether being miles apart, or sitting right next to
it was up to us, pick up the pieces, put them back
learn from the ups and downs, till we figured it out
made crystal clear, paid dues, taken to heart, the getting through

By Michael Perry
300 · Oct 2021
Michael Perry Oct 2021
Haiku- untitled  
late season storm strikes
wind rain power reactive
with life over death

by Michael Perry

you and i love deep
facing, valleys, peaks, head on
risking it all to keep  

By Michael Perry
260 · Feb 2021
Michael Perry Feb 2021

caught between a rainstorm and the waiting sun
ready to push through and make its way
will be a minute or two in-between, seldom seen
otherwise willing to go unnoticed, still if you wait
for that momentary transition, letting it be revealed
by the pureness of the  unfiltered way  it
takes its turn between the rain and sun, and
in that minute transpiring, coming into view
will have its unaltered way with prisms of pure colored hues
and the majestic transition, giving hope to the rest of the day

by Michael Perry
258 · Jan 2022
Michael Perry Jan 2022
Mother Sun, Father Moon (inspired by Sylvia Plath)

your little girl, like Mona Lisa never smiled
still you breathed me to life
i was undeserving, given center stage
while a hidden pain lay until exposed  
i fell off the edge, not back to earth
a sanitarium waited, i lived till i died
-you both have yourselves to blame

by Michael Perry
256 · Apr 2021
Michael Perry Apr 2021

out of the silence
into the night, come strangers
looking for a fight

by Michael Perry
255 · Apr 2021
Michael Perry Apr 2021

my mind feels blank
making me devoid
of a conscience- something is missing
i cannot put my finger on it
as the air is cool against my face, chest
i don't remember getting out  of bed
still here i am standing  in the dark
at the end  of a long driveway, staring all around
trying to get my bearings, while
being naked, feeling afraid- i try to think
hard - putting a fist to my forehead
rubbing my brow but nothing comes
just white noise-i am so confused
- but I shouldn't be, i remember
yesterday and the day before, but
now nothing, it's like i woke up a
different person- my true self gone
the lack of clarity chills me, i am feeling lost
i am overcome, wanting to feel something
i look up to the stars they look back twinkling
they have  no answers for me either, so with
last efforts i begin to cry-all of a sudden
a strange woman comes to me, calling Daddy
i don't recognize her, she knows me
she wraps me in a blanket, taking my hand
i feel the warmth of her hand, still her face
is unfamiliar to me, she smiles like
she is caring for her very own innocent child
- she talks to me, softly, tenderly, saying, come back
into the house, we'll have a warm cup of tea

By Michael Perry
249 · Aug 2021
Michael Perry Aug 2021
a faded flower
needing water and sunshine
recovers quickly

by Michael Perry
242 · Apr 2021
Michael Perry Apr 2021

in life, a vow made is a vow kept- into
a lovers open arms, willing to commit
ready to be swept, together, having voices
climb declaring themselves, to sing sweet
as the heart jumps, leapt through the chest
overcome with feelings, nothing is greater
than a love to pursue, if you find the one
keep her, make her your own, sweep her into
your arms as you woo her tenderly, for when
it comes to a love ordained, nothing will keep
a man from a woman willing to share love so true

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2021
NO SECOND CHANCES (inspired by Sylvia Plath)

in all my moments alive, as the inky darkness thrives
among the trees standing in shadow like black animals
at attention, undefinable, they stand frozen, like me

what of life or death, ah, treacherous with obscenity's
i curse you stars to be wished upon, you have failed me
i am without voice, nor a tongue nowhere to be found

i am but a little girl lost, searching for a way to go home
i am without point, verge of insanity, still looking, always
so i write as a salve to explain away these wounds inside me

it has given me perception to delve into psyche's not mine  
what i could not find or fulfill in my short time alive, i know life
like death is a one way street no second chances, a dead end

By Michael Perry
233 · Apr 2021
Michael Perry Apr 2021

signs of spring revealed
while the frog croaks for a mate
the owl will feed

by Michael Perry
229 · Feb 2022
Michael Perry Feb 2022

driving down a back road
taking a drive through
Eastern Shores Maryland
going fast, feeling the car
as it purrs and hums under my
direction, the stereo plays as
the black top blurs in front of me
and behind in the rearview
the day is unseasonably warm
for late February, i can hear the hum
of the electricity in the powerlines
as i go fast, faster, harder then i should
i cannot help myself, the adrenaline rushes
then from out of nowhere, there is a farm
coming into view, something made me
slow down, there is a corral with horses
so i feel the need to stop-there were
two brown and white females and one
shiny black stallion, they were running back
and forth, the length of the enclosure
stopping every once in a while to feast
on alfalfa- i was awestruck, not sure why i stopped
but just taking a moment to watch beauty
in motion gave me pause, i never really took the time to
just slow down and appreciate my surroundings, i
watched them a couple minutes more,  just leaning
against the fence, taking in the moment, when out of nowhere
a black sports car was racing past me down the same road
i was on, at the same rate of speed i was doing before i
stopped, a police cruiser was right on his tail in
hot pursuit- when i got back into my car, i thought to
myself, hey that could have been me.

by Michael Perry
196 · Oct 2021
Michael Perry Oct 2021

a blank page
fills me with consternation
each time, rage

seeking to find
some common thread
in which to fill, lines

you may not know it
being creatively possessive i celebrate
stories in which to tell, therefore i am a, poet

By Michael Perry
196 · Jan 2021
Michael Perry Jan 2021

the heat cut through
like a knife to butter
soft, yellow, puddling and
the mirage up ahead, lead one to believe
there was water- somewhere to be found
which brought further confusion
-despair, when the mirage turned up dry

by Michael Perry
174 · Apr 2021
Michael Perry Apr 2021

the little child smiles
big eyes with childish wonder  
sunshine and rainbows

by Michael Perry
171 · May 2021
LOVE- a Haiku
Michael Perry May 2021
LOVE - a Haiku

your love is a rose
deeply, lovingly tended
by another's kiss

by Michael Perry
167 · Dec 2021
Michael Perry Dec 2021

Our nights are always the same, we start it mundane
just simple, then a sip of wine to alleviate the days pain
we ease into it slowly, as the conversations get started
one glass at a time, we talk about our day, the kids, the car
will dinner be on the table this time? we laugh, we giggle
we hold hands by the fire, by the third or fourth glass
we have moved on to the meaning of  life, the state of
politics; ready to declare what side, we are on...we do this each night
in spite of ourselves, you'd think we'd know better
but with a touch grape on our lips, to let the  obscenities' flow steadier
we stamp our feet, and gnash our teeth, to make our point sharper
as the night rolls around, it gets later and later, now dinner is burnt
as we set blame on each other, we loose  inhibitions, as we become
all glassy eyed and slurred, finally we reach the end of the bottle
we're bad, what a shame, too late for another run, empty stomachs spurn so we order take-out from the place down the street and nurse
huge headaches that feel like hell on earth, we go to bed as if still
friends and  lovers, as if nothing has happened, that is until tomorrow when
we imbibe once more, getting our favorite bottle of wine from the local liquor store

by Michael Perry
166 · Feb 2022
Michael Perry Feb 2022

my frame of reference when speaking of love
whenever she looks at me, that's all it takes
she is, what makes my whole world worthwhile; without realizing  

all the ways, so easy on the eyes, ready to ease my mind
a safe space, a place to lay my head
she is, all the love songs needing to be sung; perfect harmony  

complimenting all the ways i need her to be  
with her my heart is spoken for, more than just physical
she is,  what sees us through all the times; day and night

my life preserver if and when i need saving
capable and steady, with life's twist and turns, i run to her  
she is,  that safe harbor i drift to lovingly; every time      

body and soul , all that i adore, this woman i would die for
every thought to keep my mind sane, on an even plane  
she is,  the easiest decision i ever made; a revelation

my once in a life time, all the moments we share
my love and salvation, a driving force, so deep down
she is , my days and nights my forever in dreams; realized

my one true love, as we stand the test of time
the sweetest gift received, as my heart beats steady
she is, all my reasons why i live and breathe; say a prayer for

by  Michael Perry
164 · Apr 2021
Michael Perry Apr 2021

salt marsh sparrow males
sing for their mates, a love song
silent, in whispers  

by Michael Perry
158 · Feb 2020
Michael Perry Feb 2020

Unable to think-forsaking love's path
all sense of reason gone-ready to collide
left us here in our pain and it's aftermath

as we remember all the details one by one
having no words to give us sway- or turn and run
stop the clock- let it play out -before it's begun

give us the beating heart-a bigger part- hope to try
see what we didn't see- break it down-just a formality
to make all the difference between hello and goodbye

we are made to explain-give it name- or pretend
every single time-we fought the urge-carry on
longing to savor-raise the white flag- fight to defend

as we catch ourselves-prepare for what's next
rally round- hold on tight- face unknowns-head on
take a step- one at a time-as we catch a breathe

wanting to be reasured-make it right- keep it tender
lovers on the verge-we must press on
hold up our hands-give in -fess up-ready to surrender

we are lovers in fight or flee-in dreams believed
damage control-we hold out-belief made real
promises kept-whatever happens next- love is realized

give us the beating heart-a bigger part- hope to try
see what we didn't see- break it down-just a formality
to make all the difference between hello and goodbye

By Michael Perry
154 · Jun 2021
Michael Perry Jun 2021

the air is stifling, no movement
no sound, the last of the cicadas
back underground, all around me
an uneasiness profound, i live
i breathe, in stilted stutters, like
a fish out of water i grasp and
claw at the thick air that surrounds
as my heart leaps and pounds, and
then the  softest of a breeze, if
you could call it that, comes
meekly around, but its enough
just enough to calm me down

by Michael Perry
147 · Feb 2020
Michael Perry Feb 2020

What if it happens like this- to come undone
aimless-a mistake, without having purpose
be misguided misdirection-without no flow

I am fitful- heaven sake-find me irresolute
what to think- a blame game- I am afraid to blink
erratic-pique-to be left on hold feeling cold-unloved

I am waiting-ready to flounder-got no points to ponder
have no wonder-don't ask the deeper questions-or seek
another destination, got me ready or not-I have no-fight

or feel anything left inside of me, just aimless-color me
deep blue cut to the root-bleed-or mend -heal me-whatever
the cost-pretend- just twist the truth, here down on my knees

slowly peel back the layers- a scant window view-hear my prayers
regarding mistakes I made at my  confessional-  time will tell
call it randomly- I strayed,  betrayed, up went the *******

for I am the mystique-an oddball flavor-to savor-maybe
not-everyone's palette taste- still I am served best- hot or cold
I am aimless-I am, I am a blank space, no words; meaningless

crazy-random have no order cast me out,rattled deep within
lost my religion -faith is gone-over the years-tattooed on
my lips-whisper; aimless lost in a concept-ill-conceived I am

made indecisive-unexplainable do unpredictable things
made pointless-my little white lies bold-told you- rant
and rave betrayed the truth, I am  fallen behind, left aimless

have no direction-the child of chance-worthless, have no value
give in-to fits; be fickle once a fanciful I am hell-bent-flighty
the heir apparent-accidental tourist, a liar, wanderer-blind-to

whatever end- every other cause without choice ever made
I, I am aimless for what ever keeps me up, gone- be it real or fake
I am compromised, my eyes play fault; I am haphazard, I am who

I am-who I am- capricious, unplanned-raked over the coal, roll
out my story-told- made me, I am aimless- unable to defend my
actions so to all who  knew before I did, when they said aim high

I refused to listen, here I sit, aimless, - having no clue

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2022
Our day was the most normal of all
meeting for breakfast, we were in love
looking into each others eyes, here
at our favorite café, where we met most
days, we sat at a corner table which
was set with fresh picked flowers
we ate croissants and drank chicory
oh to be in love like this, then at one point
it happened, his mood seemed to overtake
the moment; like a cloud covering a sunny day
then he casually said to me without any
further instance of emotion, that it was over
he could not go on anymore, he had fallen
out of love with me, how could this be
we had been together for a long time, there
was no consignment or strings attached, foolishly
thinking, we could make this work, albeit
discreetly, he left me in stunned silence
then got up and removed himself from the table
as I sat alone for a moment, quickly acquiescing
to leave, making my way home where I
paid the babysitter and sat in my chair with my head
back to ponder next moves-oh yes there
would always be next moves to make

by Michael Perry
146 · Dec 2021
Michael Perry Dec 2021

rise up to the day
catch every white silence  
bask in cold water

By Michael Perry
145 · Dec 2020
Michael Perry Dec 2020

the lines from my face explain
all the loss each  time  and place, as i
step forward and face it head on, my story
is your story, each in our own way, made of
strength and endurance, beyond the pale, some say
we are brave, still i am scared, we do not ask for much
we just do our part, without complaint least of all, we
will never let you down, so don't let us down our
lives are intertwined, in this moment so close;  as we
all make ready to contemplate what the coming year
will bring, so i pray for a little respite from all that
we've been through, that is not a lot to ask for now, is it?

by Michael Perry
142 · Jul 2020
Michael Perry Jul 2020

just as the sun sets
if one turns in time to see
colors of life shine

her smile held me fast
illicit-flawed, by chance meet
of 10,000 days saved

out of night looming
two car lights careen, into
a dark road will reveal

carried by water
of echo repeat, on the verge
voices call out, to haunt

by Michael Perry
140 · Oct 2021
Michael Perry Oct 2021

we used to be friends
for years and years on end
in total shared experiences, it kept us

until a divide drove a wedge
between, a fault unseen
a chasm opened wide, no warning

now a fence divides our yards, a no mans
land between keeping the peace, for how long
neither of us knows or cares to even ask the other, why?

by Michael Perry
130 · Feb 2021
Michael Perry Feb 2021

with each attempt to create from a simple blank page
i hope to write something great, will settle for profound
parsing every word i use as a guide down through the age
to give it life, shape shift, twist, glean verb, from noun

to share the untold, reveal my truth,  unleash the unknown
and with each line i will write- to go there, get into, delve
showing that as a writer i have come along,  grown
reveal myself, show the world instead of hiding and shelve it

its has taken me years to overcome, claim i arrived and reflect
so to everyone who reads my words, the deepest of gratitude
for there is only the written word, and our shared respect to
do what we do, as we pursue all those still untapped multitudes

by Michael Perry
130 · Mar 2020
Michael Perry Mar 2020

from my window
there to glimpse
I watch the birds; assorted
set down to feed, frenzied
from a slanting rain, they seek out
to gather peck and scratch
while in this moment of
lost souls, well-nigh contemplative
I look up and as the clock
chimes out the hour, feeling the
assault of lonely moments gather, I am aware then as
before the yard has emptied out once more

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2021
The Pink Bird Corridor (reimagined)

could it be some ones favorite color
or a bird with a plumage decked out
maybe it's a ballerina dressed pretty in a pink tutu
the choice is up to you as each one
will set ones imagination in motion
be it a color like no other that has a
very wide-ranging and serious devotion
or let us give a shout out to a kind of dance
mostly given on world wide center stages
where the female dancer wears a pink tutu
and her dancing partner wears
a tighter than tight pair of tights
or maybe just maybe you happen to be a devotee
inclined, one of the thousands who watch birds
ready to set their sights on one of the most
extraordinary birds around, unfortunately not found
here in (Delaware)  as it happens it is
a special  one of a kind bird who stands on one leg
most of the time because the water that it wades in
is usually very cold, in a warm climate? who knew-go figure

by Michael Perry
129 · Nov 2020
Michael Perry Nov 2020

like ripples in a pond
circle upon circle  
out, out, until creating, infinity
where no longer; the fading
begins back, back one into the other
willing the disappearance of
circle over circle, this over that
gone for now, into nothingness
or to begin again by chance, cause and effect
upon the stillness of water, as it was, just a moment
before will remain again for now, undisturbed once more

by Michael Perry
125 · Jun 2021
Michael Perry Jun 2021

in my life i have known this
a woman, she is life; through
the window of her soul, i see all,

transparent she becomes,  lives an angel
she knows me, i know her, there is
so much more, we share, go through

each moment spent, her face is love
pure and light for in a thousand of my dreams
with her simple style, takes care, only love emanates

from her, none will compare, as we share
with just a touch, i know her, i see her
she knows, i am here, ready to hold her in my arms

with undying love, never to forsake her, all we create
through the years, we will go on, go on, together
we breathe life, into each other; she, i, us, no other

by Michael Perry
122 · Feb 2020
Michael Perry Feb 2020

In the distance of
images blurred-hard to tell, coming into focus
a  full view
there it is, then not

glistening pools of
coolness, with sand and palms, pleasures overflow
to slaking ones thirst, or rest ones head
there it is, then not

to live in the dream of trying to forget
belief suspension, made so real, ready
to touch, to see, clear as day
there it is, then not

as the mind plays tricks, downplaying, it's own reality check

By Michael Perry
122 · Oct 2021
Michael Perry Oct 2021

my tears collected
into a puddle of loss
making seas of grief

by Michael Perry
121 · Apr 2021
Michael Perry Apr 2021

babbling brook, speaks
with it's stories of life lived
choosing each parsed word  

by Michael Perry
119 · Apr 2021
Michael Perry Apr 2021

as the fog lifts up
revealing what was hidden
tall peaks in white cap

by Michael Perry
119 · Oct 2021
Michael Perry Oct 2021

the couple went for a walk just before dusk
the snow starting lightly to fall, first snow of
the season, it was cold not overly so, they walked
hand and hand for awhile, not saying anything
both just enjoying the tranquility, through
the silence they kept up a good pace
as the street lights, cast out their shadows
they kept going, to anywhere, hand in hand
they both sensed the same direction
without missing a single step, they went, now it was
completely dark, turning around from the previous
direction they walked earlier, their steps were
filled in by the snow, erasing the way home still
landmarks did appear dusted in the new fallen
snow to make everything appear suddenly most alien
inevitably though, they found their way back, with the
lights on in the house inviting them to get out of the cold

by Michael Perry
116 · Jan 2021
Michael Perry Jan 2021

so as the summer sizzle stalls into simmering on
and the fire flies flit catching light-deep into the night
so it goes- with each new day unable to carry
it's own weight from the heaviness the heat has wrought
rightly or wrongly, each day and night becomes
more brought about surrendering , slowly, sluggishly, straining into a
miasma of monotonous memory, where one needs a break from-
for nothing else will break this impasse excepting a cold front fast

by Michael Perry
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