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Mar 2020 · 110
Michael Perry Mar 2020

I am a man in love
with my  woman, a dream, to confess
to look at her face, worship
take her all in, use my eyes
my tongue, for to kiss
to speak of this, I am
a man happy, and content
my heart swells, overwhelming
for in you,  I see it all so clear
I am a man ready for love, my chance
our two bodies connect; we make  electric
feeling the heat, us; here and now as we, lie side by side
I am a man grateful believing
there isn't a day goes by
as I live  and breathe- I am a man
committing the rest of my life
to keep you on a pedestal, adored  

by Michael Perry
Mar 2020 · 83
Michael Perry Mar 2020

Day One
for a moment.
by pause, a fog.
laden, having no memory.
lost, in itself, to forsaking.
the life of the living, ignored.

Day Two
from out of nowhere, the sound.
of thunder, listening to the beat.
as a life bringer, first a memento.
to gather, to mourn, to implore.
on its own, choices are made, each one.
ready for sacrifice to a higher god.

Day Three
in the middle, of nowhere, as everywhere.
they uprooted pass by footsteps come, ready.
a sound, by higher, in loud, I, to overwelming.
by an unknown, bewildered one, a jouney to, we.
accepting, choose, this, the context, if, of what will be.
             you, blink ready- now, to understand.

by Michael Perry
Mar 2020 · 36
Michael Perry Mar 2020

where the endless is endless
as if willing itself to spill-one
into the other- over the edge, where
sky touches a setting sun, to a point
as the wind wills itself to be quiet
settling into a whisper, I lean in
trying to hear, while overcome
outnumbered I am alone, amongst
the countless number of stars, they embrace
wink, feeling like lost friends, there to steady
to calm me, as I look down into the water
made of glass-I am looking at me, looking at me
trying to decipher-what it all means; nothing comes
what happens-is it the end; gone as far as I can go
left to walk on water- to figure it out on my own
I hate puzzles, I just  need a simple answer to
the question I have, and then before I can ask it
appears a white dove, flying above my head
as I watch it- it flies without stopping into
the light, to a place where the sun is rising,  expecting me
to follow, so I go -no longer afraid, I know now what
I have to do- my question is answered, I am saved

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Mar 2020

as with anything
that is beautiful; a flower
speaks to us of truth

we accept this
and acknowledge
our shortcomings by it

hidden from view, we like
the flower, have deep within
our roots but to tell a story

reminding us, daily who we are
through our vanity and
deep seeded faults

we unwilling, will grow unattended
while having no care or such
in the value to live and thrive

from these frailties
we as humans have, but do not admit
to a root sytem in chaoes

still, like the flower, there are
choices to be made, continue on a path
that shows growth, or wither and die

so with every season  there will come
a sense of renewal, do we down play our infalibility
hoping to get by or will we strive for something more

by Michael Perry
Mar 2020 · 54
Michael Perry Mar 2020

on days countless, empty headed- would
lead into something random, where
I am not complete, of missing a
thought or two, a slight remembrance, here
there, comes a flicker of light, to come; go
there-into this dizzying fog; to consume-to
over come me, in an instance, no control
taking every word from out of my mouth- each syllable
missing their cue, to where, I am, I was, what now
for losing them; into the air- this mixing jumble
of words sentences going no where, as you sit
watching helpless, with just your simple touch
it steady's my focus- to make right the wrong

by Michael Perry
Mar 2020 · 75
Michael Perry Mar 2020

in rushes tide random
of **** and swallow
foam debris clog
slog log jam hollow
evacuation continuation
in upsurge sandspit
gritty settle little bits- follow through
giving in -back out  fade
eddies empty boulders shallow
moon in retrograde

By Michael Perry
Mar 2020 · 66
Michael Perry Mar 2020

today, I am reminded of you, in most days you are of
a random singular thought, my silent pause, my somehow
happy image to reflect, to look back on, with a smile or a
tear or two, you are an indelible mark upon my life this
woman of silent strength and dignity, who stood tall, in my
life-she, who surrendered her love to me forsaking herself
above all else, she who gave me breath to speak, my sight
with eyes to see, a mind to think it through, my senses given
pause, to me you are, above all, so take this time, life is precious
let every minute count, never forget, for if you don't all that
will be left, are random photos and the piece-meal memories

By Michael Perry
Mar 2020 · 80
Michael Perry Mar 2020

out of the jagged lines
molded into the aged  pavement's
upheaval; the ugliness will
thrive; surrounded by broken glass
and debris scattered, comes a flower
struggling to break through, to survive
as it seeks the sun-for in it's
weakened state, the slight leaves
make a vain attempt to find it's
place in all the blight and excess

By Michael Perry
Mar 2020 · 69
Michael Perry Mar 2020

you've shown me in ways a love so true
from out of everything good-I don't take light
for I know there is no me without you

looking forward as the whole world turns
we make ready our own gravitational pull  
coming together often  in a love fire burn

years from now as the sun rises up in the sky
and the moon shows bright  every night leaving
only the stars to tell our story of love undenied

By Michael Perry
Mar 2020 · 116
Michael Perry Mar 2020

will I ever be remembered
for any of the words, I have put forth, will I
ever shed literary light on
the misconception of prose-who knows
or maybe-just maybe-use my
poetic prowess-to conjugate a verb or two- the
ones no ones ever heard of before, but will
that be enough-to succeed or fail- what happens next?

will that be as far as I go- could I be just another
literary has-been, in search of fame- or possibly
a footnote in some obscure magazine, might I be
a one line reference on the world wide web- could
that be it- or am I able to take this literary tour as
far as it will take me-to success, if not,  like my words on
a page-  if no one reads them, they stay anonymous

By Michael Perry
Mar 2020 · 120
Michael Perry Mar 2020

from the simple normalcy of the darkness of these
many years, you and I in the same bed-we have
shared for all this time - keeping  our distance
between the sheets;  in the do not disturb position
out of which;  familiarity breeds

to the years that have come and gone-letting the
subtle changes of  our youth quickly transition
into faces- we hardly recognize anymore, we have
accepted the inevitable; and as I lay awake now
listening to you breathe, in your soft unobtrusive way
I am comforted by the fact that we will share another
ordinary day- and for that alone, I wouldn't change a thing

by Michael Perry
Mar 2020 · 51
Michael Perry Mar 2020

out the window
as I sit and observe, the start
of dawn-still moments away- with the
silence claiming, I will obey-pay
attention with senses more attuned
pick up on the subtleties of floor
to ceiling-as the shadows and light
-bring into focus, the untouched; as such
the dust motes from the day before that
trail along the ungrained wood floor, I missed
to the beating of my heart, once ignored as
it beats it's echo- deep within my chest, of the feelings
of abandonment, to the reasons unexplored till now
and my longing for what-I am unable to
recall - all within these moments, of here and now  

By Michael Perry
Mar 2020 · 74
Michael Perry Mar 2020

the explosion of foam and water, to rock
as the waves, black; without end, form
one after the other, to come; to come
without hesitation, to make smooth the
jagged face of ages hence-exacting with
vengence, to ravage; erase, leaving no doubt
the force of nature upon itself-  while within
the setting dark of a full moon on the rise readies
itself to inspire bring order and purpose to the night

By Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 58
Michael Perry Feb 2020

my love,   my love
with a hearts on fire, my heart is filled with desire, I speak your name
enuciate- dedicate my life, to touch, of this woman, my breath barely
escapes, flesh made reactive- rush upon the tide, the moon is full-white upon white
in hot whisper- cold sheets- collarbone kiss; touch of tongue, cleft of thigh
with sweet desire flame made high- moments succincintly, love has meaning
there up on the altar flesh of our truth- dawn is close, in shared communion we
look to the joy, out of the bodies hum, we will claim the unbidden, to each to each
in singular times, we are bound one  to one-flesh made of our purpose; a vow-taken
as the two souls awaken- we continue on, on -to; to give in, to, as we consecrate love

By Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 74
Michael Perry Feb 2020

a red curtain-torn, askew, made ashamed
as an insult to hang low, abused,   unloved

from within these four walls lies the stink of
the stale breath-overcome with the moss of age

and as the silence surrounds, it lets out a baleful sound
that screeches of jagged glass teeth-exposed, ready to bite

to the coldness that remains intact, over a once held claim lost
to time and space, where only now, live the ghosts holding court

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 40
Michael Perry Feb 2020

with thoughts of you how can I compare
this or any- to another day, being the same
without you in it-for I want to be selfish, wanting
you for another day, if possible; like before without
even speaking, using any words, we had a language all
our own; to communicate, all our hopes and dreams
into a promise;  that was meant to keep us immune from
being apart for any length of  time- so then how is it
I let you go-for real- without putting up a fight, when
not even your memory will suffice, I need your flesh and bone
for the comfort; now the lack there of- as I comprehend
what's happened; and the fact that; while, you- were
in your sick bed;  I let you down when you needed
me the most, making myself blind to the fact; avoiding
even eye contact; and ready to shut out the thoughts of, I was
not ready to hear,- and you trying in your weakened state
to let go-I would not have it-now it's too late- to this day
I will never bring myself to think of the word;      good-bye

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 50
Michael Perry Feb 2020

counting the days with the long
and slow, much has come between as we
lead other lives, to this point, meeting again
now under the changed circumstances to
rekindle, what was left- would it still be the
same as before, or has time chastened ours to
nothing more, from a once growing flame, previously
expunged-that followed different paths, to now
how can we be sure, as we share a gaze into each
others eyes, would it  tell us everything, we will
need to know,  as we start over, with an initial embrace
will we still be lovers or just replaying- love's foolish game
somehow wanting to be coaxed again- or will one touch be enough
as our bodies find the confidence, once more, with hands over
our hearts as we confess true love- between us, once and for all

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 67
Michael Perry Feb 2020

I am no one-and every man- a face in the crowd
unrecognizable-or of discerning judgement a
beggar, a thief, a nomad-could be young or old
I can be whatever you want me to be-a friend or
foe, a native or an immigrant- have an unrecognizable
dialect-be a speaker of many- languages, use my hands
to interpret for the deaf- or the associate of a lowbrow who
prowls the streets looking for a mark- maybe that tourist
visiting Cleveland for the first time- I will be; your beer
drinking union buddy down at the corner pub-or how
about an upper-echelon wine snob who hosts a party
for $500 a head- I can be anyone of them; I am the chameleon
you will never be able to tell, if our paths cross- recently or past
either way- if you see me- you will never escape the unavoidable  

By Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 48
Michael Perry Feb 2020

as the dusk heightens against an early
winters backdrop, she walks, her head down
as she thinks of; of him, he so full of presence of
life itself, bigger than he; entering a room and
so quickly noticed, she smiles at that; of him, of them
how happy they were, planning each day together
never thinking it would end like this-she walks past
the lines of river birch, and scrub, as singular leaves
brush past her shoulder; she enters through the gate
to the small church yard and the cemetary beyond
within a stones throw, she stands in front of a stone
with a familar name, husband, son, father- as she reflects
on a life not fully lived- had she only known; on what could
have been, but will now never be- as a cold drizzle distracts her
on further thoughts of him, she turns with sentiments now lost into
the air itself- - she walks on alone arms folded against her chest
as she steps back into the approaching night

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 69
Michael Perry Feb 2020

to the woman who has captivated
for all time-coming closest to
human perfection, she;  found in an alcove
down a museum hall, to be admired, the
world over, having her subtle  smile preserved
with a focused light trained on the canvas- as
her darkened eyes reflect- some- thing of a
secret detail never revealed- she of the beauty
and of womanhood-surpassed- sits unaware,with
all the voyeuristic eyes trained on her, the contrast
of light and dark; her image imbued- as you move
from, side to side admiring the artist concept -of she
who sat unmoved, unchanged-what was she thinking
as she sat there- then you think to yourself-somehow
a reaction resolves-itself as you are reminded, that
you know her, yet you  can't quite put your finger on
it- or was it your eye, just playing a trick-  and or was
that the artist's intention all along

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 39
Michael Perry Feb 2020

of her 98 years
the dowager recalls, her life
all of it-still; with such vivid detail
recounting and recalling past loves-and of a life
thoroughly enjoyed-to it's fullest-having no apology
as she endured her life; with no passing
after-thought- if you want, she continues on
I could tell you so much more; if you'd like- as you
politely decline- then she,  with a passing of her
withered hand rebukes your acquiesce, as she turns
her head away from view; whether in contempt -or
pure disdain, as you sit bedside ignored-she then closes
her eyes taking leave-excusing your presence straight away

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 53
Michael Perry Feb 2020

no mere words, can ever express
my deepest love, I feel for you
to dream awake thinking of how to-make our love
last forever-only God knows the timeline of
how much time we have together-but if I could
with each little prayer, if he's listening; to possibly grant
and extend our time; beyond the concept of human reality
I would; ready for us-to defy what's known of space and time

By Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 46
Michael Perry Feb 2020

in the spring of my youth, I
spied a quiet moment-I wasn't
supposed to see between
the two, they were speaking in
quiet tones- in the kitchen by the
sink- early light filtering in-I
was unable to make out- what
was said- but it was their bodies
which caught my eye; their bodies
spoke volumes between the two
he looked steady, commanding
into her eyes-raising her chin
looking eye to eye; his focus
on the words he used to comfort
to reassure-while she; relaxed her
body felt the reassurance, as he
wiped her tears away with his thumb
and they stood like that for the
longest time seeming an enternity
but it probably wasn't-she with her
head against his chest, he clung on
taking the full weight of them both
the two becoming as one-and in
that moment- I knew of wordless love

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 56
Michael Perry Feb 2020

out over the horizon's touch
far beyond any reasonable land-
where the sun meets the sky
is a place that -never had a name
found in the  glistening waters of
the north atlantic sea; ready to shimmer
like mirrored glass; reflecting on the
bodies of the artic tern and the swallow
as they swoop in their migrational
journey back, looking homeward- not
stopping until- as  a pod of humpback whales
follow along- diving and flapping their tails
being the giant masters of hereditary- who
come  back year after year to the place
they've always known- in their constant search
for a shoal of krill-there till, as the sun sets pink
on a month of transitions-soon to be fully realized

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 61
Michael Perry Feb 2020

worked at the company for years
with nothing to show-the man he approached me
told me my jobs on the line, as he handed
me a pink slip-then he walked me to the door
- said he was sorry

now  all I have is worry on my mind
in the next days as I hit the hot dusty pavement
trying to look ahead, not back; Lord, I am struggling
I need a prayer heaven sent- ready to accept fate
-can anyone save me

I try to remain proud, while feeling emotionally spent
with my mind a constant blur, each night finds
me on bended knee, ready to fight for an intervention
when one doesn't come, I don't deserve this hell, why me?
- no one will look me in the face

dont want my kids to hate me
the wife thinks I drink, too much
I'm left in a funk, going nowhere fast , why now
why me- I'm a middle aged american male
-obsolete, easily replaced.

don't want any hand outs, just shake my hand
tell me im hired, use a comforting word or a simple hug
I want to stop feeling the pain, only drink assuages my pain
where is my family, when I need them the most
- how much can one man bear

dont want my kids to hate me
the wife thinks I drink, too much
I'm left in a funk, going nowhere fast , why now
why me- I'm a middle aged american male
-obsolete, easily replaced.

By Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 74
Michael Perry Feb 2020

I shall never be rid of you; in the deep down
this little voice that nags-it grows stronger
sometime-not to be  ignored, here nor there
reacting whenever it wants to make itself
be heard, if I know right or wrong with my
mind made up-whether with disdain or satisfaction
to get it's point across for at this juncture or
next- to tell me in it's own little way, whether I
want to hear it or not-demanding of me; full attention
day for night; and sometimes-when I've had enough
it's my way of blowing off steam- I find a place
quiet, my sanctuary space with no one around where I
silently yell into the void and when I've had enough
I feel better, until the next time; whether good or bad
to keep me in line- to my conscience- I say, be ******

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 58
Michael Perry Feb 2020

about last night, still dulled, leaving a blur
of the anonymously random, reason unforgiven
that of the two strangers-who met last night-
legs and arms in a tangle, twisted, together
expectations sated-and within the dimmed light
of the early morning- the light peeks through-
from the dark curtains slightly pulled back-to  
reveal what remains of the disregard; all the disorder
that collides within having been sustained- from
the pulled back sheets bunched into a knotted pile; or
the random lip stick stain left on the deflated pillow case
as one reaches for ; onto the sticky vinyl table top, left are
two glasses, still half full, or the random change spilled
haphazard onto the rug, silently;  left there to die a
couple pennies, two nickels and a dime- while the two
nameless strangers gather up, their belongings, they
crisscross the room-absolved of a momentary lapse of guilt
to begin their exit from the room- letting the door slam
shut behind, as the elavator bell rings; it swings from side
to side, the paper customary sign, a reminder to the maid
that the room will need a thorough cleaning, once more

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 136
Michael Perry Feb 2020

In the distance of
images blurred-hard to tell, coming into focus
a  full view
there it is, then not

glistening pools of
coolness, with sand and palms, pleasures overflow
to slaking ones thirst, or rest ones head
there it is, then not

to live in the dream of trying to forget
belief suspension, made so real, ready
to touch, to see, clear as day
there it is, then not

as the mind plays tricks, downplaying, it's own reality check

By Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 50
Michael Perry Feb 2020

willows weep
silent stoic
poised in saintly supplication
bitter surroundings meld
leaving barren crusts of earth exposed
ancient roots bleached white
cling together
as the onslaught of night continues unabated
frost heaves deeply cut
furrow frozen ground,  winds moan
incessantly digress to a Winter's canticle
paying homage to the dead

by Michael Perry
(copyright MOBIUS) 25th edition
Feb 2020 · 61
Michael Perry Feb 2020

like a spring snow, passing over our heads, burying us deep
within whose depths, it was hard to see, without knowing
for sure, the feelings we had in mind, precious but hard to keep

here we were, ready to succumb, while seeking so much more
It passed us by time and again, unable to see, what the heart was for

whether right or wrong, both our feelings were ignored, for awhile
tossing them aside, exaggerated, justified, or simply nullified

should I, would she, just walk away this time, for all that we know
or take one step back, to being worthwhile, make a flame grow

should I, will she, could we, just stop, taking a page from fate
reconsidering it all, to make it better, fix it before it breaks
so that we can go forward and move beyond our love stalemate

be it a mistake, misunderstanding, or else the consequence
of a heart, figuring out what it needs, whether fight or flee
left up to happenstance, it never crossed our minds, to walk away

we fought our way back, trying to survive, against the tide
like a sea storm swelling, the ebb and flow, in and out
searching the moon and stars, struggling, till we got it right

now with eyes wide, and our love where it belongs, we know the score,
letting the heavens fully align, to be our guide, from behind closed doors

be it a mistake, misunderstanding, or else the consequence
of a heart, figuring out what it needs, whether fight or flee
left up to happenstance, it never crossed our minds, to walk away

By Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 53
Michael Perry Feb 2020

there in the woods-with secret eyes
made aware, to the deepening dark
that is filtering in, comes a sound made  
from out of nowhere appearing,  as this
changeling; a babe swaddled, under the
encrusted outcropping of rock; placed
there in it's sanctuary, by whom, no one
knows- no matter though, as the story continues
in the silence of deepening woods cleaved by
the dew gently gathering as it falls against the rock
face-in staccato time , to create a  wordless lullaby
all the while to make the baby doze-that is
until, along comes,  a she bear- who pads
through, she sniffs for a scent, and finding one
similar yet not;  like  other scents, found there
in the wood, she sees this babe, she approaches
coming close as she dares, as her warm breath
delights the baby making it coo,  she reacts as any
mother would in the circumstance, with the instinct
to protect and defend;  this little one, out of necessity
from any outside force; so all the intruders prepare to be
put on notice as she  settles in closer, using her thick winterized
coat  as the blanket, to keep them both warm;  and the baby
looks on with love - she sighs contented, as both close their eyes

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 82
Michael Perry Feb 2020

into the window, it comes flooding past- the
reminiscences, to take up- or fill in the empty
spaces once occupied by us, now caught by
the moon of half light readying to pause right
there on the floor board, leaving only a  chill bone
of breath, stale, silent, unanswered; you and I -we
were two lovers brought down by the flux of not
meant to be, we slipped away like the memory lost to
time as reflected by the faded wallpaper or to the bed we
shared, while on the wall opposite hangs the mirror hiding the ghosts
of what could have been, staring back from within the recess of oval

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 45
Michael Perry Feb 2020

she becomes all the ways
to ease my mind, a place to lay my head
she becomes every song needing to be sung

She becomes  a starting point for love
melodies to be savored
she becomes all the words put into thought    

She becomes all the ways
to capture my heart, more than physical, she becomes
the music I hear, when I look into her eyes, it remains clear

She becomes the anchor I hold on to
when I need to save my life she becomes
a safe harbor I will drift lovingly toward      

She becomes all that I adore, this woman I would die for
she becomes every thought to keep my mind
consumed, she becomes the easiest decision made; a revelation

She becomes my one true love, to stand the test of time
having a  rhythm and rhyme, sweet singer of songs, she becomes
all the reasons why, I live and breathe, say a prayer for

She becomes, my once in a life time, in the moments experienced
my love and salvation, a driving force, so deep down, into my soul
she becomes, the fever I once caught, never truly recovering from

By Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 42
Michael Perry Feb 2020

wild horses running free
speed and dignity, proud
mighty animal beast
unbound, to roam
without fear, unchained
the souls blaze with fire
power unrestrained
as lightening strikes
having legs of muscle and sinew
ripping at the air
this is their home
a desolate place
courage, above all
swift as the night
in silhouette, over a setting sun.

By Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 114
Michael Perry Feb 2020

cover to cover lies a skein colored sky full of clouds made from rayon thread
so let us take a drive  and head in any direction  down                  highway 41
paved in        a  blending of   fabrics piece by piece                   stitch by stitch
                                       held fast                together
by a serious barbed wire fence                                                so think  quick
will we go fast or slow                possibly                          head for the border
because that which defines  us                                                   will determine  
make us realize  none too soon     who we are as a people         to interpret laws
use our unintiated  eye     over wishful thinking                           so wait for it                 
when the lights go on be ready  to see    reach whats beyond      to search for to find  
that  somewhere place  safe   there     lost in a patchwork        of layered horizons- we call it home

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 200
Michael Perry Feb 2020

Unable to think-forsaking love's path
all sense of reason gone-ready to collide
left us here in our pain and it's aftermath

as we remember all the details one by one
having no words to give us sway- or turn and run
stop the clock- let it play out -before it's begun

give us the beating heart-a bigger part- hope to try
see what we didn't see- break it down-just a formality
to make all the difference between hello and goodbye

we are made to explain-give it name- or pretend
every single time-we fought the urge-carry on
longing to savor-raise the white flag- fight to defend

as we catch ourselves-prepare for what's next
rally round- hold on tight- face unknowns-head on
take a step- one at a time-as we catch a breathe

wanting to be reasured-make it right- keep it tender
lovers on the verge-we must press on
hold up our hands-give in -fess up-ready to surrender

we are lovers in fight or flee-in dreams believed
damage control-we hold out-belief made real
promises kept-whatever happens next- love is realized

give us the beating heart-a bigger part- hope to try
see what we didn't see- break it down-just a formality
to make all the difference between hello and goodbye

By Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 126
Michael Perry Feb 2020

to stand here looking down-from this height
one feels invicible with a feeling that comes over
of god- like;  to realize what it took to create life
from the seas, to the sky, the bird, the fish, the tree, each
blade of grass to the flower, the bee, the moth- snow and rain
the sun and the moon; all of life-laid out before me until
I realize I am but a mere mortal- made human; being unable
to comprehend; all the majesty of that;  which is impossible
made real, the possiblity-of a little faith-to answer the unanswerable

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 41
Michael Perry Feb 2020

I am only just a man-my head-in the clouds
feckless, unsure until-you came along, having
a plan-to steal my heart

to make a lasting impression of love
filled with cherished moments- I will carry with me
from head to toe, I am yours

as our life takes shape and size
made of many colors, in broad strokes
a journey-painted with no regrets

we are focused and in control
our destinies assured as the years, come and go
while the lines criss cross our face, a testament to time and place

as if it was yesterday, when we first met
you will always remain, my best friend
so let us celebrate with song and dance

drink it all in-with friends and family, gathered
we are comforted-by love's point of reference
to always to be there-you and I bound together

forever and always, each others; true north star

By Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 32
Michael Perry Feb 2020

for every little reason, we wanted
something more to build a fire, stoke a flame
wanting to feel it to the core, deeply, until

we made mistakes along the way, with
having no ready excuse or way to explain

when love doesn't play fair, we struggled
in hopes to reclaim along the way, while our backs
were turned; with  lips telling lies , the  rumours flew

ever ready for a sacrifice, a love turned to chill
so what to do when once, love tasted so sweet

it demanded all our time, we held bay, ignoring
the signs, taking our cue from the heart, willing to a fault, we
two acted- dazed and confused; here, we laid awake

for the fear, when would the other shoe drop, we held our
breath, undercover in the dark for love to succeed or fail

we were lost between the echoes, growing  there loud
in our ears; as the shadows of loves ghost, came out to play
and in the morning,  with the light of day dawning would all be

forgiven? with the realization, swirling about;  the rumours false or
real, would leave it's lasting impression; with the scars hard to heal

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 83
Michael Perry Feb 2020

you and I once made a pact
with our eyes, back then
words did not exist, between us

in the silent dark
we made holy, a vow with
our bodies in shadow, to witness

for every breath we took
a further reassurance, to the
love we shared

back then as words, hung in the air
unneccessary,not needed
we spoke of love, with our eyes

By Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 44
Michael Perry Feb 2020

there was no wordplay
between us, on point
of fact, anything more
leading to full conversation between us-over the years
as the words became less and less
knowing ourselves;  as we do,  in the silence explicit
between us-felt reassuring, as a blanket to cover us up; it was
what we wanted, craved, coveted, expected of ourselves
until the day, you came to me, knelt down
with your hand on my knee, and began to cry still born tears
I knew then, our silent world would be shattered
without any words or objections, I held you; felt your heart beat with mine
we stayed that way as the day melted into night.

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 164
Michael Perry Feb 2020

What if it happens like this- to come undone
aimless-a mistake, without having purpose
be misguided misdirection-without no flow

I am fitful- heaven sake-find me irresolute
what to think- a blame game- I am afraid to blink
erratic-pique-to be left on hold feeling cold-unloved

I am waiting-ready to flounder-got no points to ponder
have no wonder-don't ask the deeper questions-or seek
another destination, got me ready or not-I have no-fight

or feel anything left inside of me, just aimless-color me
deep blue cut to the root-bleed-or mend -heal me-whatever
the cost-pretend- just twist the truth, here down on my knees

slowly peel back the layers- a scant window view-hear my prayers
regarding mistakes I made at my  confessional-  time will tell
call it randomly- I strayed,  betrayed, up went the *******

for I am the mystique-an oddball flavor-to savor-maybe
not-everyone's palette taste- still I am served best- hot or cold
I am aimless-I am, I am a blank space, no words; meaningless

crazy-random have no order cast me out,rattled deep within
lost my religion -faith is gone-over the years-tattooed on
my lips-whisper; aimless lost in a concept-ill-conceived I am

made indecisive-unexplainable do unpredictable things
made pointless-my little white lies bold-told you- rant
and rave betrayed the truth, I am  fallen behind, left aimless

have no direction-the child of chance-worthless, have no value
give in-to fits; be fickle once a fanciful I am hell-bent-flighty
the heir apparent-accidental tourist, a liar, wanderer-blind-to

whatever end- every other cause without choice ever made
I, I am aimless for what ever keeps me up, gone- be it real or fake
I am compromised, my eyes play fault; I am haphazard, I am who

I am-who I am- capricious, unplanned-raked over the coal, roll
out my story-told- made me, I am aimless- unable to defend my
actions so to all who  knew before I did, when they said aim high

I refused to listen, here I sit, aimless, - having no clue

by Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 87
Michael Perry Feb 2020

in of itself, the spilled over feelings
-of lives unfulfilled; their willingness
to let innocence fade into, the pavement
on the side walk, or the front steps transom
leading into the light of a door partially opened
it spills, down in to the cracks with
it's dark crimson flow, to seep deep into
the soil whose essence of; becomes part of
the fabric of life itself-in a constant battle
for the daily ebb and flow, no give; only to take
which no one person can name on their own, yet
with blind eyes, we see it all, continuing to unfold
night after night, with a crescendo of anguish
a mother's cry, splitting the night in half- then;  a silent stillness
which bleeds into a red sky dawning, readying us to prepare
for another night of carnage.

By Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 87
Michael Perry Feb 2020

restless, aware of time, as
it passes, slower then a single
thought to reach my brain-there
a blank page- sits to stare me
down, it threatens to expose my
failure, once more I feel the silence
surround me, taking hold to build like
the darkness outside, it swallows me
whole, still I am unprepared, trying
to avoid  the unavoidable, still, no words
will come I am wordless, having no
rhyme or reason with which to clear
the impasse- while, she in the
other room, sleeps the dreams of
one who's life is uncomplicated, for them
it comes easy they do not struggle, as I do
for them everything is a black or white concept
and in the morning she will rise, refreshed
unaware, I am not there; not to worry,  she thinks
I must be out taking a walk, to clear my head
she knows my routine, as she continues setting
for breakfast-coffee and condiments, assuming
I'll be back, as the minutes click on, she takes
another sip of her warming coffee, and stares
out the window waiting for my eventual return.

By Michael Perry
Feb 2020 · 36
Michael Perry Feb 2020
you,                         are you a
saint or sinner- be it a curse, or worse, still
the path you choose- of where you can't
look ahead-or go back, up to
you- to fight for the undecided, partisan
one in every crowd, you will find- as
destiny pays you a call;  to empower
something within to embrace it
make a big deal -give a ****
so what - if you, take the  hit, it
only hurts in the interim, to come
as a blow to your ego,  but you will
get through if, for what you think
matters most- is how you handle it
throughout, like in the early stages
be prepared for the blow-back-or
how to get away with it; to walk away
from the alleged
                                perfect crime-that which
has no witnesses-or victims blood on your hands
your word against theirs- as you smile
your winning smile, everything is
good, but remember; truth has weight
it will bear down eventually
on your soul, but your fine
for now; just keep smiling, make them believe
it wasn't you, and they will- because it's about
the intrigue, the human nature; of it all
we being; curious creatures of habit, we want to know
how it all went down; as  we peek out through
the window blind, so  cross your heart
and hope you                                               played your part
                      just right- if not,     know,    history has a long memory

by Michael Perry
Jan 2020 · 47
Michael Perry Jan 2020
Night Fall- Sunrise

Where it all
comes together; the
in between time
where the heart
longs for love; the
body complies, in the
memories rush coming
alive to aid the flesh, by
touch-deep down in the fire -of ones core  

by Michael Perry
Jan 2020 · 98
Michael Perry Jan 2020

my family, they come they come, ready to seek to
find; they walk, to see, to hold what's dear; my family
like yours- or any other, they come, still they come
to escape, implore, never to go back, ready to conquer
their fear, while searching for freedom, and in return
they will come if only for a little piece of dignity, with no
choices left, they come  they come wanting only to be
just be; decisions made, uprooted, they come, hand in hand
never to be separated, or left for persecution, still they will come
ready now to find themselves, to find somewhere else, yearn
to be free, words being the barrier, a hope against hope to
look for some place safe,  they come, they come, ready to face
the unknown they come, my family, they come, still they come
searching, willing to experience to assimilate no longer worried
with their burdens buried assuaged from a heavy heart, they come
they come, lost in to the crowds, seen, be heard, to be strong
to carry on- to be just like you and me- live the american dream
have faith in to believe, cries of humanity;  strikes a chord, have
someone accept them, take them in, leave no one left behind, they
will march through the heat, down the side streets, very little food
or water, with an occasional hand out, they will cross rivers deep
the thousands without sleep, still they are strong, with possessions
on their back, little children in tow, they look to the mountain wall
with all memories left behind, they proceed, another obstacle to
overcome, still they move in a wave, a force, to one day- be a model
citizen, made more resilient from struggles to over-come; they will
come my family, still they will come ; my family ready to follow in the footsteps of every emigrant who made the impossible possible

By Michael Perry
Jan 2020 · 60
Michael Perry Jan 2020

to look
into her eyes     I fall, deep, mysterious
like the sky, endless, without fault, guarded
I fall, go; I am swept away, taken by
her forever- Mona Lisa smile, frozen in place
I want to reach out, bring her back to life-make her whole
the bus makes a stop, 3rd and Hudson
she steps down onto the pavement, into the
night, the bus lurches forward
in a plume of exhaust from behind; anonymous girl
who was there, now gone;  like a painting on a
museum wall, out of reach for someone like me

By Michael Perry
Jan 2020 · 69
Michael Perry Jan 2020

from my eye a tear will fall
knowing I did wrong
got what I deserved, not trying hard enough
didn't have the nerve - to love you back
so I will punish myself, in any lie; to be believed
each day to day, to think maybe
you'd come back, have our love preserved
yet in those days, I wanted it all
one or two drinks to ease the pain-just a little
I know now it wasn't fair to you, at what cost
our love we once  shared- wasn't enough, I still
needed another drink, I couldn't let go
at what cost; you paid the price, you couldn't stay
to watch my fall from grace
so I understood the score, it makes me take pause
as, I walk closer still
to the brink, determined; to let you go-for one drink more

by Michael Perry
Jan 2020 · 82
Michael Perry Jan 2020

time, standing still; stealth laid bare, ours only to pacify
out of a split second we, kept in a trance, we
watch her pose, turn, stare back into the camera's eye

offered up she, with a look, her face  iridescence reflected
she, one eyed; Rita Hayworth, hair lost in skew
similar unfamilar, red-dressed silhouette, mirage detected

within a non shadow, filtering exposed, camera's focus explained
by the trick of light, she stays unfazed, to our dilema
she is poised; in a pantomime-as the mystery of; remains

displayed in negative rolls of film; to mock more the light
we are held in captivity, where she holds her court
into; out of body, precise is she, left anon in black on white

her face like an angel, or a devil in disguise
coyed in voyueristic servitude, our hands are tied
if we believe in truth,  willing to succumb to the lie

as we continue to watch; caught up in the freeze frame
with no where left to hide, she like a whisp, ghost like using
no words, not a sound, just sans a smile, in which to blame

waiting for the right moment, unattainable, in voices un-evolved
she stays defiant, steeley eyed in temptation, diligent, her essence
not revealed; she remains, whole- hearted to break our resolve  

By Michael Perry
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