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Dec 2020 · 57
Michael Perry Dec 2020

with so many seemingly
dark filled times ahead, behind
while some days still remain
we will go forward, resilient
knowing  that we must be strong
a little bit longer, until we get there
take a moment, be a child once more
as you did then , look up , search
the night sky, find the brightest star to make
a grown up wish upon, make it a plea that
we will have peace and dignity once and for all

By Michael Perry
Dec 2020 · 34
Michael Perry Dec 2020

she followed him, falling head-long
felt it was love, knew this was maddening
unable to think, he was so hard to resist
she of him, fell hard, taken, captivated
by his boyish smile, that rakish charm
all rolled into one, he was every bad boy
her mom and dad had warned about
under any circumstances -do not fall for
yet here she was, with decision time
what happens next? will determine if
she remains her mom and dad's little princess
or the capable young woman aware that
you have to kiss a few frogs, in order to find
her once in a life time true prince charming

by Michael Perry
Nov 2020 · 38
Michael Perry Nov 2020

we put the top down
for our Sunday afternoon drive
just to get away for the day, escape
the confines of the city limits
such a lovely day
the sun was high over head
the clouds almost non-existent, perfect
time to go- it was
a bee-line to the expressway
traffic was light
we were making good time, as landscapes
passed by, cars, other vehicles too
neither of us spoke, while
we took it all in, at some point
we were forced to brake quickly
there was lots of commotion up ahead
thick black smoke, two cars engulfed in flames
a third overturned, tire tracks streaked across all lanes
red, white and blue lights everywhere
police in uniform directing traffic through
the breakdown lane as people  were standing about
both sides of the blacktop, they seemed
in shock, crying, all standing still, I saw them
each one, as if reading their minds, saw in their eyes
trying to tell me stories, of which I had no clue, or
was it the feelings for them, in this situation, would I
if I knew them better- yet their stories were not mine
if I could would I?- then we passed by, making up distance
once we cleared the scene we were able to proceed
we went at a much slower speed, considering
what we had just seen, the rest of the day
was uneventful -we ate lunch at a quaint diner set back
from the highway; reaching our apartment at dusk
we turned on the tv, we sat in our  matching chairs
settling  in, we watched the news, nothing had changed
since morning, still violence, mayhem, seemed everywhere
as we smiled to ourselves, glad to be unaffected, we clinked
two glasses sipping our ice cold martini's, shaken, not stirred

By Michael Perry
Nov 2020 · 37
Michael Perry Nov 2020

we've walked this beach
in all our seasons of change, every kind of weather
whether it was days or nights, why did it hit me
in this moment, right here and now

I never told her, I hated cold weather, I did it for her
she always felt invigorated as the biting wind pricked
the sea spray hit my face like a dead reckoning, she
laughed at my expense, her cheeks flushed crimson red

each season as we walked together, like this
her hand in mine, there was nothing better
after each walk, weather permitting, we'd stop and
sit down in the sand huddled, watching each sunrise and sunset

dusk is soon approaching, and as I walk this beach, reflecting
able to reconcile loss, it has to be , so i turn my head into
the biting winds once more, facing my unknown, alone, as the salted tears flow above the din, made of the wind and sea

for a moment i swear i can hear her laugh, or is it
the wind just playing tricks on me, I turn my back
from the wind and cold, to our usual spot in the sand
as I look around for anyone, there's nobody here but me

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020
         (Homage to Vincent Van Gogh)

did you know when your genius came to you?
did you see it, materialize through your own eyes
or did someone tap you on the shoulder, is that
when the recognition for you became a reality?
no worries,  i am conflicted about being famous too
but it's sure nice to know, people know your work
being on a first name basis, still, your inspiration where
did it come from, read you had a tough life, blue periods
cut off your ear, and those starry nights, ahh, the sun flowers
too, sorry for it all, still you did well, and you never made a
dime while you were alive, but know even after all that
with generations to come, those of us who appreciate art
already know your name, so sleep well tonight Vincent, and know
your anonymity is safe with me, as I admire your genius from here

by Michael Perry
Nov 2020 · 50
Michael Perry Nov 2020

love plays a part
in all of our lives
whether it be
familial, genuine, or the pure
love is stronger than life itself
reaching beyond even death
for more than anything
the human mind cannot comprehend
so as you assuage the pain let it ebb, flow
cry yourself to sleep, when the  tears let up, dry
know that love will be there, to carry on, remain infinite

by Michael Perry
Nov 2020 · 65
Michael Perry Nov 2020

there was a point to feelings unfinished
of all those little moments stacked up
once there was love, we called it that
our link to one another, still its about
those little moments, out of a life time
we took them for granted, in our
last attempt at feelings lost, we lived
we fought through it, we sought refuge
in each others arms, holding on, as if
our life depended on it, now we realize
without those moments, when love
tried to deceive, we have seen it all with
renewed eyes, making us stronger for it
like in the early days, when love was new
thoughtful, unable to break, we know otherwise
until that moment comes, regard it, anticipate

by Michael Perry
Nov 2020 · 46
Michael Perry Nov 2020

looking out my window this morning
ready to settle at the table with my
first cup of morning coffee, fixating about
what I had not finished last night, just then
I saw a coopers hawk, small, taut, brown and
white, spotted chest, poised, stone-like
on a fence rail the length of my yard, its
short powerful wings, pliant by it's side
it's hellish yellow eyes, searching for
any signs of; even the subtlest of movement
that otherwise might not have been detected
it didn't take long for what happened next

i watched it all in wonder, forgetting about
the blank pages laid out before me, coming into
view a chipmunk scurried  along the yards
perimeter believing itself discreet hoping it was 
safe hidden beneath the brown decaying leaves
that had settled helter skelter, but the cooper's hawk
assumed otherwise, its plan coming to fruition
with a commanding stealth, razor precision
it rushed the pile of leaves and shot sky ward
just like that, leaving no wake, gone out of sight
before the disturbed leaves had any chance to settle back

by Michael Perry
Nov 2020 · 61
Michael Perry Nov 2020
BABY FACE                

listen to me, baby face your not the first you
certainly won't be the last, i see your
hard edge trying to come through, baby face
they say projection is everything, but you
will fail, trust me no tough cool exterior or hard as
nails façade, will be enough it will be your  
downfall, i see right through to your innocence
hiding behind your eyes, i hate to break it to you
because age will deny you every time, being tough
is not a form of  maturity so cut the bad *** attitude
your not even old enough to drive, so my advice
is act your age enjoy being a kid, for you will have
plenty of time to behave like a real adult someday, just not now

by Michael Perry
Nov 2020 · 99
Michael Perry Nov 2020

Ah youth, been down roads in my life unable to keep track
I can't count them all, roads with names some without
a few with famous names, still others half as much, I
have travelled them all, and in time on a course predicted
whether or not I cared to go, I watched the pavement turn
into simple dirt paths, from driving a four lane highway
at times being so **** reckless, and still, I  have walked  
other paths too that have taken me in, sometimes not leading me
out so as I search for a clarity I need to take a step back  
there were times in my life I was very rich, with a woman
who adored me, I had the best of what life had to offer
as I worked my *** off to keep what was mine, until the
day the bottom of this world fell away, I lost everything
and I found myself homeless, living off the street, knowing
fear and anxiety, not having a place to sleep or where
my next meal would come from, I came to understand pain
so here I am once more, what is left, with a perspective of
age and time, I am now a soldier this time around not ready to give
in or give up to seek what's next, to look for any adventures
bigger than my life, embark on next steps as I turn inward
to everything I have known, to become a simple wanderer
a man having a name ageless, one who follows the stars, and
sleeps on the ground ready to peek around corners, to be happy
in my own skin, settling on serendipity while changing the course
of the rest of my life, as I shake off the dust, call me Don Quixote

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020
HEAD OVER HEART (or vise versa)

to speak of love
it begins with the heart
have no doubt, though
your head will always ask for equal time

listen to all the words
that are coming through
do they ring true, or
fall flat - to give you false hope      

whichever way you want
to believe  know that forever
is on the line
when it comes to head over heart, or vise versa

hold your ground, do not give in
until  you are  convinced, truly
talking it through-a second opinion helps
when it comes to head over heart, or vise versa-listen to both sides
by Michael Perry
Nov 2020 · 138
Michael Perry Nov 2020

like ripples in a pond
circle upon circle  
out, out, until creating, infinity
where no longer; the fading
begins back, back one into the other
willing the disappearance of
circle over circle, this over that
gone for now, into nothingness
or to begin again by chance, cause and effect
upon the stillness of water, as it was, just a moment
before will remain again for now, undisturbed once more

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020
        (homage to  Edgar Allan Poe)

looking into eyes made of smoke, asking
you to make ready-with it's breath
of death, telling you to suspend all belief
with it's thin lip speak, on a red-smeared
made to order coming  out of a
bleeding scar of disgust, sharp teeth
forked tongue, licking in-between- and then
the lines blur, as it  continues to spew lies
ready to show you, a world turned
upside down, still, wanting you, only
you to release more of its brethren
out into the world unless somehow you
crack the devil code, and then you look
deep inside a dark tunnel made of mirrored
glass creating splitting images of you staring back
albeit, a  distortional picture, like in a fun house
foretelling what's to come, unless you fight back
and then from out of nowhere a body-less arm
grabs a hold of you, won't let go unless, still  
somehow you wake yourself up from
this nightmare that has truly got you shaken
in a  show of will, you stir yourself from
sleep having eyes stay wide, you fight
with all your might, from the covers in
which you find yourself ensnared, you tremble
with relief, as your heart beats fast, sitting
up straight in bed, into the mirror on your
dresser showing a face you cannot identify
you open your mouth to scream, and nothing
comes out as you hold on, for its not over yet

By Michael Perry
Nov 2020 · 54
Michael Perry Nov 2020

while November
brings with it
more change, we are at
a point, seasonally confused
for it is sunny and warm
today, as the grass
continues to green
with a possibility of
another mow, still
i can't wrap my head
around the fact that
as the roses continue
to bloom despite
many reasons, why not
they  shouldn't- during
this  time of transitions
even nature seems a
bit confused, of or when
unsure themselves, how to react

by Michael Perry
Nov 2020 · 32
Michael Perry Nov 2020

first thing, this time of morning
as it appears in difference to the
soft glow ready coming through, a
morning's sun rise appearing to  
show off sheen from the grass, a
temporary impression, projected
to look like mirrored glass set  
to beam back, sometimes blinding
if cast the right way, a singular image
of picture perfect so  shiny and bright
something new,  unused never touched

by Michael Perry
Nov 2020 · 34
Michael Perry Nov 2020

first night of
the time change, still early
there's an eerie glow coming
from the street lamp ready
to leave a sickly green shadow
of the spaces in front and behind me
i am the only one out, i think-
to myself, or am i speaking out
loud, in an attempt to control my fears
setting in so  i keep walking further
thinking how odd comparing my
familiar street i live on, to how
it looks now in the dark, it becomes
this strange, unrecognizable quantity, i can't
seem to quite figure out, like this stranger about
ready to  cross my path, if so, how should i react

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Nov 2020
EN REGARDANT LE SOLEIL  (watching as the sun)

watching as the sun
begins to set, all of time
comes to an end, at least in the
hours before sunset and dawn
i can still see you, no matter where
i look, from the clouds that pass by
i see something to remind, or the people
that pass me in a crowd, having you as
a frame of  reference, i find myself
wanting to reach for, or call out your name
yet i know its all for not, steadfast, i
watch as the fire place embers begin to
lose their warmth, your  picture poised on
a table by my chair, reflecting in the quiet stillness
i think back to a time when a life, as i knew it
before- would be my constant, remaining steady, uninterrupted

by Michael Perry
Nov 2020 · 60
Michael Perry Nov 2020

once we were all those very young
cause and affect- struck blind by love
what of it -more, more, no one else
all the craziness; of the years ensued
are we better for -have the memories
we made, out on the road as we traveled or
the hurdles we were made to climb, maybe
it was our once a year trips to the shore, sealing
the deal, we have the pictures, videotape too
what will  it matter -so we digress, will it count
not so fast, we are unwilling to repent or repeat
based on our naivete of yesterday, so we look
ahead for what-ever comes next, ready to curse the
before, here and now, settling in- to ourselves to
do it our way, that was always the point, first and foremost

by Michael Perry
Nov 2020 · 69
Michael Perry Nov 2020

On my walk, making way to Lake Erie
as it reaches out in front of me, proving
a task, bits of debris cling along the shore
a brick, driftwood, a tangled fishline coerced
I keep walking catching my breath as i go
till the harsh lake winds whip in a frenzy
trying to attack me from all sides, so i
look down trying to prevent  any further
wind burn lashing my face, and ahead
i see strings of brackish foam coming
in with the tide, behaving like a rabid dog
still ahead of me further up the body of some dis-
emboweled creature lands at my feet-which i am
unable to no longer identify with any certainty

by Michael Perry
Nov 2020 · 46
Michael Perry Nov 2020

it's the first cold night of the season
are you prepared to fight all reason

as you rub your hands clasped tighter
just above a home-made oil drum fire

you stamp your feet up and down and so it goes
doing what you can to get the feeling back in your toes

still your wearing only a ratty sweatshirt won't fill the bill
as tonight, temperatures in the city will tank and tumble

you will remind, resilient to the core, been so all your life
telling yourself you've been through many seasons like this

ready to show off your independent streak, tamp down fear
as you fight the temptation, your mind is made crystal clear

still, as another brutal season prepares to take it's hold
you will resist once more to come in from out of the cold

by Michael Perry
Nov 2020 · 49
Michael Perry Nov 2020

every fall, that time for burning leaves
once ignited they will lip and curl up
making little wisps,  charred, they rise far
carried by the shift of wind, each
small ember reminds me of fireflies
as they flit on a sticky July dusk night
now a distant memory, still being it's
late October, ready to  remind, with it's
chill, beginning to insert itself, I rub my
hands once, twice, and the day fades
more quickly now,  trying to get this
chore done, every year the leaves fall
I burn them, and they continue to pile up
a never-ending seasonal curse, what's worse
the cold or the leaves, I race the clock, my mind
wanders  as I watch the remains, using my stick
to disperse what's left of the pile, I make small ones
here, there, when my wife  calls from the open door
releasing welcome warmth, the house beckons me in

by Michael Perry
Nov 2020 · 87
Michael Perry Nov 2020

God are you listening?
this is a poem (feels more like a prayer)

there is so much pain
people are really hurting

not just these or those
seems to be everywhere

the senseless, all the vitriol
like a match lit, a crying shame

i wish it would get better
still it seems to grow  worse

what do we do
no relief seems to come

so that's why, i am reaching out
do you have the answer to all the suffering

please God, are you listening?

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

when the color runs in shades of red
it certainly will leave an impression, for instance; shades of passion
the subtle and obvious, not so the taking of a life, shocking, dramatic
using only the eyes as action required, nothing more to be said

when one has a desire for inclusion so strong
made paramount to most other necessities
baring only transitional hunger or thirst, still  
greater than it's sum, is the need to simply belong

i wanted you more than life
to save you, cling to heaven and earth, selfish of me
ready to release my soul, hoping to move you enough
my subtle nod for seeking refuge in us, holding out once, twice

within any expression of art, come to think, brush off strife
behind all the crazy, a follow through is subjectively cued
to trace the lines, read the splotch, distemper the dot, explain
ambiguity, as you stipple for clues -when speaking of love and life

by Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 78
Michael Perry Oct 2020

all through life, feel the need, keep your heart full, just dance
make yourself open up to it, take every chance, give in to it all
embrace, as you fall -in love fully, watch for the signs that will
beckon to you- embrace the life given- face it head on- and the
joys of a family extended- it brings, remember throughout it all
there will be pain and joy, you will experience emotions, shedding
a tear or two, along the way, mistakes are made, more than a few
for you are human unable to help yourself -so be ready to make peace
with yourself and when the time comes, for  all the moments you
turned the  other cheek- you did it with a smile, you did your best throughout- and as your life's journey beckons to a close
you will reflect, having  no regrets- just plenty of good memories
                       - of a life lived in full

By Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 35
Michael Perry Oct 2020

as the rain begins, it comes, with-out any pretense
it will fall innocent, persistent, ready to cleanse
so let it cling to the skin, to make as new-wanting
to satisfy, it will require a deep breathe, it will come
subtle , settle into it- in out out in-to lull, as you find
your quiet place, a safe space, listen in as all the
other background sounds disappear, let your breath regroup
and the  gentle breezes swirl, a compliment to the body and soul
-in you, or just the further fact of a celebration to life- so
don't hesitate to reach, to think- give in to yourself, as you
turn your face upward toward the sky raise your hands out
extend the fingers -be  prepared to praise the absolute feeling of
-just being alive, to feel it,  wash you clean, and in  that  moment
when the peace flows over, surrounding you in full, it will be time
to just- finally let go and -make you dance giddy in the rain, do it
for all your worth, be like a child from your past- in a youthful nod
to feel it again,  the fun you had-or if nothing else, start life
renewed in the facts, to acknowledge rain as a gift, once and for all

by Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 38
Michael Perry Oct 2020

I am here today to comfort an old friend
we go way back -once, we took on the
world, anything was possible, we were best pals
like brothers, willing to do anything for
each other, over years and miles, no matter
what making it through we were invincible, so
we thought, and today I am  sitting by his side
holding his hand, to bring him comfort, ease
his pain for a time, to bring back our youth, that
everlasting prize in our folly we had, if just for
a moment, I will take him there, with each story
I will regale him, recalling memories, to recapture-our
eternal youth, once more,  drawn from a time capsule
I was turning back the years, just for him, I watch his eyes light up
he remembers the details, after a while , he squeezes my hand back
acknowledging it all, then his eyes tell me, enough for one day
he's tired, ready to close  his eyes, I look at him, beginning to
doze, so I lean in to his ear and whisper I'll be back, as I turn to go
his head against the pillow, I am comforted by the fact that
our friendship has survived everything, and so it will, even this

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020
writing in front of a window, my view obscured

in the early morning, it's my time to vibrate
move these words to the page, as if i may, delegate
organize the words, shake them up, give some sense
propagate, try to expand, extract  on what I want to say
it may take  all day, or a short while, still as I
look out into this window, made black by the dark
my view obscured, in a clean slate, I will stare until
the words do come, ideas made plentiful, full- born
out of trials, circumstance, stream of consciousness
and when I look down, , the lines, the fruition, a poem

By Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 112
Michael Perry Oct 2020

king of his domain the orange cat lazily
ponders, catches the rays of the sun, stretching
gives a yawn, bored, readies to moves on
why not, so he searches for birds, beyond
the closed sun porch screen, weary of this
he jumps down off the settee with a muted thud
he looks around, what else to do? still looking
for more, he settles on all the sundry things
provided by the empty house, like chasing dust *****
that blow across the hardwood floor, tired of that
he is now ready to doze off, dreamily searching for
that elusive mouse- so ready to settle their score

By Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 39
Michael Perry Oct 2020

I have only the paper left by you, each line for line
in that perfect script your known for,  every word
so precise thought-out, telling, still, what could be
said, the damage now done, I was left unprepared to
have this note-from you-and like that; gone, all the
possibilities unfulfilled, the good, the sweet-the
what could have been's, your note left for me to read
in that  cursive font, so recognizable, right away, in your
do it that way style, just so you, prepared in ink, already
beginning to dry, your words blur, while I read each one
bleeding through  blue as the words , are lost I cry, watching  
as your perfection stated in cursive disappears, right before my eyes

by Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 60
Michael Perry Oct 2020

as the wanderer wanders
he has travelled to and fro
his search took him away
through the miles and miles  
he will spend each day and night
walking, the weather underscored
and the resoluteness he shows
having the heavy blisters on his feet
he remains resolute, determined
going all the way, through his pain
no matter he will decide when this
pilgrimage he started, comes to it's end

by Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 35
Michael Perry Oct 2020

the tree, with it's roots, ready to dig deep
to claim a space, to tolerate all that
it will surround, letting the branches rise up
to feel what it receives through it's leaves
by a sun  grateful to share, and gentle rain
slowly becomes the welcome mote, to drink
up, stay strong, sustain itself, ingratiate
further, to encourage growth, for all the
years it will stand tall, unmatched, unsuspecting
until such a time, the unspeakable will happen
through fire, wind, the heavy rains, willing to bring
down this pillar of strength, till nothing else remains

by Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 44
Michael Perry Oct 2020

through the echoes
flecks of
dust move, stir up

carried on weightless
by a losing
shade of light

to drift up towards  
a slightly opened
window frame

slowly lift free to go
gone now  
the whereabouts unknown

by Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 42
Michael Perry Oct 2020

this morning seems like every other
an alarm clock chimes to remind, so
rub away the sleep, pull back the covers

and this day begins, not looking as you may think
shades of an indifferent stranger, staring you down on
the train, whatever you do, stare back, don't blink

still and all, just get up, rise and shine, no ones to blame
so force yourself, if you must, take it all in stride whatever
you tell yourself, like the rest of us, we never complain

so don't even try, it won't matter , for all the lies  
we tell ourselves, can't let it bother you
for no matter what else you will do in this life

you can't change the fact of death and taxes, so no hysteria
it's a just a matter of fact in your life...unless?
so dig in rise and shine welcome to morning,  in America

By Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 43
Michael Perry Oct 2020

seems so don't know why
i cannot defend, or explain
still the fact remains- if only
to -you not me cutting the cord
a bloodless coup having invaded
to take up all the spaces, absent of time
no moments remain, with a killers revenge
that has no name, it comes between us, am i still
do i realize, wish i knew-unprepared, lost
my world as a whole turns upside down
if only-to go back, in a change of scene
to draw up-give back, you taken, took from me
the circumstance to change of place, i live with
am overcome, to a feeling of being startled-is how
i wake up from this, ongoing nightmare of me
you, a scent of us still remains, then, my body begins
to ease in, once more, i will close my eyes, and a
tear falls, silent-I am not ready, as it draws me back
against my will, to take me down deeper still  

By Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 48
Michael Perry Oct 2020

you make me feel, have given to me, a happiness
i never realized, before, something felt, i thought i lost
a need to be filled, easily craven, wanting more, of love
which was given freely - made so real, no need
to explain further any more of this, i am ready for
you to lead me  once more, to the fount for a drink
fill my cup, be sustained- as nothing you  or i  will
take from this life, or next  -the question of how or why
as it lives on inside us both-the unquenchable  thirst for love
i found in you-you saved me-  i was taken to the brink-
come to think of it-  the simple fact was- we were
a dream once made of shades; a lost reality found
only in the abstract-before this, now we take care, keep safe
this fragile thing; a love  to be felt, we will claim fully as ours
we give into, a life to be lived, a love given, taken, shared

by Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 39
Michael Perry Oct 2020

each piece of me
I have given to you

at a time, of myself in this
I freely relinquish

my body and soul
always ready and willing

coming to terms, I have abandoned all else
for the sake of this, there is no compromise

to this end for love- you are, I sought out, we are made to endure
from the ordinary, to every star shine, the moon and back to earth
surpassing all- for no other, reminded, we, forever and always

by Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 70
Michael Perry Oct 2020

all the signs lead to a river, crested by a bank
deep in the wood, so look for a path
that will lead you there, or listen close for the
gurgling water as it sluices through winding ways
made from the top of the mountain down
you will know then, missed by countless others
a view underappreciated by most, unsurpassed

by Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 41
Michael Perry Oct 2020

There once was a couple
-a fat man and his skinny wife
constantly smiling at each other
they are so much in love -with
life itself, everything feels so complete
today is a sunny day, a good day for
lunch in the park, they spread out a blanket
preparing a feast for two, as they do this task
the fat man, brings a clenched fist to his chest
and his eyes go wide, he drops his half glass of wine
and the skinny wife steps forward, coming to his side
she quickly yells for help to no avail, from the passers-by
so then,  the skinny wife remarks to herself, how permanent
that death feels  -unlike this beautiful day  and the love
of her life, she knew- facts remain, life and days are fleeting at best

By Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 52
Michael Perry Oct 2020

without emotion
feelings are numb, unfulfilled
the innocence fades, slowly, ebbing away
as the in coming crimson tide rises, seeming to prevail

By Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 35
Michael Perry Oct 2020

if it were as easier said then done
we would aim for it, still our time
here is short, most of us, are satisfied
to accept what we know, what lies ahead
so we will make  more from less, ready
to collect the free card-in this game of life
that continues to play on, and we count our
blessings- each one, looking from here on out
as if  our life depends -and it does, still we know
the opposite is true, as a  prisoner kept, we are
given to the sentence that calls for a term
of years, that will drag on without, having no end
in sight-making the choice that much more, crystal clear

By Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 65
Michael Perry Oct 2020

well into a year, we watch as all the colors
begin to clash and meld metamorph itself
into something more or less an original
declaring look at me, as all around we begin
to feel the change, and the winds begin to shift
taking a crisp turn, further more, lest we forget
it's noticeably dark; with the sun  in retreat; a little
more each day as the seasonal set stage, we once again
prepare ourselves for further year end decline, still
we will remind; to look for the early signs  of what's to come
until then we will prepare ourselves  to hibernate
through the winter,  if need be only waking  as the sun
reaches peak, hence retreat, we watch as the ice upon the
ponds and leaves, will give up, draw back, disappears

by Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 58
Michael Perry Oct 2020

the male swan graces the water
without any effort, his lithe neck bows supreme
as he plays up his suspect regal lineage, with
tail feathers splayed, he introduces himself by
doing circles around, hoping to impress, seems though
this queen will play indifferent, having a standard all her own

by Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 33
Michael Perry Oct 2020

canopy of leaves
unto this tree
undaunted, while remaining
year upon year, ready
to shed secrets,  of all that it knows
of those gathered, once here
upon this spot before and now

By Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 48
Michael Perry Oct 2020

love is made tender
like  a rhapsody in spring
gently urging us on

with summer the passion builds
into months that follow
ready to thrive-keeping love alive

into the fall, we will gather up
the years like leaves, collecting memories
and messages of hope

and by the winter time
we will rekindle all we shared, give thanks
and praise for another year, having taken life on
By Michael Perry
Oct 2020 · 53
Michael Perry Oct 2020

what is left of me, are the pieces
of stilled anguish, unbearable
to the leavings of a gutless wonder

what you have done, can't you see-answer me

I am nothing-no more, like a shell, hollow
my blankness creeps, unable to continue
this deep sense of a careful loss, unable to close

what you have done, can't you see- answer me

the realization, of time and again, as if standing still
knowing no matter how hard I try, always the dead air
now I am, if nothing more, still questionable at most

of the sadness, dense, un-moveable, building up, I ask of it
should I whisper, simply pray, will it matter, into empty spaces
the deepest recess, above my head; in hopes any word of you

-will come to me , that's what you have done

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Oct 2020

in the miles of beach sand
only the seagulls and terns remain, this time of year
ready to, dip and soar- crisscross, they target

aiming for the sky
fly high above, or they skit, down along the beach
chasing the horizon at angles to confound

from the east to the west towering cliffs of sand
seem to conquer heights, eroding on the back side
giving sway  to the shifting winds

during a season in change, burnt oranges and browns clash
with the assaulted beach grass
at ones feet constantly, no longer trampled upon

here, where the water stays ice cold, most times
the whales rise and fall off in the distance lingering on
for one last riff until the harsh currents drive them away

and with each sunrise- sunset, life will run it's course
bracing for the bitterness of a north atlantic winter
and the dramatic changes of scenery that are still to come

By Michael Perry
Sep 2020 · 83
Michael Perry Sep 2020

back in the day
I could hold my liquor
better than most, feeling good
with no price to pay
steady as a rock, I would be
whoever each time, playing a role
no consequence no rules, feeling invincible
living out  my heady days of youth
most days now, you will find me
sitting in the park, alone; talking to the pigeons
as they gather at my feet, while I
drink out of a disheveled paper bag
these days I collect spare change that falls
falls from stangers hands, or the occasional
quarter I will find on the ground- oh yea,  heady days
of youth- what of it, don't miss -what I can't recall

By Michael Perry
Sep 2020 · 38
Michael Perry Sep 2020
LIKE WATER (for Robin)

your love for me, is like water, weightless
it has kept me breathing, to feel alive

with each year taken-  I am carried away
swept on an endless journey- that keeps me near

as we continue in a kindness learned
we have shared together, ready to reaffirm

I have your smile to guide me
keeping me within reach -each and every mile- for I would walk

again again- as it brings me closer -we will never
be a part, we are here-in the moment, bigger than us both

you are my, I am yours -this is our forever and always
a gift -  to each other-in life, this love, instance of renewal

by Michael Perry
Sep 2020 · 35
Michael Perry Sep 2020

when he died
the family came

out of the woodwork
to claim

some thought they
were due, what
little he had

to fight over
clothes, a few pictures
a John Deere riding mower

is that
what it takes-
to bring a family around

by Michael Perry
Sep 2020 · 51
Michael Perry Sep 2020

You and I
once made a pact - to a love that was new
as the years gathered, so did the silences
as we avoided conversations, to be in the same room
we once did-now not the same as the
golden lustre of youth slowly died, so do we here, surrender
with our hands up, clearly  the stars that night
such a long time ago, did betray, the innocent beginnings
of a love that was never given a life to breathe on it's own

by Michael Perry
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