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Feb 2022 · 258
Michael Perry Feb 2022

driving down a back road
taking a drive through
Eastern Shores Maryland
going fast, feeling the car
as it purrs and hums under my
direction, the stereo plays as
the black top blurs in front of me
and behind in the rearview
the day is unseasonably warm
for late February, i can hear the hum
of the electricity in the powerlines
as i go fast, faster, harder then i should
i cannot help myself, the adrenaline rushes
then from out of nowhere, there is a farm
coming into view, something made me
slow down, there is a corral with horses
so i feel the need to stop-there were
two brown and white females and one
shiny black stallion, they were running back
and forth, the length of the enclosure
stopping every once in a while to feast
on alfalfa- i was awestruck, not sure why i stopped
but just taking a moment to watch beauty
in motion gave me pause, i never really took the time to
just slow down and appreciate my surroundings, i
watched them a couple minutes more,  just leaning
against the fence, taking in the moment, when out of nowhere
a black sports car was racing past me down the same road
i was on, at the same rate of speed i was doing before i
stopped, a police cruiser was right on his tail in
hot pursuit- when i got back into my car, i thought to
myself, hey that could have been me.

by Michael Perry
Feb 2022 · 197
Michael Perry Feb 2022

my frame of reference when speaking of love
whenever she looks at me, that's all it takes
she is, what makes my whole world worthwhile; without realizing  

all the ways, so easy on the eyes, ready to ease my mind
a safe space, a place to lay my head
she is, all the love songs needing to be sung; perfect harmony  

complimenting all the ways i need her to be  
with her my heart is spoken for, more than just physical
she is,  what sees us through all the times; day and night

my life preserver if and when i need saving
capable and steady, with life's twist and turns, i run to her  
she is,  that safe harbor i drift to lovingly; every time      

body and soul , all that i adore, this woman i would die for
every thought to keep my mind sane, on an even plane  
she is,  the easiest decision i ever made; a revelation

my once in a life time, all the moments we share
my love and salvation, a driving force, so deep down
she is , my days and nights my forever in dreams; realized

my one true love, as we stand the test of time
the sweetest gift received, as my heart beats steady
she is, all my reasons why i live and breathe; say a prayer for

by  Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2022
Our day was the most normal of all
meeting for breakfast, we were in love
looking into each others eyes, here
at our favorite café, where we met most
days, we sat at a corner table which
was set with fresh picked flowers
we ate croissants and drank chicory
oh to be in love like this, then at one point
it happened, his mood seemed to overtake
the moment; like a cloud covering a sunny day
then he casually said to me without any
further instance of emotion, that it was over
he could not go on anymore, he had fallen
out of love with me, how could this be
we had been together for a long time, there
was no consignment or strings attached, foolishly
thinking, we could make this work, albeit
discreetly, he left me in stunned silence
then got up and removed himself from the table
as I sat alone for a moment, quickly acquiescing
to leave, making my way home where I
paid the babysitter and sat in my chair with my head
back to ponder next moves-oh yes there
would always be next moves to make

by Michael Perry
Jan 2022 · 288
Michael Perry Jan 2022
Mother Sun, Father Moon (inspired by Sylvia Plath)

your little girl, like Mona Lisa never smiled
still you breathed me to life
i was undeserving, given center stage
while a hidden pain lay until exposed  
i fell off the edge, not back to earth
a sanitarium waited, i lived till i died
-you both have yourselves to blame

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2021
NO SECOND CHANCES (inspired by Sylvia Plath)

in all my moments alive, as the inky darkness thrives
among the trees standing in shadow like black animals
at attention, undefinable, they stand frozen, like me

what of life or death, ah, treacherous with obscenity's
i curse you stars to be wished upon, you have failed me
i am without voice, nor a tongue nowhere to be found

i am but a little girl lost, searching for a way to go home
i am without point, verge of insanity, still looking, always
so i write as a salve to explain away these wounds inside me

it has given me perception to delve into psyche's not mine  
what i could not find or fulfill in my short time alive, i know life
like death is a one way street no second chances, a dead end

By Michael Perry
Dec 2021 · 201
Michael Perry Dec 2021

Our nights are always the same, we start it mundane
just simple, then a sip of wine to alleviate the days pain
we ease into it slowly, as the conversations get started
one glass at a time, we talk about our day, the kids, the car
will dinner be on the table this time? we laugh, we giggle
we hold hands by the fire, by the third or fourth glass
we have moved on to the meaning of  life, the state of
politics; ready to declare what side, we are on...we do this each night
in spite of ourselves, you'd think we'd know better
but with a touch grape on our lips, to let the  obscenities' flow steadier
we stamp our feet, and gnash our teeth, to make our point sharper
as the night rolls around, it gets later and later, now dinner is burnt
as we set blame on each other, we loose  inhibitions, as we become
all glassy eyed and slurred, finally we reach the end of the bottle
we're bad, what a shame, too late for another run, empty stomachs spurn so we order take-out from the place down the street and nurse
huge headaches that feel like hell on earth, we go to bed as if still
friends and  lovers, as if nothing has happened, that is until tomorrow when
we imbibe once more, getting our favorite bottle of wine from the local liquor store

by Michael Perry
Dec 2021 · 173
Michael Perry Dec 2021

rise up to the day
catch every white silence  
bask in cold water

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2021
She bought this light green chair at an estate sale, with a red pillow as an accoutrement she smiled like a young child; proud of her find, all I could do was smile back, afraid to hurt her feelings, you hate it she said, I can tell-would it make you want it more if I told you it was from Ernest Hemingway's estate, such a find- I  was in a bidding war with another woman, I purchased it for you

its been a couple years hence, sitting in my light green chair, she knew it was the perfect chair, to do my writing, she would smile, if she could see me here, shades of the writer that I am

time to move on, all the memories left- I sold everything; never though, would I sell the light green chair with the red pillow, as it reminds me of her always

By Michael Perry
Dec 2021 · 141
Michael Perry Dec 2021

me and you  together  
in love just us 2
                     we will be

so happy

then along came he and
now we are 3

there is love for all
to go around
can't you see, we can she said to me

another year another day
by mistake, now we are 4
my head hit the floor- surprise you said to me

add a dog and a cat
house in the burbs
living out the dream

with bills up to the hilt
make it day to day- what to do
when love is in the house, no matter you see
she said to me-  We- are a family

by Michael Perry
Dec 2021 · 120
Michael Perry Dec 2021

the ashen grey sky leads
as the forerunner of whats to come
whilst the taste of snow flakes
incite the buds on the tongue, it is as if
when warm turns to cold, we are lead to believe
that this grip of ice bearing down, may feel
like forever, and for you already growing old
thereby freezing your impression of what to believe
that somehow this is not living, hence
given your preferred inclination for a few degree's  more
you might wish though, to be somewhere else
for at least a few months time until
the cold shock of winter barrels and blows over, in its due time

by Michael Perry
Dec 2021 · 777
Michael Perry Dec 2021

the night is dark, so dark as i
look up in the inky blackness with no beginning, or end
- like a blanket, it unfolds before me, extolling peace
making way for transition, i continue
my star gazing, looking at the stars on display, they seem
ready to tell a story, as they blink on off, like some SOS
a code in  need of breaking, off and on, it goes till it
takes me a minute more to decipher, now at once
the message becomes clear, a feeling of familiar, comforting
as relayed to me, today may be over for now, but
behind the scenes, changes are constantly taking place
another  tomorrow, is not far off,  better than today, so just wait
settle back, be content, take every moment to,  just look up

By Michael Perry
Nov 2021 · 132
Michael Perry Nov 2021

i am,  have been, will always be,  the unfamiliar
if maybe, just like you, we are one and the same
though not without my shame, which outweighs, by far

for me, i walk mostly the nights, cause of the stares
regardless the weather to me and my surroundings
think what if, test me, itching for a fight; dare me

i am sure, each day as you walk right passed
taking no measure of me, for i am just  another someone
left aside, you don't want to know me , first last, that's that

your pre-conceived opinions aside, check them at the door
as you venture to the store or a favorite restaurant, look there  
in front of you, in the alleys, under passes, dumpster; what's more

been a stranger to many, ready or not unable to see beyond
so you walk to the other side of the street, staring at my *****  
façade, open your eyes, see me, what was lost is found

by Michael Perry
Nov 2021 · 150
Michael Perry Nov 2021

the flowers have all died now
under the cold assault of the seasons
blast of chill, never to reawaken
in colorful splendor as they did weeks before
sadly death is everywhere, coming to pass
as the dried up leaves, crinkle and fall
lost to a wind, that claims and takes in
full on assault, the pines shed their needles
now minus of smell, the sky darkens early
and stays longer, until and then when the
kiss of spring renews and can attest to resurgence
revealing once more, that after death, there is life, still more

by Michael Perry
Nov 2021 · 109
Michael Perry Nov 2021

my father was a young man when
my mother died suddenly, both
families encouraged him time
and again saying, he was young
he needed a wife, his boys needed
a mother, after  awhile, he took their
advice and my father did remarry, for
better or worse he was ready to move on-
what of my mother, would  she have been
given the same advice? if the circumstances
had been reversed-  probably not, they would
have said, tend to your children, and tend to
your husbands grave, be a dutiful wife
you do not need to be married again, so she
would have poured herself into her duties, raising us
as best she could, and she would have continued
being the grieving wife, for as long as it took
until it was her turn to die, doing everything she
could to make his lasting repose;  her life's work
like a good wife if the situation had been reversed, she
would have accepted her circumstances; not changing a thing
Nov 2021 · 101
MISS CAPE COD (a rewrite)
Michael Perry Nov 2021
MISS CAPE COD (a rewrite)

i still dream of you, even now, as memories become
part of life, we grow apart we come back
its been awhile both of us ready for this, you are
as i remember you, do i look the same? yes i know
i have changed, grown older, still, we are who we are
that has not changed, the world, the environment
that is what has changed us both, i remember
all the good times and some of the bad still we got through
you and i,  i am ready to see you again, ready to
let bygones be bygones, ready to breathe in the air of remorse
-i missed you, let us both not forget though that
we are both complicit;  all is forgiven-for now, you and i
-reconciling our differences for the moment

by Michael Perry
Nov 2021 · 109
Michael Perry Nov 2021

the first frost of the season
breathlessly cold, lawns
covered in a blanket of hoarfrost
no footsteps to speak of
i, here alone, huddled to myself
to stave off the cold
regard the moment of, here and now

By Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 122
Michael Perry Oct 2021

i am angry all the time, i can't carry a tune
since i don't work i always sleep till noon
you have no choice i won't change anytime soon

my best trait is always telling the truth
even if it hurts like a decayed tooth
can't help myself for whatever that's worth

i am a slacker through and through a nightmare made to shock
as if adverse weather follows me, you'll never see me be ad hoc
because my only reason for living is to wreak it, cause you havoc

by Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 161
Michael Perry Oct 2021

we used to be friends
for years and years on end
in total shared experiences, it kept us

until a divide drove a wedge
between, a fault unseen
a chasm opened wide, no warning

now a fence divides our yards, a no mans
land between keeping the peace, for how long
neither of us knows or cares to even ask the other, why?

by Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 321
Michael Perry Oct 2021
Haiku- untitled  
late season storm strikes
wind rain power reactive
with life over death

by Michael Perry

you and i love deep
facing, valleys, peaks, head on
risking it all to keep  

By Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 1.2k
Michael Perry Oct 2021

i was out in the backyard
finishing late season yardwork
it was clear and crisp, aptly cold
i looked up as i was finishing
to see the moon, high in the sky
white glistening, giving a glow

i've seen the moon before
but couldn't take my eyes off it
wife called me in for supper
we talked casual, usual small talk
i helped her clean up the dishes

we went to bed, before we did
i asked her to look outside to see
what i had seen, she did as i asked
wasn't it amazing?.. we made love
falling asleep in each others arms

i woke up some time in early morning
it was freezing, i closed the window
before i did, i looked to see the moon
shining so bright, so close almost to touch it
i got back into bed, she had rolled away from me

i laid there with my eyes wide open
thinking there are many things to be counted on
life death, a sensible spouse, a house over my head
was it enough or could there be more to this as the
loneliness i felt settled in the sheets between us

by Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 145
Michael Perry Oct 2021

my tears collected
into a puddle of loss
making seas of grief

by Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 125
HAIKU one of two
Michael Perry Oct 2021
HAIKU one of two

morning comes sunrise
take a deep breath feel alive
life begins again

night comes moon up high
exhale slow take it all in
body mind renewed

by Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 99
Michael Perry Oct 2021

i lived on an island
for a year so i could write
each day composing notes

there they sat piled up
collecting dust
until i filled out another

in the morning i would wake
eager to get started
my mind filled with thoughts

i sat in front of a blank screen
just watching my reflection
all the ideas i had were gone

by afternoon i walked to
get fresh air, watch waves
and the seagulls dive bomb

coming back in, grabbed a
beer and fell asleep
out of nowhere a good idea hit me

they say at that point
wake up while the memory is fixed
too bad though im a sound sleeper

by Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 104
Michael Perry Oct 2021

this house, with so many rooms how did we ever
think that we ever needed so many rooms
but still you convinced me, this house would change
everything, we have already been here a couple
months and still we favor only one room, such a
comfortable room, dark walnut walls , cozy inviting
a large fireplace  always with a fire in it, glowing warm
- we left all the other rooms vacant for now, every day
when the day was done, me writing and you painting
we would meet, right at five, i made us drinks, we sat
side by side going over each others work, discussing what
we had accomplished when we weren't together, you told me
how you had gotten so much done, the works were
flowing out of you, you smiled, i smiled back; happy for you
then you waited for me to say something, all i could do
is stand up and fix another drink, i mixed
her another one too, she said and you? and all i could
say was not too much today, maybe tomorrow, she patted
my hand, taking a sip of her drink, she said remember
why we moved here in the first place, the ghosts?,  we left
the ghosts back in the city, they did not follow us here, you
should be able to write unencumbered she said don't let the ghosts get to you, ok? i said ok, taking a deeper drink, finishing what
was in my glass, she said  there is always tomorrow, i  acknowledged her, she then said , be a dear and add
another log would you, i am feeling a bit chilled?

by Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 97
Michael Perry Oct 2021

the sea reminds me
every time, i come here
of what it means; beginnings and endings
i go there to stand  and watch
as the waves come in and out, almost like
breathing, water is life, like me, we communicate
with each other, somehow we relate
memories in the form of grains of sand
wash ashore, laid at my feet to peruse over
once more, each a piece of memory, establishing itself
something old, lost, long forgotten
but i remember, here it all comes back
over and over like ripples on a wave
flooding me with images, reminding me
i am human, filled deep with all emotions
that push and pull, like an ebb and flowing tide
to make me, who i am, make me feel to
bring me back, if only right here and now
to people and places, i thought were lost
i took them for granted, here they live and breathe
in the only way they can, here they communicate
to me, with the sea as my bridge between of what
is real and what is a dream i want to forget, either way i am
buoyant able to carry on, water as salvation, saves me

by Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 97
Michael Perry Oct 2021

the man is silently sleeping on the overstuffed couch
made out of tough batting, wires and patched fabric
holding the whole thing  together with tape and ingenuity
he loves it , always falling asleep right after dinner
and before the news,  a small glowing fire in the brazier
keeps the small room light and warm, he moves slightly
a little snort escapes from his mouth and nose, as he
shifts in position, his little dog Moose holding court
on a small braided rug in front of the couch, he has
one eye open and one closed from a previous accident
with a mishap with a fallen tree branch, the
man was so upset, as he took Moose to the Vet
they tried but couldn't save the eye, from that
day they were inseparable as the man needs the
dog and the dog needs him to help avoid further
mishaps, right now it's quiet as the man is sleeping
off a couple beers he had earlier, Moose scratches
an itch behind his ear, it's now later in the night
both are fast asleep and dreaming; the man dreams
he wishes he was closer to his family as he misses his
sons and the grandchildren he has never seen, while Moose
dreams of his missing eye and the half views he will never
see again unless he turns his whole head in that direction

by Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 129
Michael Perry Oct 2021

the couple went for a walk just before dusk
the snow starting lightly to fall, first snow of
the season, it was cold not overly so, they walked
hand and hand for awhile, not saying anything
both just enjoying the tranquility, through
the silence they kept up a good pace
as the street lights, cast out their shadows
they kept going, to anywhere, hand in hand
they both sensed the same direction
without missing a single step, they went, now it was
completely dark, turning around from the previous
direction they walked earlier, their steps were
filled in by the snow, erasing the way home still
landmarks did appear dusted in the new fallen
snow to make everything appear suddenly most alien
inevitably though, they found their way back, with the
lights on in the house inviting them to get out of the cold

by Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 107
Michael Perry Oct 2021

you stand there so still
feet dug into the wet sand
your back facing toward
the open dune with your arms raised
as if pleading; wanting to be taken
you cannot live without her, so you
pray to be with her now, as breezes coo
and caress, too gentle, almost kind
as if trying to soothe your broken heart
so the waves only puddle there at your feet
not the waves you were hoping for; ones
to push you out into deeper water, to
take you to her, it does not happen; you are
left standing there; alone, dejectedly still
as the sea whispers back, it is not your time

by Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 91
Michael Perry Oct 2021

it is for this love we are held captive as passion burns like a flame
we are both seduced with our eyes made eager inviting; unrestrained

let time be our keepsake no moment to spare, stoked by the fire
our bodies lay bare, tethered together in mutual hunger; desire

as two gods we remain, divine is purpose, fierce cravings feed
the lusting demand, some do claim, we alone satiate the others; need

By Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 98
Michael Perry Oct 2021

i have come to be through mine  
eyes open wide unable to see this
while my legs are held together with
needles and pins, as a feeling of lead
comes over me, the blood rushes in-to
and out of me, ready to cleanse my spirit
while seducing my soul for tonight is no
different nor even the day compared, just
all the same always another reason to blame
someone  anyone else but me, forcing a memory lost
or found ready to be pushed away, without a sound
my whole body aches to be well, yet its not
this pain is special, like a sedative it dwells deep
but reacting so not like; differently it's will keeps
my hell firmly intact- so now comes the moment
when the crowd yells shame, shame, ready or
not i will confess all the same, release of my sins
into the here and now, i am laid bare, revealing all
for i am unable to be the man from the past, the
way i used to be no longer myself, now just a
shell been created through my bodies attempt
or it's inability to relate then some, so i do not ask
for your pity, for shame has its way of speaking
through me demanding harassing me to have the last say

By Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 328
Michael Perry Oct 2021

there was a time- to change or not
our in between- us having a say
before and after- the trails and tribulations
back then; love was an abstract concept

whether through sleepless nights it would seem
out of each day wide awake living ordinary
to consequences of tossing and turning- heads spinning
it took time-for us to take a second look

whether being miles apart, or sitting right next to
it was up to us, pick up the pieces, put them back
learn from the ups and downs, till we figured it out
made crystal clear, paid dues, taken to heart, the getting through

By Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 226
Michael Perry Oct 2021

a blank page
fills me with consternation
each time, rage

seeking to find
some common thread
in which to fill, lines

you may not know it
being creatively possessive i celebrate
stories in which to tell, therefore i am a, poet

By Michael Perry
Oct 2021 · 425
Michael Perry Oct 2021

we went to Vermont  over the weekend
not for leave peeping, but a somber occasion
a funeral; funny it did not seem,  or so we thought

here to see extended family on these seemly
un-rare occasions more and more, every where
death with a couple weddings thrown in

the weather was bright, crisp in the morning
but gradually warming, for Vermont that is; something new
a heat-wave in October- climate change in effect

while never having been to a Vermont funeral before
my memories run the gamut on other stuffy affairs, overbearing
and hard to breathe even, scary and hard to take

we got to the church, the crowds milling about, smoking
everyone dressed like having got off work at 5, it was 10:30 AM
leaving shifts from the garage or the mines, we were overdressed

none the less we were welcomed, with open arms
by members of the immediate family, still we were all family
the service was filled; hymn singing, mixed with salty laced stories

afterwards everyone ate, in rows of communal tables
set up passing food back and forth, everyone brought a dish
with more salty stories and laugher, more laughter such

heart- felt laughter then i have heard in my life time which
made me stop to think, change my point of view about death
to be reminded, our journey is but a continuation of a well life lived

By Michael Perry
Sep 2021 · 102
Michael Perry Sep 2021

from the kitchen window
before the sun is barely up
showing streaks of purple and orange
that cover the sky light like a bruise
we sit across from each other
i see the morning rise, and
she sees into the living room
where we have a fire going
to break up the early morning chill
we are content in our little ways
our morning ritual where nothing changes
not in all our years, the sameness
is what keeps us intact, without it
we would shatter and break- none
of that for us, as she gets up from
her chair and fixes another cup of
coffee, no more than two for her
then i get up to move the logs
around in the fire place, the embers
pop and glow as i move the logs
around, then back to my seat for a little
while longer, i look at her, she looks
up at me, we see how age has taken
hold, the lines under her eyes, the
all whiteness of my hair and beard
still we see through it all and marvel
at the outside changes in us, around us in
our unchanging life, i take her hand and give
it a little squeeze, she squeezes mine; our
silent acknowledgement to each, of our status quo
all is good between us and will continue to be so
as long as we do not change one iota of our life

by Michael Perry
Sep 2021 · 107
Michael Perry Sep 2021

we are lovers
through all of our years
collected, neglected
off and on living familiar
once or twice a shared spite
coming  close to adversarial, we have
come to this place , accepting, with our eyes wide
through our shared sacrifice and many trials
for no matter how long we have left
love was a constant  companion, given or take
making something stirred; never to be shaken
from those first years, to these last, we are
like a fine wine we have aged well enough
as we look forward not back

by Michael Perry
Sep 2021 · 99
Michael Perry Sep 2021

we speak,  or we don't speak
we say things with our eyes
we don't mean to hurt but we do every time

will we find us some middle ground for
to settle and just be;  or will we shovel
digging  a hole deep, falling into and down

we shatter to pieces as fragile as glass
we drink from the same cup, thirsty at last
what once was before has yet come to pass

by Michael Perry
Sep 2021 · 109
Michael Perry Sep 2021

fall is fall
more changes to come
with chameleon leaves
out of tree trunk sleeves
turning red, orange, gold
soon a crisp shock of air
goes from warm to cold
a years cycle  three quarters complete
as life marches on and times fall back we
lose the chance on an extra hours sleep

by Michael Perry
Sep 2021 · 81
Michael Perry Sep 2021

why is it that the good die young
we got the word today, she passed
she had only been sick for a couple months
she was vibrant and full of life
could light up a room, with her
hearty laugh and joyful soul, she
never complained about
the death sentence, she was given she
never said, why me, she accepted fate
and moved on with the time she
had left, no time to waste, what if the
doctors were wrong, and she had less time
a reason to keep moving, not sit still
to never be idle from this point, she understood
and accepted in stoic silence, while the rest
of us wallowed in her shadow, so again i ask
why her, i don't understand, i will never understand
so many good ones taken away before their time
why? Heaven is full of angels already, there is
no need for another one, she needed more
time, and life needed a little more time with her

By Michael Perry
Sep 2021 · 101
Michael Perry Sep 2021

in the bowl
on the table contains
the last of this seasons fruit
laying this way and that
puckered and pruny, they go
uneaten, they wilt in silence
unable to provoke an appetite
in anyone in the house
who happens to walk by, so they
remain unattended, staying put daily
as they bear witness to a souless sun
as it listlessly tries peeking
through the window hoping
to shed some light on a situation
beyond it's control
still it is unable  to withstand
the whole day, it is this
time of year when
the sun fades quickly
seeming in retreat always, as
the stars once again
remind who is in charge

By Michael Perry
Sep 2021 · 102
Michael Perry Sep 2021

we pulled into the parking spot
a piece of grass under a halogen light
hanging over head
we were early or just in time to
pop open several cans of beer
to get ready for the times ahead
putting us in the mood, mellow but
not overly so, we made our way
up the stairs to the amphitheater
it was a nice night, soft breezes
sweet sour smells of *** patchouli
and perspiration wafting through the air, as we
made our way to the seats- looking forward
and all around you could feel
the anticipation build as the crowd got
ready to party the night away
the lights went down, the crowd hushed
a spot light pinned, center stage
the performer walked in, the crowd
went wild, building intensity
the performer raised his finger to his mouth
and went, SHHHHHHH- then, it went quiet, hushed
the performer went on, you
looking at all the adoring fans
yes you, are the problem, he howled, raising his
whiskey tinged voice to the rafters
I have had enough, he growled, he continued
I am not going to
give you what you want- he turned
his back to the audience
the beam of light went out, the place was left
in pitch darkness, the crowd went wild
thinking this was part of the performance, because
the performer was known for his antics
the crowd clapped and yelled thinking
there would be  more,  several minutes went by
nothing happened, we sat there, eating
our cheese steaks and drinking more beer, we
were in our own little world- soon out of
nowhere from within the darkness, someone
started singing, one and then more of the performers
songs, not as good as the performer
but still he gave it his best shot, singing a cappella
he sang song after song without stopping
to the enthusiasm of the crowd who
enjoyed the alternative show, without any
theater lights on everyone turned
their cell  phones on making thousands of pinpoints of light
reach and focus- to make everything better,  
enhanced, and in some ways it did, we never
missed the  real thing, we enjoyed the show ad hoc as it were
and gave the anonymous man in the crowd a standing
ovation after he was done, we walked away
satisfied, feeling we got our monies worth.

By Michael Perry
Aug 2021 · 88
Michael Perry Aug 2021

as with anything, a season is no different
coming to it's end, the august summer heat
subtle, stagnant, mixed with dried hay grass
partially burnt and scattered to the corners  
under a stifling, stillness, ready now, to
leave tendrils of each day more shortened
while the reds and oranges of sunset, begin to
purple like a bruise, the darkness rising, cloaked
ready to take possession of each passing day

by Michael Perry
Aug 2021 · 265
Michael Perry Aug 2021
a faded flower
needing water and sunshine
recovers quickly

by Michael Perry
Aug 2021 · 98
Michael Perry Aug 2021

we are sitting side by side, in our chairs on the porch
enjoying the late afternoon, sipping sweet tea, cool
and refreshing- it was another hot day, the mosquitos
quit buzzing  once the fans began pushing the air
around it was then, i reached over for her hand, thinking
it the right compliment to end the day, she quickly
slapped my hand away, a sudden rebuff of my gesture
i tried again, and she did the same, i was taken aback
she looked at me as if i were a stranger- then went inside
i suddenly remembered something the doctor had said at one
of her last doctor visits- at some point she will not remember
even who you are, with that the triggers in my brain reacted
anew, as the night of the day took hold and swallowed me up

by Michael Perry
Aug 2021 · 137
Michael Perry Aug 2021

you are most like me, really, sometimes
it's like looking in the mirror, we have  
the same kind of self-effacing smile, our
ability to think of everyone but ourselves
our hearts in the right place, we show it
often, others might take offense, thinking
it to be overbearing, we mean well, it's our
way, which i hope will not be your burden
if anything, to be helpful to you, so on this day
it got me thinking, of the things i wish i could
have changed about me to be better for you, like
me not being there,  when you  needed me most
school events, your ball games, i wish i could
turn back the clock, on your disappointment in me
and my nonchalance about other things being more
important than you,  i should have made the time
also i wish i told you how much i love you, as i cherish
you  now, as the person you are, and the man you
have become; yes, we say it to each other now on
the phone, because we live so far apart,  but i believe
we truly mean it when we say it , so i am writing this
so that one day, when i am gone, and you look ahead
with your own children, you will  see what it all means
everything becomes so crystal clear, your eyes open  
wide and you accept the new reality that you have
a family,  i did that at first, but lost track of space and time
thinking, there was always next time, and next, so as
you read  my words, don't take anything for granted
because you will miss out on so much- be less like me
and more like you don't hold back, cherish the moments
budget your time, ask questions, follow through, learn
from your mistakes for there is nothing wrong with
having what you want, you are honest to a fault
you wear your heart on your sleeve it's your
badge of honor, cherish it, claim it, live life
fully, follow your dreams, be happy, go where
life takes you, cherish even the tiniest of
insignificant things before they are gone
so don't be like me-old and wishing what if, be
like you, forever looking forward with never a regret

by Michael Perry
Jul 2021 · 674
Michael Perry Jul 2021

i watch, from my window
as the winds begin to pickup
off the bay, to rise and swirl
in clouds of dust and speck
gritty and pinging through the eaves
of this old house, forever battered
and weathered year and year
from storm after storm but still
regardless of the storm or the season
i watch, as the power lines whip and crackle
like strands of tormented licorice, as the lights
in the room, flicker off and on, i prepare
myself once more for the onslaught that is natures
way of giving everyone the *******, and still
i cant help myself, i take the abuse and i watch

by Michael Perry
Jul 2021 · 93
Michael Perry Jul 2021

i had something to prove to myself
to you, i wanted to be
upfront, tell you how i really felt
only my words failed, my tongue
scorched;  unable to utter
what needed to be said, at the
moment, it needed to be said, wanting
to take you in my arms and hold you
like i should, the right thing to do, but
i came across cold and cowardly- in that moment
unable to meet your love half way
a moment that should have counted for more
until our eyes met, in that next moment
you kissed my lips tightly knowing they were
alcohol-laced, then you turned and left the room

by Michael Perry
Jul 2021 · 107
Michael Perry Jul 2021

the sky is beginning to darken
just enough for the stars to
make their appearance, putting
on a show they are twinking
on and off in a ritual, old as life itself
we two are standing close watching
holding hands, we continue looking up
at the dark and the light, illuminate
all around, filling the night
with millions of heavenly bodies
craving an audience, then from right to left
a falling star begins its decent,  i tell her
hurry, make a wish, she closes her eyes
and does just that  i tell her i hope
your wish comes true, she whispers
back breathlessly, it already has

By Michael Perry
Jul 2021 · 97
Michael Perry Jul 2021

you gave me your heart, i gave you mine, we took it when
we were both young greedily, wonton, expectant, being carefree
life was ours and now as the years have tolled on, we know nothing lasts forever, in fact it seems to speed up, we see it as
the age gathers around us, in our faces , on our wrinkled hands
mine shakes from time to time, now, through the open window
coming in gold shafts of light, to high-light the bedroom, chests
of draws, pale curtains, a large canopy bed, fill up the space
nothing fancy, our style,  as the air filters through the open window
salty and  pungent as it is want to do around here, i can hear the ocean calling in the distance as we are just a mile from where the bay meets the ocean, we make this trek year after year, to our summer cottage our special place to get away from it all, still as you lay asleep, peaceful i let you slumber on, couldn't bare to wake you this early, although i know you will be disappointed, not to see the sun rise, still, as i watch you sleep your skin reflects translucent against the  white pillow case, offset by your long silver hair, that i   remember was auburn shade you had  for many years, the color of  chestnuts like we used to pick in the fall as they came down covering the yard..still the memories flood, today will be a good day though, i am sure of it, i have an intuition about such things, then, i hear you stirring, and you open your eyes, and we both smile i am done daydreaming for now about what if's, as we get ready to make breakfast  and take our daily walk down to the beach, we are settled on what we have, staying expectant, knowing still, there will be a time that for both of us, will come, knowing there are some things that never will change, if only we could turn back time

by Michael Perry
Jun 2021 · 169
Michael Perry Jun 2021

the air is stifling, no movement
no sound, the last of the cicadas
back underground, all around me
an uneasiness profound, i live
i breathe, in stilted stutters, like
a fish out of water i grasp and
claw at the thick air that surrounds
as my heart leaps and pounds, and
then the  softest of a breeze, if
you could call it that, comes
meekly around, but its enough
just enough to calm me down

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jun 2021

in my wakefulness
i still dream of you, always you
i am consumed by you
for you of you, your face
willing to leave an impression
on my pillow with a perfumed essence
that lingers long after, to fill my lungs
with a desire continued, though
my longing for you to be with you
has no beginning or end
each night to be loved by you
to know even in my dreams
awake or not you have changed
my world forever in the ways of love and life

by Michael Perry
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