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Michael Perry Jan 2021

there are sad things we can accept as fact or shrug it off
as our little voice whispers, depending on which small voice
is talking to you;  so picture this, as you think it through
in a house on a quiet street, lined with fences and trees
is a woman sitting on her barcalounger alone, on this last day
of the year, she is feeling unloved, still it doesn't have to be
as we all make choices daily- that's what we tell ourselves
still she cannot accept the fact of why her?-she ponders this,
with a cigarette glowing through clenched lips, she takes in
a long slow drag as the stifling silence completely surrounds her
all this time; so we surmise, it comes down to guilt of conscience there must be deeper things going on; we cannot get into her head, as she carries this around like an afghan shawl, it's her bitter pill- which she takes daily in a shot glass on a table by her side- steeling herself to cast away ghosts that appear from each year past- and all that it represents, will it be enough as the clocks ticks down, she can see the new year coming into view as she takes in a deep sigh, preparing  for the inevitable, she steady's her nerves for what lays ahead, she has no one else to blame, she accepts this as her norm

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Jan 2021

i am a child  of the city, tough as nails, who plays a part
hoping each day, no harm no foul, will come to me
some days are good while others are more than bad
you may have pity for some have none for me- i still believe

i am a child of the innocent heart, striving to be diligent
made out of tougher skin, a survivor, cavalier is a role i choose
my hopes carved out of make believe, the world is a video game
with me a player; fighting bad guys, some days I win, others I lose

i am a child who will always tell you the  truth - see it like it is
listen up, let me make it clear, plain as i can, i am telling you
it will take more than faith, wise beyond my years, doing
what i can, to get by, anything to hold on; make it through

i am a child under siege who realizes this is bigger than me
it is not easy to get away, break free, each day feeling more dread
hard to navigate- the in's and out's of my concrete confines, get by
i am a child  of the city, who lives day to day hanging by a thread

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

hurry quick, last day of the year
before the clock strikes twelve
say all that needs to be said before;

just a couple hours before
two lovers in a previous life
reconnect, over drinks, at
a familiar bar, soft light, warm fires
burning, intimate, beginnings of
a new beginning, they talked
as if, time never left, they held hands
where would this lead, into each
others eyes, they would look, capturing
that spark once lit

they decided to walk down town
capture the activities there, ring in the new year
as  they walked arm and arm, they were caught
off guard by a stranger brandishing a gun-he demanded
all their money, he refused, as the stranger gave a
warning, he still refused, a shot rang out, he collapsed
to the ground, as the stranger ran into the dark
she knelt by his side, where she wept in silence, there was
nobody coming, his last words to her, "if i had only known"
as the snow began to fall now in heavy wet feathered flakes
ready to cover up; a failed crime scene; now, fade to black

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

before the day starts to unfold, still young
and within a moments peace until then
from my vantage point, up high, the 32nd floor
all the inhabitants below form  a different
kind point of view, heads down, the city wakes
with it's own perspective, the industrious ideas
ready to be made, and so do the pedestrians
they as little ants, cross ready to jay walk- no hesitation
they listen to their own inner voices no one else can hear
just as a  close call comes within inches-a yellow cab
jumps the curb, just missing two or three of the little ants
trying to cross, the cabs headlights trail-zigzag, turn, disappear
wanting to make a statement, made loud and clear
one long lasting horn blast that echoes in and out
of this cavernous canyon, made of cement and steel
all the dreams, the nightmares, the possibilities, ready
to unfold and so it begins, a city hums, it breathes life  

By Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

for me water is life
i am a child of the water
born in January, an Aquarius
i am like a fish, with gills
for lungs, kept under the water
i live and breathe, thrive
but if i am kept from, taken away
made to lose the source, all but keeps me alive,
the essential essence of all that I know
i will suffocate, unable to
survive, die

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020

i remember
reaching out, one day, to
your side of the bed, cold, unslept
that morning, the distance
was wide, between us
a chasm, self- created, too hard
to overlook, climb
the sound of silence
remained between us; detached
no code word, to interrupt, or save
for this was happening in real time
between us, a break apart scene

by Michael Perry
Michael Perry Dec 2020
HAIKU in Three Takes

happening the snow
falling as white innocence
we have come to know

still there was no sun
if just one time, a little
is better than none  

rain begins to fall
we will not worry ourselves
till one cries then what    

by Michael Perry
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