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Feb 2024 · 94
Rob Feb 2024
meet me at the edge of love
we’ll stand at the threshold of bliss
propelled by a force that could blast through steel ten feet thick

let the ambers of forgotten dreams still longing among the stars come rushing back at the promise just one more step

that perfect skip on the stillest pond held forever in the pages of time still resonating this love so divine
May 2022 · 182
Safe Harbour
Rob May 2022
with untethered anchor my compass points to the uncharted waters of destiny

oh the beauty of what could be, embracing the light in front
of me

when the night get cold and the fog horn blows there’s a distant lighthouse that glows

as stormy seas besiege and the high surf obscures the light, I fall inward searching for the light to safe harbour

it is here I will transfer my flag to the doves wing for this mystical journey I’ve charted to the stars
May 2022 · 327
Rob May 2022
alI I see and all I think is drenched in imagery translated through word painting this canvas of life

some words pierce the depths and some remain naked in their attempt as I’m pulled to where I’m going and pushed from where I’ve been
riding a river that’s been painted
for me

if I awoke tomorrow in the absence of words I wonder what would I see, how would I navigate the sound of the sea

would I feel the cosmos unfolding through a flower or a tree, would your smile still set me free
Nov 2021 · 785
This moment
Rob Nov 2021
feast on this very moment before it slips into the arrow of time, unchain the past - let it breathe

peel away the layers, let stillness fill the void

while the philosopher ponders, the warrior yields to peace and the troubadour plays on

in this moment you are boundless you are free
Sep 2020 · 225
Rob Sep 2020
sometimes my soul bleeds in the night

sometimes there’s a stillness so fragile so right - captured in an unfolding moment of life

sometimes thought obscures the well where I bask in a sea of warm flowing light

sometimes structure in my mind gives way, where left meets right geometry takes flight, creating a prism of colours blending logic with the light

sometimes a poem takes flight
May 2020 · 156
Round and Round
Rob May 2020
I drew a picture in my mind, an artist would weep at something so fine

I see you in everything, the curvature of your line

such beauty in your simplicity, such
symmetry in space and time

always there in everything sublime
Apr 2020 · 144
Soul train
Rob Apr 2020
the sound of a distance train echoes a call through the midnight rain

I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s
soulful just the same

like Van Morrison playing something slow, or the broken heart that helped me grow

a dance of randomness cradled in love, the weight of thunder high above

a destination without end,
poetry in motion until it meets land’s end
Mar 2020 · 171
Endless shore
Rob Mar 2020
take me back to the endless shore,
where I can lay my head and
search no more

turning my sail to the wind I’ll
follow the dove, keeping the faith
it’s a journey of love

if the winds give way I’ll man
the oars, I miss those days
on the endless shore

I’m not turning back I’ve come to
far, played hopscotch with shadows
latent with scars

not until I was broken did I find the
door, going to lay my head
and search no more
Mar 2020 · 140
Rob Mar 2020
she rides like the wind,
she’s riding for them

stillness whispers to the
coming dawn ...time ...time
to be moving on

sometimes gentle, feeling the
warmth of mornings grace

sometimes forceful, thunder
penetrating the space

such purpose in motion
the miles roll-on

embraced by love, she
sings their song

she rides like the wind,
she’s riding for them
Feb 2020 · 153
Etched in time
Rob Feb 2020
my heart won’t let my mind
forget, that beautiful stillness
when we met

I questioned if it was really
there, it’s still with me after
all these years

always strongest when I’m
calm, seamlessly flowing
through my palms

I breathe it in and carry-on
Feb 2020 · 138
Still in awe
Rob Feb 2020
why could I sense a stillness
beyond fear beyond tears

an awareness of wisdom beyond
thought, a realization that all I would
ever know was already known
only to be realized

maybe it was armour for all the battles
I’ve yet to fight
the fears I would have to face
the truths I would have to mine
the losses I would have to bare
the acceptance I would have to find

maybe the beauty I’ve yet to see
the love I’ve yet to feel
the paths I’ve yet to walk
the life I've yet to live

still in awe of that moment when I was five
Feb 2020 · 126
Rob Feb 2020
beyond what is
a path for what could be

the power of why
fear to action

a force of change
an act of faith

distilling your truth
a phoenix in waiting

grab the reins
take flight
Jan 2020 · 110
Take me there
Rob Jan 2020
a hundred miles over valleys and peaks, a single step over a mountain creek... take me there

cream tea and a summer breeze, a little boy becomes a gentle young man... take me there

stillness whispers the grace you’ve always known, can you feel it... take me there

smiles of calmness in the mind, treasures of forever in the heart... take me there

streaking at the speed of light while motionless all the same, sometimes just one hug can make all the difference... take me there

friendships come and friendships go some friendships light the way on moonlit trails to a brighter day... take me there

a lifetime of sunsets shine in your eyes, see my reflection... I know I am there
Dec 2019 · 154
The Falls
Rob Dec 2019
a falling wall deep and thunderous, oh what mountains you have moved

standing at the base of your beauty your presence flows through me, unknowingly it always has

sometimes I duck underneath, a safe place of awe that reaches the stars

peering through the effervescent curtain of falling light, I see the world I know... sometimes
absent this certainty I found

such clarity in your descent, such purpose in your unknown destination replenishing my well along the way.
Dec 2019 · 187
Let it Rain
Rob Dec 2019
I was forged from your love only to lose you before your time, with broken compass the tears fell like rain

please don’t mistake these tears for pain, cause today they are not falling in vain... sometimes love just needs a little rain

laying down my sword in the pouring rain, the stillness of grace... whispered her warm embrace

please don’t mistake these tears for pain, cause today they are not falling in vain... sometimes grace just needs a little rain.

— The End —