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Debanshi Devyani Jan 2020
We don't know how to live you say,
Feelings, respect,love we keep them away.
Whiling away our time in phone,
You believe our culture is gone.
We do not know how to respect our parents,
May I ask where are my grandparents?
We live in nuclear families you see,
I see you and that's what I try to be.
We are the most spoilt generation,
But did you ever find a solution?
And while throwing at us your taunt *****,
Did you ever see our heartbreaks and downfalls?
Don't throw your commands of scoring 90s on my face,
Because I am running a different race.
Running after my ranks and positions,
Did you ever ask my ambitions?
You say IITs and IIMs, they have roles.
But you never asked about my goals.
You let me out, weekly once or twice,
And then you say that it's not wise.
You describe your cricket matches on field,
But never have I,on your face, seen a trace of guilt.
You say I am grown up,
No longer can I have my feelings messed up.
So I bury my fears and feelings deep inside,
And paste a graceful smile outside.
I try hard , I assure,
But when I can take it no more,
God take me away, I pray
Then I open up my heart and I cry.
We do not need all those money to be,
We just need your time and love you see.
With your time we shall thrive,
With your love we shall rise.
These words may cut deep through you, as sharp as a laser,
But yes, this is the story of every average Indian teenager.
Dedicated to all the teenagers out there. You are not alone, let's face it together.

— The End —