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Dec 2019 · 184
Kill shoot.
normally don’t insult people I compliment them negatively
Mirrors can’t talk lucky for you they can’t laugh either ,
I don’t believe in plastic surgery for your case go ahead,
It’s people like you that we still have the middle fingers,
Is you being stupid a career or your just talented,
Me pretending to listen to you is enough for you,
Zombies eats brain your safe,
Whats the point of putting on makeups monkeys will remain monkeys,
I would agree with you but then both we will be wrong
Your intelligence is my common sense,
Your beautiful yes but I would still rate monkeys ahead of you,
My mom told me that pigs don’t eat biscuits I better take off that your mouth,
It’s not that your wired it’s just that everbody else is normal
Act your age not your shoe size,
Scientist have been researching how long human can leave without brains give th your age,
Everyone has the right to be stupid your abusing the previllage
But then stupidity is not a crime your free to go,
Where were you when God was giving common sense,
If I hurt your feelings in any way just Know from the bottom of my heart I don’t give a ****,
What would be beauty without agliness see your important,
Don’t take yourself so serious no one else does,
Somewhere along the way I must have given an impression I care I apologise,
I don’t need to take out a dictionary to find what a ***** means I have you,
I would slap but then that would be animal abuse ,
Where did you come from did someone leave you cage open,
Your as useless as the Ay in OKAY,
Please tell me of yourself I enjoy horror movies
Can I borrow your brain for an hour I want to build an idiot
I would insult you apparently but you need some qualities to insult.
Written by :Kagwe Mauricious
@Mauricious Empire
#The **** shoot
#Hallo poetry
Hallo poetry
Dec 2019 · 116
My heart desire
Desire ensnares the heart;
Infatuation captivates the mind;
Passion inflames the body;
And Love, Love consumes the soul...

Hearts can break;
Minds do falter;
Bodies ultimately fail;
And Souls, Souls become trapped...

But if one nurtures the heart;
Stimulates the mind;
Worships the body;
And feeds, feeds the Soul...

Hearts can beat in unison;
Minds will think in kind;
Bodies move as one;
And our Souls, our Souls will be free...
Nov 2019 · 151
My monster unrished
Gentle ,little by little I gained control
For a long time ,I had done wrong
Many people and alot of people complained .
My lies deceived their eyes not even their cries could change my habit.
Like a straight line ,I alined myself with time .
Like a magic box ,my colours became now my colours.
My turnished name turned in now my trusted name .
A new experience I started experiencing rising to my best.
Live a dove ,I loved being humble to people.
Caring ,loving cuddling and humbling turned to be me.
My sweet tweets ,set my standards
Untill they took my kindness for wikness
Untill they spitted repeated again in my own mouth
The same teeths that do eat smooth eggs still eats raw cassavas .
A lion is a lion whether painted or not.
A door I had closed ,a door I had forgotten,it's memories rotten.
It's a fire you have wired,then get geared.
When I say I used to be ,the be is still in me.
It's the language you understand that i will bring to your stand.
Oct 2019 · 111
My Queen
If I was a singer I would sing about you .
If I was a fighter i would fight for you.
If I was a servant I would serve you .
You who melts my heart
You who stole my heart
It hurts my heart when your hurt
I will embrace you in all your phase
I will braise you in all your braises
I love you ,you mine
I love you lovely
You light my love brightness
You heart attack take my heart and use it
In my empire your empress
I will Queen among the Queens
Because your the real Queen.
Follow me
Oct 2019 · 169
Pay back time!!!
You saw  for me nothing .
You paraded me last .
Like a fool I let do your worst.
I crossed my eyes on you but my brain couldn't.
You tested my patience ,you ignored my calls and me keeping in touch.
Patience pays and am about to receive my salary.
You degraded me to the lowest grade.
I gave you my heart you in return gave me your photocopy.
You will never know carbon is important until fire strikes.
You made me look stupid each time I was on you.
You thought you were on another level .
You forgot I had just lowered my lever's
A sleeping lion will never be a goat .
Now you have searched for me in all persons and nowhere to find me .
I was that irreplaceable.
You will miss my text,you will miss my calls but nowhere to find me.
At my worst you did your best to leave me.
It's time to receive the delivery of your order.
I will give the bad dose of your own medicine.
You navigated an oacen and you burnt your return map to your destination.
The hatred you had towards me melted my love for you like a wax not to ever be the same again.
I might be  stupid but not just enough to let you again in my life.
You created your own gravity and it's here to put you down.
@Mauricious Empire
Oct 2019 · 232
My unconditional love
Like the darkness fills the night are my days
Am alone and lonely
Am guilty and innocent ,guilty for offering myself and innocent for loving you.
My heart is hurting  my emotions are wanting
What is life without the one who made you to leave a life in your life, who took your heart
You gave me the reason to love ,now I have found a reason not to myself
Your love like a flower blossomed in my garden
The flowers you used to give me now I plant my own
You memories to flesh in my mind and soul
Broken hearts to me were cidarella stories now am the part of the story
You love like a vaccine still have potency in me
How I will leave without send me a course on how to
It's even with  conditions that my Love for You  was unconditional
It's never Gud bye!!!
Oct 2019 · 170
My Dream Interrapted
My night just got longer ,
My comfort just got fortified,
Fortified with toxins,
Am doing a research a research of my own heart,
Am doing a search a search of my own pieces of heart,
I thought I was in summer sunny beach only to wake up in Amazon forest predators at my tail,
I took you as my Queen not knowing I was a servant to you
It's where there is smoke fire is you blinded my eyes to see the smoke
My wounds are still fresh ,fresh than fish from a fresh water lakes.
My tears of emotions are crying , crying for help ,help of survival.
I built an empire on top of an oacen and now the tides have washed it away.
I jubilate in tribulation in relationship
Am weathering in my in my island of a broken heart
My sweat memories tormenting my memories
My broken heart

— The End —