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My night just got longer ,
My comfort just got fortified,
Fortified with toxins,
Am doing a research a research of my own heart,
Am doing a search a search of my own pieces of heart,
I thought I was in summer sunny beach only to wake up in Amazon forest predators at my tail,
I took you as my Queen not knowing I was a servant to you
It's where there is smoke fire is you blinded my eyes to see the smoke
My wounds are still fresh ,fresh than fish from a fresh water lakes.
My tears of emotions are crying , crying for help ,help of survival.
I built an empire on top of an oacen and now the tides have washed it away.
I jubilate in tribulation in relationship
Am weathering in my in my island of a broken heart
My sweat memories tormenting my memories
My broken heart

— The End —