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labyrinth Jan 16
Off the record, marriage
Is a dragging carriage
That takes you nowhere
Other than grim despair
labyrinth Jan 8
Looking at historic human trace
I don’t see neither noble nor holy
Few exceptions aside, this race
Is often guilty of greed, anomaly
labyrinth Jan 7
Something’s about to strike
I have no place to hunker
I wish I had something like
Mister Zuckerberg’s bunker
labyrinth Oct 2023
The West is again dead silent
They must be connatural mute
As some Jews’re anew violent
For new ways to commute
labyrinth May 2023
You sons of *******
You always manipulate
To get more of which is
Already on your plate
labyrinth May 2023
Monkeys must be trained at once
To take care of all the secondary jobs
In exchange for bananas
They ought to wash the cars
Wait tables, clean homes, pump gas
And do the shifts in our factories
That’ll make the world less *******
For Joe Public. That’s first
The rich’s wealth must be given away
To the poor until the discrepancy
Comes down the three times
To the rich’s favor immediately
That’ll end the class discrimination
That’s justice. And that’s second
Finally three fourth of people
Should be annihilated right away
So there are enough resources
For the remaining inhabitants
Because if not,
The robots are coming.
To take care of one and three
As in, there will be no “you”
To benefit the “two”
labyrinth May 2023
Although it was not always the case
Love’s not for the hungry these days
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