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TW Rice Feb 2022
Today, Valentine's Day, marked by all the world to show love for one another. I don't need a day like today, since I met you. You've become my extraordinary love, that will never know an end even when tomorrow comes. My love for you is eternal. It doesn't need a special day to be celebrated. It's every moment we share. "I love you!" comes with every breath. My soul purpose is to anticipate your needs, wants, and desires, to elevate you in fulfilling your call, to share you with everyone that you love, to bring a smile on your beautiful face. In doing this, I've learnt love; not to boast, but to humbly know that you love me. So no holiday or event, will never out weigh another day, as long as I have time with you. Everyday is a celebration of our love.

Dedicated to my daily love, my Special K
TW Rice Feb 2022
I find it easy to love you because you've shown me what love is. You've given me a smile because of your kindness. You given me a purpose, a reason because I want to be the man who gives you a smile everyday for others to enjoy. To be honest I'd be lost without you because you've provide light in my darkness. Everyday gets easier because one day I'll open the door and you'll be here for the rest of my life. Your warmth of touch consumes me because it's genuine. I've always been a survivor, a loaner because that's my nature. But I no longer label myself that because of your hug, love; I just want to be home... it's not the house but it's any place with you, my love. Because four walls and a roof may be a shelter but you are my sanctuary, all that I adore. Because you bring peace in this war ravaged mind, beauty to the eyes where all I've known is death, comfort from one touch, a word from you brings forth a fountain of hope, you've given me laughter instead of sadness. Because of you...I'm loved.

Dedicated to my love, Special K, my forever
TW Rice Jan 2022
It's what I've given you from that hug until eternity.  It's the strongest part of me but also the frailist.  It gives me the energy to go on day after day because of love. It's never failed me but it's been injured a few times in the past. I trust you with it because you cause it to heal and gets it pumping stronger with everyday. You will always have'll never fail us.  It sustains me during the times apart because it holds you in the very center with every moment we've had and will continue to have.

TW Rice Jan 2022
Being away causes a stirring in my soul for you are my soul mate. The one I long for with all my being. From the taste of your lips, I starve because once you've tasted the best nothing else can compare. The softness of your touch, your hand in mine, electricity flowing with no lack of energy. The blissfulness stays from that moment to the next. Your beauty captivates my being, I long to be next to you always. Your voice is what I love to hear. I crave every part of you and ask you to consume me, so that I can be always a part of you. You are all I desire, hope for, and dream are my future in which I crave.

TW Rice Jan 2022
Everything exciting comes from you to me. I feel like it's impossible to love you more than I do now. But I know, my love for you grows fiercer by the day. The intensity of wanting you, desiring you grows every moment we are away from one another. But when we are together, the feelings never change even after climatic adventures. There's still more I hold you longer, to kiss you with more passion, to caress your body constantly, to hear your voice in my ear, to stare into your eyes and become lost in you. More moments with you is all I could ask for in this life because you are all that is good in this life. I no longer want me or I, I just want to be us. You are so easy to love. My heart continues to beat in some crazed rhythm wanting to be synchronized with yours. Each day I know that I want us more than the day before. Anticipation of the tomorrow's keeps me going. My love never waivers, it seeks more ways to expand daily. A little more, holding hands, listening, conversating, hugging, chill axing, anything you.

TW Rice Oct 2021
While I'm usually the fiery one, it couldn't be so without you fueling my flame. You bring more adventures everytime, we get together. You bring me peace of mind and love that I have never felt in my life. You are my closest friend, I exposed all my badness and you just seen the goodness. You have more compassion than anyone I know. I want to be more like you everyday. Your gifts of insight and redirection are always welcomed because I trust you. Your smiles always brighten my day. Your voice I long to hear it more and more. You have encouraged me to do things when I was just comfortable being complacent.  You may not want to admit it but you saved me more than once. You've chased all the fears of darkness away and brought the most beautiful light into my life. Beautiful, you've brought more to the table than you could ever imagine. You've ignited this fiery love for you that's unquenchable. I pray that I can only match what you do and have done. I'll never tire chasing you or giving you the love and appreciation that you deserve. If my days on this earth were done, you'd be the best part of my life. You've completed me and made me whole. You've brought the table full and I'm the most blessed man alive because of you.

Dedicated to my beautiful Special K, whom I love wholeheartedly
TW Rice Sep 2021
I know this love we have found feels foreign to both of us. I know I never felt this way. My heart aches when we are apart. My hands long to be around your waist pulling us close together till we are completely are one. Like a the lost single puzzle piece that makes the picture complete. My eyes always gazing into yours seeing the bright future. When we kiss, it feels like some magical thing that I never want it to end. I've never felt a love like this, not from a parent, a friend, a fallen brother, what I thought was a lover, or from a spouse. Nothing compares to the love you have opened up to my being. For it is more than just a feeling, it's finding security, trust, hope, a future, my one and only, the thing movies and books written about that we've only heard about. It's not a fairy tale, it's real, raw, and what we have. Its appreciating ever moment as if it was the first or the last. I think that's why tears come so easy for me. It's the grandest of things in the simplest acts. I'm never pushing or forcing it, only holding it close like a treasure you find that's so rare. I know maybe for you, it feels like an appreciation. You've been recognized in your simplest ways. It may feel odd because you've never been held like a treasure that you are. The things I do to nurture you, is the way love is teaching me to care for you. Like I said, I'm only falling my heart, not trying to force or cook something from my mind thinking this is what you want. It's what flows out of the abundance of my heart. It's why I say I love you a million times while we're talking. I know no other things to say. I know you're so independent and I don't want you to be in a way. Let me be what love calls me to be. A cook, a poet that doesn't rhyme much, a hand that just wants to hold and caress you, that long departing kiss, a shoulder for you to lay your head on, a jester in your court to see that beautiful smile an occasionally hear your laugh, your lover when you need it, your ear to hear everything you need to say, your companion, your friend, your soulmate and help mate, your cheer leader; I simply what to be what your love needs, wants, desires for the rest of your and my life and then some. That way one day it won't be foreign to either one of us. It'll be home.

Dedicated to my only love, Special K
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