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TW Rice Apr 2020
The very thought of you evokes a wonderous thought in my mind. My heart always holds you closely. As nature goes through these changes of from winter to spring, I feel our love blooming in the most beautiful colors. To have a soulmate is the most wonderful feeling of home. The most natural thing to say when I open my mouth is to tell you, I love you. Its crazy how much my love has grown for you, everyday I feel it growing into the lush foliage. The wonderous aroma of our love for each other fills the air. The most easiest thing in my life has been to love you, its natural.

Dedicated to my love, Special K
TW Rice Apr 2020
Each and everyday, I long to hear your voice or see your face. My heart constantly smiles when I hear or see you. It erupts bliss upon my face. Everyday I think of ways to cross your path if just for an instant. The occurrence causes a crazy kind of havoc cruising through my veins till it hits the center of my heart with every pulsation my heart expands with love for you. My mind fathoms the day we meet and stay together forever. I know heart I will always gaze at you with loving eyes that want and adore you foreverly. The wonderous smile the heart erupts with is such a joyous moment that is eternal. My hands long to pull you into my arms daily just to hold you. I just want to breath you in everyday always. There is no greater feeling than to love and feel it returned.

You are my forever and ever, my beautiful love, Special K
TW Rice Apr 2020
As I sit here, pondering how you are, I feel everything is as it should be. I feel your presence leaning on me as we lounge on the couch. Its so peculiar these feeling of electricity as if you are here. This love we share causes the loneliness to leave. I feel your ever presence always. The joyful expression only you can give is on my face. I sit here trying to contemplate the depths of our love for one another, it far passes any understanding I've ever had of love. It grows daily especially when we are apart. I feel your smile brightening my horizon like sun warming the new day. The peace of our love is amazing, it calms during any storms this life brings, it brings certainty, a guarantee that love exist in us. I hope you feel this feeling also, bringing you comfort like you bring me. A few days, we will see each other again as this flow of the dance of love brings us in and apart until the day, we are pulled into this blissful kiss that will last foreverly. Some say they can't imagine a love with such depth but for me, I'm living it daily with you.

Dedicated to my foreverly, endless love, Special K
TW Rice Apr 2020
Everyday I find myself yearning, desiring, caring, wanting, and loving you more with everyday. We talk about our future our hopes and dreams. Our home, our presence together forever. As much as I want the future now, I'm enjoying the journey of knowing, liking, talking, texting, and seeing you daily. If I love you this much now, I don't think I could particularly phantom what the future holds for us. The fullness I feel from your love daily is so incredible. If the future was now we'd miss out on this blissful journey of not dating and learning the simple essence of love. I contemplate the depths of our love and cannot even imagine how deeply our love transcends. Every day when I look into those eyes of yours, I get glimpses of our future the blissful sparkles in your eyes are yet a prism of multiple colors and depths of love. The waiting patiently part is so unbelievably hard but I'm enjoying every step and anticipate the fullness of our days ahead.

Dedicated to my beautiful future, my love, Special K
TW Rice Apr 2020
I've been thinking of our little cabin in the woods. Spending days in front of the fire staring into your eyes like it's the first day I saw your beauty. I listen intently to you, my beautiful love. On warmer days, we survey our land on our walks hand in hand. You enrich my life so much. You created stability where there was none. You created peace in my chaos. You complete me. You are the greatest joy and happiness my heart has ever felt. I cant wait for our hugs and kisses daily. The simple pictures you share make me feel part of the family already. I am so glad to be here waiting, loving, caring, listening, and appreciating you always.

Dedicated to my beloved Special K
TW Rice Apr 2020
It's so easy these days to be stressed with unknown viruses, school schedules, and all other unknown things. The only certain thing I know is my love for you grows stronger with everyday. My gaze is always on you, you are imprinted in my heart and soul because there is always forever. You are always my everything, you make everything so easy and confident. We belong together even in these uncertain times because love conquers all. I'm certain we will forever be home one day together eternally. My hand is always in yours as uncertain things pull us apart but our electrifying love draws us so very close until we kiss in heavenly bliss. So uncertain times will always come and go but our love will last foreverly.

To most certain love ed eternal, my Special K
TW Rice Apr 2020
I love the way we sit and talk and share ideas of our future home. The best aspect is to be together. I love the tiny details we watched and talked about. I savour every moment we share. I could have stayed all night talking details looking at drawings with you. Our home is just a few years away. Our lifetime together is everyday for me. Yes, I have that crazy grin thinking of us and us sharing every detail of our sweet home. We should name our cabin together forever. Its fitting it's the one place I know I belong. I think we share now this crazy addiction to log homes amongst our love for one another.

I'm crazy about sharing my whole life with you, my beautiful Special K
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