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Jan 13 · 33
"The Last Cowboy"
Simba Jan 13
I dedicate this to you, dad!
May you be riding upon your horse high in the sky, sitting probably in your saddle, seeing sunny green pastures, as you gallop down the new trails for being "The Last Cowboy!"
For now and forever!

Riding your horse in a full gallop to reach heaven's gates! Not to forget about the old, dusty, beaten-down trails, as the sun is shining opon your face!
It's for the legacy you left behind. Thank you for the 60 years of my life! The memories that you have given to me and shared with me! I will never forget you!

Dad, it was your time to start your new journey and reunite with your family as you galloped off into the bright blue sky! For they all had been waiting patiently for you,
"The Last Cowboy to arrive!"

For now, you are on the other side! It is a beautiful sight! You dismount your horse with your polish black boots, which were taken out of the stirrups to stand firmly upon the clouds. As you hear your mother's voice saying to you
"Welcome home, my son!
Donald, your journey is through!"

Now you can ride with your family forever, high above the clouds. "For the trails of heaven's cowboy will never die!!"
With all my love to you, dad!
From your only son;
Jan 2023 · 286
Dec 2022 · 180
Simba Dec 2022
I'm not sleeping because I'm weeping to the feelings that
I am missing you.
I lie here wide awake.
I don't know what it's going to take.
To go through time without being a part of you.

I believe I'm just existing
because I'm missing
being engaged with activities once shared with you!

I'm trying to find a song with the words that I can sing along.
That will tell  the words to
what I feel in my soul.

So much time has gone by.
I feel like I'm just holding on
to somebody that
I don't want to let go.
That's you.

There's nothing I can do.
The situation will never change.
The furniture will never be rearranged.
To make things right between the two of us.

It will never be possible for me
to be your number one man.
Or to be the only man in your life.
You have already proven that to me.

This will never be possible.
It will never be just
me and you.

So, I had to send
my heart away and
to put up a wall before
I fell Into an abyss.
This is true!
Even though I still love you

It was something I had to do.
You weren't going to change your situation to be with me.
Because, your  multiple situation  works best  for you.
So this will remain the same.

There will be no change to the course at hand.
I will never ever be
your only man.
It just will never be.

I'm signing off now
Maybe someday you will see.
If you only could have changed your ways!
It would still be you and me.

Jul 2022 · 190
Simba Jul 2022
Mary Ann,
I'm not going to write my
negative thoughts.

So, I have these positive
words to say
I wouldn't be who I am now
or have the things that
I have today

If it wasn't for you being
in my life of yesterday
I would still be far behind
Still sitting in
the gray

It is true I have
to say

I'm working harder now
to educate and prepare for
the new challenges of
my new career
I have come too far
to throw it all away.
I have learned to overcome
all of my fears
To become stronger
in every way.

I don't know what the future
is going to bring.
All one can do
is to take it
day by day.

I'm not giving up!
I have to keep forging
To grow stronger
each and every day.

You have pulled the strength
out of me.
The strength that
I've had all along.
To set goals and then
to achieve them.
The tasks that are in front
of me.

It's not the first time
I have challenged the goals
you introduced  to me.
The ones I gave thought to
then realize they would
make me a better person.
It was you that made
me see.

That when I set my mind
I can do anything.
To be able to accomplish
and to achieve
the tasks that are
in front of me.

I could go on and on
to Infinity and beyond.

So, with all these positive
That I have written to you today.

I'm going to end my
words now.
I'm going to end them
in this way.

Thank you
from the bottom
of my heart...
For believing in me.

From Me to You

Jul 2021 · 300
Pow Wow
Simba Jul 2021
Enjoy this Pow Wow !
Smell the smoke from this peaceful camp fire!
Breath in the spirit from what comes from with in the Pow Wow camp.
Relax and enjoy the smoke as it ascends to the spirits of are ancestors above.
Peace, Love, and Happiness to all Family's and Friends!

May 2021 · 376
Aloneness vs Loneliness
Simba May 2021
To be truly alone does not just mean to be alone from others, it also include being alone from your poisons,prejudices, jealousy, hurts,anger, ambitions, fears, hopes, ego and your thoughts. Once you can drop all this baggage then only can you hope to truly understand what it is like to experience aloneness. Aloneness is vastly different to loneliness.

Like water which can clearly mirror the sky and the trees only so long as its surface is undisturbed, the mind can only reflect the true image of the self when it is tranquil and wholly relaxed. A mind that has understood the whole movement of thought becomes extraordinarily quiet, absolute silent. Silence comes when the mind is no longer seeking, no longer caught in the process of becoming.

The mind can never experience the new, and so the mind must utterly still.
What is important is to be inwardly very simple, very austere, which is to have a mind not clogged with beliefs, with fears, with innumerable wants, for only such a mind is capable of real thinking, of exploration and discovery.

Stillness that is induced, enforced, is still not stillness at all. It is like putting a child in the corner – superficially he may be quiet, but inwardly he is boiling. So a mind that is made quiet, and stillness that is induced can never uncover that creative state in which reality comes in to being.

To observe, to watch, to give you whole attention to something beautiful, your mind must be free of preoccupations, must it not?
It must not be occupied with problems, with worries with speculations. It is only when the mind is very quiet that you can really observe, for then the mind is sensitive to extraordinary beauty, and perhaps here is a clue to our problem of freedom.

If you want to take a long journey, you must carry very little, if you want to climb to a great height, you must travel light.

May 2021 · 147
It's all in my head...
Simba May 2021
To have an overactive mind.
I just don't understand,
the reason behind.

To get stuck on a thought.
I don't know the reason,
It plays over in my head,
it gets worse every time.

To say I will stop.
I really do try!
It seems to come back,
with the blink of an eye.

It pushes you further away
each and every time.
I don't know why these
stay in my head
like  a display.
My brain seems to be
always, working overtime.

I say that I'm sorry!
To mean it that way.
For these thoughts
to come back,
seems like everyday.

It starts to degrade,
any emotions that
might remain.
It keeps on pushing.
Time slips away.

It's all in my head!
Im feeling the pain,
of being an over-thinker.
The thoughts remain
the same.

I'm starting to dread.
The affecte it has on,
the one I lost
Hook Line & Sinker.

I just wanted to say!
That I am truly sorry
for being this way.
To cause the hurt,
the dismay  
of being an

May I say to you!
On this very day.
That I really don't want it
to be this way.

It's all in my head.
That's all I have to say.

Apr 2021 · 197
Canceled my timeshare.
Simba Apr 2021
Hey Mary Ann!
No more movies.
No more wine.
It all boils down
to a waste of time.
We snuggled,
we cuddle,
we reminisced!

You said "I was the best that there is"
I don't believe it now nor
did I believe it then.
I'm not the only one
you do this with.

This time I'm done
I've said it before  
I've realized it's
a revolving door.

Now, the reopening of  my eyes
as of yesterday
made me realize
what I must do today.
So, this is what I did!

Canceled my timeshare ...

The End.

Dec 2020 · 134
A Blue Mood Dream
Simba Dec 2020
I'm in a blue mood dream.

Knowing that you will be wearing that dress of blue.
Think of me, when you are putting your dress on.
With no bra just wearing a thong!

I'm in a blue mood dream
over you.

Enjoy the day in your dress of blue!
For all the compliments that will be given to you.
Wishing I was in a suit of gray! Dancing to the music of our favorite song on this day.

I'm in a blue mood dream.

Think of us when you walk alone. Or as you're dancing to a theme song.
Hear my voice spoken softly in your ear!
If you will,
for  I am whispering.
I love you my dear!

I'm in a blue mood dream

The sun will go down as the moon will rise.
Wishing I was looking into those beautiful blue eyes!
As they accent your dress of blue.
Making me fall deeper in love with you!

I'm in a blue mood dream.

The song is over it's time for me to leave.
You are only in my imagination. It's only a dream. 
I have to set you free now.
Time for me to wake up from this fantasy.

When I opened my eyes!
That's when I realized.
It was only.

A Blue Mood Dream

Dec 2020 · 145
My heart is heavy
Simba Dec 2020
My heart is heavy
like a ton of bricks
It's  not singing the
same rhythm it's doing flips
It seems that it's
skipping beats
not a happy rhythm
the way this heart beats
It's out of sync
A total eclipse of the heart

Like Niagara Falls
the volume of water that flows
over it's cliffs
from my eyes so do
my tears
There's not a day that goes by
that I'm not thinking
of the last five
Spending time together
like pioneers discovering new frontiers

Is this the way it's supposed to be?
Six months has gone by since you've been with me
Life goes on
not to remain the same
Time will tell
but in the meantime I'm going through hell
I'm trying to find a way to overcome this heartbreaking spell

I stay busy, I keep
occupied  by working throughout my day
I still think of you
Then a tear runs down my cheek as it leaks from  my eye
Once again my heart skips a beat
Wishing it was pounding the rhythm of a happy melody
playing to the tune of loving you
If you were to put your head upon my chest
  you would hear the story of our legacy
I don't know where it will  go from here
If there's a remedy
for this heavy heart that's inside of me and to stop this waterfall called tears

Talk to me from your pillow and I will hear you from here
That you still love me because I still love you  my dear
I write you these words from my heart and soul.
I really do miss you
I miss you so

X's and O's it's time
for me to go
Until next time when I write you a new poem or maybe even hear your voice over the telephone

Signed Simba

4 Dec 2020
Dec 2020 · 101
Simba Dec 2020
Is silence golden?
Should we just remain silent?
No words to speak of?
To remain quiet?
To go on without a word ever to be  read again, or to be heard?
To give up on communication?
Not to read the words that have been written?
Lost for words?
Don't know what words to write?


Nov 2020 · 109
A shadow
Simba Nov 2020
Close your eyes it's time to sleep
Sunday is here you know the rest
One needs the strength to keep in check
Make sure you smile and say cheese
Then look around

Keep in mind
When it's time for the striptease
That in ones head there will only be
What once was just the memory
That's all you will see
A shadow
Could it be

Nov 2020 · 110
Fingers crossed
Simba Nov 2020
Roses are red violets are blue
to get over a lover
you have to find someone, too!

It was easy for her  
She picked  up the telephone
and called someone she knew.
Good for her!
Good for you!

It took me awhile
I didn't have to dial
I found someone new!
This should be fun
I don't know her
she don't know me!
This is true.

To get to know each other
it should be very  interesting!
One day at a time
We'll have to see
where this will go.
Could it be?
Fingers crossed good
luck to me!

Nov 2020 · 106
Oct 30th / Nov 1st
Simba Nov 2020
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I don't sleep at night
Cause I'm thinking of you
Alone with my thoughts
Trapped in this bed
Know I'd give the world
Just to start over again

Oct. 30th that evening
We had a drink, watched a movie, nibble on some cheddar cheese.
Then you laid down
with me in my bed
Pillow talk
you whispered in my ear  you told me you found a sweet spot
as you laid your head upon my chest
I wish that moment didn't end
That night was over
I almost gave in
you didn't get it
from me like you expected
you might have

It really didn't matter to you
(so much for "that sweet spot")

So you did this instead
you already
had it  all planned
It was planned out ahead
Early that morning on Nov 1st
you laid in his bed and got it
from him.
Your forever lover,
Your forever friend

I knew you would go
You said you wouldn't
but, you did
You never stopped communicating or meeting up with Greg
Now he is happy
that you've been laying
in one of his beds.

And your imperfections
perfectly drawn up
I was a fool to think
you were in love with me
That you gave him up
So, you kept Gregory Pappas in your
back pocket and to keep interest in you because
Mary Ann, you need someone to
lay down with.
I know this to be true

This story will go on and on
it will never end
So, roses are red
Violets are blue
It's all in my head
No matter what I say
or what I do
The facts will remain.
You will always be
with him.
It's not Me and You
It's You and He

Nov 2020 · 119
The way that it is
Simba Nov 2020
It is what it is.
If it was meant to be
the way that it was.
It wouldn't be
the way  that it is.

Nothing you can say
is going to change now.
The way that is was
to the way that it is.

Nov 2020 · 94
You and I
Simba Nov 2020
You and I were never
meant to be.
The sooner I realize this
life will be better for me!
I slipped on a banana peel and
it brought me to my knees.

This slip brought me backwards
for it opened my eyes and
made me see.
It made me realize
that your sweet spot moment
was temporary.
A familiar place to be.

My heart became
involved again
I almost gave in to you.
You almost got me.

The rain came down
as you were within, with him.
While you were
fooling around
it made me realize this
is the end.

I could never be with you
knowing you are with him.
This chapter is over now.
A new one will begin!

Sep 2020 · 88
The first day of autumn
Simba Sep 2020
I went to visit someone's
mother today
Sat and had a conversation
On this first windy autumn day
This place had not  been groomed
in a while
There were some items that were scattered upon it
Arranged in no particular order

So I took the time as I sat to chat
To cut the grass and cleaned
around it's border
Then washed all the dirt away
It looks better now
I felt a smile as
I followed through
I arranged everything in a
particular order
To respect the items
that she had received
During recent visits  
It wasn't just me

Some items were shiny
Others were dull
One item was made of wood
While the others are made
of stone
There was even a purple flower
It had a beauty of its own

I sat here for an hour
I was sitting here alone
Then I decided it
was time to go

I stood up and brushed myself off
From sitting on the ground
Then  I stopped to take
another look around

God's creatures had appeared
I saw a hawk and then the deer
Hoping they are the answer to
why I am here

I asked so many questions
Hoping to hear the answers
in my ear
Time will tell now
If it was meant to be

The questions I have asked
I will have to wait to see
To be patient
not to rush anything

Now I'll end my story here
I will be on my way
It was a heartfelt visit
I will come to see you again
on another day

  I will come to chat with you
When I have more to say
It was meant for me to be here
On this first autumn day

Sep 2020 · 88
To grieve love
Simba Sep 2020
To grieve love .
It takes on a different
It's not about  
mourning the death of
a family member.
Or a friend.

It's a form of grieving
that I never felt
in my life before.

Death is so final
never to return.
You have the love
and memories of
that individual.
Who has passed.

When you grieve the love
of the living person
You are still left with
the love and memories
as well.

With the living.
You have to
make changes
In order to get through
this grieving period.

The feelings are still fresh.
The memories are still real.
It's the heart controling
the head

One had moved on.
With relationships.
Wasted no time.

While the other one
staying behind

Seemed  so easy!
With no downtime
Didn't skip a beat.
For one had a backup
A,B and C

"When is it going to be my turn!"
That's what would be said.
As long as there's a pillow
To go with the bed.

It has been your turn
From the years passed and
the years ahead.

So I will continue to grieve
for a period of time.
Then my head will
control my heart
Once again.

I do realize,
That  plan A, B, and C
Wasn't meant for me.
I was the fool
The go between

Grieving love
Will be over soon.
I have a life in front
of me
I can't stop living
for something.
That wasn't meant
to be.

Sep 2020 · 85
Get you out of my head
Simba Sep 2020
Couldn't Sleep Last Night
To Busy Thinking About You
Can't Get You Out Of My Head
But What Am I Supposed To Do

I Can't Seem To Do Anything
Without You In My Head
Every Night
I Sit And Think  
About You
As I Lie Awake In Bed

Im Going Crazy
I Just Don't Know What To Do
My Heart Controls My Mind
I've Fallen In Love With You

I Have to get you out
of my head
To much time has gone by
Nothing that can be said
For there has been to many
pillows laid upon
To many beds

It is what it is now
Regardless what was said
Need to focus  somehow
I need to
  Get you out of my head

Aug 2020 · 75
My fishing trip
Simba Aug 2020
There will always be
more than one fisherman.
( Especially,
the one before me.)

Who will ignoring the;  
Private property.
No trespassing signs.
At that polluted pond.

Thinking I had the
best bait.
I thought, I had caught
the prize of the day!
It looked good!

To think that fish was
a keeper!
Only to realize.
It was an easy catch.
It was caught before.
It didn't matter what kind
of bait I used.

I had to throw it back.
There was more than
one hook.
And it won't be
the last.

I was wrong fishing in
that pond.
those signs.
I will never go back.

That is the end.
My fishing trip

Aug 2020 · 80
Simba Aug 2020
You had told me
You would never
go back to him.
I knew you would.
I hope you're happy
you did!

You can still live the LIE
You will still have to hide
Until the day your
husband dies.

Then he can step out
of the shadows and
you both can pretend.
That you guys
just met each other
once again.

You two don't care
What you both do apart
I'm sure he has
other woman.
Like you have
other Men.

Until, you get together.
To do what you do.
Not to be seen
with others.
Like I saw with my
own eyes!
  The day I saw you.

At least it's not me now!
I don't have to hide.
I'm sure he won't either.
You'll have an alibi,
another lie.

You won't have to pretend
with me anymore.
We were just lovers .
The one  I feel in love with.

I have always been  
the convenient one.
I lived closest to you.
I think?

To sleep in my bed.
The way I held you.
Then you would pretend!
I was the best one for you.
When I would do,
What I did to you.
You would tell me.
I was the best,
at what I did to you!

Only because,
he was far away.
Im sure ,
you have told him
that too!

But, then again
you told me this.
You would drive
over an hour or two!
To do.
Whatever you two
do together.

You can tell him you
love him!
You probably do.
Just like you told me.
You loved me, too.

You're back with your old
shopping partner.
Your lover, too!

He will take you out to dinner
and for drinks.
I'm sure you won't pay half
on anything.
Just think!

He will even open
your door!
After you step
out of his car.
  Then lean in.
To thank you for the night
and for what you did to him.
To kiss you on the cheek
then your lips.
It won't stop there.
It will be
much more
in the end.

I'm sure he's has
big hands.
Like you told me
I do!
I'm sure you say that,
to all of the boys!

Just like I have
done before.
Then again.
He has done this for
many years!
He has six years before
you and I.
Oh, yeah!
Also, during our five
years together
It all the same.
It's a long time.

The bottom line is.
You're cheating on
your husband.
Then you go home
to him.
Only to start all
over again
It will never end.

He's no different
than I.
He's waiting on
the side.

So you live your
double life.
I'm happy for you!
I hope he's making
you happy,

He's your chosen one!
It's not me for you.
You can fly south in the winter!
When it comes time, too!

I Should have never been
a part of this.
I am guilty in this
love triangle,
or was it a square?
Possibly, an octagon!
Now I don't care

I fell in love with you!
When I gave you
that kiss.
I was living  
a fantasy.
I was making
a wish!
A wish to be
with you.
Now I can see.
That this wish won't
come true.
Not for me.

So no matter what
I just wrote
to you!

Remember this.
I did love you
Mary Ann!

From that first
time kiss!
I wrote
that poem.

From Me to You.

Aug 2020 · 130
Simba Aug 2020
Yesterday was different.
Out of sync.
Today is different.
Time to think.
Tomorrow's difference
It's up to me!

Aug 2020 · 88
Game over
Simba Aug 2020
To be told by you!
That you're living
a double life.
How can one be trusted?
If you're fake with me .
How, can you be true
to the another?

I have tried to put it aside.
When I opened my eye's
I realized it has been a lie.
It only benefits the one.

I know deep down inside,
you had a different agenda.
You would say;
"There has been no other's"
I tried to believe this.
To know it's not true.
There was nothing I could do.
Except to leave you.

You have played
that game.
With more than one
Before, during, and after.
Me, myself, and I.
I was  supposed to turn
a blind eye!
I asked myself.
What made me the
special one?
If you really wanted it
to be me.
You would have changed
your ways!

It won't work
that way.
Because, you have
it made!
To come and go as
you please!
The one thing on
your mind.
Is to deceive one,
from the other's.
It's about you!
Not you and me.
It's about you,he, and him.

No matter what,
you told  me
I know better.
You could not
convince me .
Game over

Aug 2020 · 110
Fake love
Simba Aug 2020
I look into those eyes that I use to stare into for hours...
Now I can’t even stand looking in them.
I listen to your voice that I use to melt to...
Now when I hear it, all I hear are lies.
I see that big smile you smiled when we sat and chatted for hours..
Now when I see you, my mind floods with memories we had...
I actually fell for you.
When others tried to warn me about you. I never believed them. I would make stupid excuses like;
“She is gonna change, “she loves me” “she is different”
It kind of ****** because I was head over heels for you.
But I bet it ****** more for you. Because you lost someone who was actually in love with you.
Don't comment on my pictures don't comment on wishing me luck
When you see me pretend you don't know me that should be easy for you to do because that's what you did
when people came around me and  you

Don't wish me good health or happiness either
keep playing your double life because I'm through playing in the shadows with you

Jul 2020 · 141
I love What I miss
Simba Jul 2020
I love what I miss
and I miss what I love
I wish things could
be different
From God above

I know there's a difference
between love and hate
I've changed my ways
The other remains
the same
That bird will never
thier ways
That bird will stay
in the nest
While bluffing one
and thierself

It will find the food
that suits them best
It's not about loyalty
It's about what
they need
For that bird
It's the mealworm
In the moment
That suits them best

I've loved that bird
I flew away
I love that bird
to this day
But, I can't stay
with something
That will always  astray
Because that's the
only way
they want it
Each and everyday

I'm not looking to
build a nest
I'm beyond that
I contest
I'm looking for
forever more
I'm not looking for
a female Matadore
Who is looking for that bull
to score

I'm looking for
That's not wanting 2 or more
There's a word for this
It's rhymes with score

I want nothing  more to do
with that bird
Fly Away
Fly away

Jun 2020 · 105
Simba Jun 2020
Time to turn the feelings off.
It's been so misleading.
Now it's time to live in reality
No time for pleading.

I was living in a fantasy.
Hoping, it would only be me!

There is no such thing.
I can plainly see.
It's always been more
than 1, 2 or 3.

You always tried to convince me.
That I was making it
all up.
Someone would come around
and I would have to flee.
It may have been good for you.
But it wasn't good for me.

You would tell me I was crazy!
That I was making it all up.
I always knew it was shady.
And that I was making a mistake.
Then that day came.
You, yourself confirmed it
My knees began to shake
When I saw you step out
of  that  F-150 pickup truck.

Go back 5 years
To the beginning of
this affair
I knew it was wrong then
I should have never
been here

I put the blame on myself.
For it was plain to see.
There would never be a future!
Between you and me.

So, now It is time.
To put
my heart back on
the shelf.
Where it should
have stayed.

For I fell in love
With a woman that will
always astray  

  There would never be
When ones heart
is full of lust.

Now to end this chapter.
The way that It must.
I am to never get involved.
With a women
having affairs!
Because, In reality.
They just don't care.

For I will lose in the end.
It doesn't matter to
the woman.
As long as they are
getting theirs.

Jun 2020 · 107
I am looking for feedback
Simba Jun 2020
Hello, to my fellow,
I am looking for feedback,also any recommendations... For the poems that I  wrote and will continue to write. In the near future. I am very open-minded and looking for honest opinions!
I want to become better with my poems.
So I am reaching out.
To my fellow poets!!
Thank you.
Please, stay safe.
Jun 2020 · 98
Part-time student
Simba Jun 2020
I've been part of a school situation.
For quite a few years now.
That has given me motivation
and direction.
As well as an eye opener!

I've been schooled part time
for years.
By a substitute teacher.
Hoping to become full-time!

But, then disappears
Without a chance of
making contact.
Due to a different agenda.

One sends messages
with no reply.
That makes it hard
to comprehend.

It's easy when the teacher
makes the schedule.
You either have a class that day
or you don't
What works for one.
Doesn't necessarily mean.
It will work for the other.  
When there are other
students, in between.

The teacher gets to pick!
What works for them that day.
Who controls the joystick
Which student will be picked.

The principle is "In the house!"
Who, is being betrayed.
For the teacher will pick.
The student of the day.
Regardless, of what the principal
or student  has to say!
I make no difference anyways.

When's it going
to be the teachers turn?
As a student.
I would say
They have been getting there
turn for years
Don't let anyone get in the way!
Because, then it's easy enough
to be pushed away.

For I am only a part-time
student anyways.
Who will never become full-time
Because, it doesn't work.
For that teacher in that way!

You are outside the bubble.
The game that is being played.
Principal vs. Student's vs. Teacher

I should put the checks in the mail
and be on my way.
For this teacher
will be getting there new schedule
My name won't be on it.
The semester is over
without a care.
Easy come, easy go!
For this is not
the teachers first
coloring book or Rodeo.

May 2020 · 108
Breathe in
Simba May 2020
I could just cuddle with you.
Is all I want.
To squeeze you!
Not to be apart.

To kiss your forehead.
Time and time again.
To feel you drift off to sleep!
To feel as one,
is the greatest feeling of all!
The feeling is complete.

As you lay your head on my chest.
The way you do.
I'll take a deep breath in
and breathe you all in again.

I'll do this all morning!
As you lay in my bed.
Until your eyes open,
and you raise your pretty head.

To say good morning!
Let's do it again!

Apr 2020 · 123
Simba Apr 2020
I see what I saw
I hear what I heard
I knew what I know
I feel what I felt
I deal with what I'm dealt
I tell what was told
I say what I said
I'm right what I write
I live I'm alive
I died I am dead
I believe what I believed.
I understand what I understood
I am a fool I've been fooled

Apr 2020 · 154
One-way love affair
Simba Apr 2020
Not even a word,
or even a care.
For  this is a one way
love affair.

To wake up in
the morning.
Thinking today will be
the day!
To see a hello a good morning
or even a hey!
It is  telling me
this is a one way
love affair

One can't take
the time.
Out of there busy,busy day.
It just doesn't matter
in this one way
love affair.

There are others
to talk to and
other things to read.
You're showing your interest!
It's just not with me.
In this a one way
love affair.

I have asked questions.
With no reply for
me to read.
I said I wasn't going
on the list.
This is the last thing
you sent to me.
( ? )
You don't care.
In this one way
love affair

I didn't answer
your question.
So you stop talking
to me.
You have lost interest.
This i can see.

It's  all about you!
Not about you and me.
You have been online
many of times.
I know it to be.

For even in the wee
early hours.
It still doesn't matter.
You won't text
Not even a phone call .
You don't
miss me.
In this a one way
love affair

You told me.
I was just a friend
with benefits.
You friend-zoned me.

That's the way you
want it.
You want it to be.
  In this one way
love affair.

Apr 2020 · 1.1k
Cock-a-doodle-doo (revised)
Simba Apr 2020
Rooster in the hen house
always wins.

It goes to
It doesn't matter.
When the hen gives in.

Make the Rooster happy!
To keep the peace with in.
It goes to show.
It doesn't really matter,
to this hen.

When the lights go out.
That's when it begins.
It may be real or just
It really doesn't matter
in the end.

Why go down the road?
Said the hen!
When it's not far to go.
It's just to the next door!
To the rooster with in.
once again.

See it really doesn't matter
To the hen.
There are other birds
of the same feather.
When the hen
doesn't give in.

This hen looks  for attention.
Something to sip on,
could be 1 or 2!
To stick out her chest.
A couple of winks
does the trick.
Maybe get a new do!
The tail feathers will
go up soon.
She's a free rein hen.

If it really did matter
To this hen,
towards you.
There would have
been some clucks.
Like 2 or even 10!

To whom, that thought
it mattered.
It was only pretend.
For the Rooster on
The outside.
That's the way
it has been.

If it really did matter
to this hen.
That rooster would
be out.
This one
would be in.

It doesn't matter to her.
Like it's been said.
It really doesn't matter
Because, she's   not
your hen.

The Rooster in the hen house.
Will always win.

Apr 2020 · 2.1k
Simba Apr 2020
When you think
you're the only rooster
think again.
Rooster in the hen house
wins the hen.

The hen will stay
well behaved.
Until there's a hole
in the fence.
Then the hen will become
free rein again.

As  the hen leaves
the roost!
That's when the other roosters
will strike again.
She will fluff up her feathers
to look the part!

Just Don't look away
for there is another
rooster up ahead.
This hen will react to
the  new rooster
when it says,

That's when the hen smiles
and sounds off with
a cluck or two.
As the hen sticks her chest out.
Her tail feathers will go up.

The rooster she's with.
She doesn't give a flying
And the scenario
repeats itself
over and over again.

For this rooster is just
a bird brain.
It's all in his head!
That's what the hen
will say.
You're making it all up again.

So don't walk around to proud
**** -a-doodle-doo
with this hen.
She's not your hen.
She has to go back to
the roost soon.

She scored her points
with another rooster.
With it's ****-a-doodle-doo
That's all that matters
to this hen.

So, the next time
when the hen is outside
the fence.

She won't be cluckin for you.
It will be for the other rooster
that said ****-a-doodle-doo
in front of you.

  For that rooster, does not care
who is with this hen.
As long as It gets
this hen in the end!

Back through the hole
in the fence.
The hen returns to
the roost.
Like so many times before.

To the rooster in the hen house
always wins.

Mar 2020 · 121
Simba Mar 2020
55 it's only
a number
You grow more beautiful
Each and everyday!
There is no other that could ever be.
As beautiful as you
in every way.

You are the only one
that I've ever known.
Who has a glorious
heart inside of thee.

We have been together
it has been 5 years!
Many filled days with
laughter, joy, and even some tears.

I wish to spend
the rest of my life.
With you my dear!
To make heartfelt memories
For many more years.

I  wish you this
on your 55th year!
Stay healthy,
be happy,
Smile every day.
To know that I love you.
More and more each and everyday.

Happy birthday
Mary Ann

It's only a number

With all my love
Mar 2020 · 101
I felt it in my heart.
Simba Mar 2020
I know some poems start off like this.
Roses are Red violets are blue.
For you Nala.
Simba, will start it this way.
It's true!
I never missed a woman.
As much as I miss you.
To look in your eyes.
Oh, so blue!
  The color of your hair.
The way the sun shines through.
The Way We kissed, felt so right.
I miss your touch.
The feel of your skin.
The way we laughed, and then kissed again!
I never thought,
I'd miss you this way.
The night's that pass, each and every day.
How we would get comfortable,
in our special way!
When I asked!
You would say okay.
I never thought,
I'd miss you this way.
When it came time
to say,
for you to go away.
The words, I never wanted to hear.
Now it's time.
To walk with you.
To give you the kiss,
that sent you on your way.
Knowing the wish in my heart.
I truly, wanted you to stay.
I never missed, a woman like this.
I felt it in my heart.
I told you so.
The way I watched, you go down the road.
Knowing, I should have told you then.
I love you Mary Ann!
It is true.
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
I truly love you!
You said it, too.

Simba Feb 2020
Roses are red violets are blue.
It's been four long years
since I've been missing you.

God took you home
on this 16th day.
I ring your bell as,
I give you
your three kisses!
Saying, "I love you".
There's not a day that goes by.
That I'm not thinking of you.

Time passes by.
You're still in my mind
and in my heart.
Till the day I die.

The last time I spoke with you.
Was on Valentine's Day
Feb 14 2015.
Seven whole minutes,
was all that was spoken
that day.
Never thought that God
was going to take
you away.

I wake up every morning,
where you laid.
So peaceful and comfortable,
I have to say!
I laid beside you and held
you so tight.
"I called you Mommy"
Wanting you to wake up
that night.

I'm writing these words,
sheading my tears.
Missing you so much.
My Mother dear.
Until we meet again.
Heaven so bright!  
When it's my turn,
to pass in the night.

Until then mother,
I'll keep ringing your bell!
Giving you kisses,
3 in a row.
Meaning that I love you so.

Roses are red
are blue
sugar is sweet,
just like you!

From your only son
and your sunshine too!

I miss you and love you still,
as I always will.

Feb 2020 · 107
Simba Feb 2020
You - used the same paper
You- used the same words
You- used the (A) over the (O )
What am I ?
I am the same Valentine's day card.
You wrote over the ( O )
in Don
With an ( A )
To make it Dan
Feb 2020 · 89
I feel you in my heart
Simba Feb 2020
Thinking of you on
this day, Mom.

It's been five years since
you passed away.
I feel you in my heart
in every way.
For this is the gift
That you've given me.
In such a mysterious way.

I sit again.
I sit alone.
Talking into my telephone.
As the tears poured
down my face
I find myself in this
lonely place.

I wish you were here
sitting next to me.
Telling you my story
and my victories.

I ask of you, to stay
near me.
To guide me.
Through the rest of
this journey.
While I am on
this Earth.

Until I meet you again

When it's my turn.
For God to call
me home.

I miss and love you Mom!
With all my heart ❤️

From your only son,

PS. I am smiling now 😊
Feb 2020 · 88
Your Danny Boy
Simba Feb 2020
It's been Ten long years since are Lord took you away
He brought you home with no more pain
You're in my heart you're in my soul
You're in my thoughts as
I grow old
I miss you dearly
as you know

I leave the light on
I let it glow
You are here with me
As I ring your bell
I do say with three kisses
each day
The same way you did
in your special way

             " I love you"

As you would do
in your usual way

It's been three long years
since you've gone away
I'll keep you in my heart each and every day

I will see you again

It's 3 a.m. as I remember you today
I love you so much
that's all I can say

I'll keep ringing your bell and kiss you that way

Until we meet again my

From your one
and only son
                          Yo­ur Danny Boy
Feb 2020 · 96
Old Friend
Simba Feb 2020
Driving alone on this
snow stormy day!
Met up with an old friend,
along the way!

Talked for a while,
we had a lot to say.
Then we went on our
merry  way.

It was good to
see you.
Numbers were exchanged.

No matter how much
time goes by.
Some things remain
the same.

By Simba
Jan 2020 · 95
Never full
Simba Jan 2020
I have to keep filling
my box because it is not full
I stopped putting the
right items in because I wasn't
hungry enough.

I was to busy focusing
on the wrong items
to realize.
That the right items
were right in front of me.
Right under my nose.

There is more room
then I could imagine
in that box!
That it will never be full

The rich man
The beggar
were brought together.
So that both can
learn a lesson from
each other.

It's like they both
needed each other to realize
not to give up!
That box is
Never full.

I haven't given up!

Jan 2020 · 97
I'm just the lover
Simba Jan 2020
I'm just the lover
It's hard for me to sit
here and say
That this relationship is only
one way
Your needs are met
My needs are neglected

You can go with me
I remain in the shadows
It's not fair
I can call you
my girlfriend
That's what I
can say

I don't know what you
call me
If someone saw us together
at  times I have to
walk away

You're invited to a place
where there are couples
Even single ones too
It doesn't really matter
I can't be with you

There's not even a thought
for me to go along
To everybody else I'm
just a ghost  
You wouldn't even ask
the host
If I could go too
This is the part I hate
the most

I don't think you would
have fun with me
tagging along
We go here we go there it
doesn't matter then

To go to a party it's
Even if I was called
just a friend
I guess that would be
a good explanation
if anybody was to ask
who I am

We can't be a couple
or even go
as a friend
That's the way this
You decide what I
can attend

The Point is that I'm not
wanted there
It's Pam's bubble
that works for you
If you really wanted
me to be with you
You would ask her
for me to go
it's true

It doesn't really matter
as long as you
enjoy you

I know you said to me
It's my decision what I
want to do.
I believe it's your
decision too

You have control
over where I can go
when I can and
  can't be with you
My feelings are
If you really wanted me there
I would be

I have finally realized
I'm just a lover
Not to be known as
anything else
to others
I'm supposed to
remain Undercover that's
the role of a lover
Not to expect
anything other
that's just who
I am

Jan 2020 · 110
When I see the green
Simba Jan 2020
When I see the green
I wish I was the one on
the other end
I feel I'm not the only one
It seems to have been
someone in between
I Believe there's someone that communicates
Someone else has your
the letter
L was told
to me
someone you know
I know that it's
not me
I know it doesn't
matter it's irrelevant
I know it to be
it doesn't change
the situation
The one between you
and me
this is just like
a letter
the one that shouldn't
be sent to thee
Jan 2020 · 97
No clock to watch
Simba Jan 2020
Time flies when you're
having fun
Seems like there is no
clock to watch

Still waiting for someone
to come in
but you know that's
been botched

So then you realize you're
the only one
Sitting at this table
and chair

I wonder if I should text
I know
I just don't dare

Not sure if I should
be thinking
that's what I've been doing
a lot of

I have to stay focused
on what I need
to do
instead of sitting here
feeling blue
I have to keep my
chin up
sometimes one needs a
big shove
  I still believe in the
one above

So I pray to him to help
me through
To have him send me
that Holy dove
I am out of words now
I'm done


One Speaks there so much
to say
Jan 2020 · 98
Out of Words
Simba Jan 2020
Time flies when you're
having fun
Seems like there is no
clock to watch

Still waiting for someone
to come in
but you know that's
been botched

So then you realize you're
the only one
Sitting at this table
and chair

I wonder if I should text
I know
I just don't dare

Not sure if I should
be thinking
that's what I've been doing
a lot of

I have to stay focused
on what I need
to do
instead of sitting here
feeling blue
I have to keep my
chin up
sometimes one needs a
big shove
  I still believe in the
one above

So I pray to him to help
me through
To have him send me
that Holy dove
I am out of words now
I'm done

Jan 2020 · 106
Simba Jan 2020
I miss you so much
I sit here with tears
I'm sitting back remember
the years that were
full of Cheer

I miss you my Mother
Oh so dear
The holidays are the hardest
when you're not here
You are in my heart
You are in my dreams
When I call on you
I know that
you are near

When you whisper
I hear your whispers
in my ear
I feel your words in
my heart
You make my eyes fill
with tears

The love that you
had in your heart
was genuine
This is the greatest gift
That you have given me
For I know your heart
is  now mine

With all My Love to You
My Mother dearest

From your only Son
Love Danny

By Simba
Dec 2019 · 119
Simba Dec 2019
The end is near.
I don't know what there is
to go on now.
I feel so alone and broken.

I have love in my heart!
It feels like a throne was taken,
wasted away.
I do not know what
else to say.

I feel deserted and I know
I do not deserve it.
I tried so hard in my life.
I sacrifice my own
to give to them.
So, I feel like
I don't even matter.

  Then why do I bother
to stay on this earth?
It's because of my 88 year old father.
Once he is gone from
this world.
Upon that day!
I feel there's no other
reason to stay.

I'm going to slip out
the back door.
I'm going to go away.
When I am gone.
Then what will
people say?

No one will know
where I will be.
Then I will see,
how they will get along
without me.

Until then I'll just pretend
That everything
is okay.

My heart is broken.
My heart is shattered.
So much for being a father. :(

Oct 2019 · 153
Drinking Alone
Simba Oct 2019
The night is coming
upon on me.
The day is incomplete.
I know the night is coming.
Now I won't sleep.

Drinking Alone with only
my mind running.
To be here with
you away
Just keeps me

Watching the hours
passing by
Listening to the music
for it is live
Feeling my heart wanting
to cry

I am tired
feeling beat
I'm sitting in
this chair
I'm off my feet
Thinking of the
ride home

I know I need to take
it slow
there's no reason
to go
for I would only
be alone
no one to talk to
you are the only one
l want to hold

You stopped talking
to me
the Texting became
fewer like
I knew they

There is such a
time difference
I'm three hours ahead
of you
I know that you're
having fun
For there is so much
more for you
to do

I'm going to end
it here where
I could go on and on
I just want you to
have fun

I'll just sit here
keep you in my
thoughts and just listen
to this song

I love you

Oct 2019 · 131
Here I Go Again
Simba Oct 2019
To Celebrate ones
Is to satisfied
the one
What does one expect on
their special day
Could be the last one or many
more to come
Who is to say but the
one above

Do you give  
a kiss
Do you give
a hug
Is there a gift
Is there more
to come

Is that what is
To celebrate the one
that is
spoking of

Whether it's done
for pleasure
or just because

Should it be understood if
you're not the one

Is it just to
keep the peace
Is that the way it has
to be done

Separate Lives no
one thought
To be one of
the family
When the other
is not

My mind is running
it is full of thoughts
Am I overthinking
I will never no

To believe what
I am told
Here I Go Again
writing another
talking again on
my telephone
Know I'm done it's
time to go

Oct 2019 · 133
It's pouring out
Simba Oct 2019
It's pouring out now
wondering how
it is on
the shore

Wishing I was smelling
the salt air
probably wouldn't be
such a bore

Walk on the beach
with only a glair
by myself wondering
why I was there

No one would be
on the sand
even if there were
two people
more than a

For the sands
Through The Hourglass
Are not the same
as they would be under
my feet

The sound of the Waves
crashing on the
sound so much
better before

Take a deep breath
**** it all in
This trip will
be over
Another will begin

The sun is out now
this is how
my poem
will end

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