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Maryam saeed Nov 2019
peace:where to find
Chirping birds no longer sweet
The swirling fields are no treat
Calmness: an elusive dream
Tranquility, where to find
Warm love no longer at hand
An elephant foot on my heart
Peace:you left me alone
In a world with no safe
Why you left me?
Nature have no colour on
What have you done to me?
I look around
In search of you
But darkness has prevailed all
Peace:where to find you?
Maryam saeed Nov 2019
When the mirror I face
All the scars I can see
Flaws deep inside me
But I wouldn't change a thing
They are part of me
If you don't want them
You are free to leave
The doors are open
They were never closed
Awful the world feels for me
Healed scars the mirror knows
Part of me  are the mended scars
You don't like them?no sweat
For I love them,no regret
Maryam saeed May 2019
Walking through the jungle with open eyes
She saw the darkness that curtained the beauty
She felt the fear which clouded her brain
She was in her own thoughts when she saw
A hungry beast walking towards her
His ferocious eyes stared at her
She could feel the hungry eyes
Her legs felt as they were gonna fall
Her body stopped supporting her at all
A screeching twig brought her to life
Suddenly she saw the stare change
The Beast was looking her with strange eyes
The beast stopped and with a loud roar
Said I can smell The fear from people eyes
For the fist time I have saw a woman
With so much fear trying to trespass
A place known for its darkness
I can see A girl with dreams
Beauty, ambition, everything one can dream
So why are you on this path
You have everything one can ask
Mustering the fear, in a faint voice
Drenched in fear, she replied
Your argument is all right
I have everything one can ask
Beauty, brains, ambitions, a dream varsity
I have all comfort one can ask
But my gloominess has actually masked
The peace my heart has once asked
I don't know what the heart has cast
I cannot perform even simple task
I went through a lot of hurt in life
My culprits weren't given punishment at all
At start of darkness I asked for help
They ignored me,made me enter this hell
I still tried to find a way out
I cannot find anything to help
the murkiness have veiled the road out
In a weak voice she asked
Can you help me to get out
The beast laughed out loud
Nobody leaves this cloud
She closed her eyes,the beast roared
For The world again saw a soul closed.
Maryam saeed May 2019
This the story of a little girl
Who grew up to fast
Now things can never be the same again.

You stole the light from me
Now I can never be the person I want to be

You left be broken and bruised
And yet nobody knew about you

Whenever I think about that time
I feel my heart racing sometime
You took advantage of my innocence all the time
Yet you are in people good books many times

There are scars in me that cannot heal
Because of the pain you made me feel
The memories comes flashing in a reel

And this cycle repeated itself
I was again left broken and bruised
Yet the outcome was just the same

The pain and hurt I felt it again
In my memories it will always remain
Deepening the scars that might have healed

These memories still remain in my brain
Deepening,hurting,heavy like a crain

When I get scared of a little sound
The memories than come back around
The scar depth increased to a mound

When I see my people standing by you
Laughing with you,helping you
The scar bleeding renews

Nothing happened with both of you,
Yet I lost myself because of you
Happy lives lived by you
Your punishment was not served to you

You were infront of my eyes
Everyone was establishing their ties
Noby cared about my cries

When I see you standing there
People think I don't care
Expressing my emotions very rare
Nobody knew the pain I bare

— The End —