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Muluuta Mugagga Apr 2020

the more i feast on heaps of our passion

the hungrier i become!

i need alot to satisfy my appetite!

genuine love should be ascending
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2020
giving me a fragment of your heart
makes me the happiest man on the planet!
we all want to be loved
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2020
A frustrated teacher is drunk and staggering.
He enters the classroom. Pupils greet him.
' Good morning teacher?'
' Eeh what time it is?'
Pupils answer ' It is eight am'
' Tell me where am i?' he demands
The happy class replies ' You are in the classroom'
More confused ' I think my memory has deserted me! Then who are you?'
' We are your pupils waiting to be taught.' They respond
'This dream is hard to understand. If you are my pupils what am i supposed to teach you?' he demanded.
The class choruses ' History'
' You must be history to me. I don't remember you!'
Drops and heavily sleeps.
Drinking is good but must not interfere with work
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2020
deadly enemy ready to destroy the world!
uniting to crush it is a must not an option!
wishing the sick a quick recovery!
may the souls of those who perished rest in eternal peace!
coronavirus is deadly
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2020
i hate all men
i cherish producing a child with a loving husband
where is the road to my happiness?
confused mind
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2020
Hold and switch on a lighter
burn a stick in your hands
**** it passionately to quench your thirst!
evaporate smoke through  your nostrils
toxins stick on your sweet lungs

Doing it again and again you dive into addiction
an invisible prison with intangible walls!
the unseen forces ensure you remain in detention
as long as you have breath in you
pardoning prisoners is illegal here!
punishments are administered to prisoners
am not scaring you some are severe!
coughs, throat and lung cancers the list is very long!
joining or avoiding the prison the decision is yours

Creating a smokeless world
begins with me and you
save the children and youth
from drowning in the sea of smoking!
smoking is sweet but carries danger to your health
Muluuta Mugagga Mar 2020
Surrounded by hundreds of friends
feeling the warmth of society blanket
emptiness creeps enters my body
finds its way to the deepest chamber of my heart!
harasses me without mercy
emptiness is a reailty
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