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164 · Apr 2019
Hennessyy Apr 2019
Yeah I get it. Depression would hit hard
Reminding you of all the scars that you’ve gathered so far.
Spilling all your tea at the bars,
Listening to passing cars..
With someone’s hand in the cookie jar
Mistakes made mistakenly and ***** the juice out of this star.

The star is constructed effortlessly.
Effortlessly to be someone this unique
Fingerprint from the head to the feet
Mysteriously, taking the breath of others away
While they breathe.

The god or goddess of your dreams it seems
Observing the gleam that follows along the seams
Of those sheets, where we fall...
Intertwining with pillows & all.
Hoping that the mattress and box spring continue to support us,
That the frame doesn’t break, as the mirror ignores us.

Insecurities, help to trap us so often.
In a dark place, no visible light ..
Our thoughts we get lost in..

Perspectives are broad, the mind consistently changes.
Each thought is a pattern that falls into stages
For ages.. we had to keep things in.
Selfishness is a sin.. that most people constantly try to win

And with this.. and all the dependency,
We become our enemy.
We don’t use these tools to their expectancy,
And excellently allow ourselves to be consumed.
The mind is in control,
You know what to do.
156 · May 2019
• Sowed That Seed •
Hennessyy May 2019
I’m broken, misspoken
Open, too open..
With emotions, I’m showing.
Openly unknowing.

Inviting people to the only side of me
They’re allowed to see
Thinking of how they can use me
Witnessing cruelty.
It’s taken as a joke, but I know me
And this me isn’t the me I used to be.
It’s a different vibe,
New wybe to help me stay alive
Continue to thrive
Unwind, relax and close your eyes
Here’s what I despise,
Not getting that same respect
Respect’s a reject, with an effect
They don’t see yet
They don’t see yet.

Here’s the other side
The other side that cries
Looks deeper in your eyes
Imagine your demise
While people fantasize
About what they can criticize and
Unwilling to try new perspectives
Monogamous perspectives are
Detrimental electives
What’s seeing me weak, gonna do to you
What’s important to me, is that me is you
And if you don’t realize the power I have
You relinquish the truth
It’s new you’ve just arrived
My mind..
don’t be surprised if your mind just flies

It’s different
So open
You looked close in
Still hoping
For something
That won’t change
Unless you’re willing to rearrange
Despicably a masterpiece
Fast to see
How quickly people can bash me
and feel like they’re perfect
All the bull that comes out yo mouth
Ain’t worth ****
It ain’t hurting
It’s plain to see
That you wanna see
if you have an effect on me
Effect left me on read
Be mindful of where you sowed your seed.
A past broken heart speaks a little truth.
117 · Mar 2019
Hennessyy Mar 2019
Pain changes those,
That were strong enough to understand
Individuals don't realize
Sometimes they should lend a hand.
It's hard to focus on,
It's hard to stay aware.
You're the only one who cares
You're aware of your repair.

Those who don't see
The beauty in your words
Have never witness something such as this
Seemingly to go unheard.
It's really difficult as time goes on.
You're aware of your repair.
You owe it to yourself to remain strong.

You've given yourself enough.
To the wrong enegry.
Positive or negative
Whatsoever the case may be
Opposite attract,
They produce negativity.
You're aware of your repair.
You're deserving to be happy.

Faith without works is dead.
Your cup runeth over.  
James 2: 14-26 said as,
The valley of the shadow of death flew over.
The Lord is my light and salvation,
Who shall I fear?
Who is better than me?
We're all humans here.
Nonetheless, you're dear to those who mean you the best..
You're aware of your repair,
Work on yourself you deserve to rest.
65 · Jun 2024
Alone In My Head Again..
Hennessyy Jun 2024
There's alot of things,
that I can't explain. I expect someone to approach you, and change the game. Yeah, we’re in love, but how long will that be? I have nothing to offer, except for *****.

Everyone thinks you're awesome; and that I'm holding you back. They think there's no mindset; the purpose I lack. I see how they look at you, and hear what they say I hear the question "why she gotta be gay?”

It's a power struggle, so I don't say much. You're in control, and I'm taking up space with the stuff. They're ready to spoil you, so why be with me?
Love is one thing; but what about stability.

We’re only still here, because of me. Working hard doing things, that I can't believe. So if I'm not helping; why want me here? Maybe Sean’s right, I’m still living in fear.

This is in no way offensive, this is just how I feel. So many people hit on you and I’m just here to be real. Literally no substance & pressure still tall. Still wondering how I made you “fall” at all.
I don't give *** on time, don't know when you need it. I should know you by now; I deserve to feel defeated.
YOU DESERVE TO BE WANTED; YOU DESERVE TO BE NEEDED; but all I ever do is leave you depleted. Guessing how I'm feeling, usually is the reason. Then it leaves you getting upset with me.

Growing disappointed, killing our expectancy.
Not working and living here are truly affecting me, but the more I speak on it, the more I expect of me.

Can’t be sad because then you feel worse than me. My mood’s up and down, probably for eternity. Feels like nothing is certain, we-
I don’t deserve you, and every day recent that’s been hurting me.

I’m no better than the ones before me.
I still hurt you, you still cry because of me.
What am I worth? If I can’t keep you happy?
What are we worth if I can’t keep you happy?

— The End —