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Apr 2019 · 185
MartaOnche Apr 2019
Been a while,
I've cuddled closely.
closely enough to feel the bulge down your legs.

  Been a while,
I've been kissed passionately
like am a life machine, for your survival.

  Been a while,
you used your hands to make me feel butterflies in my stomach.
making me wet with your touch.

  Been a while,
we went down the road of pure passion and I didn't want you to stop. for you consume me with the fire of your body. .

Been a while,
been a while, I held you close enough never to let you go after you helped me to ecstasy....

Williams Marta (Tweencool )
Mamo's poetry
Mar 2019 · 178
MartaOnche Mar 2019
Trying to love but
it is like I wasn't cut out for it.
Cos something and everything goes wrong always.

I Said I won't be sad and let go
But who is there to hold on to? Am at Crosssroad, and all I see is i alone. Sure, I was hoping to see you there. So maybe I will be glad
you wants this too. But I guess you never meant what you made me believe.

This never was, I suppose.
Now I know i only had dreams of you with me and these were my imagination. So I am clearing all out as I find myself at this Crossroad.

Mamo's Poetry
Feb 2019 · 200
MartaOnche Feb 2019
Doldrum day,
Doldrum songs
Doldrum everything
got me going bananas.

Feeling dumb
Feeling numb
But the worst feeling
Is feeling lost.
My head is heavy
Yet i pray am not going crazy.

Slowly slowly, I will get steady,
The thought , I always keep handy. Cos days are normal Doldrum..

#Mamo's Poetry#
I feel my moments of depression coming back..
Feb 2019 · 201
MartaOnche Feb 2019
I met with Narcissism.
He was by the pool and doing what he loved.I thought he looked like a fool.
For sure that was what he was.

  Most times,he forgot things that needed to be done so times passes by gradually.

  From seconds to minutes to hours.
Hours to days,days rolled into months and then into years.
And Narcissism was still by the pool.

  He never thought it was necessary needing someone,thought he was satisfied .

  Then the pool was pulled out
Dried up before his very eyes.
That was when he realised he would be bored.

  Went in search of more fun but there was none.
He didn't care really as he never did.
So he died being who he was.

Mamo's Poetry
Before the writing of the poem..i came in contact with a man so obsessed qith himself that i could help but write..
Feb 2019 · 209
MartaOnche Feb 2019
Tossing and turning,
night is far spent.
I have lost my patience.
Why cant sleep come take a perch?On the door of my eyelids,
i will seal

I am the night owl and all i can do is be up-for no reason..
But most times,sleep keeps me up till it's time for the flow of my  inspiration to work out its magic.on a piece of paper,i drop down every line.I then realised,i am a worthy night owl on a good hunt..

Mamo's Poetry
Feb 2019 · 227
MartaOnche Feb 2019
I laid down and stare at the sky
and thought of you came to mind.
Even said to myself"I can still hear her voice as she calls me when she needs me ".

    Then i remembered now that, i came home from her place and later visited just once in a while but not staying for long-"Just passing"became the drill.

    Months later,the day started as usual.Then the call came that she was missing from the people found by the roadside-An accident had occurred.

  Tension till evening when she was confirmed to be soon one of"Earth's landed property".

  Couldn't believe but it was true when i saw her laying peacefully,looking angelic in the "bed of human final rest".

  Then another thought came into my head.
"Where would her spirit be?"
"Could be she here-looking on at her lifeless body and struggling to get back in?"
"Could she be trying to tell me something about the other end?"
"Could she now be proud of where she was?"

  All these thoughts kept running but no answers and wonder i did of the "Great beyond"till i fell asleep in my thoughts..

Mamo's Poetry.
For my aunt..This is the story of how she died..couldnot sleep last night because i was a replay of her in my head as she laid on her wake keep.
Feb 2019 · 223
MartaOnche Feb 2019
I am *******.
You are ******* .
Cos life itself is *******.

I want you.
You want me .
But life says it all
Who ends up with who.

Mamo's Poetry .
Feb 2019 · 202
MartaOnche Feb 2019
They are all back.
Boys who said they once loved me but at the slightest problems were on their way.

They are all back ,
Wanting me back like they never left.
Acting like the pain they caused had never been felt.

They came back
Wanting my love and affections because they knew i would always give.

But now i know better than to trust completely.
I know better than to love wholly.

For am not the same gal
they left years ago and
so l can't love them now
Because they all came back

Mamo's Poetry
Wrote this last night..cos all the lines are what are in action in my life right now
Feb 2019 · 342
MartaOnche Feb 2019
Some days,i just want to lay back on the bed and just rest my nerves,watching through my window as the day travels from morning to noon and then slowly walks into night.

Some days,i just wake up with hyperactive spirit pulling me by the  hands and taking me on a smooth fast journey of life in a day.

Some days,i feel so hurt all i want to do is end my life but all i end up doing is cry.

Some days,i am so happy for no reason,i don't want the day to end.

Some days,i have this feeling of giving things i had or thought i had but then i can't find out what really..

Mamo's Poetry
Feb 2019 · 298
MartaOnche Feb 2019
Have you seen the pages of my heart? I can't seems to find out where it went to..Well,Like a book, I knew it was complete and clean. But now, I can feel it getting consumed gradually...For am not familiar with the new ink that wants to find it way to it.  

Filled up with Writings of
you and your formidable ways, you just Walked into my head.
Creeping in silently and with seducing Talks about making me feel good . you have gotten me into you.

Now, I forgets what I
Am looking for .I can't seems to
Place the puzzle, you have created .So please someone
Come tell me where to go look
for the pages of my heart...

#Mamo's poetry#
This is one poem i like myself..A refection of how love slowly finds us even though we hav blind eyes to those closest friends who wants to be in our lives till the very end..Love is a mystery..So we cant chose how we get roped it ..
Jan 2019 · 235
MartaOnche Jan 2019
At first glimpse,he seemed infinitely dangerous-even barbaric.
And yet something in his eyes called out to me.

I should have trembled in fear,but his touch held me spellbound when he summoned me to his chamber, my heart lodged my in throat.

I cannot comprehend the power he held over me.
How is it possible when i have known him such a brief time?

He took my body with surprising gentleness,treating my innocence as a precious gift.
In his embrace,i discovered the wonder and the anguish of desire.

Against my will,he haunted my dreams.
His kiss ,his slightest caress left me breathless and trembling.
His hands on my flesh were magical,caressing and claiming arousing a fierce desire deep within me.

He challeged my heart ,daring me to open myself to passion.
My resistance seemed hopeless.
How could i defend myself against the restless yearning he kindled in me?

He made me feel intensively alive.
He makes my heart sings and sets my blood on fire.
He touches me with startling tendency as if my heart belonged to him.

He made his intent clear;he was determined to have me-body and soul.
Offered the haunting promise of paradise
if i but had the courage to grasp it.

He drew from my heart's most intimate secrets.
Led me on an odyssey into the fiery heat of passion.
But his price was so dear;he demanded my heart.

I am that most miserable of creatures;a woman tormented by heartache.
The thought of never knowing his touch-his fierce caress is more than i can bear.

It's true that the passion of the flesh can beget the passion of the heart-i am living proof.
The heart knows its one true mate..i am a prisoner..

#Mamo's poetry#
Got this inspiration from a novel i read..Passion of the heart
Jan 2019 · 180
MartaOnche Jan 2019
She was up in the spotlight,
and the crowd went wild.
But all that crossed her mind,
Was the hustle and bustle.
And those times of giving up,
That she nearly succumbed to.
Now, she stood there
with her head Held up high in pride. And when she was asked to speak, she took her place and said,
Veni, vidi vici ..

Mamo's Poetry
This Is for those times i have things going bad but i still held my ground and it all turned out good..I usually shout it out loud..
Jan 2019 · 160
MartaOnche Jan 2019
I have seen days of
good bad and ulgy.
Days of rush crushs
i thought was love.

But i wish for days of mist
which i have never had.
Days when all i do is cry till
tears were nowhere to be found.

But these days are never close
because my heart is one made of steel.

Though i see these patches
of mist in everyone's life,i cant
figure out why i need it but pray for it to pass out and be cleared in theirs...

Mamo's Peotry
Jan 2019 · 164
MartaOnche Jan 2019
I can't get out..
i can't fight.
it's so hard
the walls too tight..

I feel myself running out-out of life.I see creatures coming for me,but i know they are not there.
cos it's all in my head.

Am in a prison without walls so it's in the open but i can't run-free myself,cos i let myself in even when i knew i had to do right, i just got mixed with the crowd.

Now am caught-caught so hard,its hard to escape for i have to pay for my sins.
I am guilty now and my sentence has been passed upon me and i must serve.

'But if you are good,you can be set free before time'i heard them say.

Now am fighting cos i want to do right-Stay alive.i don't want to be caught in this prison without walls..

#Mamo's Poetry#
Jan 2019 · 169
MartaOnche Jan 2019
Pictures in my mind.
Playing out in my head.
I see just images,
In my blurring view .
The sun is Setting.
And all I see are
Lovers kissing, Right
Under the light of the
Coming night.
They are lost in
each other's arms and
The urgency of what they
Wanted. Slowly, she moved from him. With her eyes still on him. She Started to Undress, in the covering of the dull light, they were shadows. But every piece of the moment , was never lost in my view,
Then I just shook, and I lost them. Just then. I remembered theywere only my sunset imagination .

Mamo's Poetry
Jan 2019 · 146
MartaOnche Jan 2019
I thought i had a fever,
When he came to me.
Must had had it really,
But to me it was hallucination -
Part of the breaking of the fever.

Then i saw him real, coming to settle in front of me with the scythe handy-his staff of office. He Must have wanted to get done with the job at hand 'I' but had a change of heart.

Not a word he said but took off the direction he came. I knew it was second chance given to me. For not Always did he do such..

Jan 2019 · 151
MartaOnche Jan 2019
Am proud of who  i have become
Never thought that  day would come when i will see the light of the sun .

But all are in place so soon
For the face i once worn
has been taken down and torn.
It was painfully  done but now  clearly i see.

That i wont be here,not even a piece of hair if they knew, i will come out as something new. So i made myself out of steel.
So i never have Steal meat to make Way to where death meet .

Well this life of blue, i let out and it blew the flower that made the flour towards the sea for all to see, as the sun rise that i have become a better son. So i can say i am proud of who i have become...

#WilliamsMarta(Tweencool ) #
Mamo's Poetry
Jan 2019 · 147
MartaOnche Jan 2019
This is a story of a boy
Must have had a terrible fall
When he fell in love.
Now all he things is his fault,
So he sent his heart on a run
All in to a better of ***, locked up in his room.

Then came a grt who have had same thought. But she wanted something more other than the bottle, for it was a useless battle.

So she started to mingle , until she met the drunkard who was single  'What do i do for him to stop? She wondered. Until she gave him a terrible look.

' Her smile is a killer' he reasoned only for a minute. He wanted to keep mute until she walked up to him and said 'Hi' and to him, it sounded like a beautiful song from a magical flute ..

#WilliamsMarta(Tweencool ) #
Mamo's Poetry
Jan 2019 · 150
MartaOnche Jan 2019
Swift show of affection
coded only for me...
with our moments
always something to
look forward to..
only with you ,i am me for me
and you are you for me too..
coded only for us to be free and happy..dancing to the music of our heartbeats...
And being real even when you are shy with me only..with the time passing by quickly ,
i hate the moments when i have to leave you by yourself..
But time will help us out...

#WilliamsMarta( Tweencool)#
#Mamo's Poetry#
Jan 2019 · 499
MartaOnche Jan 2019
I am pregnant but am comfused myself.Don't ask me who is responsible because i dont know.Actually,this pregnancy of mine is one i know not of.

Woke up one day and i was HEAVY.
Had to keep it because it could answer to no abortion process and just the day,after scanning i was comfirmed  to be the woman to break the world book of record and guess what?

I was to be the mother of babies called 'ideas' that were so numerous to be numbered .So i stared at myself and burst into a stream of tears but they  came down in golden drops..
Hah!! tell you what..

Mamo's Poetry

— The End —