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Oct 2024 · 28
The bottom
Baylee Childers Oct 2024
As the water surrounds me    
I feel as though it could devour me
I'm slowly slipping out of touch,
          Out of mind
Not that I will be missed. It’s such a waste of time
As I try to find
the pieces of me heart left behind
By the fine line that I'll never find.
I see my body floating to the bottom
I still can't find what the problem
Is but I can tell how my face looks so solemn
And the season will soon be autumn
Maybe this autumn I can blossom
But sadly as I look it's too late for I am rotting
So I'll slip from reality and sit at the bottom
and maybe there I will find the problem
For it lies deep in the ocean way
            Way down at the bottom
Sep 2019 · 128
Baylee Childers Sep 2019
When I try to say the words I tell myself to say when you're around they never come out the same way they did as they were in my head
When you're around it's like a mess of thoughts collide in my head all at once
Even when I'm just thinking about you I dont really know what to say, but dont take this in a bad way, all I can think about is the way you smell and the way you kiss
I try to see what you see but I just cant seem to find the way, and your eyes tell me nothing all I can read is a sadden expression

I feel like I am swimming in an abyss

Maybe it's from the fact that you cant see me how you thought you'd be able to when this all began or maybe it's from something else I cant tell everything has just been turned upside down and I dont know where to go from here
I cant see where this story of ours began or where it will eventually end.
Jun 2019 · 147
Baylee Childers Jun 2019
You look at me with eyes as deep as the sea, I can see it in your eyes the cheerfulness is covered by a sharpness that can cut you like a knife. You are so close, yet you feel too far away out of touch. You are sad I can see it in your eyes, I should walk away so I dont have to deal with all of this *******, that would be wise. I dont know why but I feel stuck in this place with you here by my side, I hope this feeling never dies. As we walk around, hand in hand, I become stuck as you keep walking leaving me behind, you look back and I can see it in your eyes. You never cared for me as you turn around and continue on your way I sink in this place where I am meant to stay. Till I am found again, maybe, someday..
Mar 2019 · 140
Baylee Childers Mar 2019
I feel as though I am losing everyone I thought I could trust
This feeling in my body makes my lungs feel as though they could bust
This heavy breathing and tight feeling in my chest is this lust
Or hate... I have to know the difference one day I must
It feels as though I am swimming underwater this light feeling covering my entire body if I stay too long I might just rust
I am so uncomfortable in my own skin I can feel insects crawling under my skin
My hands are cold to the touch as they are trembling as I reach out my hand
I swear this is not where I wanted to be this was not planned
But I’ll lay back with my trembling hands gripping the sand as I listen to the birds screaming at each other and the waves crashing in
Oh how calamity is so beautiful in the end
Jan 2019 · 171
One little note
Baylee Childers Jan 2019
I don’t even know why I bother talking to you when you don’t want to talk to me
It’s apparent you don’t want to be bothered with me so I’ll leave you with one little note.
I don’t know what desired you to show an interest, then change your mind as if you were waiting for the proper time to gloat.
I figured it was time to walk away, so I’ll thank you for your time and that was all that she wrote.
Jan 2019 · 251
Poppy fields
Baylee Childers Jan 2019
If I told you I loved you would it change our fate? would you not talk to me everyday? Or would you shun me away? Or maybe, just maybe you would love me too. like poppy fields it would run for miles on end every single day but a fire would set ablaze and it would go away. Because nothing will last forever darling, not love anyway. There is soon to come better days so don’t say goodbye at the end of the day because maybe there is a chance to redeem what we’ve lost today.
Jan 2019 · 176
Another day
Baylee Childers Jan 2019
In this room she stayed Day and night
With nobody to confide in she filled with spite
For all the things she did wrong, all the things people had ever said or done to her circled her mind and stayed, so she would write
Write down her feelings with this paper and pen till she could breath again and saw the light of another day...
Jan 2019 · 203
Baylee Childers Jan 2019
He’s sitting there, with that perfect smile
..And perfect hair..
I catch him staring a few times, I won’t lie I stole a glare.
But just like every time the child’s play is gone and I’m hit with cold air.
For now, just like before it’s as if Im not even there...
I knew it was just a matter of time because nothing that perfect could ever want me and if they did well that is rare.
Or maybe I have a flair for the dramatic and he still stares.
No one will ever know the end for the pair.
Jan 2019 · 146
Baylee Childers Jan 2019
As I sit and look out the window I watch as a star falls from the sky and I wish upon it
I wish that you might be here by my side
I wish our love hadn’t died
I know deep down I should of never let you inside
I wish we had never collided
Just as the stars in the sky
We should of never aligned
And I swear in that moment we were blind
But our love was shallow I did find
And now I am no longer blind
For I see you for who you truly are and you see me for who I might be for I never let you get deeper than the surface and we never let each other see each other for who we truly could be
And just like the stars we fall and lose everything we ever thought was truly ours
Jan 2019 · 198
Baylee Childers Jan 2019
One thing you should never be sorry for in this world is the way you feel the way you feel for someone or about something
We don’t have stupid problems just simple ones put too much emphasis on
Because at the end of the day none of this will be remembered it’s imprint on your life will be gone
Jan 2019 · 301
Yellow carnations
Baylee Childers Jan 2019
He never wanted her all along his hurtful words hitting like bricks as the spewed from his mouth.
She wanted it to stop wanted the world to end so with the bed filled in 2 dozen yellow carnations she pulled the trigger laying there..
she was the winner..
Jan 2019 · 143
Green eyes
Baylee Childers Jan 2019
-Green eyes
With her pale green eyes staring back at herself in the mirror
The longer she started the more her image became clearer
She wondered how everyone else saw her was this how they saw her, from the way she looked in the mirror?
Or did they see something else something she could never see as she looked at her figure
With her pale green eyes staring back at her in the mirror.
Jan 2019 · 146
The summer breeze
Baylee Childers Jan 2019
Her midnight hair swaying in the breeze, the sun glistening through the trees, the smell of pine needles floating through the breeze, as her hands traced the waxy petals of tulips softly dancing to its own beat. Her scarlet dress flowing vigorously fighting against the seemingly easy breeze she walked barefoot paying no mind to the soft crunch of the grass underneath her feet. She needs to enjoy this very moment for it might be the last she sees this picture perfect moment as she swayed in the summer breeze.
Jan 2019 · 151
The cliff
Baylee Childers Jan 2019
On the edge of a cliff she stood with her arms stretched out and her feet firmly planted on the ground. The smell of the wild flowers behind her wafting in the wind and the smell of the ocean trailing up the side of the cliff as the water crashes against it. The wind blowing violently as she stands there imagining how it would feel to fly, to take her feet off that cliff and the wind to catch her as she becomes like a raven in the sky and flies away from all her worries and mistakes. But when she opens her eyes she is back there on the edge of that cliff, she takes one last look then she turns around and walks away from the world she loves and hates.

— The End —