My girl don't sit next to me and play on the swings
She's in my mind just doing those things
Sometimes I wish I wasn't a chicken and I could see you more
Should of pushed harder but how can you when its a c section
Running around alone when you should have a family
Giving all your baby clothes away
Its like better than a miscarriage but its not because you know she's somewhere laughing in someone else's house
Your scared to tell people your feelings because we are all supposed to get old and have kids
What if you didn't have your kid no more and your not "mom"
Then you know how it feels when everything's gone
Jealousy's a deadly sin but I am already dead inside
I know you can't have what I can but why does it mean you can take it in the first place
This is eating me inside but I think about is you sitting on the swing set outside.