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As a starless midnight has descended upon us,
the flickering fading horizon light produces dusk.
Void of shadows the earth falls asleep,
a gentle rain begins to fall, the sky begins to weep.
The smell of a summer's rain warms me on a cold and starless night,
I dance in the puddles alone with tears and yet with great delight.
Amid the rain I glance above to see a shooting star,
I stomp my feet with a great splash, I know my heaven is not far.
Pure love
is the
simplest form
of love
which carries
no weight
no burden
no agenda
no judgement
and no
but to

When love
is weightless,
natural and
void of

That is a
pure love.

That kind
of love is as
sweet as
pure cane

A love that
you may
only find in
a dog and a
handful of
human beings
a love that is
always present
with Jesus.
I walk
through puddles
almost daily.

be an ocean.

I can't walk
an ocean.

is everything
to me.


written by me... ..
Till this day I still taste that very first kiss
Right then and there I knew it was something
to miss
Those two sweet lips as pure as cane sugar
A kiss I knew that I always wanted to fight for

Like the innocence of a butterfly
Those kisses left me wanting and you didn't even have to try
the molasses of your voice never left me wondering why?

In the rain I would catch each drop from your upper lip
Thirstily lap them up
and leave nothing for anyone else
....not even one sip.

written by me... ..
Rain is fun.

My poetic longing is fun.

My poetic muse search is stimulating.

life is poetic!

poems are everywhere and,

a poem I am.

a poem you are.

poetry is my fuel.

fuel to burn my
poetic fire and desires.

islands of fantasy where
the ocean top shimmers like flawless diamonds and
my soulmate breaks its surface.

puddles are deeper than

the swooshing from the traffic
along the rain soaked roadway behind me lets me know that I am alive.

and while I am alive... ..
a poem I am.

one day
you may be the paper/muse that i insert my ink
in to... ..

needs to be



one trick ponies
hit your stomach like refried beans

resonating only with retreads that admire reruns

their reward is redistributed defecation.

Red can be fire.
Red can be rage.
Red can be love and desire.
Red can be forever imprisoned in a cage.
Red is not the color of love.
Red is the color of spilled blood.
Red is no cherub flying around with an arrow.
Red is the screams of tomorrow's echoes.
If I ran out
of ink?

I would write
my poetry
in my blood.


I pull muses
through my
home's walls.

I pull muses
from a
quiet room,
the stale air.

I pull muses
through my
television screen,
from the lyrics
of song.

I pull muses
from everywhere

I need ink.

Let's hope that
I never run out
of ink.
Years pile up
like leaves

another winter
slumbering trees

The oranges
the rusts

oil me please
so that I
not yield
to dust

I sympathize
with the
trees and the wildlife,
left to survive
a Winter's

they are the
the invincible
and on us,
that should never
be lost

I can only admire
God's strength
within them,
as I stand with
mouth agape

Nothing on this earth
has ever wowed me
more than ....

God's work
to date

The Concrete Poet
Years of tears will rust one's spirit,
rust one's cares.

In time;

Iron clad love will oxidize,
while rust takes over and relationships die.


Oxygen is stolen
along with the trust,
which is why,
"relationships rust".
I'm only
I have
to be


I wish
that I
could so
off me

But alas,
my soul
is not
the fee

I sit

written by me... ..
Remember the times I made you smile.

I'm not dead yet, it's not something I've met.

Remember the way I did things, in my style.

I'm not dead yet, it's not something I've met.

Remember how I had a way of chasing away your fears.

I'm not dead yet, it's not something I've met.

Remember​ how my loving hands would wipe away your tears.

I'm not dead yet, it's not something I've met.

But remember how I would put to words, my thoughts and my wishes.

I'm not dead yet, it's not something I've met.

Just remember how I'd slow life down with understanding and a few kisses.

I'm not dead yet, it's not something I've met.

Please remember if tomorrow my eyes are not allowed to see.

I'm not dead yet, it's not something I've met.

Just remember our good times.... remember how I was me.
they say;
"don't worry, i'll be right here for you when...

when your lungs begin to fight for air".

not so comforting a thought as you gasp for life while they stand over you and stare.

almost menacingly they stand there,

without a fear,

for their own life
as your own death draws near.

fading to black couldn't feel more cold ....

more weird.

spare me the pity my dear,

i certainly don't need you here.

death found me this year.

i'm scared but,
there will be no coward's tears.
love love love

blah blah blah

"you broke my heart"

"you made me cry"

boo fxxking hoo!

get over it!

how many more times do i need to begin reading a broken hearted redundant snoozefest?

'hello redundancy'
not your same old same old redundancy here

i slay giants with a cold stare

while death is the least of my fears

come hither oh giant or queer
If I could steal just one kiss from your lips?

I would no longer need to steal.

written  by me... ..
May I swing on your swings,
slide down on your slide
build castles in your sandbox
with your shovel and pail.
Is your playground for all
or just room for you,
if I had my own
included is you.
Share with me your fun,
share with me your fears
I'll share with you my life
I'll share with you my tears.
Sin is sin.
you repent
your sin.

You don't
boast about
your sin
in your sin.

You don't
push your sin
in my
children and grandchildren's faces like it's normal when
it's not.

You only do
these things
if you

So if I
see you
these things?
I will know
that you
follow satan.

Left wing
are trying to destroy
this country.

These same
rainbow flags
have never
waved an
American flag
entire lives.

As a
matter of fact.
They scream
to whoever
will listen,
that they
hate this country.

Don't like it?

written by me... ..
be afraid
of death.

for you too!

written by me... ..
You're the butter on my toast,
the jam that tops it off.
The one that's hanging on my arm,
the one that's in my heart the most.

You're the feather in my cap,
the sugar in my coffee.
You're the sweet that's in my sweet iced tea,
you're the only girl that fits my lap.

You're the good that's in my good morning,
you're the Yee that's in my Yee Haw.
You're the honey dripping from my lips,
you're the lover of my life, the one that came without warning.

written by me... ..




The Concrete Poet
Passing by the closed up restaurants along the river and, these are the signs that my eyes breathed in.

Of course we poets go much deeper than "see you next season"

Those billboards triggered infinite muses as I drove on by.
Eventually, the other side is where I will see you.
For now, seeing you flying high in the sky will have to do.
Up there in a beautiful sky, so endless, so blue.
We will miss you, that couldn't be more true.
We may be broken, but down here we have glue.
I'll sit and I'll pray in an old wooden pew.
That in God's hands you are with your Mom your Dad, and your siblings too.
Time has taken away so many things in this life but what is its greatest theft?

It has already stolen away the inhales and the exhales that I have left.

It has taken away the lives of some that I wasn't ready  to lose.

It has stolen away my childhood and certainly the days of my youth.

It has taken away my peace and quiet and left me with chaos inside my head.

It has stolen away the words I wake up sweating and mumbling in my bed.

I won't allow it to take my freedom because when I am free that's when I am really me.

And when I am really me is when my heart, my spirt and my soul smile so beamingly.

I like when I feel a smile on my lips instead of my usual frown.

Time is what we make of it for ourselves, and before the sands of time have all run down...

I won't let time to steal away, my alone time that I crave and have rightly earned.

In my truck all by myself just looking around through eyes of so much learned.


if you take me away,
you take my breath and steal from me the alone time that I seek?

As I fade away,
my tears will be plenty that stream unrelenting down my cheeks.
I've seen a million faces
I've known the honesty or deceit that lied behind their eyes
The wolves that masquerade as sheep
A smile from a foe
Tears from a clown
The blue sky that yields rain
A storm cloud that brings a rainbow
The eagle that soars in incredible flight
The snake that lurks and slithers
Which one are you
One of the million faces
I think I know
She walked
broken glass.

she sighed...
"I will never
walk upon

written by me... ..
She longed for him.

She wanted him like a pair of shoes await their dancing partner's feet.

But, like the ice that flows down the river.

She may continue to an end,
that may never exist or occur.

But in her mind, she has had him plenty.

And that's what she will remember when he is eventually ready.
A rose petal laid upon your pillow case.
A rose petal laid upon your silky nighty that's been thrown across the bed....
mouthwatering lace.
A rose petal laid across your lips.
A rose petal laid below your ******* upon your navel....
rhythmic thrusting hips.
A rose petal laid upon your inner thigh to the soft sounds of the sax.
A rose petal clutched in your hand.....
back sweetly clawed by ******.

'everyone's concrete poet'
(-all lyrical rights reserved and protected)


she's my
sunny day
alarm clock
as she's peaking
my curtains.
she's the
in my cup
she's the one
that gets
me moving.

she's the
one that brings
a smile
even when
i don't
feel much like
clearly my
best friend,
cause in,
bad times
it's her number
i'm dialing.

she's the
lover in my
bed on those
cold nights
in the winter.
she's the
one across
the table after
work and
eating dinner.

she's the
air i need
to breathe,
she's the
fine wine
that i drink.
she's my
favorite song
on the radio
she's the
slow song
that i sing.

she's the
one that
i kiss last
on a steamy
summer's night.
she's the
kiss that's
on my lips...
i'm not putting
up no fight.

..... she's my
blanket as
we sleep
but we're...
kissing through
the night.
the only
thing that
stops us
is that...
first mornin's

the one
that purrs
up against
my chest...
different from
the rest.

the one
i want my
whole life

the one
i want to

    I do.

i need.


to me.
A country Sunday morning write.


that you



        my arms




"sweet David,

  i can see




to the



of a


similar to
one is


written by me... ..
Her caresses,
her kisses,
her ever stimulated motioned body
were nights
of pure fantasy
as she
tied me up
in her
passion filled
silent lucidity.
Morning afters...
I never once

to be

written by me... ..
I know that some of you misunderstand me -

Judge me -

Hate me .

And frown faced -

I have to be okay with that .

I can't make everyone love me -

Because ; this IS life -

It's the way that it's going to have to be.

Just know -

I don't hate thee -

Even if you continually have parades of bashing me.

I have no thirst to tarnish or hurt anyone deliberately -

Rather -

I'd love to be everyone's skeleton key.

But -

That's impossible - and I know that realistically -

I feel the weight of heavy chains daily -

Just -

One day I hope to unlock them and be free -

One day, I hope that skeleton key frees me, unselfishly.

Allowing me to once again be free.

But, go ahead, judge and hate me if it allows you, yourself to frolic freely -

I'll get over it -

I've never been about the shades of grey fulfilling me !

written by me... ..
I will always be
the song you forever skip
on your playlist,
and I'm not sure why?

If only you played the song
enough number of times,
even once...
then the song
might have
stuck in your head.

How sad it is for you;
to not have listened to
an unravelled,
beautiful genuine mystery.

It may have been sweet music
to your ears...
and sounds that made your heart-
skip a beat.

But hey..

I guess that some mysteries are better left unknown?

Some music is never meant to be heard by your soul?

Some lips were never meant to be pressed firmly against yours?

I'm the song you prefer to skip perhaps;
'just because'.....
I guess.
This is for those souls that feel like they missed out on love, like they were never even given a first look , never mind a second one.

"Skipped melody"

I will always be
the song you forever skip
on your playlist,
and I'm not sure why?

If only you played the song
enough number of times,
even once...
then the melody
might have
stuck in your head.

How sad it is for you
to not have listened to
an unravelled,
beautiful mystery.

It may have been sweet music
to your ears...
and sounds that made your heart-
skip a beat.

But hey..


you'll never know.
Blackened hearts pump nothing but venom.

Genuine hearts pump nothing but antidotes.

written by me... ..
That wicker furniture on the front porch,
it just silently sits there waiting to be sat in, to feel needed.

I gaze at it in passing with my German  Shepherd, and I picture things in my imagination, sights and sounds.
It squeaks and makes this crunching noise when someone does sit down into it.

Almost as if it were old and tired like the very idea of making wicker furniture is.
When it rains, it still sits there upon the porch.
It doesn't care if it gets wet.

It knows soon enough the sun will warm its brownish tan exterior, almost sun bathing and furthering it's golden shine.
Funny thing about this wicker furniture, well I think anyway.

It never makes a sound until you sit down in it.
When you do, it almost always has a story to tell.
Simply listen to it next time because perhaps, you haven't been listening closely or hard enough.

written by me... ..
i sit
    and i


       there is
a place

away from the
        chaos in this world,


      where my children,
     my grandchildren can
             and play
with no tears,

this is what-
        this daddy,

           just to see
all of
     your smiles.....
         is all
             i ever need.

   someplace in the distance,
     where the wind  
          and knows.

  someplace where all of you,

    all of
your happiness
         smiles grow.

    lives replanted
  as a seed once again,
        to bloom and
          sway beautifully
in the wind....

        once more.
here we are just about 52 years after my birth.

A birth that I am most thankful for as well as my 6 children that live.

But life... ..
this life here,
it wears on a soul
that now longs
for the dirt.

Truth be told;
I am tired even though
that I know that,
I have more to give.

Selfish and unknowing worth?

but I now see my life being drained through a sieve.

I am not complaining about being here.

But if God took me to His kingdom today... ..

I have no fears.
we all become
numb of
life's subtractions

its vortex fails
to unsteady us,
its impact abates
to that of fractions

its aroma no longer
carries hints
of spice nor
offensive odor

to thine eyes
its once
brilliant hue is now
an ebon color

its touch
no longer unbearable
no longer a
raging fire

as years pass by
life's subtractions
just never appear
so dire

it feels cold
and then it
feels warm

but it always
feels warm
with the addition of
a new day's morn

numb as life's years
pass us by but
passionately alive
when we are born
The giver of life.
My 36 year occupation has me out in this often.
Nothing like being saturated by a summer's rain or a dance in the rain with your soulmate.
the city streets, so wet,
they shimmer like glass.
under every streetlight,
an image of you,
a moist blade of grass.
*** *** ***.....
many folks
hung up
one nighters.

I know
sounds weird coming from
a guy

having a connection
much more satisfying
the moment
and for
your soul.

One nighters
full of
nothing but
selfish goals.

written by me... ..
I drink alcohol
to forget the world.
I forget the
world because
of alcohol.
My best friend
is a full
An empty
bottle is
I abuse because
I was abused.
I drink alcohol
to forget
the abuse
and to forget
the pain
in this world.
at least
I'm a
not a
proud one.
But hey,
I'll drink
to that.
Thunderous expression

     Lightning in a bottle

   Rains of life

            Storm of impression

               Violent radar model

  Echoes shaped like a knife

        Winds of Oz

     Twisting landscape

               Mother nature rapes

Soaked bandages and gauze

             Eerieness after calm
     Under rubble cries

                 Life in the hand's palm

  Frantic searching eyes

        Flashing lights

The smell of gas

               Unforgettable sights
             Once the storm had passed

  In awed reality I stand
To play the part of a marionette is forever;
manipulation strings long gone almost to walk on air.

Tied to wooden x's you dangle,
acting on impulse they divulge your feeling.

Frayed strings, shredded,  near broken,
this fantasy is free,  the cost a cut down tree.

In the distance a sunrise under the canopy of a clever smokescreen,
and I the smoke, I waft away.
"Summer" is almost an aphrodisiac for most,
or so it seems.


I find it *****, sweaty and unclean.

You work
for 8-12 hours
a day in
80°+ heat
like me.

Women joggers
running by
our job sites
and the men
I work with
all panting
in unison.

What do I do?

I say,
"what guys,
you think that
women don't
get this
'swamp ***'
that you folks
talk about"?

Summer is
Summer is
for me.

Keep your
sweaty ***
away from me.


written by me... ..
Body cooling rains bathed me, under the charcoal canopy -

   From my chin the storm drips, like leaves that fall from a tree -

   In puddles I leap, as if I once again were three -

   Winds whispering in my ear, "like me, you are free" -

   Come with me ...

    Come with me ...

     This storm too, will crawl towards the turbulent sea -

     They all seem to lose their power eventually -

     Nevermind the umbrella, nevermind the wet feet -

   Allow the summer rains to bathe you, continuously.

      written  by  me... ..
Moonlight kisses with a nibble and a bite

Your long black hair on fire from the starlight

Lips so full and as warm as our bonfire

If I said this were perfect would you call me a liar?

Your shadow against my Chevy; and you're swaying those hips

My hands become so sweaty, i'm afraid of losing grip

Your back pressed up against the hood of my truck

this night will never end with any kind of luck

The boom from the thunder drove you right in my arms

And cool summer rain had you drenched in my charm
Both of us felt it: That day was an island,
strewn with rocks and lighthouses and lovers,
in the generous ocean.
On the mainland,
people went about their business, eating
the Times, glancing through coffee and oatmeal,
as we walked the gangway into an original dream
of attentiveness.
As if a day’s pleasure
could concentrate us as much as suffering,
as if the seawall were a banquet without
surfeit, as if we could walk hand in hand
with no one nearby, as if silence and blue
wind became an Atlantic cove to float in,
and the air centered itself in small purple
butterflies flitting among the **** flowers.
In the darkening city we returned to,
our privacy completed the cafés of strangers.

                smothering hillsides
              morning lights evaporation.

A curtain of sorrows collect
                    on the pavement
          when the sun sleeps
                and moonlight weeps.
Raymond's in his Sunday best
He's usually up to his chest in oil and grease
There's the Martins walking in
With that mean little freckle-faced kid
Who broke a window last week
Sweet miss Betty likes to sing off key
In the pew behind me

That's what I love about Sunday
Sing along as the choir sways
Every verse of amazing grace
And then we shake the preacher's hand
Go home into your blue jeans
Have some chicken and some baked beans
Pick a backyard football team
Not do much of anything
That's what I love about Sunday

I stroll to the end of the drive
Pick up the Sunday times, grab a coffee cup
Looks like Sally and Rob finally tied the knot
Well, it's about time
It's thirty-five cents off a ground round
Baby, cut that coupon out

That's what I love about Sunday
Cat-nappin' on a porch swing
You curled up next to me
The smell of jasmine wakes us up
Take a walk down a back road
Tackle box and a cane pole
Carve our names in that white oak
Steal a kiss as the sun fades
That's what I love about Sunday

New believers getting baptized
Mama's hands raised up high
Havin' a hallelujah good time
A smile on everybody's face
That's what I love about Sunday
That's what I love about Sunday
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