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59 · Jul 2019
before heading
out on a journey
of revenge,
be mindful
to dig
two graves
before you
59 · Jul 2019
Above all else, guard your heart

for everything you do flows from it.

Be mindful

your heart is never
a willing prisoner.
59 · Feb 2019
Poe-and those like him
I have read many a word from a favorite of mine, Edgar Allan Poe.

Inspiration overwhelms me and his words I often keep in tow.

Macabre, a man that made his own paths, plodded through the quagmire.
A man that was a little off, outnumbered  and unafraid are traits that I admire.

Sure, if you are as deep as a thimble full of h2o.

I laugh....only as dark where the shadows of cowards grow.

Don't be afraid of those that dare to be different and walk alone.
Don't be afraid of their echoing, stand alone tone.

Poe and those like him are not shadows that cowards like you need to fear!

Poe and those like him are the only ones on this planet that live to keep things real.
58 · Jun 2019
As death
like a
desert vulture,
gentle calm
settles in.

written by me... ..
58 · Apr 2019
I am many things
I'm a skywriter °

I'm the serene, the quieter °

I'm the smell of a carnival °

I'm the clown you're unafraid to call °

I'm a truth bomb °

I'm a melody, a Sunday Psalm.

I'm the smell of fresh cut grass °

I'm the rain that helps nature last °

I'm the bed that hugs you at night °

I'm the bird that sings at first light °

I'm the sight for sore eyes °

I'm the hello after all goodbyes °

I'm the anchor in a raging sea °

I'm here for everyone, not just me °
58 · Jul 2019
Tired and anxious
If I never
lived to see
another July,

would I care?

With the torment
and anxiety
of every day
daily life,

probably not.

Life is just not
fun anymore.

It feels laborious,

much like
a chore.

It hurts to
wake up.

It hurts to
go to work.

It hurts
to sleep.

Maybe it's time

the "Lord my
soul to keep".

Remove me
from this
tortured life.

And from
my body,

remove the
57 · Jul 2019
a kiss
the hug
is like
the flower
the fragrance
57 · Jun 2019


written by me... ..
57 · Jun 2019
leafless trees
are like

summer, I loathe you.

  you do absolutely nothing for me, that much is true.

my fancy, has never been struck by the likes of you.

    summer, your presence never captivates me but instead, leaves me feeling blue.

you make the simplest of tasks unbearable, you stink !

      summer, you often bring tempers and patience to the edge, the brink.

i don't need your filthy habits and your disgusting smelling lovers next to me.

   i need the freshness of an Autumn breeze that brings a man like me to my tired knees.

     so, soon enough it's good riddance to you summer, and your smelly lovers.

     soon I can be free of you at long last, and nestle myself underneath a few covers.

summer let me be frank, i detest your filthy, *****, sweaty ways.

    so buh bye summer, i have just about as much need for you as I do for tooth decay !
Raymond's in his Sunday best
He's usually up to his chest in oil and grease
There's the Martins walking in
With that mean little freckle-faced kid
Who broke a window last week
Sweet miss Betty likes to sing off key
In the pew behind me

That's what I love about Sunday
Sing along as the choir sways
Every verse of amazing grace
And then we shake the preacher's hand
Go home into your blue jeans
Have some chicken and some baked beans
Pick a backyard football team
Not do much of anything
That's what I love about Sunday

I stroll to the end of the drive
Pick up the Sunday times, grab a coffee cup
Looks like Sally and Rob finally tied the knot
Well, it's about time
It's thirty-five cents off a ground round
Baby, cut that coupon out

That's what I love about Sunday
Cat-nappin' on a porch swing
You curled up next to me
The smell of jasmine wakes us up
Take a walk down a back road
Tackle box and a cane pole
Carve our names in that white oak
Steal a kiss as the sun fades
That's what I love about Sunday

New believers getting baptized
Mama's hands raised up high
Havin' a hallelujah good time
A smile on everybody's face
That's what I love about Sunday
That's what I love about Sunday
56 · Jul 2019
Honey sweet lips
There are lips to die for

There are lips to fall in love with

There are lips that I long to hear whisper my name

Your lips seem to mesmerize me

Your lips;

they are as sweet as the sweetest honey bee
55 · Jun 2019
each breath
I am
to death.

written by me... ..
55 · Jun 2019
be afraid
of death.

for you too!

written by me... ..
55 · Jun 2019
I had a friend once
I had a friend once...

It could be argued that she was my best.
The way she dropped all and everything for me,
oh....and that pouty look...
so much more genuine than the rest.

A connection and a bond that came so naturally.
The more we hung out,
friends forever, destined were her and me.

We would marvel at lightning shows or just people passing by.
Our fun was never manufactured,
it was something the word hard never had to try.

Never any pressure, just enjoyment of the fun that we had.
Regrets were zero, we weren't just a fad...
I wish we had more time ....
and for lack of,  I am certainly mad!

But....I had a friend once...yes back in the day...
She can not be replaced....

I was the horse....
and she was my hay...

written by me... ..
55 · Jun 2019

it always
leaves me

Edgar Allen Poe.

And I
count the days
until I will
some of
55 · Jan 2019
She's the first drop of rain on my tongue in the desert

She's the shade tree that spares me from the open skied sunbursts

She's the log on the fire that crackles and glows brightly

She's that drink you desire by the fire you need nightly

She's the sugar in my coffee that sweetens my morning

She's the fantasy in my dreams that makes me so *****

She's the desire that somehow showed up without warning
55 · Jul 2019
i'll never be happy
why i can not
ever be,
fully happy.

within one mile
of leaving
my home for
work in the
there is always
road ****
that my eyes
always find
and that my heart
aches and
breaks for.

within one mile
of leaving
my home to
start a fresh day
happy and
smiling just,
lasts long enough.

that one image
of death,
no matter how
insignificant that
you may think
life is to you,
means something
totally different
to me!

that's a life;
end of story!

a life that
a life which
i wish that
i could restore.

and my sadness
overwhelms me
knowing full well
that i do not
harness that type
of power and that
tomorrow this
will only be,
deja vu.

i think to myself;
why am i
still here?
what have i
done to deserve
to still walk
this earth?
why must
others suffer so?
whether they
be man, pet
or beast,
why must
they suffer?

it's then
i think;

here i am,
lying in bed with;

a roof over
my head.
food in my
pantry and
water to hydrate
myself with.
a family that
loves me.


why do i
deserve these

and why do
the roakill
and every other
unloved deserve
their fate?


this is why
i can never
be happy,
REALLY happy
because i will
never allow
myself to be
happy because
of all of the
and unhappy
events around

my heart has
been broken
beyond repair
but as a sponge
it still
works great...

sadly for me
and my
unhappy life.
55 · Jul 2019

.... am



    once again

..              to




like the motions at sea, motions of every day life nauseate me
54 · May 2019
My drive home
I gaze upon the many,
the many that wear a frigid stare,
eyes that appear so cold and lifeless,
the brain behind them that doesn't care.

Emotionless movement, just going through the motion,
perched on a porch, ain't nothing constructive,
blackened hearts and angry vibes,
the look of a criminal and all that will be destructive.

I feel so unsafe as I lock every door,
aware in Kansas, anymore I am not,
I pray for their souls in hopes they see light,
how they were loved in their life, and hadn't forgot.

written by me... ..
54 · Jun 2019
don't go away mad.

I never
asked you
go away.

We are all
a masterpiece

in no way

written by me... ..
I torture myself
everyday with my mind...
with my thoughts.

Unsure what
to make of what I do
why I feel like
I need to do this
to myself.

But -

I drive home from work,
and I think.....
I just know that -
as I breathe ....
some person,
some animal,
some wonder of God's creation is...
breathing their
last breath.

some animal is
being tortured
for no good reason.

The fight for life
at the very moment
I think these thoughts in my mind is taking place.

A last stand -
a barbaric brutal
fight too breathe....

I can't apologize
to my mind
for these thoughts  because...

these thoughts are what make .

I just...

I just wish -
my thoughts would
stop and -
let my mind...
be free.

written by me... ..
54 · Jan 2019
I'll kiss your scars


you kiss

53 · Jul 2019
fire and
do not
53 · Jun 2019
Do not
to the
of the


Or drown

written by me... ..
52 · May 2019
never tried
my skin on,
have you?



written by me... ..
52 · Jan 2019
You frame your own self loathing when casting aspersions of those that left you behind

Your window is a fractured rendering of a broken image

The adolescent tone of your written words is a sign

Your wounds are clearly deep for which there is no bandage

They must have really hurt you for you to write about them all of the time

Move on because in this life they are someone that you are meant to miss

Your spite filled pen, heart and tongue will never bring back their kiss upon your lips

You're not even a beautiful mess
You're just a mess

Worry about yourself and think about them less

Stop longing for their caress

Your love for them is truth and not something that you need to confess

Repair your window of broken glass
Your shattered vision of what was, will never bring back the past
52 · May 2019
There's a stray cat in the alley
A homeless man with no shoes walking in the rain

Crowded cemetery after cemetery on this well known route I travel

It's now 11:43 PM and I hear no birds
Just the sound of a fan that is blowing on me
And the neighbor pulling into her driveway with her 4 cylinder car
I'm sleepy yet awake
My bare feet are outside of the sheets because they always have to be

It's now 11:47 PM

Still no birds to be heard
Still sleepy yet awake
Crickets become my lullaby in concert with the fan blades

And life goes on

written by me... ..
52 · May 2019
As her
voice of

thus did
my heart.

written by me... ..
52 · Jul 2019
I never
noticed before,
the deep blue
of your eyes
and the way
that they
mimic a
summers sky.

I never
noticed before,
an eagles flight
and the
confidence of
which they fly.

I never
noticed before,
how red
the color
of your lips,
and how much
they resemble
a dew
moistened rose.

I never
noticed before,
the depth
of your beauty
while striking
my favorite pose.

I never
noticed before,
how my
heart skips
a beat
when I just
simply ...
think of you.

I never
noticed before,
when it's
just you
and me...

the population
goes away
and in the world ..

it's just us two!

Poetry is
   what you are..

poetry that I
   long for whether,

     near or far.
51 · May 2019
Raindrop lips
Till this day I still taste that very first kiss
Right then and there I knew it was something
to miss
Those two sweet lips as pure as cane sugar
A kiss I knew that I always wanted to fight for

Like the innocence of a butterfly
Those kisses left me wanting and you didn't even have to try
the molasses of your voice never left me wondering why?

In the rain I would catch each drop from your upper lip
Thirstily lap them up
and leave nothing for anyone else
....not even one sip.

written by me... ..
51 · Jul 2019
Leave tomorrow to kismet


once what i had begun.

       over the shoulder

      never again...

            i've made each shoulder colder.

sneaking a peek

            i won't...

                up ahead is all i seek.

     past and history

   an era...
              now left in darkened mystery.

              i knew you once i admit


          we tried each other on....


      some clothes just never fit.

        memories are forever

              store them away...

   just, don't let them rule you....ever

            into every tomorrow's sunset

                   step firmly


leave tomorrow to kismet.
51 · Jun 2019
The cosmic feeling that overwhelms you when you find a soul like in this video that simply....makes you smile when you breathe them in.

Connections like this are to be written about.
I've been compared to Tom Cruise/Rob Lowe/John Stamos back in the day.

Let's just say that back in the day and still NOW, this 'Top Gun' still has fun breathing in the souls of those worthy.
51 · Jul 2019
50 · Jan 2019
She wanted the world

So I gave her, me
50 · Jul 2019
This sunset is

I have never
felt so alive

The sun
hovers over
the horizon
like a boss
50 · Jun 2019
until death
do us

it's the
only one
i've got.
49 · Jun 2019
Thee one
One name.
Tip of the tongue.
Forefront of the mind.
Starts forest fires.
Sleepless nights.
Endless pacing.
Stomach of butterflies.
Palms of sweat.
Diamond in the rough.
Oasis in the desert.
The other side of the pillow.
Lucky number seven.
Delish as your favorite dish.
The one name that has power.
Power to light the world.
To light the soul of every man.
To light that fire that burns within.
Eyes as deep as the deepest ocean.
A mind that enlightens you.
Intrigues you.
Intrigue is key.
Keeps you on your toes.
Cools the hot sand beneath your feet.
Brings you a seashell,
under the moonlight,
shaped like a star.
Stars that fall from the sky before your beauty.
The wind carries your perfume to me.
The waves crash against the shore...
I hear your name..
one name.
Defenseless I am....I know.

written by me... ..
49 · Aug 2019

when we finally get together

i am going to need hours with you

there are parts of you that i know that i am going to want to linger in longer than others

and after we at long last become one,

and our bodies lie limp from passion's exhaustion...

i want to fall asleep with my ***** inside of you

so that when we awaken and your hips begin to gyrate once again,

those unforgettable hours can begin to be repeated all over again
49 · Feb 2019

Red can be fire.
Red can be rage.
Red can be love and desire.
Red can be forever imprisoned in a cage.
Red is not the color of love.
Red is the color of spilled blood.
Red is no cherub flying around with an arrow.
Red is the screams of tomorrow's echoes.
49 · Jun 2019
They ail of bird flu
Birds of
ill feather

They mistake
as strength

2 birds
have been killed
with 1 stone


Strength is
when facing
a lone
steadfast foe
in David

slays giants

written by me... ..

    It's not recyclable

       Winds of beauty waft by your senses

          Ignoring God's poems and artistry

Cultured you may not be

      Unrefined and raw

As you read this

  Mouth corners curl up

         Smirk on face

               Who is he to assert?

  No one really

        Just an artist like Him

               Procrastinate if you must

One day there will be no need

      To procrastinate

             Your time will be done

The birds will still sing the most serene morning serenade

          The moon will still bathe in hues that one has trouble putting into words

                The sky will appear to be washed in water color upon an artist's easel

And you....

          No more smirking as if you know or knew better


Just another dead soul wasting and rotting away....

            Opportunities now gone

But -

     No longer procrastinating.
49 · Jul 2019
don't be afraid
of their

go ahead,

go out
and find

we all
have thorns

we all
have our

as the storm
trickles down
your thorny

one day... ..
you will be
here again
48 · Jan 2019
Forgive me but,

I seem to have
left some of
my words
deep inside
those gaping
wounds of yours

Retrieving them
is of no interest
to me

I may even,

push them in
deeper when the

I missed vital
organs intentionally,

for now anyway.
I hoard emotions

I save them for poetry

I don't share my tears
47 · Apr 2019
As we laid side by side,
after ***;

she talked about life like
it had... ..

just begun for her.

The sun danced and the air warmed as she spoke.

It's then she said;

life is complete,
with you.

Those nights of dancing with shadows;

those nights of longing to hold you are over.

Life - she said;

"my life has finally begun with you".
47 · Jul 2019
Butterfly (haiku)
Oh ye butterfly

   A beauty that need not try

         To catch a love's eye
47 · Jan 2019
There is always
one thing, that
I am sure to do
when I am
around you

I am sure
to disguise how
I am always
******* you
with my eyes
46 · May 2019
What to do
Wake up early, before the lights come on
in the houses on a street that was once
a farmer’s field at the edge of a marsh.

Wander from room to room, hoping to find
words that could be enough to keep the soul
alive, words that might be useful or kind

in a world that is more wasteful and cruel
every day. Remind us that we are
like grass that fades, fleeting clouds in the sky,

and then give us just one of those moments
when we were paying attention, when we gave
up everything to see the world in

a grain of sand or to behold
a rainbow in the sky, the heart
leaping up.

Joyce Sutphen
45 · Jul 2019
A star
one of billions
one without equal
the light each emits
again draws no parallel
I've happened upon the brightest
so fortunate was I
my path well lit
this star shines forever brightest
in my eyes
in my heart
until my last breath
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