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Michael Edwards Jul 2019
Upon the heart
contracted love
imprints a kiss
and gentle winds
play tender tunes
of love that’s sealed
by legal stamp.
Michael Edwards Mar 2019
In terraced ranks
of brick and slate
they stand in rows
and wait their fate.

The street lies in
abandoned zones
deserted now
the cobbled stones.

And all that’s seen
on darkest nights
the distant red
of rear tail lights.

By day exposed
as light breaks through
a barren land
a desolate view.

An empty scape
where bleak wind blows
where buddleia
and nettle grows.

Where rotting wood
and old tin sheets
and bricks and rubble
lie in heaps.

In terraced ranks
of brick and slate
they stand in rows
and wait their fate.
Michael Edwards Mar 2019

Words expressed in sympathy
will not abate her suffering
nor ever thaw the frost sharp fear
which freezes empty souls.

No principles, no sacred laws,
no vestal fires to clear her woes
will ever ease her broken heart
in these her slipper years.

Impartial hands of death when served
will bear their own supremacy
and for eternity she’ll play
upon Athena’s  flute
Michael Edwards Mar 2019
I looked with joy this Friday morn
at seasons changes subtly drawn
as imprints left on **** rimed grass
began to fade and ice like glass
began to melt as sun broke through
on frosted webs and merging dew
with welcome sounds of seasons tread
the signs of spring began to spread.
Michael Edwards Feb 2019
A horrible fall.
Alone with both legs broken
I must run for help

A word to the wise
Advice is what I offer
But you are stupid
Michael Edwards Feb 2019
As notes of tearless silence played
he cast a net of flattery
and hearing fawning  words of love
that echoed from his courtly mouth,
unheeded by past lessons learnt,
she sanctified advances made.

Wrapped within his influences
opposing all iniquity,
his admonitions once expressed
by subjugation now rebuked
and rumours bruited cast aside
with conscious falsehoods entertained.

By impulse of a beating heart
her rising blush betrayed
the pulsing blood of innocence
that flowed to his desires.
Michael Edwards Feb 2019
A secret shelter by design

whose function is primarily

providing unseen sanctuary

discretely hiding all that’s there

elasticated underwear.
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