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Michael Edwards Feb 2019

From tears to sleep

to float on waves of deep remorse

in silent seas of long lost souls

till rosy streaks in eastern skies

bring wakefulness

as night rains go

in nectarous flow

the prospect cleansed

of all the pains

of yesterday.
Michael Edwards Feb 2019
A place of calm tranquillity
where springtime flowers kiss the wind
and foliage sings in music tones
a wall, some paling, or a post
a safe support to bear the fruit
in gentle breeze and softening rain
in sylvan spring and summer sun
a place of calm tranquillity
Michael Edwards Feb 2019
Tracing freedoms path
In glorious liberty
Discoveries made.

Soapbox arbiter
preaching in empty spaces
a raised voice unheard.
Michael Edwards Feb 2019
A wet kiss is better than a dry kipper.
Michael Edwards Feb 2019
Regional accents
At sea as they are on land
Listen to herrings.
Last of this little collection.
Michael Edwards Feb 2019
Fully qualified
Renowned archaeologist
Career in ruins.

Compress the buttocks
Discrete pressure effected
Liberate the wind.
Michael Edwards Feb 2019
A plate of pink prawns

They are ready to consume

Are they born naked?

In drunken stupor

Slowly sinking to the ground

Cuddling a lamppost.
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