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kromwellfarkus May 2020
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First kiss will begin
This beautiful catastrophy.
Drops of love concentrated
I'll be there
For handover.
If she wants me
She wants my demons too
And they are so excited
To share their pain.
She's really smart
She makes me laugh
She fills my emptiness
With hers.

Nothing else matters
Only, how she feels
If she's going ok
If she thinks of me.

Soon to vow
Promise and follow through
To make the dream real
Throw caution to the wind.
I will try
Make the forever effort
To ignite this spark
And glow.
She is worth everything
I will break my soul
To have her hand to hold
And allow her to sleep sound.

If I hit the ground
From this fall
It will break
Everything I am.
I will fall for her
For the rest of the time
Time allows.
kromwellfarkus May 2020
Forever in love
With the dream
Of forevermore
In love

In you I see
A place to sleep
Safe and secure
Safe and assured

I speak heart truths
To you
And you
You know

It's just for you.

My collection of masks
All set aside
With you
By my side

This poor old soul
Can stop searching

kromwellfarkus May 2020
As a husk
As my heart
Is elsewhere
I swear

As a ghost
As my flesh
Is elsewhere
I swear

Hardly here
And it will hurt
When I disappear

As a husk
As a ghost.
kromwellfarkus Apr 2020
When u feel it
U fukn feel it
Candy caught in my eyes
Rainbows entangles in my ****

When its deep
It cuts deep
Removing logical thought
Removing sleep

Cant quite compute.

Give urself a second
To think
U cant
Cos it's deep

Tangled flow
But u know
U fukn know
Cos the rainbows in ur ****

And candy in ur eyes.
kromwellfarkus Apr 2020
From everyday, endless and boundless,
To nothing.

I chose this.

It kills me,
To be unable to love

I wait, for a sign
But, she has so much respect
And so do I.

I want to reconnect
But the flame will reignite
And we will get burnt.

Maybe, it's not our time
Maybe, our time is to come
Maybe we missed our chance.

Maybe, it was my big fat stupid fault.

Trapped by my own decisions
To do the "right" thing
I will break every heart I love
If I manifest this.

I am unsure
What hurts more
The fact I can't love her
Or the silence.

I chose this.
kromwellfarkus Apr 2020
One day you'll understand
Why I am the way I am
How I came to be this man
One day you'll understand.

Dad comes home and cooks our tea
Still in his work clothes
He stinks of effort
Cigarettes and beer

He doesn't kiss Mum anymore
He doesn't eat with us anymore
He does the dishes
And he sings to himself

Then he just disappears
Out to his shed
We see him, from the house
Sitting and smoking and drinking.

I hear them from here
The arguments and the laughter
The conversation and cursing
I hear them from here

This poor loveless man
Perched alone in his shed
Fighting demons on his own
Fighting demons in his head.

We say goodnight from the back door
We just yell it out
He screams back that he loves us
And to sleep well

He doesn't know of our problems
He doesn't care for our pain
He is the ghost that covers all the bills
He is a broken man, my Dad.

I wish I had the strength
To be what they require
But, the love is gone
And so have I.

One day you'll understand
How I came to be this man
One day you'll understand
Why I am the way I am.
kromwellfarkus Apr 2020
Stop, just stop for a moment
Breathe deep.

The demons inside refuse to sleep
They crawl and twist
Amongst **** and sweat and ****
They scream with white knuckle fist

I try to slumber within the thunder
Of bellows just beneathe my skin
So wide awake, I stay and wish
That they cease the crawl and twist

Eventually they calm and tire
Rest in the coals of once raging fire
Only to awake before my eyes open
Whispering promises of future desire

I drown their screams however I can
Inhale the poison, ingest the pain
Unbeknownst to me, this is how they feed
So, now, I fall to a knee

From open blue, from somewhere new
There she is, she is you

A calm spreads across the field
A faint light shines from behind open eyes
I haven't heard the demons roar
In a week, maybe more

Conversation, erratic but true
Honesty brutal, at least it's the truth
An emotion from nowhere
I let it settle right here

The demons, they sleep
Starved from the toxins they need
A sudden desire to light the internal fire
Just for the warmth, just for me

I will travel to her
I will hold her in my arms
I will kiss her as I gaze inside
I will watch her demons run and hide

And I will say
Just for a moment
Breathe deep.
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