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Ralph Akintan Sep 2019
We counted the days.
We monitored the events.
Days piling over days.
Events spiraling over events.
Consuming the woefulness of
Erasing the trial of years.

Twelve days returning from
      the field of corns.
Twelve days sojourning in the
      orchid  gold.

We counted the days
We monitored the events

Bitter water turning salty
Drought yielding bumper harvest.
We shall count more blissfull days
We shall monitor more eventfull event
Ralph Akintan Sep 2019
You wept but no tears
Gland of tears secretes dry tears
Weep no more
Wash away dry tears into the
      glaciers of oblivion.
Relics of tears waited at the
      pool of pleadings
Unbinding manacle of distrust.

But you wept without tears
Let there be dry tears of joy.
Let there be dry tears of peace.
Dry tears of love, be.
Ralph Akintan Sep 2019
Your small natural cavity captured
      my intuition.
Stationed on the post of cheeks
Winking lid of dimple detained
      my attention.
Rainbow of smiles injected
      fluids of beauty.

Your dimple draw me nearer.
Your dimple distract me
Encircling rainbow of beauty
Colouring chin like morning dew
Smile on and on

Your smile opened the door
     of my dimple.
Your dimple opened the door
      of my love.
Your love opened the door
      of our relationship.
Plant your dimple on my chin.
Ralph Akintan Sep 2019
Night flashes on sceptre of verdicts
Day roamed around garden of love.
Discourse entangled your love.
Setting me on throne of hope
Setting me on mountain top
Will you hold me tight?
Will you open your mind?

I feel your pulse.
I feel your love.
I sense your feelings
And your attraction touched me
But your beauty confused me
I lurk not my love
In the cauldron of indecision

Come home and touch me
Come home and lay your head
On the cubicle of my love
Open the isle of your heart unto me.
Ralph Akintan Sep 2019
Axe of fondness extracted the juice
      of winking love
Under the hiddenite of affection.
Gentrified love appeared from the
      pond of trust.
Hammer of vagueness beating
      gentrified love on the anvil
Crawling tentacles of love dropped
      dew of fondness

Tell me more about your love.
Tell me more about the tale of our
Clouded past hunting winds of
Ego of reassurance whispering on
      emblems of inquisitive.

Love me and drop the tears of
      the past.
Love me and devour the morsels
      of newness.
Love me and place your hands on
      my heart.
Love me forever.
Ralph Akintan Sep 2019
Walking in the shade of the moonlight
Beaming rays of affection
      eavesdropping on dialogue
      of love.
Whispering stories of love racing
      along the tarmac of oneness
Give me your hands.
I have stories for you.
Ralph Akintan Aug 2019
Discordant voices from the womb
      of the earth,
Souls of men caged underneath
      the hollowness of deep,
Victims of steel bird,
Casualties of flying metal,
Reposing in the nest of earth
Tens of hundreds of names
      hanging on cenotaph of earth.
I heard the crying of Levi Ajounuma.
I heard the weeping of Matakori.
I listened to the wailing of Utomo.
I recognized their voices,
But l see them no more.

(for the victims of Dana air crash of June 3, 2012 in Lagos, Nigeria)
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