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Ralph Akintan Jun 2019
Nurse! Nurse!!
Call me the physician
Adjust my bed
Place me on drip-feed
Call me the doctor.

Sentinel! Sentinel!!
Call me the cops
Arrest the reckless chauffeur
Hold him in custody
Call me the cops.

Attorney! Attorney!!
Call me the lay-judge
Issue out assize
Charge him before the assizes
Call me the magistrate.

Fractured bone posted pangs of pain
Fiery flaming fire from the base of an
      impaired anvil of marrow
Across the abyssus of a bruising
      incidence of life,
Discharging fitful fiendish fire of
      pains like a flue of a chimney.
Crutches snobbishly granted no
Call me the doctor.

Claws of cramps configured anthills
      of uneasiness.
Plaster of Paris laying siege of
      muteness over prescient of
      innocent protege.
Blockage of accessible membrane
      defied osmotic exit.

Disengage this staring cast.
Ralph Akintan Mar 2019
Strutting stuttering town crier
Crying, howling and barking
But dews of cry spilling
Over blighted ears of a messed
Obduracy of hearts prevented
Waves of warning.
Binding the wings of wisdom
Behind the altar of recriminations.
Let your crying pierced
Through grommet of grimy
      grubby spivs,
And exhume foetus of righteousness.

Strutting stammering bellman
Howling for attention of inattentive
      sullen audience.
Poles of attention standing
Away from the lobes of ideas
Murmuring with inattentive agenda
Like the babbling of a rustling
      dry leaves.
Say your saying
Out of the babel of noises
Cry your crying
To the congested muddled
      market of voices.
Tricorne hat's bellman
Howl your howling to the strangers
      from the strange land.
Ralph Akintan Mar 2019
Now that the feast has ended
And the beats of biripo has stopped
But dance of joy ceased not
Leaping us to a greater strata of blissfulness.
Neighbours peeped through the gate of fellowship
To cheer in our success.

Basked in the euphoria of success
We counted the baggage of jubilation.
Our celebration detonating the explosive dynamite of joy like harmattan wildfire consuming the field of sorrows.

Now that the feast has ended
Let the bembe of celebration resonates.
Ralph Akintan Mar 2019
Now that the war has ended
Vanquishers counted the vestige
Of casualties, eulogising the forgotten souls at the unmarked graveyard.
But we waved the olive branch to stop the callous carnage.
Victims' dirge polluted the air of regret.
Table of settlement shedding tears of rustiness.

Now that the war has ended
Widows endlessly waited for entombed spouses to fail failure of loneliness.
Glory of souls stored in the belly of graveyard, protesting early exit.
Darkness of sorrow eclipsed rays of joy.
Tears from the cheeks of the cenotaph promulgating decree of condemnation
Cemetery gathered glory, treasure, and destiny in its banks.

But now that the war has ended, let the kakaki of peace sounds.
Ralph Akintan Mar 2019
Now that the daze of drought has cleared,
And the torrent has stopped,
The cloud of harvest gathered
In the womb of the sky.
Cord of famine has broken,
Trembling under the transformational winds of coolness, making our farmland to yield bumper harvest, banishing the vessels of poverty.

Forest adorned the toga of greenness and the beasts in their loneliness, hiding under the cooler shade of trees.
Farmers regally rejoiced in the natural endowment.

Now that the rain has stopped
Let the shekere of harvest announces its arrival.
Ralph Akintan Mar 2019
We sang a dirge
But no tears to bid farewell.
We dug a grave
But no place to place a casket.
We erected a cenotaph
But no place to lay a wreath.

Sorrow clapped with one hand.
Rays of tragedy raced with one leg

To unlock the gate of tomb.
Town Crier's gong rendered
      sounds of sadness
To inform the confounded cenacle.

Will your pen still pen a farewell?
Will your ink speaks for itself?
Will the diarists still hear your voice?

You slumber till eternity.
But you will not die again.
Ralph Akintan Feb 2019
Strands of eyebrow cruising
Neatly to the honeycomb's
Bridge of her nose.
Fever of restraint stampeded
Affection creating opening for
Atom of emotion and
Unrestrained flap of love.

When l saw you last,
Succulently tender *******
Arrested my eyes,
Unresistingly pointing
With magnetic elements,
Turning storms, waves and
Nerves over the base of my
      brainbox .

And when l see you now,
A glowing radiant stars
Matching towards my
Attractive zone, emerging
From the fringe of cautiously
Pointed ******* and sending
Chilled cold, awakened
Slumbering goose pimples
All over my entity.

When l see you now,
A fluid of love crippling
From axis of eyes beaming
With flashes of thunderous
Lighting heralding ******
      of emotion.

When l see you now,
My thought kidnapped
Your beauty distracting
My attention inside the
Grotto of the brethren,
Drawing body, soul and
Spirit apart and far away
From the prayers' cell
And detaining my
Emotion in the custody of
      your heart.

As l see you now,
Your beauty caged my
Attention, entombed my
Concentration deceptively,
In the sepulchre of your

Closing the doors of my eyes
To exhume the planted seeds
Of concentration, your
Apparition appeared again
And again from the theatre
Of beauty distracting my
Innocent attention, yet.

Akika! Your shining
Peacock-like skin ran
Tears of lust from my
Eyes, provoking my
Spirit to ignite waves
Of passion and
Seducing me with
Soporific mixtures,
Hypnotizing my being,
Away from the
Sanctuary of prayers.

When l see you now,
I heard a lullaby of
Emotion from your
I tasted omelette of
Love made of honey
From your pink lips.

Haba! Are you made from
Are you created on earth
      for the earth?

Dissecting your buttock
From the romantic attire,
I see acme of love emitting
Vapour of attraction from
A nicely curved hips,
Majestically sitting below the
Avenue of your waist,
Spitting sensation of
Lustful feelings with flashes
Of emotion, encamped my love
In the basement of your heart.

Holy Spirit! Take me away from
      the temptation of this
         daughter of Eve.
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