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4d · 22
Body goes through so much pain from the physical abuse suffered and it keep his mind in ******* feeling like everyone will ๐Ÿ him the way his parents did, feeling lost and lonely seeking โค๏ธ from anyone he can find leading up to him wishing he'd die it seem tough climbing a ๐Ÿ”๏ธ built on broken glass and empty promises, he feels all alone with nobody to turn to it just seems like pain is all there ever is to a boy living in this ๐Ÿฅถ world
4d · 18
He chases after feelings to hide what goes on in his mind it seems like a broken โฐ is right twice maybe that's the same way he views life, like an endless cycle of broken dreams being chased to escape the trap that leads to an early โšฐ๏ธ it seems brave to assume he will make it out when his โค๏ธ feels like it's been torn apart by the people he truly โค๏ธ it's hard not to see the beast that lives inside like a roaring ๐Ÿฆ looking to **** anything it sees in sight but alas the pain in his souls leaves the ๐Ÿฆ feeling empty and โ„๏ธ.
4d · 17
Thoughts of suicide ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿฝ deep inside his mind he tries to hide all the pain by covering it up with a fake ๐Ÿ˜ he feels like this would help until it all comes crumbling down now he feels stuck, feeling broken empty and confused at why life looks so far out of sight, seems like the bright ๐Ÿ’ก at the end of the tunnel is to far gone for this once bright kid with a ๐Ÿ˜ on his face and ๐Ÿ˜Š in his ๐Ÿ‘€ the voices in his head get louder it seems like his ๐Ÿง  feels fried by all the thoughts he keeps buried deep inside.
4d · 17
Drugged up feeling so high
Trying to escape the ๐Ÿคฌ and rage
I feel deep inside my โค๏ธ
From the hate that often seems so small
But cuts deep like a ๐Ÿ”ช through the soul
Voices scream so loud and profound
Of a young ๐Ÿ‘ฆ๐Ÿฝ who didn't seem to matter
And all his pain was seen to be a joke
Nothing he could find would give him hope
Finding anything to help him cope made
Him consider using a rope to end it all
But he can't let them win
They say we're a family but
What's a family when members are missing.
4d · 16
The hate he received from a ๐Ÿ‘“ wearing fiend who berates him with all these violent words that cut his โค๏ธ so deep it seems ๐Ÿ˜Š comes from his pain and he can't seem to get her off his ๐Ÿง  the lies she keeps telling him piles up in his mind till he explodes and let's the whole ๐ŸŒ know of the pain she brought his โค๏ธ and how she picked him apart it seems dark but the ๐Ÿ’ญ of ending it all cross his mind all because of one ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฝ lies.
Apr 11 · 23
Feeling this deep pain inside the chest
Like there's no one to love yet
Everything to give, heart feels broken
Empty and cold trying to figure out
How to operate inside this broken world
Nobody is there to listen but always wants
A helping hand this heart feels depleted
From giving all this love yet receiving none
It's like a wall built up and with covering all around
**** it feels rough yet love never seems to come out
Mar 5 · 28
He watches ******* ๐ŸŽฅ
๐Ÿค” It will bring ๐Ÿ˜Š and โ˜ฎ๏ธ
But all it did was bring pain
Inside his ๐Ÿง , he ๐Ÿคฅ thinking
Everything will be fine but
The ๐ŸŒŸ are great actors are great
And he hates how broken his โค๏ธ
Feels that he can't experience this
Kind of โค๏ธ his ๐Ÿ‘€ filled by the lies
That *** brings โค๏ธ and that
โค๏ธ Lies through loving ๐Ÿ‘€
Whilst in between her thighs
Mar 4 · 32
He just wants to end it all
Call it quits he tried and fought
A long battle but his ๐Ÿง  telling him
It's โŒš quit while your ahead
In his ๐Ÿง  it's over but his โค๏ธ
Just wants to keep going
Maybe the ๐ŸŒž shines when
All the โ˜๏ธ clear it's hard to see
But the hope he once felt
Seems so distant like a runner
Without his ๐Ÿ‘Ÿ or a singer without
Her ๐ŸŽค he seem to want to die
And it's hard sometimes to feel alive
When the end draws near and the
Rope seems like the only option
Cause there's no hope in sight
He feels like he has got no more fight
Will he live or quit only โŒš will tell
Mar 3 · 33
He feels sad that he wants โค๏ธ
Feels afraid to open up
To show how he truly feels
Inside he doesn't want โค๏ธ at
It's most extreme he just wants
To be ๐Ÿ˜ in positive relationships
He believed in โค๏ธ when he was
Younger but the pain of the world
Left his โค๏ธ shattered, now
He tries to find the โค๏ธ he never got
In the body of someone else
Realising he will only get attached
And his โค๏ธ broken all over again
Mar 3 · 22
The pain in his โค๏ธ grows from
His childhood trauma, the dark
Thoughts seems to creep in
Like a thief in the night he ๐Ÿค”
Why he feels like he's undeserving of โค๏ธ
When all he ever heard was hate
Disguised as tough โค๏ธ he ๐Ÿ˜ญ
๐Ÿค” Why this pain runs so wild
He feels lost in his ๐Ÿง  yet peace in
His โค๏ธ feeling lifted from all the
Lies told by the ones he โค๏ธ
It seem the ๐ŸŒž will start to shine again
When he realises the ๐ŸŒง๏ธ has already left.
Mar 3 · 32
Stuck between โ˜น๏ธ and ๐Ÿ˜Š he ๐Ÿค”
Why he can't seem to find โ˜ฎ๏ธ
When all he has ever know is pain
His ๐Ÿง  lies telling him everything would
Be fine when he can't ๐Ÿ˜ด and the ๐Ÿ‘ฟ
Is trying to play tricks with his mind
An escape from this ๐ŸŒŽ doesn't help
So he ๐Ÿพ it all up ๐Ÿค” that will help
But the ๐Ÿคฌ and pain keep pilling up
Inside and he wonders when it will
All be said and done now he hopes
That God will help him heal and cope
With all this deep emotions ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ wild
Inside of him.
Mar 3 · 29
Surrounded by ๐Ÿฅƒ he ๐Ÿค” where
๐Ÿ˜ƒ Is found at the end of the ๐Ÿพ
He gets wasted to escape the pain
And wastes โŒštrying to find โ˜ฎ๏ธ of ๐Ÿง 
It seems the more drunk he gets
The more his โค๏ธ breaks as he can't
Keep ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธfrom the emotions that run deep
His friend says hey just crack another
๐Ÿพ It will all go away while he is on his
7th cup wishing he stayed.
Home where he could find some โ˜ฎ๏ธ
From ๐Ÿ™ to the Lord above for some
Help but he is now drunk having
Conversations that ain't no help
Now he asks himself why he escapes
The pain riddles his ๐Ÿง  but only finds
Himself drinking just to feel like himself.
Mar 2 · 45
The balloon was floating in the air
Wondering through the city
Looking for a place of accession
Until it met a tree and got stuck
A little boy saw this ballon and
If he could get it but ended up
Stuck in the same tree cause
He was scared to come down
He cried for help till a fireman came
And got the boy and the balloon out of the tree
Mar 2 · 55
Thoughts in his mind begin to close in
Asking him why he still chooses to be alive
When the ones he loved left him broken, alone and scared
That if he may open up again pain comes with it
Scared that love was never meant for him
Since every women that said they loved him lied
And used him as a way to heal their pain
It lies deep inside his mind that he's nothing
But a failure who's incapable of receiving love left
Broken and in shambles it all comes crashing down
Mar 2 · 39
Wondering why he chose to open up to a world so cold
Leaving him shaken, battered, and bruised from all
The abuse he suffered as a child he wonders why
All this pent-up aggression still lays inside
He tries to let it all go but feels like he is at the end of his rope
Stuck between letting go of the past and embracing the new
He goes back and forth with himself questioning choices
Asking what could have been had he not been
Consumed by all the pain and hurt the people
Who tired to help yet he pushed them away
Cause he felt he could swim through the ocean alone
But the current so strong it left him drowning and all alone
Mar 2 · 35
Crused by this loving heart willing to give
To the women this pain that lay deep inside
Feeling broken and empty inside he shares the pain
That lay inside his heart but she breaks him
And tears his heart apart with all the lies
She tells him about how the world
Would be better off without him
Can't seem to let go of the pain that lies deep inside
So he cries out to her one more time but she gives
Up on him and hurts him one final time
Feb 29 · 32
Love was never the same when you left
It's like every love song seems to be about you
Can't lie you did a number on me now
I can't seem to get you out of my head
The lies you shared when you told me you had
Love for me, being left broken and confused by
Your actions beacuse  you say you love me one moment
Next thing you're using me to express your pain
Can't lie it seems so hard to get you off my brain
Thought loving you would bring me closer to God
But it left me wishing the devil took you instead
Feb 29 · 28
Tourted artists by the thoughts that lay deep inside
He wonders why he can't die and leave the world
Behind cause he feels so empty and cold
In a world that stabbed him in the back and left him bruised
And wondering what was it all for nothing he does
Helps him find relief and escape as he tries to stay alive
In a house filled with abuse, neglect, lies, and deceit
He looks for the courage to take the easy way out but
Escape he can't as joy may lay on the other side of pain
Feb 29 · 32
Trying to find love inside all these fake connections
It seems the closer he gets to them
The further away he finds himself
Feeling disconnected inside a world filled with lies
He wonders if will there ever be an end
Asking when will he find something real
Whilst pretending these fake friends and people will
Bring him joy when all they want is to feel relief
From the pain that runs deep inside
Feb 29 · 25
Going down a dark road with different vices
He feels there's no escape from the empty feeling inside
He tries to hide it with a bottle straight to the head
But it only leaves him dead inside
He lies to himself thinking everything is fine
But the pain ran so deep he even thought about ending
His own life cause the memories run wild
Like Hulk Hogan so he sees the only escape to be
Anything he could find which led him to a destructive path
Now he is all alone and feels so broken and alone
Feb 29 · 24
Deep scars run deep from the betrayal he felt
A sword that cuts deep and leaves a trail of destruction
To the friends he once loved who slither like snakes
Waiting to strike and take him down
Pretending to have love when all they do is hate
Or leave him feeling broken from all the lies told
He could stay but at what cost
Because the loss of his soul is the greatest sacrifice
Ever given from love that was never there
But hatred and jealously that was totally hidden
Feb 8 · 36
The anger inside haunts the life of a broken child
Never felt love from his parents yet trying
To receive it from the world it's like death's calling his name
Because he remains in pain from a trauma relived
Destruction has run through a path seeking peace
No help and yet fake pictures of a happy family spread across
A house filled with abuse, infidelity, and lies covered with fake smiles
He seems broken from all the pain thinking a nose will
Help him feel relief from everything he will lose
Feb 8 · 44
Desperate for peace he can't find
Feels like it would be better to hang from a tree
That being with a family filled with lies
A broken and tortured soul left broken
From the abuse and pain his body suffered
Ending it all seems like the best option
Cause he feels empty and cold
It's like emotions runs deep inside but he feels
Ready to hang it all up and live a short
Yet unfulfilled life with darkness and pain
Feb 8 · 39
No peace in this broken home seems like he barely gets no sleep
With the lies spread about the love that surrounds him
He barely finds anything to help him cope
It's like there's no hope and death seems like a stretch
But yet he lies to himself thinking everything will be fine
But he is blinded by the truth that's deep into his eyes
It's like crying could help yet no tears fall down
Seems lost broken and alone finding nothing
But shattered dreams of a family he believed he would see
Feb 8 · 43
She gave him her love and he crushed it with the weight of the world on his shoulder she could see he needed help but he was blinded by rage to care he sat in despair as she wanted to offer out advice when all he cared for was taking his own life. It's not love so he keeps her at a distance. It's like these wounds won't let him grow and she tried to show him care but he didn't know what would help him when she tried to see what was up it was like a broken mirror showing a shattered reflection.
Dec 2020 · 68
Empty void runs deep in my heart trying to find
Anything that will keep me numb
To all the pain caused inside my life
So I grab the night and begin to cut
Enjoying the rush the blood seeping through
My skin giving scars but it's the pain I enjoy
This leads to thoughts of suicide which seems
Just like a friend of mine cause I don't want to die
I just want to escape all this pain that lays deep
In my heart
Jul 2020 · 95
You dug up my past and said that you would help, it's like being bullied was a cry for help now I'm all alone standard while you took advantage of a ๐Ÿ’”, gave you deepest scars and you began to tear me apart, words hurt like venom piercing through my ๐Ÿ’“, wanted comfort but you left me in dark to wallow in pity while you fed me to the ๐Ÿฆˆ thoughts of suicide would cross my mind and you told me maybe it's time and that no one would miss me if I were gone, felt like you lied and the only reason you did it was pride, cause when I was hurt you made it worse with the lies you spit I would eat it up like pie, craving it looking for โ˜ฎ๏ธ I would never find
Dec 2019 · 172
Tale of The Lost
Two broken souls coming
Together to fix
All the broken pieces
Left behind from tormented
Pasts of abuse and hurt
And to think there was
Love around in a relationship
Built on broken pieces
Voids, abuse, drugs and
Two people trying to fit
Into a world that cares more
About looking cute in
Pictures together than
Building a relationship that
Will last for centuries and the
Funny thing is even though
We never met I still
Love and care for you
Dec 2019 · 196
Lost Myself
Doing things to impress people
Drinking, partying and smoking
Getting high to cope with
The problems that are presented
In your life doing all the things
That you often don't do to
Try and find the person
That you want to be
Picking up broken pieces
Of the person you once were
Consumed by the liquor giving
You a rush but ultimately
Losing yourself and asking
The age-old question
"What happened to me"
Was this trying to find me
In the things I hate really
Worth losing my sanity

— The End —