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493 · Sep 2019
wherearethestars Sep 2019
love is normal
or is it ?
love is just and emotion
an emotion that we can't hide
and for some of us that do
we wash it off like the coastal tide
we act numb
we act emotionless,
when really we are
the same ones who want to confess
being numb,
it's just an emotion,
just like love
being numb is normal
or is it?
471 · May 2019
wherearethestars May 2019
I can’t move
And I can’t  see
I can’t speak
And I cant breathe
Stuck in nightmare
Wishing it was a sweet dream
Trying to scream
But no one can hear me
I try to scream but nothing
Not even a single sound
383 · Jun 2019
wherearethestars Jun 2019
I see you everywhere
but its forbidden
You act like I'm not there
Like I'm just a face
in the crowd
You act like you don't know me
Like I don't stand out
And now I'm really sure
That your heart doesn't beat for me
303 · May 2019
wherearethestars May 2019
she smiles in the day
and cries in the dark
she wants to run away
like shes been chased by a shark
I've seen her bruised eyes
the way she cries
blood dripping from her dress
everyone thinks shes a mess
she screams at night
no one ever hears her
I hear her I've seen her scars I've seen her tears
but all she ever does is sit down with fear
I've seen her cry I see it all the time
I try to comfort her but she says Im fine
she smiles in the day
and cries in the dark
are you happy now?
I just want you to know you will always be inside my heart
When you smile but you know it’s not real.
300 · Jun 2019
wherearethestars Jun 2019
I don't think you realize what your doing
but you have to stop
you have to stop
that girl you called a freak
because she bald
is fighting her own battles
that boy you called weak
has a father that is in intensive care
because he is trying to keep your country safe
you have to stop
when will you learn
you enjoy the silent fall of tears
and you love when someone's cries
then one day you'll be asking yourself why?
why? why did that girl die?
231 · Jun 2019
wherearethestars Jun 2019
your gonna try and explain what I saw?
I saw your arms around another girl
I don't know what to say
What are you gonna say?
I saw it with my own eyes
I don't know what to believe anymore
You said you  were nothing more than friends
I cant take it anymore
you shattered my heart
229 · May 2019
Love? Hate?
wherearethestars May 2019
Love is love
Hate is hate
A thin line seperates them
Very hard to differentiate
222 · Sep 2019
wherearethestars Sep 2019
Your eyes pierce through my mind
sharing a glance with you
makes me go blind
is this love ?
I don't know
Could this be hate ?
I don't know
Ive never felt love
but I have felt hate
and hate doesn't feel like this
so could this be love?
Ive always wondered
if love was as sweet as lilac
or as cold as frostbite
locked up in the darkness
are you my way out?
if this is love
I don't know
I don't know if I got this right
or am I just setting myself up
thinking I have finally seen the light
215 · May 2019
Fake Smile
wherearethestars May 2019
I smile all day long
I act like nothings wrong
but behind closed doors
everything is wrong
why me
what did I do to deserve this
so I open the cupboard
grab a knife
and clench my eyes shut as I
end my life
#helpsuicidevictims #youarenotalone
212 · May 2019
wherearethestars May 2019
I’ve never felt like this before
Is this Love?
The day you knocked on my door
I knew you were the one for me
The way you smile and laugh
I’ll never forget
Your love will stay with me forever
Your sweet love, as delicate as a feather
You don’t see it but I do
And the moment you asked me the big question
My dreams came true
I will always remember you forever
And we will always be together
184 · Jun 2019
wherearethestars Jun 2019
How many heys
I'm dying inside
why don't you just reply?
when people don't care
174 · May 2019
wherearethestars May 2019
Why was I born?
why am I here
what is my purpose
and why do I fear?
no need to be blue
I was made for a purpose
and you are too
174 · Sep 2019
ThE tRiANglE
wherearethestars Sep 2019
You like me , do I like you?
                      I don't really know is it true ?

                        I like you, do you like me?
                         You don't really know ,
                           To be or not to be?
167 · May 2019
I Dont Care
wherearethestars May 2019
I don't ask for you to change
So why must I change for you
That's not fair
and you know what?
right now
I don't care
I'm not your puppet don't tell me what to do or say
and from now on
I'm doing it my way
153 · May 2019
i Cant
wherearethestars May 2019
I have a HEART
To LOVE you but I CANT
I have a voice
To SPEAK to you but I CANT
I guess it was just meant to be that way
#brokenhearts #loveisoverrated #noromance
149 · Jun 2019
ToXiC LoVe
wherearethestars Jun 2019
you make me think about you
but I don't wanna
I know how you are
I know who you are
but you act like I'm your ragdoll
Am I ?
No I don't think so
trying to forget
trying to hide the pain
trying to cry the pain away
but there is no gain
sometimes I wish we never met
138 · May 2019
If I had known
wherearethestars May 2019
I’m in hell on earth                         My eyes are dry
       Sleeping near the hearth hoping I won’t die or should I ?
My heart as cold as ice my mind as strong as stone why would I
     Even bother to groan my mouth sealed shut by the stitches
       Of my own mind my eyes shut closed by the darkness of
              My own heart and bit by bit my heart falls apart
                   Failed by the own building stones that I
                      Made tumbling down into my grave
                           I’d cut myself at night I’d cry
                                  Myself to sleep till one
                                       Day I realized that
                                            The problems
                                                I have are
Than skin deep
   I cut myself one more time
        And hope that fate is on my side
              All these years
                   If I had known
                     If I had known
   I wouldn’t be here right now
          If I spoke
                          Maybe things would be different
    I would have known that pain isn’t the answer
Even though I’m all alone
Even though I’m all alone
           I can still speak speak
But no one would believe me
   They would just look stare and say it’s all in your head
          Till the day they realize
                  You're dead
136 · May 2019
wherearethestars May 2019
I don’t know where I am
Or where I could be
Whether I’m in prison
Or am I really free?
I’m really scared
I feel like I’m part of another force
Somethings not right
Where am I ?
130 · May 2019
wherearethestars May 2019
Where are the stars
Where do they sleep
Somewhere in a far off galaxy
Somewhere real deep
I close my eyes
And hear the twinkle
Clink clink clink
I open my eyes
And see them shine
I blink blink blink
                   Shoots through the sky
                    Really really high
                      It suddenly stops
                        And smiles at me
                          And it said
           ­                                          O
         ­                                            -wherearethestars
Look in the sky........

— The End —