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DrJames Martin Sep 2018
A million dollars does not a wealthy man make,  
For many are much deeper in the hole.  
A head full of knowledge does not a wise man make,  
For none can know the whole.  

The absence of pain does not a healthy man make,  
For some will die with no pain.  
The abundance of things does not a happy man make,  
For some will know no gain.  

To know or have none of the above-mentioned things  
May be for you God’s will.  
There is great contentment this absence sometimes
As you abide in His presence still.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The little boy came in that sunny day,  
After many hours of tiring play.  
He said to his grandpa, “Papa, something is missin’.”  
“Can we, please, soon go fishin’?”  

Grandpa responded without blinking an eye,  
“We will not let another day go by.”  
“Go, get your pole!” and “Put on some shoes”,  
“Day is almost gone, and those fish we might lose.”

They hurried together to the little pond’s side,  
Hoping that the fish were not now going to hide.  
As he dropped his line into the muddy pond,  
A big fish almost immediately did respond.  

The afternoon quickly faded away,  
And back to home, they had ended their day.  
Though no other fish was, that day, caught,  
A closeness developed that could never be bought.  

And now as grandpa continues to mature,  
There is one thing not forgotten, that is for sure.  
That day with a little one so long ago,  
Is worth more than anyone will ever know.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
When the course of life has been run,  
And all ambitious pursuits are done,  
When new ventures have been tried,  
Will much joy with you abide?  

To know you have tried and often failed,  
Causes some to no longer prevail.  
Some, however, are driven farther still  
As they purposefully, more ambitions fulfill.  

If there is a moral in all of this  
That all who read should never miss,  
It is that you should never hastily quit  
And defeat- refuse to too quickly admit.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
Failing to plan is planning to fail.  
On this course should none ever prevail.  
So plan your work, and work your plan,  
This is the design of the successful man.  

Allow for the unexpected everyday,  
Avoid procrastination, though the easy way.  
Finish daily that day’s chore,  
So at day’s end you can enjoy a snore.  

Simplistic this is, you may reply,  
Why not, however, give it a try?  
You may discover to your own dismay,  
That it really is the better way.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
On that September morning America cried,
As reporters announced that many had died.
A reality was awakened down deep inside,
A sobering truth that none could hide.

A nation that had long known freedom’s cry,
Now was witnessing it slip speedily by.
That this could happen, many questioned why,
As smoke billowed toward the sky.

A nation of might and courageous pride
Had somehow, by radicals, been angrily defied.
Now on a new course all must glide,
As new determination must be applied.

Gone are the days of openness and trust,
A cautious scrutiny by all is a must.
Concern that another attack will be ******,
By those who care little for what is right or just.

A new resolve in each there must be,
For all the world to easily see.
Now, more than ever, we should bend the knee
And pray for God to keep us free.

A commitment is needed to again stand tall,
From calloused memories daily recall.
From a pure and sincere heart, on God call,
That we will not into oblivion fall.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
They call him a veteran.
What a noble name!
He wears it proudly
Though not seeking fame.

He showed up when called
And proudly did his part.
When his buddy fell,
It broke his heart.
He served in places near and far
And survived a “hell” he knows too well.
Images will remain forever,
Most of which he will never tell.

So as you complain
In your life of ease,
Remember those who served
If you please!!
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
His body got ahead of his feet.
The ground and his head did meet.
It raised a huge bump,
His parcels he did drop,
This act he hoped he’d not repeat!
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