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Obvus2 Sep 2019
How do I get out of this place every time I try I seem to fail
Its no ones fault it is my own I don't think I belong here
Youth is wasted on the young I think I finally have gone stale
One step forward two steps back I can't seem to change gears
Can't stand the changing feelings I can't escape this world
Constantly in their cross hairs why don't they just shoot
Its finally built up in side me but why don't I unfurl
Everyone has their own feelings but mine seem moot
Normally don't write on the notes but for this one I should probably explain myself. Just been going through the same stuff the last 3 years and nothing has changed for me. Some people will understand the feeling but when things go good they are great you feel you can accomplish anything, but when a small bump in the road comes along it really causes problems that takes weeks to recover from. Thank you for your time.

Obvus2 Sep 2019
Spend all day working in the sand
Sweating bullets just to make us grow
Why do I bother giving you a hand
Lets move forward but you don't want to go
Not going to change your mind
Don't get why you stick around
Your mixed feeling are wasting time
All I want is us rising off the ground
Tired of being the nice guy always
They normally read you fairly quick
You are the flavor only some days
Its only temporary its never sticks
Obvus2 Sep 2019
What I thought was real turned out to be surreal
you keep me waiting for a another moment
Unsure of your end game unsure if you are real
Struggle to find comfort in your messages
are you feeling the same way I feel?
You said our conversation was intense
I know your hurt I didn't mean to steal
Left waiting for another moment
Every second every hour I can feel.
Our thoughts and wants are not the same
Maybe you just need time to heal.
Sinking feeling is keeping me down
Spending all day wondering how you deal
maybe you feel the same as me
Wishing it meant more wishing it was real
Love shouldn't be so difficult on the soul.
Obvus2 Sep 2019
Life is not like a TV commercial
Can't always get what you want
sick and tired of all the infomercials
you realize that is  not what I want

Everyone is stuck in their safe space
I got the modern day blues
I just want to be in my own place
spend most of my day looking for clues

everyone is on separate levels
some don't know how to move on
spend your life barely making pebbles
does it even matter in the great beyond

lower will always cater to the top
just trying to climb the latter
doesn't feel like it will ever stop
in the end does it all really matter
Obvus2 Sep 2019
Dark clouds always follow me
Always wondering if it will end
Rains so much I can not see
Waiting for a call no one sends
Everyone seems so free
Wishing I had a friend
Angry looks I just want to be
Sadness that will not mend

Water pours on my head
Nothing to keep me dry
Just want to stay in bed
Can’t stand even if I tried
Always filled with dread
Just want to go and hide
Wishing I was home instead
No place to go inside
Obvus2 Sep 2019
Come join us your life will be great
I don’t want to I enjoy being me
Conform like us before it’s to late
And be like everyone else can’t you see
Join the party so you can be fake
I’m not fake I just want to be
Being like that will get you hate
I don’t mind hate as long as I’m free

No wonder your life is so lame
I’m not lame I just enjoy being free
Don’t you want your life to be the same
I do but it’s not real how you want to be
No wonder you were always insane
Your the insane one I enjoy being me
Why do you think we are all the same
Because you don’t think about being free
Obvus2 Aug 2019
When you sat next to me I felt your energy
your longing for love your craving for another soul
I wanted to reach out and touch you
But our social norms kept us only strangers
both of our souls a 1000's years old
we were lovers in another life
but in this one it wasn't meant to be
I wont forget your smell,face or skin
You and I are the same
I can never forget how you made my day
When you sat next to me I felt your loneliness
You felt mine as well
we should of danced but both are scarred.
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